
                                                                    "Cognito, ergo sum"  


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               "SISTINE" CHAPEL (MICHAELANGELO)                                           

                                                                                     (Book 3 / Part 1 / Chapter 1)                       

                                                               -DELTA ORIONIS-


                               7:30 A.M. / SATURDAY, MARCH 22 /  DAY THREE  


       To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under Heaven.  A time to plant and a time to sow, a time to laugh and a time to weep, a time to dance and a time to mourn, a time to speak and a time to keep silent, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for peace and a time to make war, and a time to be born and a time to die.  (Ecclesiastes 3: 1-2)


                                                                                   DAISY / MAGGIE CÓRDOVA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Lord!  Daisy and I just finished breakfast.  And as You Guys know of course, it didn't seem to taste as good today; even though our boss  mixed in Spam.  I'm again back here on Elvira but, feel sad because before feeding us Mr. Steve gave us really, really  bad news.  Heathcliff died last  night; which now explains the quiet this morning.  So, Dais was so right about her "Hunch."        

          Birds are chirping, I smell Sage; and the Sun is beautiful.  We knew something was wrong this morning when Heathcliff didn't crow, and now we know why because; our boss "Broke the Bad News" to us before breakfast.  Heathcliff's girl Hens are totally quiet this morning.

          Right now I can hear Dawn sad howling and I feel like doing it too but, as Daisy suggested; I'll write this third book in honor of Heathcliff.  Maybe, on my big break after part one; I'll go to the south fence and sad howl too.  Wow!  This is the third day of Spring, and our new year. 




                   Hey God!  Because of how I feel this morning I don't have as much energy.  Daisy joked I should think of AC/DC'S Angus Young and try to get some of the energy he "imparts" to others watching him play his guitar.  Oh wow!  I can now really hear Heathcliff's Hens clucking!

              Daisy says "nothing last forever" but until now I've never, deep down in my "Hearts of Hearts;" wanted to believe it.  Oh Boy!  But now I sure do because I'm already starting to worry about what tomorrow morning will be like with no Heathcliff.  Ugh!  I can't believe it!

              Years ago God, that Mormon lady joked, "The only constant thing in life is change;" the "only thing that never changes" is You.  Sister Rita Joseph told her class the same thing, saying how You're the same "yesterday, today and tomorrow."  I really, really want to believe that!   


                                                                   SINGING ROBIN   



            Oh my God!  I heard a Robin singing and now just noticed it standing on one of the thin branches of the Mulberry tree.   Cleo and Leo were up way earlier than usual, chirping happily in maybe making up for Heathcliff being gone.  That Robin is making me feel "Rhêma."  

            In my two other books I wrote about how, in the Bible; the Greek word Rhêma is thought to be translated as meaning "The Living Word."  But how I feel hearing that Robin right now is suddenly making me feel really alive.  Mr. Steve and his mom think music can be Rhêma.  

                  Hey God!  Early this morning Daisy and I were wondering why the Robins were singing so much.  Hopefully, maybe You're having them do that in order to make us feel a little better  not having Heathcliff around anymore.  I wonder if the Robins realize Heathcliff is gone?


                                                                                                            THE KINKS

                     I'm scheduled to write more today about that English band the KINKS, but yesterday I totally missed things I was supposed to say in the morning.  I've said before how some of their songs give our boss a happy feeling of Rhêma.  All four of the Pigeons are flying to the east.

             Someday I want to hear some KINKS songs, especially "You Really Got Me" and "All the Day and All of the Night."  Dais says one time our boss told his mom about their song called "Waterloo Sunset."  He described it to her as being like "Impressionistic" painting in sound.

            Daisy says the KINKS have a song which says "I feel good from the moment I rise," and another one which she thinks is about gratitude; as the lyrics say, "Thank you for the days."  As I wrote yesterday in book one, our boss associates the KINKS with certain things in his life.    


                                                              "COURTING" ROBINS

                                                                                                                                           PHOTO BY DEAN WOOD       


           Ah!  I just glanced up and see Leo the Robin offering Cleo some Worms to eat.  Daisy says that lady Miss Susan, who ran the local "News Plus" Newspaper; joked one time about how boy  Birds must prove they're "good providers."   Daisy says our boss's father was one of those.           

         That other singing boy Robin in the Mulberry tree just chased a female.  Oh!  Now Leo is showing off for Cleo by puffing out his throat feathers and shaking his wings.  Right now Speedy the Squirrel just sprinted through the right vertical gate slot to zoom out into the desert.               

        Wow!  I'm having one of those "Déjà Vu" feelings I've been mentioning over the last three days.  Last year Speedy did the same exact thing as Daisy and I watched from over here sitting in the patio on Elvira.  And, Leo was giving a good Worm to Cleo and she appreciated it.                   


           Oh my God!  I just noticed Finley the boy Finch standing over there on the dead branch Mr. Mike cut off the Mulberry tree.  And, a girl Finch is with him; even though right now it kind of looks to me like she's totally ignoring him.  Daisy calls that playing "hard to get."                      

          I'm so tempted to hide everything right now and run up front to tell Dais the good news about Finley but, I'd better just wait and do it after my first big break.  Even though I'm still sad about Heathcliff, I have to do like Daisy says and be even more disciplined.  I smell Sage.              

        Finley and his new possible girlfriend just took off and are now flying out into the back desert.  Hey God!  Seeing Finley right now suddenly makes me feel happy and gives me energy to do this third and final book.  In fact, I now really want to do this book in Heathcliff's honor.                                                 



           Someday I want to see that "Desktop" image our boss has on the big twenty three inch wide "Monitor" for his computer.  It shows a girl running along a beach with one of those "Rock Formations" out in the water.  Oh Boy!  I really do wish I could hear Heathcliff again.                  

       Daisy says our boss likes looking at the picture of the girl running on the beach because seeing water makes him relax.  When he starts working every morning in his office it makes him feel good seeing that familiar image he's been looking at for years.  I'll get to see it someday.         

       Oh my God!  I can't believe Heathcliff won't be around any more to tell us about the new day coming in.  It's going to be so weird, and I can tell Daisy's thinking about it too; but says all    we can do is just keep on going and be thankful to You God for today.  Dawn's barking.                                                                                

     THE "TWINS"       


        Ah!  I smell the Twins and that makes me feel a little better.  Hey God!  As Mr. Steve did our daily check, cleaning up our eyes and feeling our ears and stomachs; he told us about Heathcliff.  Heathcliff's crowing, more than usual lately; now seems like a signal or something.  

        Boy!  I'm so lucky at least I still have Mr. Steve, Daisy and Elvira too.  And right now, seeing the Sun hanging above the eastern horizon behind the three Sheds; makes me appreciate the old South African saying Daisy heard about, "I am, because we are."  Dawn's sad howling

        I wonder if Heathcliff knew he was dying?  I'll bet Daisy, to make her Arthritis feel better; is up there in front of the Garage licking her feet and thinking about this sad "Turn of Events."  In some ways I kind of really don't feel like writing today but, Dais thinks I should so; I will. 





        Oh!  A slight morning breeze just brought in the scent of Andy over getting ready for the new day of guarding the burrow.  Ah!  And now, those green and gold chimes hanging from the    Patio roof are ringing.  Boy!  I hope that's a sign of You showing up down here Holy Spirit!          

         Hearing the chimes is giving me the good feeling of Rhêma again.   A girl one time told our boss Rhêma can be any sound which gives a feeling of "interaction with the spiritual" and now I think I better understand that idea.  Ah!  I just love breathing in fresh air through my nose.         

