The grounds inside the San Fernando Mission complex have two gardens. The east "Plaza" is an open, grassy area. At the time of the California missions, this area was used for plays and pageants, as well as bull and bear fights. Sitting in the middle of the east Plaza is a large beautiful fountain; the "Cordova Fountain." The Cordova Fountain is a replica of another in Spain. The "East Garden" has many varieties of plants and trees that make for an exotic atmosphere.




At the north end of the East Garden, near the "Cordova Fountain," stands the mission chapel. This church, which has been restored and is still used, was originally dedicated in l806. It looks very much the same as it did during the early decades of the l9th-century.

In l812, this chapel survived an earthquake which did great damage to the rest of the mission. Unfortunately, after the "Sylmar" earthquake of l97l, the church had to be rebuilt. The result was a structure that replicated the original chapel as much as possible. Even the "leaning" or "tapering" walls of its adobe predecessor were re-created.

Unlike the other Franciscan missions in California, at the San Fernando Mission the church was separated from the convento wing. In most of the other missions, the monastery wing is connected directly to the chapel.