         Hey God!  Fannie and Freddie just flew bye and, as usual; were talking to each other.  I've mentioned a few times how our boss, even though he mainly feels Rhêma in words and music;      thinks You could send messages through any sound.  Mr. Dave believes in that too I guess.                                   



         I just looked up the word "Portent" in my English Dictionary and it says that one of the two definitions is, "A signal of an event, often ominous; in advance."  And the other meaning  is,  "An omen or hint of something to come."  Boy!  This is another beautiful morning!                        

           Hey God!  I keep hoping and hoping that I'll all of a sudden hear Heathcliff's voice coming from my right over there next door.  But I know that's not going to happen.  I sure hope Roosters are allowed to go up there to Heaven because we sure want to believe Heathcliff's there.                

       Wow!  I just thought of that one 1970 "Triple" album by George Harrison made after he left the BEATLES.  I was scheduled to write about it in chapter twelve later today but I think I'll do  it now instead.  Boy!  It's so hard to believe we'll never hear and smell Heathcliff again.                 




         One time Daisy heard our boss tell Mr. Ralph how he had a vinyl record copy of George Harrison's triple album "All Things Must Pass," but sold it to a girl.  That girl and her husband were going to buy a turntable and play it for their three daughters and son.  I smell Sage.              

           Dais says the picture on the front of George Harrison's album shows him with really long  hair.  She heard Mr. Ralph say the reason he put so many songs on one album is because he had    them "stored up" from when he had been in the BEATLES.  Ah!  Sage smells so good.                   

          I guess, when he was still in the BEATLES Paul McCartney and John Lennon wrote most of the songs.  They didn't really give George Harrison a chance to record songs he was writing.    It was like there was one of those "Quotas" where he got one song per album Daisy heard.                  

                     ALLMAN BROTHERS                                   GEORGE HARRISON / RAVI SHANKAR                                                                                     

          Daisy says one time our Chief and Mr. Rich talked about George Harrison's  All Things Must Pass.  I guess, it was one of the first "Post-BEATLES" albums, and the way he played the   "Slide" guitar became his "Signature" sound.  I've written about Duane Allman before.               

           Mr. Ralph thinks George Harrison's guitar playing "had to have been influenced" by the two years in the late 1960's when he didn't even play guitar.  Instead, he learned to play the much more complicated Indian "Sitar."  Daisy says a man named Ravi Shankar was his Teacher.           

          Hey God!  As You know, Daisy and Millie heard Mr. Ralph say he read how the "Theme" of George Harrison's album All Things Must Pass is, everything in the "Material" world is only  temporary and short lived; except for You.  And "Hope and Meaning" can be found in You.          



           Oh my God!  That yellow Bird over there must be one of those "Warbler" Birds Daisy's told me about.  This is the first one I've ever seen because there weren't any around last year.  I    feel like hiding everything and running up front to tell Dais but, I'd better just keep working.      

           Wow!  Those Warblers really are yellow just like Daisy said.  I guess, their talking sounds like they're saying "Sweet, Sweet" and, unlike other Birds; both males and females are colorful. Miss Susan told our boss Garter Snakes and Crows try to steal and eat the eggs in their nest.        

            Daisy says when Warbler Birds defend their nest they make these hissing type sounds and become really aggressive.  Boy!  I'm so tempted to go tell Daisy about this but I'll just wait and do it on my first big break after chapter four.  Oh!  The Warbler Bird flew out into the desert.                          



          It's unbelievable God that we'll never hear Heathcliff's voice ever again.  His crowing is such an important part of all of our lives around here.  Tomorrow morning will be so weird and,  in a way; that thought suddenly kind of makes me shudder and feel like crying right now.             

        Well, I kept from crying and I'm thinking God how I can't wait to someday hear George Harrison's album.  Hey Lord!  Daisy told me about that one song called "My Sweet Lord."  It's    partly about how all of the different religions should try to just get along and not fight.               

       Daisy says on My Sweet Lord some of the Singers sing the Christian praise "Hallelujah," and then later change it to the Hindu "Hare Krishna;" and finally this "Vedic" prayer.  That's    what she heard Mr. Ralph say.  Vedic religious books are from ancient India I guess.                                  



          From what Dais heard Mr. Ralph tell our boss All things Must Pass's main subject is the "transitory nature of life."  So George Harrison, who died in 2001 I guess; most likely believed    that almost everything in this physical or temporal world has a "Life Span."  I smell Sage.           

          Hey God!  Looking at the Sun hanging over the eastern horizon right now makes me think of how one time our boss told his mom how George Harrison wrote the lyrics, "Sunrise doesn't    last all morning."  So that's why I want to appreciate it right now.  A Train whistled faintly.          

         Lord! George Harrison blended religious references in My Sweet Lord; even in "Hebrew."  Mr. Ralph read that song was inspired by the old hymn "Oh Happy Days," written in praise of    that Hindu God "Krishna;" who I've written about before.   Boy!  I want to hear Heathcliff.         


         CHICAGO TRANSIT AUTHORITY                           TERRY KATH (1946-1978)                                                                 


        Hey God!  I don't know why but, mentioning Heathcliff makes me think about that one band CHICAGO'S Guitarist Terry Kath; who accidentally shot himself  with a handgun that he thought was unloaded.  Dawn's barking.  I can smell little Blinky standing next to her.                   

           In my first two books I've mentioned how that guitar player Jimi Hendrix said he thought Terry Kath was "better than me."  I guess he also told the band he thought their idea of organ      and horns combined with bass, drums and guitar was "great."   I really like smelling Blinky.       

          Our boss told Mr. Rich he read late 1960's and early 1970's CHICAGO described as being "adventurous" and "inventive."  Daisy heard one Writer even called the music, especially Terry Kath's "howling" guitar; as being "free-wheeling" and "daredevil."   I like Dawn too.                  


  CHICAGO / TANGLEWOOD" / 1970                              STEVIE RAY VAUGHN (1954-1990)   

          ( TERRY KATH IN BLUE)                                                                                                       


         On Thursday in book one, the day before yesterday; I mentioned how over the years Mr. Steve has shown people Terry Kath's  guitar solo on CHICAGO'S song "25 or 6 to 4."   It was      from a 1970 concert in a place called "Tanglewood."  Boy!  I wish Heathcliff would crow.             

          Daisy says our boss told Mr. Rich, who plays guitar; people's "reactions" to seeing Terry Kath use one of those "Wah-Wah" pedals is "often jaw-dropping."    No wonder Jimi Hendrix      liked him so much he says.  Terry Kath uses "Distortion" and "Sustains" notes beautifully.        

          When Mr. Steve's shown the Video of Terry Kath's solo to people who play guitar it's often the same reaction as when they see Stevie Ray Vaughn on "Texas Flood" at the "El Mocombo."  They can't believe it.  Especially when Stevie Ray Vaughn plays guitar behind his back.                 




         Mr. Steve was told, as a kid Terry Kath was influenced by those early 1960's instrumental "Surf" song by the VENTURES; and that guy Dick Dale.  He also studied the playing of this guy from "Pittsburgh" named George Benson too.  Andy's over there sniffing the air right now.         

         Daisy heard our boss and Mr. Rick one time talk about George Benson because Mr. Rick's family are from Pittsburgh too.  I guess, in the mid-1970's Mr. Steve and Sandy went with friends to see George Benson play at the "Greek Theater."  That's down below the "Observatory."           

        George Benson is one of those "Jehovah's Witness's" I guess, and our boss was told he and wife with their seven kids live in "New Jersey" now.  George Benson is mainly a "Jazz" guitar player but does a lot of other styles too.  The four Pigeons are flying toward the northeast.                

JEFFERSON AIRPLANE                                            MAMAS AND PAPAS     

                                                 PHOTO BY JIM MARSHALL                                                                                                                           PHOTO BY GUY WEBSTER                                                                                           


         Dais one time heard our boss tell Mr. Rich, who's from New Jersey where George Benson's family now lives; George Benson did instrumental versions of the 1960's songs "White Rabbit"    and "California Dreaming."  He likes them both.  A small Lizard just ran bye on the wall.            

     George Benson's version of the JEFFERSON AIRPLANE'S song White Rabbit is done in "Flamenco" style.  Our boss told Mr. Ralph about it, and when he listened to it thought it really    good.  In fact, Mr. Ralph even likes it better than the original which has some singing in it.         

        I guess, George Benson is a Jazz Guitarist who's also has added "Soul" and other influences into his songs.  Mr. Steve says George Benson was influenced by Django Reinhardt, who I wrote about yesterday.  I'm scheduled to learn more about the "Roma" people later this afternoon.          



          Daisy says our boss was told one time how George Benson was also influenced by that guy from back in the 1920's and 1930's named Cab Calloway.  I guess, George Benson's father built    him a guitar just like QUEEN'S Brian May's did for him too.  Dawn's barking over there.            

        All of a sudden, in seeing and feeling the Sun above the eastern horizon; I'm hearing that one BEATLES' song "Here Comes the Sun."  Boy!  What a good song that is, and right now It's making me feel good just remembering it.  I can't wait to someday hear it again in real life.          

         I mentioned yesterday how Here Comes the Sun was written by that guy George Harrison. Daisy heard it's about George Harrison being happy when a long cold Winter is finally replaced in Spring by the warmer weather.  That's why we celebrate our New Year's day  now too!                                  

  GEORGE HARRISON                      STEVIE WONDER                             JOHN DENVER           


          Hey God!  All of a sudden, looking at the eastern horizon behind the Sheds; makes me think of songs having to do with the Sun.  Daisy thinks, because we feel or sense Your power in the Sun; many Musicians must've been influenced by that.  Two of the Pigeons flew bye.               

          Daisy heard George Harrison actually wrote two good songs about Sunrise.  Someday I want to hear the other one, and look forward to hearing Stevie Wonder's song where he tells this girl she's the "sunshine" in his life.  A flock of Birds is flying bye way up there in high sky.            

            According to Dais John Denver did a good song where he talks about how good it feels to have the Sun falling onto you.  Hey God!  Sitting down here on Elvira for the last three days has  made me appreciate that too.  Daisy says CREAM has a song about sunshine as being love.             

  DAWN                                    BLINKY                                     ROSIE     


          Dawn's still doing her sad howl over there to my right.  Ah!  Blinky just started to bark too and I'm pretty sure I know why.  Oh my God!  Now I know something's going on here because I can now hear old Rosie, who hardly ever, ever barks; also adding a voice to Dawn's.

          I've mentioned a few times in my first two books how Dawn and I both have three howls; to warn others not to invade our land, and our happy and sad howls.  The Sun, just like the last two mornings; is in almost the same exact position right now.  And again it gives me energy. 

          Because this is the third day of Spring, the Sun came up at fifty five minutes past six; and will go down at seven minutes past seven.  So, again, I'll have about twelve hours of Sun to work with.  But God, I kind of feel like taking "The day Off " and working tomorrow instead.


    TECUMSEH (1768-1813)      

         ARTWORK BY OWEN STAPLES               


                Hey God!  I just thought of that guy Chief Chief Tecumseh, who fought and was killed; in the War of 1812.  He said to gratefully appreciate each day and he was so right about that.  Ah!  The early morning air is so clear right now, which kind of makes me feel a little bit better.

           As You know God, Dais and Millie one time saw that good tv show about the War of 1812. It said Chief Tecumseh left behind many quotes about "Dying Well."  When we put together our outlines Daisy and I liked them but now, with what happened to Heathcliff; they fit better.

            Chief Tecumseh said, "When your time comes to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with fear of death, so that when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way."  I can hear some Robins singing happily.  


"WAR OF 1812" (1812-1815)        


                 I guess Chief Tecumseh also said, when you know you're going to die; "Sing a noble death song, and die like a hero going home."  Oh!  That's kind of like how, before that 1876 "Battle of the Little Bighorn;" Sioux Warriors yelled "Hoka Hey."  That's "It's a good day to die!" 

            The map of the War of 1812 shows how one of the most important areas where the U.S. and England fought battles was in the "Great Lakes" region.  I'll learn about those giant Lakes later today.  Dawn's howling over there and that makes me feel really sad right now.  

            In 1812 Chief Tecumseh, who was "Shawnee;" was totally against the American States expanding to the west and taking the Indian's land.  That's why he fought on England's side. He was able to get some of the other Native tribes to unite and fight the Americans too.      


                              "BATTLE OF NEW ORLEANS"       "WAR OF 1812"          ANDREW JACKSON


                 As I've written about in my first two books, the War of 1812 was when that guy Andrew Jackson did good but; before that the British burned the White House in Washington D.C.  Oh!  I just noticed Andy over there guarding their burrow entrance.  I smell some Mesquite.

            In my Encyclopedia there are other Chief Tecumseh quotes, like when he was trying to convince the other Indian tribes to unite together he said, "A single twig breaks, but the bundle of twigs is strong."  Daffy was quacking alone but now the other Ducks are quacking too.

            Chief Tecumseh told the other Native people to, "Let us form one body, one heart, and defend to the last warrior our country, our homes, our liberty and the graves of our fathers."  I guess he also said, "Show respect to all people, but grovel to none."  I love fresh air!



PHOTO BY DANIEL ROSEN                  


         Writing about the War of 1812 makes me suddenly think of a huge building Mr. Steve and his family saw in 2008.  On that trip to Washington D.C., from across the "Potomac" River in the "Arlington" area; they could see the "Pentagon."   A flock of Birds is flying toward the east.  

         In the War of 1812 the British burned the "White House."  And in 2001 the Pentagon was damaged when one of those "Hijacked" Airplanes was crashed into its west side.  The Pentagon    was built during World War II, and is the main headquarters of the "Department of Defense."  

      This Latin Dictionary says the word "Penta" means five, and the building in Washington D.C. has five "sides," five above ground "stories" and five "ring corridors" inside.  Dais heard our boss's father say the Pentagon is the "world's biggest office building."  Heathcliff crowed.




          Over the last two days I've written about that one guy General Marquez who, until he died three years ago; was a good friend of Mr. Steve's parents.  Like our boss's father, he was born in 1932 and graduated in 1949 from "Belen High School."  Ah!  The air is so clear right now.            

         I've mentioned before how both Mr. Steve's dad and General Marquez have wives named "Stella," and five children.  Daisy heard our boss and his mom talking on the phone about a visit his parents made to General Marquez Washington D.C. office.  I wish Heathcliff would crow.       

         Hey Heathcliff!  If it is possible for Roosters to go up to Heaven, and you just happen to be mind-reading me right now; maybe someday Daisy and I will see and smell you again.  



          I just thought of Donald Rumsfeld, who Mr. Steve heard was born on July 9th like himself, but in 1932 like his father.  He was a Navy Pilot, and now lives in "Taos," New Mexico just like Mr. Dave and Miss Julianne.  So I guess Donald Rumsfeld in Astrology is a "Cancer" too.            

         Daisy heard in 2001 Donald Rumsfeld, as "Secretary of Defense; was in the Pentagon when that one Plane crashed into it.  I guess, besides President Bush Jr.; he also worked for Presidents  Ford and Nixon too.   Under him that "B-1" Bomber was first developed and then created.          

      Looking to the east and the Birds flying around out there in the desert behind the Sheds makes me suddenly appreciate our lives here in Piñon Hills.  Hey Everyone up there!  Please help me again today.  I just have this feeling I'm probably going to need it even more today.                                                                                                                 

                               MR. MARK                                            MODERN AFRICA                        


                Writing about Chief Tecumseh's idea of the different Native-American tribes uniting is kind of like Mr. Mark in Hawaii's thinking the African countries should band together for more power.  Ah!  A breeze is making the chimes ring.  I sure hope that's You Holy Spirit! 

           Oh!  I like this other thing that Chief Tecumseh said, "Live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart."  And that probably means to make sure every day is productive and not wasted, which we totally agree with one hundred percent.  I smell some Creosote.

           Last night, as we talked about Heathcliff dying while looking up at the beautiful night sky; Dais and I thought about how Chief Tecumseh was killed in battle in 1813.  His ideas are similar to Karl Marx's "Collectivization" theories.  But in that case it was all the Worker's uniting.  




                   Hey God!  Last night as Dais and I sat in shock about Heathcliff, and looked up into the night sky; we wondered if there's maybe another place in the vast Universe where there are Dogs like us.  It's hard to believe there's only life way down here on Earth.  Dawn's howling. 

             According to my Dictionary the definition of the word "infiniti" is, "An unlimited extent or amount of time, space or quantity;" or "boundless."  Andy's over guarding their burrow, and is looking right at me sitting over here on Elvira.  He must know Heathcliff is gone.

             Last night as we stared up into the sky and thought about Heathcliff, I think it made us, especially Daisy; think about our own "Mortality."  Right now I really don't feel like working, but I'll just go ahead and try to do as much as I can.  Maybe we'll watch cartoons today? 


           2014 INFINITI "QX80"                           MISS BABETTE / HUSBAND DAVID     


                   Daisy says there's a Car brand called "Infiniti."   One time she heard our Chief talking with Miss Babette about one of her "Nissan" customers, who told her Infiniti's are the "high end luxury" line of Nissan.  Boy!  Poor Dawn over there who sounds so sad about Heathcliff.

            Miss Babette said the Parts Manager mentioned how Infiniti's "have been around" since 1989, and are not just sold here in North America.  I guess, rich people in China and the Middle East also buy them too.  Two Motorcycles zoomed bye going south on Primavera Road.

            We had pieces of Hot Dog in our food this morning.  Last night as we sat out here on the Patio studying the sky, Dais and I talked about how lucky we are living here on these two acres; and how we should be grateful and appreciative.   There's a "Galaxy" called "Hot Dog."


                      THE UNIVERSE                                               "H.O.T.D.O.G." GALAXY                  

                                                                                                                                                                 ARTWORK BY NOIRLAB / DA SILVA 


                Daisy says, one time as our boss watered the Mulberry trees; he and Mr. Randy talked about a tv show they both saw about Astronomy.  I guess, the man on that show said in 2010 one of those big telescopes saw a "rare" type of "Galaxy" far away.  Cleo and Leo flew bye.

            This one Encyclopedia says the name "Hotdog" Galaxy is an abbreviation for "Hot Dust Obscured Galaxy."  It's one of those "Quasars," described as being "hyper luminous."   Some think they might be "powered by accretion" into one of those "super massive black holes." 

           Boy!  I'm so lucky to have had all of these good Dictionaries.  It says here "Accretion" is, "process of growth by gradual accumulation of additional layers of matter."  Daisy heard Mr. Steve tell his father one time how that guy Mark Ritter "knew a lot about that process."  





                 Hey Heathcliff!  If you were able to get into Heaven and just happen to be listening in on me down here on Elvira; we thought of you this morning as the Sun came up over the eastern horizon.  And Dais is so right I think!  We can just think of you from now on every morning.

           The man on the tv show about Astronomy said some Scientist think Hotdog Galaxy's may be a "phase of galactic evolution in which the black hole is capturing material faster than new stars can be formed."  Boy!  Astronomy is sometimes so complex.  Andy's sniffing the air.

           It says here how a Hotdog Galaxy might be when a "higher proportion of galactic mass is concentrated in the central black hole than in more typical galaxies."  Boy!  I'm so glad to be in Piñon Hills  living down here on Earth.  Outer Space seems to be really, really dangerous!  





        Ah!  A nice morning breeze just brought in the scent of Joshua trees out there in the back desert behind Manny, Moe and Jack.  And now the chimes are ringing, which is giving me that    happy Rhêma type feeling.  I feel so lucky right now to be able to have these good feelings.            

       Libby's over there eating hay and oats out of her food troth, which reminds me of all the times when you'd see Molly over there too.  Hey Molly!  I sure do hope to see you again some day if it turns out Mules and Dogs are allowed into Heaven.  I'll always remember your scent.             

              I kind of hope our boss will call us to go in the house to watch cartoons.  Then I'll have a perfect excuse not to work today because right now, at this exact moment; my "Head is not in it" as they say.  Daisy thinks I should just dedicate it to Heathcliff and keep working for him.                                       



                 Hey God!  I sure do wish I knew what the future is for the three of us down here.  That's why, even though I'm not supposed to write about "Astrology" until later this afternoon; I kind of feel like doing it right now instead.  I so wish I knew what has happened to Heathcliff.

            I said yesterday how Mr. Steve, even though he doesn't believe in Astrology; tells others he can understand why some feel "reassured" in thinking things are "fixed."  He knows reading a "Horoscope" describing a better future "relieves stress" for some people.  Dawn's barking.

          Mr. Steve told Miss Susan at work thinking positively is good, but it's not good to live life based on a Horoscope.  I guess Newspapers always put those "Disclaimers" at the bottom of their Astrology sections, calling Astrology "Entertainment."  It's even called a "Pseudo-Science."     


FIRST FOUR "CIVILIZATIONS" (c. 4,000 B.C.)        


                 Daisy and Millie saw a good tv show about "Astrology versus Astronomy."  It mentioned how all four of the original "Civilizations" I've written about "searched and studied" the night skies; "looking for meaning."  All four of the Pigeons just flew bye over Libby's Corral.

           It says here how "settled" cultures, like those "Babylonians" over in "Mesopotamia" for example; wanted to know when to "plant and sow" crops.  Their survival "depended on it."  Hey God!  I'll bet maybe they were looking for any messages You might've been sending out.

          I'll bet those ladies Joanne Fletcher, Edith Hamilton and Mary Beard, in their studies of  Egypt, Greece and Rome; know about how those ancient societies looked for messages in what my Encyclopedia calls "natural phenomena."   Andy's over there looking at me right now.


       CLAUDIUS PTOLEMY (c.100-170 AD.)        


                 Daisy says the tv show talked about the 2nd century Roman Scientist Claudius Ptolemy, or just "Ptolemy" for short.  It says here his ideas on Astronomy and Astrology "influenced" many later "thinkers."  I guess he lived in that one Egyptian coastal city called "Alexandria."

          The tv show said, even though he really influenced Astrology, Ptolemy did not believe in other things like "Numerology."  Oh!  The word "Geography" is based on a book he wrote, and besides influencing many areas; he's known for being a music "theorist."  I smell Andy.   

          I've mentioned before how, after Alexander the Great conquered the region; the Greek and Egyptian cultures were combined.  And Ptolemy lived in that blended culture.  Earlier in history before his time that girl "Cleopatra" was the last "Ptolemaic" Pharaoh."  Andy smells good.    


WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE (1564-1616)     



           I guess the tv show mentioned, in Queen Elizabeth I's 16th century England; Shakespeare described two "Star Crossed" lovers.  Daisy says in that book "Dante's Inferno" the Astrologers were punished.  They had to walk all around in Hell with their heads twisted backwards.

          Until 18th century Astrology was considered one part of Astronomy.  Even guys like Galileo and Kepler believed in it, and thought of it as a "serious science. "  But, I guess what they ended up discovering through Astronomy "disproved" many of the things in the area of Astrology.

         The tv show said until the the late 13th century A.D., right before the  "Renaissance;" all of the Doctors used Astrology in their "everyday medical practices."   In the 16th century that guy Nostradamus, who was a Doctor; knew a lot about Astrology.  A little Lizard just ran bye.     


SIGMUND FREUD  / CARL JUNG                                         1960'S HIPPIES                          

         (1856-1939)                (1875-1961)                                                                                                                   


        I've written about Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, Doctors who helped people's "Mental" problems instead of "Physical" ailments in the 20th century.  Carl Jung is now known for kind of starting what they call "Psychological Astrology."  That's what the tv show said I guess.                

        Daisy says the tv show also mentioned how the 1960's "New Age Hippies," like Carl Jung; were also responsible for a "Revival in Interest" of Astrology.  Mr. Steve likes this song by that      one singing group the FIFTH DIMENSION.  Daisy told me about "The Age of Aquarius."            

        I guess, that guy Carl Jung used Astrology to "Supplement" his Science.  He for a time was friends with Sigmund Freud, but then they disagreed about some of the things having to do with their studies in that field called "Psychoanalysis."  Samson and Delilah just now flew bye.                



                Oh!  This Encyclopedia says Carl Jung wrote a lot about what's called "Synchronicity."   Daisy heard that's sort of like "Déjà Vu," when what might just be a total "coincidence;" feels important somehow to that person at that one moment.  Boy God!  I think I've felt that.  

            Daisy told me about how she thinks that band from England called the POLICE have a song called "Synchronicity."  Wow!  The morning is so beautiful right now, Birds are flying all around; and the colors are so bright too.  Ah!  I love breathing in fresh air through my nose.

           Someday I'll hear the POLICE'S song our boss likes about the guy stranded on an island.  He wrote a rescue message on a piece of paper, put it in a glass bottle; then floated it out into the water.   What a good idea that is, and if I were ever in his situation I'd definitely do that too.   


"DARK MATTER"        



              Oh!  This is probably a good place to talk about what they call "Dark Matter" and "Dark Energy."  I was supposed to find out about it yesterday, when I wrote about the "Fundamental Forces" that govern the Universe; but somehow missed it.  Oh!  Rosie barked again! 

                 On that one tv show Daisy saw it said 96% of the "observable" Universe is made up of Dark Matter and Dark Energy.  My Encyclopedia says Dark Matter is "hypothetical" so can't be seen but, is "implied" by "astrophysical observation."  Is Rosie barking for Heathcliff?

           I guess, one thing you can look at are the ways Dark Matter effects gravity" but does not seem to "interact" with the "electro magnetic field."  As I've mentioned before, those are two of the fundamental forces.  Boy! I want to go over to the south fence and howl with Rosie.       


"BIG BANG?"        


                 Hey God!  Are You the force behind what some think of as Dark Energy?  It says here in my Encyclopedia Dark Energy is the, "unknown form of energy" that "affects" the Universe on the "largest scale."  Yup!  I knew Daisy would notice Rosie barking so she's barking too.

            I guess people who know about Dark Energy say it shows the Universe is "Accelerating" in it's expansion since the time of that "Big Bang" first event I've written about.  That happened about fourteen billion years ago.  Fannie and Freddie, talking to each other; are flying bye.

           The scent of our new little baby Cholla cactus over there in the dirt just floated into me over here on Elvira.  Boy!  It doesn't seem fair God how, just when this new year is about to get going; something like Heathcliff dying happens.  Ah! I like how a baby Cholla cactus smells. 




            Ugh!  I just glanced up and see a Hawk hovering up there in the sky looking down at me sitting here on Elvira.  Oh my God!  I wonder if maybe that might be Heathcliff up there coming back to life in the form of a Hawk?   And that definitely is a new and unfamiliar Hawk too.

           Wow!  If "Reincarnation" turns out to be true I would want to come back to Piñon Hills in the form of something like a Hawk.  If that idea of living an honorable life so you can come back in a higher form is true Heathcliff would definitely qualify.  He was a really good Rooster! 

           The Hawk lifted and then flew over the Sheds and out into the back desert.  Boy!  I'm so tempted to hide everything and run up front to tell Dais about the new Hawk but, I'd better not. Besides, she would probably say you can only come back as a baby if Reincarnation is true.    




               Aha!  I knew someone was looking at me and I see Andy and Helen over there standing on their boulder.  I know, even though they're taking a break from guarding their babies down in the burrow; they're very alert for Goliath and Cher.  Dawn is still sad howling over there.

              Oh!  This is a good time to talk about "Franklin Canyon," a place in Los Angeles that Dais heard our boss and his mom talking about.  One time she and her Girl Scout troop went over to hike around there.  I totally missed Franklin Canyon yesterday on my book two outline.

             Over the last two days I've mentioned a few times how Andy and Helen are named after two characters on that "Andy Griffith Show."  Mrs. Lindsey, whose husband played "Goober" on that tv show; also took her Troop to Franklin Canyon too.   I smell Andy and Helen. 


   "ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW"         "FRANKLIN CANYON"                        "GOOBER"  


                Daisy says in one of his episodes a smart lady told Huell Howser Franklin Canyon is in those "Santa Monica" mountains, the "San Fernando Valley" to the north; and "Beverly Hills" to the south.  Another lady told Huell Howser how William Mulholland used to own the land.

           According to what Dais and Millie heard, the "Opening Scene" to all of the Andy Griffith Show episodes was filmed at one of the Lakes inside Franklin Canyon.  Mr. Steve and his mom talked about how it's surprising how few people know about Franklin Canyon.  I smell Sage. 

          Mr. Steve told his mom he once sold a few things to a lady in "Studio City," which is near Franklin Canyon.  I guess, from what Dais and Millie heard; that road I've mentioned before called "Mulholland Drive" is kind of close to that area too.  Libby whinnied over there.   


                                                "CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON" (1954)


              Mr. Steve and his mom talked about the "Monster" models he built as a kid, all destroyed in the 1971 earthquake.  Some were from those 1930's "Horror" movies, but one was from this other 1954 movie "Creature From the Black Lagoon."  It was filmed at Franklin Canyon.

           Daisy thinks we'd both like how Franklin Canyon smells, based on what she  saw on that Huell Howser segment.  There are forests like those near us in "Wrightwood," and also a few Ponds and Lakes too.  One man told Huell Howser there are Turtles who live in a Lake.

           Oh!  Mentioning Wrightwood makes me remember how I was supposed to talk about a man named Heinz Steinmann.  For many years he and his family ran a place for skiing up in Wrightwood called "Holiday Hill."  Boy!  For the third day the morning air is so clear.


             HEINZ STEINMANN FAMILY                                     WRIGHTWOOD                             


               I remember that morning when, as Mr. Steve watered the Mulberry tree up in the front yard; Miss Susan told him about Mr. Steinmann.  He and his wife "Lora" had eleven children, who then had a lot of kids too.  A Lizard ran bye out in the dirt near the baby Cholla cactus.

          According to Miss Susan, Mr. Heinz's parents came to America from "Switzerland" after World War II.  One thing his family did was teach kids how to ski safely and, when young he was an "Olympic level" skier; whose opponents won some medals.  A Train whistled faintly.

         Mr. Heinz sounds like a "decent" person our boss thinks and, I guess he's Catholics like us.  His family go to "Our Lady of the Snows Church" in Wrightwood, Phelan's Catholic Church is named after that guy Father Serra.  You can really tell that Miss Susan likes him a lot.  




                 Like our boss's parents, Mr. Heinz's parents left where they grew up and immigrated to Southern California for "better opportunities."  He got a degree in "Business" from U.C.L.A where Miss Emily works.  Mr. Steve's Uncle Marty has that "M.B.A." from Harvard.  
          Hey Lord!  Miss Susan said Mr. Heinz was like Mr. Steve's dad in helping the poor, as You said to do.  A guy he competed against for the Olympics was in a 1950's movie our boss's parents really liked called "The Other Side of the Mountain."  Ducks are quacking.
         Mr. Steve's mom told him there are Ducks living in that Lake at Franklin Canyon park. Scenes from another movie Mr. Steve's parents enjoyed, "On Golden Pond;" was filmed near that Lake.  Hearing Daffy's loud voice is making me remember how Heathcliff is gone.        


                                  ROLLING STONES                                        SIMON & GARFUNKEL    


            Daisy says one of the smart ladies told Huell Howser how, back in the 1960's; bands like the original ROLLING STONES and SIMON & GARFUNKEL used pictures on album covers taken over in Franklin Canyon.  Dawn's barking.  I can smell Blinky and Rosie next to her. 

            I guess one time our boss and Mr. Dave, who has hiked in Franklin Canyon; talked about a 1960's tv show filmed there.  It was called "Combat!," and was about this World War II army unit after D-Day pushing the Germans back toward their country.  Blinky has a nice scent.

           According to Dais our boss told Mr. Dave how, in 1964 his father gave him a book he still has on "Military Uniforms."  So he really liked watching that tv show Combat! just to see all of the different uniforms.  That's also why he also liked that other show "Hogan's Heroes."




                  Mr. Dave said Combat! was a "one hour movie" each week.  Actors, like Telly Savalas, Leonard Nimoy and Ted Knight were on Combat! before being famous.  The Star of Combat!, named Vic Morrow; was later killed in a Helicopter crash on the set of another movie.   

            Boy God!  I feel kind of sad, and don't know if I'll be able to concentrate on this work today. I sort of hope we get to go in the living room to watch our cartoons.  After all, I don't have to finish my third book today anyway and just like Daisy tells me;  There's no "Timetable."

            I don't know why but, for some reason I just thought of that first song I ever heard.  I had only been here for a few days so the sounds terrified me.  I'll never forget that magical moment, but still can't understand how anyone could have invented such a thing as a Boombox.   


                                                                                                     JOHNNY NASH JR.

                          IMAGE BY NASHCO MUSIC            


           Wow!  What a real coincidence that, just as I'm thinking about that very first song I ever heard; I smell Creosote and Blackbeard and Anne Bonny are flying bye going to the east.  When I heard that song "I Can See Clearly Now" it made me feel happy.  Thank You God!

           Daisy says before the recession our Chief had a customer near Houston, who knew about how Johnny Nash Jr. wrote and sang "I Can See Clearly Now."  I guess, from what Daisy heard one time; "I Can See Clearly Now" came out in 1972.  Our Chief was seventeen then.

          That one Parts Manager back there in Houston said Johnny Nash was one of the very first "Non-Jamaican" Singers to record "Reggae" music down there in Jamaican.  In 1972 Mr. Steve was in 11th Grade at Sylmar High.  Hearing Daffy quacking now makes me feel better.


                                                                                          BOB MARLEY (1945-1981)

          I guess Johnny Nash is from Texas and worked on a movie with that that guy Bob Marley the Jamaican Reggae singer.  Bob Marley died too just like Heathcliff.  I can't wait to someday hear Reggae music because Daisy thinks I would really like some of the good songs.

          Two of the Pigeons flew bye.  For some reason, seeing them gives me a reassuring feeling; that at least some things are still the same.  I've mentioned how my boss and his mother believe that one old saying, "Life is often what happens when you're planning something else."

                Hey God!  As You know, yesterday I totally forgot to mention that one old saying from the Old Testament; in "Ecclesiastes," "One generation goeth, and another generation cometh; and the earth abides forever."  Boy!  We sure do wish Heathcliff could defy that old rule. 



           Remembering this morning's sunrise, and right now about Heathcliff being suddenly gone forever; makes me think about how magical life is.  Hey God!  As You know, our boss Mr. Steve    doesn't really believe in magic but Dais and I do.  But he does think life itself is a miracle.             

         Oh what the heck!  Even though I'm not scheduled to write about that guy Harry Houdini until later today, I kind of feel like finding out about him now too.  I mentioned "Houdini" a little bit yesterday.  I can smell Dawn, Blinky and Rosie standing on the other side of the fence.             

       It says here in this Encyclopedia how Harry Houdini was a "Hungarian Jew," who was an "escape artist" and "stunt performer."  Daisy saw a good tv show about him that said he was one of those "Vaudeville" Entertainers before becoming famous.  Boy!  Blinky has a good scent.                         

HARRY HOUDINI (1874-1926)        


         I mentioned in my second book how that guy Houdini died on October the 31st, which is "Halloween" and also Grandma Trujillo's birthday too.  According to what the tv show said, he    died in that city of "Detroit."  Daisy says he died from being punched hard in the stomach.           

         Daisy told me how that guy Houdini was in such good shape, he used to let people hit him right in the stomach; and as hard as they could too.  But a few days before he died I guess he was in "Montreal" and a kid slugged him too early.  Dais heard it's called "Sucker Punched."             

         The man on the tv show said, at the time of being punched in the stomach way before he was ready; Houdini also had this broken ankle too.  It says here how, he ended up going to the      Hospital; and there died from "Appendicitis."  Blackbeard and Anne are now flying bye.             

           JEAN-EUGÈNE ROBERT-HOUDIN (1805-871)       


               Daisy told me that guy Houdini got his "Stage Name" from another man, who was his "Idol."  His name was Jean-Eugène Robert Houdin, he was from France;  described here in this Encyclopedia as the "Father of Conjuring."   Some Crow's are fighting over something.

             The tv show said just what it says here too, Robert Houdin's main job to earn a living as one of those guys who made "Watches."  It says here he was an "Illusionist," which makes me really want to see a Magician even more.  And I know for sure Daisy wants to see one too. 

             I mentioned yesterday how Mr. Steve's Nephew Jacob over there in Texas is interested in what they call the art of "Sleight of Hand."  Over the years our boss has met people, mostly guys; who were good at sleight of hand too.  But he's not and knows how much skill it takes to do.   



                                                                                                                       PHOTO BY JOE PUGLIESE


                Oh my God! A picture shows a place down there in Hollywood called the "Magic Castle."  In front of it a Magician is making a girl hang in the air, with nothing below holding her up; and even her dress and sweater is hanging down I notice.  It's called "Levitation" it says here.

            Daisy heard our boss and his mom talking about how the Magic Castle used to be a big house called a "Chateau."  I guess, back in College at C.S.U.N.; Mr. Steve's mom studied both "Gothic" and "Renaissance" styles used on the "Exterior."  It says here in was built in 1909.

            One time Miss Susan at work told our boss she read, the Magic Castle house had "fallen into a state of disrepair;" but was "renovated" in the early 1960's.  It's kind of like a Nightclub with magic being the "Theme."  Mr. Steve has been told they have really good food there.  



                 Mr. Steve told Miss Susan at work there was a fire at the Magic Castle a few years ago, but the room dedicated to Houdini was not damaged.  I guess, one of Miss Susan's customers mentioned that one room damaged was named for Howard Thurston.  Dawn's barking.

             Daisy says the tv said Howard Thurston was Houdini's "biggest rival," but they got along and "were friends instead of competitors."  Howard Thurston could make a Car disappear, and was known for that levitation technique.  Boy!  I would love to see a big Car disappear.

             According to what the man on the tv show talked about, in 1926 when Houdini died that guy Howard Thurston was more famous; but now Houdini is way more famous.  I guess Howard Thurston was really good at using playing cards in his "Act."  Blinky has such a strong scent. 


     "HALLOWEEN" (OCTOBER 31)         


                 Oh!  This is a good time to write about the "Holiday" of "Halloween."  I've mentioned it a few times over the last three days, and how Grandma Trujillo was born on that day.  I think it might be kind of significant that Harry Houdini just happened to die on that exact day.

            Daisy says Mr. Ralph has read about the history of Halloween, and she heard him say it was "influenced" by ancient "Celtic Harvest Festivals;" but was "Christianized" in the early days of the Church.  Oh!  Speedy Gonzalez just zoomed by right in front of the Sheds. 

           I've mentioned how Halloween is dedicated to "Commemorating" or remembering the dead.  In Christianity it's on the "Eve" of "All Saints Day," and in Mexico it's that "Dia de los Muertos" day I've mentioned before.  Now we'll think of Molly and Heathcliff on that day. 



              Daisy heard a Ghost named "Irma" lives at the Magic Castle, and plays any song you ask her to play on piano; no matter what song you ask for.  Boy!  I wonder if Irma would know how to play "The Musical Box," or "The Third Hoorah!" and Goin up the Country?" 

             Miss Susan from work was told the Magic Castle has a "Program" from a 19th century show Queen Victoria attended.  Daisy says a magical bookshelf opens to show the entranceway to a fancy Nightclub inside.  Oh!  I wonder if that Ghost Irma would know any DEVO songs?

              Andy and Helen are over there sticking out of the burrow entrance.  Now, in tandem; they're both sniffing the to see if Cher of Goliath might be around here somewhere.  Now Helen went back into the hole, to be with the babies; and is leaving Andy to go back to guarding.   


                                                 MR. PEABODY / BOY SHERMAN     


                Boy God!  I just can't believe that Heathcliff won't be around anymore.  But, it does make me feel kind of good knowing Daisy thinks I have the "Potential" to someday be just as smart as Mr. Peabody is now.  Oh!  I would really love to meet Mr. Peabody in person someday!

                 Well, I think I'll do like Daisy says and just force myself to keep going.  She told me about a good song she and Millie heard by that band KANSAS called "Carry On."  Our boss described it to that kid Jason one time as sort of like a "hard rock gospel song" Daisy told me.  

           Thank You God for my couch Elvira because, on a day like today; just being here makes me feel so fortunate.  I looked up and noticed, up there in the beautiful morning sky; how a big flock of Birds is flying bye.  They're all moving in formation toward the northwest.   




              A Bee whizzed past my head as I sit here on Elvira.  And, in looking up to see Bonnie and Clyde's nest near the patio roof I can't help but think of Heathcliff dying.  Daisy still also wants to think that, even with this really bad "Turn of Events;" it will be a good year anyway.    

         Hey God!  Daisy and I kind of want to hope that it being so warm this early in the Spring and, so many babies being around already; maybe they're all good signs that this will be a good year.  A little Lizard is standing on the wall over there doing pushups.  I smell Mesquite.      

              I mentioned the time Bees flew into the garage, and gathered on the wall above the utility room door; near Daisy's area.  So, our boss put the electric garage door down; but left a small opening on the bottom.  No more Bees came in and eventually the others left on their own.   




             Oh!  I hear a Motorcycle going bye out there on Primavera Road and can now see the dust rising.  For some reason that makes me feel better.  Boy God!  What will we do tomorrow, when there won't be anyone to "Ring In" the new day and get us all started like we're used to? 

             One morning when he was walking out on Primavera Road Mr. Steve met a kid riding a "Dirt Bike" Motorcycle.  He was from Wrightwood, which I've talked about over the last three days.  Boy!  I really hope to someday be able to smell all new places like Wrightwood.

            Piñon Hills is about 4,000 feet "Above sea Level."  Miss Susan wrote that Wrightwood, an "elevated valley" on the north side of the San Gabriel Mountains; is at an "Elevation" of about 6,000 feet.  Donald and Daisy are over there quacking and that makes me feel a little better.




                 I've written about how, at the end of the 19th century; "Cattle Ranching" came into our area.  And one of the families was named "Wright."  In the 1920's after World War I; Miss Susan wrote about how the area started to develop into a little larger "Community" of families.

             For a while the Wrightwood area was called "Big Pines" because of all the "Pine" trees which are up there.  After the Second World War ended in 1945 Wrightwood became known for snow skiing and Miss Susan says there was even a "Ski School" there.  I smell Mesquite.

            Sometimes, when people visit us; Mr. Steve will drive them to Wrightwood to show them how a desert can be so close to a forest of Pine trees.  Daisy says being in a forest smells and looks way different from our area down here.  The Joshua trees are a lot greener there I guess.  


                                                                                2014 SUBARU "FORESTER"    


            Thinking about Wrightwood makes me remember how Daisy and Millie one time heard our boss talking on the phone with one of his "Subaru" customers.  And they discussed making Baseball caps and T-Shirts with the "Forester" logo.  I do wonder what a forest smells like.

            If I were ever to have a Car I would want it be royal blue, and really shiny too.  But I now appreciate red better after seeing that shiny Car the lady came over here to our house in.  Oh!  I just picked up Libby's totally unique scent in my right nostril, coming  from over there. 

            I've mentioned before how Subaru is one the Japanese companies who make Cars.  Daisy says one of our Chief's customers called the Forester, made since 1997;  a "compact crossover" S.U.V.  Blackbeard and Anne are now chasing each other, "Playing Tag" over the desert.


                                                                                              "BIGHORN" SHEEP


                    Daisy and Millie heard our boss and Miss Susan at work talking about those Forester Cars.  One of her customers said, before they were made by Subaru; they were built by another Japanese company called "Isuzu."  They were called the "Bighorn;" just like those Rams.

             Mr. Steve told Miss Susan about Rams who live up in the mountains.  In looking at the picture of those two males fighting I see why they're called Bighorns.  A small Sparrow landed on one of the big boulders around the bottom of the Mulberry tree but all the water is gone. 

            I just thought of how, what Americans call "Custer's Last Stand" or the "Battle of the Little Bighorn; the Indians refer to as "Battle of Greasy Grass."  Daisy told me one time a man from Japan asked our boss about it, so he lent him some books.   The Sparrow flew away.  




                Oh!  Writing about Japanese Cars makes me remember that over the first two days I kept missing on my outlines to learn about some of the different Japanese cities.  So I can just do it now.  Looking at the map I see why Japan and Korea's histories are so "closely linked." 

             That Japanese man interested in Custer's Last Stand was from a town near the city of "Osaka."  Daisy says he told our boss about the differences between Osaka and this other city called "Kyoto."  They're close to each other but "very different in many ways" he said.

            "Osaka is for business" the man said, "Kyoto more for spiritual."  I guess Osaka is near the Ocean, so for centuries has been what my Encyclopedia describes as being at a "commercial crossroads."  In Osaka the people are "loud" but in Kyoto "quiet."  Andy's sniffing the air. 


                                   "OSAKA" CASTLE                                 OSAKA BUSINESS DISTRICT   


             The Japanese man told our boss "so many businessman in Osaka," the people "always talk about money."  But, even though Osaka is known for "commerce and trade;" it has a long history with an "old castle still there."  This is going to be an unusually warm day again.

             It says here how , since the 5th century A.D.; Osaka has been the "gateway to Korea and China."  The caption below a picture of the castle says that area is known for those "Cherry" trees I've mentioned before.  Libby's unique scent just floated into my right nostril.   

                  Osaka "known for food" the Japanese man said, Kyoto "known for prayer."  He said he "missed" eating "Osaka pancakes, rice balls and potato salad with beer."  In Osaka many of the people are aggressive trying to sell you something, in Kyoto they want to get to know you.




                   Kyoto means "Capital City" because, from the end of the 8th century through 1868; it was the leading political center.  But, it was also the religious capital too; still having Buddhist "Temples " and Shinto "shrines in it.  Those pretty "Geisha" girls live in Kyoto too I guess.

            The Japanese man said Kyoto is where "art began," and "still many artists." He jokingly called the difference between Osaka and Kyoto as "yin yang."  There are some of those gardens in Kyoto, like the one Mr. Steve and his mom have visited down at "Descanso Gardens."

            Monks in Kyoto pray "as sun comes up" the man told our boss, which they both thought was understandable.  If Daisy and I were Monks we would do that too.  When he saw some of the lettering Mr. Steve does the man mentioned "fuyu" paint brushes used in "Calligraphy."           


                              FIREBOMBED                        TOKYO                          REBUILT 


        All of a sudden I just thought of that city of "Tokyo," which I guess is to the northeast of Osaka and Kyoto.  It's near that big snow-covered mountain "Mount Fuji," and it was almost      totally destroyed after being "Firebombed" during World War II.  Dawn's barking.                      

      I've written about how, before those two Atomic Bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki; Tokyo had been burned.  With so many of the buildings being made of wood, all of      those "Incendiary" bombs were effective.  Thousands of people were burned to death.                  

       Mr. Ivan, as part of the occupying American forces; saw the destruction in West Germany after the Second World War.  He thinks it's "impressive" how fast cities like Tokyo and Berlin      have been rebuilt since 1945 when the war ended.  I wish I could hear Heathcliff's voice.                           



                 Mr. Steve and that Japanese man talked about Baseball, which since the time of Babe Ruth has been played in Japan.  Daisy heard that man tell our boss Baseball is very "popular" now over in Japan.  And there's a "young boy" named Shohei Ohtani playing he said.

            According to that Japanese man Shohei Ohtani is unique in being like Babe Ruth, he's not only a really powerful Hitter; as a Pitcher throws "over one hundred miles per hour."  It could be "someday he plays in America" he said.  Two of the Pigeons just flew bye.

           I've mentioned before how, before he was just a Hitter with the New York "Yankees," Babe Ruth was also a great Pitcher for the Boston "Red Sox;" and still holds some records for it.  Oh!  Heathcliff's Hens are clucking and cackling, and they sound so happy too. 




          PHOTO BY SORIN COLAC                                                                                                                              PHOTO BY JOHN K                                      


         Daisy says the Japanese man told our boss he and his wife and kids visited this place up there in Northern California called "Bowling Ball Beach."  Mr. Steve told him he's heard of it.    Wow!  A good picture in the Encyclopedia shows why it was given such an unusual name.             

          Those "bowling ball shaped" boulders are described as "spheroid concretions" or "hard, dense mineral masses."  They were "formed" over millions of years "around" small things like pebbles, shells or; even leaves that fell in the water.  A Train whistled over to my left.                     

          I guess, over those same millions of years; the part of the boulder sticking out of the water at "low tide" were "eroded" down by the wind.  But, often the boulders were underwater buried in soft sediment.  The Japanese man compared it to the way Oysters slowly create Pearls.                   




           Boy Elvira, smelling and seeing some of the Joshua trees out there in the desert behind Manny, Moe and Jack is making me feel good and happy to down here in Pinon Hills sitting on    you.  Andy's sniffing the air over there.  Thank You God so much for all of the Joshua trees.         

             Oh wow!  I'm having one of those "Déjà Vu" moments, where I feel now like I've already experienced this before.  As You know You Guys, I've been having these feelings for two days.  I keep hoping Heathcliff will crow and it turns out to have all been just a big mistake.  

             This kind of reminds me of when Mollie the Mule died.  Hey Everyone up there, I don't really feel like writing today but will at least try to "Give it a Go" as that Parts Manager Phillip from Wales might say.  Ah!  A nice cool slight breeze just floated in from the back desert.


                         "SPIRIT OF LIFE"                          


         Boy Holy Spirit!  Thank You for having Dais remind me last night about something I forgot to say at the beginning of book one on Thursday.  Mr. Steve's mom read one time about how the feeling of  Déjà Vu can also mean too; "Energy that you can feel but cannot actually see." 

        Well You Guys, if that's true then Daisy and I have been feeling Déjà Vu for a long time now because we often sense all of You and I'm having that exact feeling right now.  Oh!  I just looked up in time to see Rudy the Roadrunner.  He's jogging bye right in front of the Sheds.    

        Libby's scent just floated in from over there to my right and I can also smell the hay she's eating.  Hey God!  From now on I promise to to take my time and enjoy food in the way Daisy and Libby do.  Starting today I'm determined for sure to start relaxing more when I eat.



             PAINTING BY MICHELANGELO ("SISTINE" CHAPEL)                         


           I feel like praying; "Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy name.  Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done; on earth as it is in Heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses; as we forgive those who trespass against us.  And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil; Amen."  Boy!  That makes me feel a little better alright.

          Hey Lord!  More and more I'm starting to understand why The Lord's Prayer is Daisy's favorite prayer. In the Book of Mathew You created that prayer.  Protestant Christians add the sentence, "For thine is the Kingdom the power and the glory, for ever and ever Amen."

          Oh!  I can write about that 16th century Englishman William Tyndale.  I missed him on my outline yesterday when I wrote about King James I.   William Tyndale "Translated" the Bible into English, and Daisy says this  good tv show said King Henry VIII didn't like him. 




                 Daisy heard William Tyndale was a Catholic "Friar," and the man on the tv show said he "disapproved" of King Henry VIII trying to get rid of that first Spanish wife for not being able to have a boy baby.  As I've said before, Henry VIII had six wives.  Libby just whinnied.

            It says here William Tyndale had already translated the Bible into English by the time of King Henry creating his own Protestant religion and dumping his first wife.  Henry just used the work done by William Tyndale to make his own English Bible.  I smell some Penstemon.

          Wow!  King Henry stole William Tyndale's translation, then used it for "his own purposes" in making himself "Supreme Head" of his new religion.  Hey God!  So, if you go against him it's like going against You.  Mr. Steve thinks William Tyndale influenced William Shakespeare.  


                        PRESS                         JOHANNES GUTENBERG                 BIBLE

                        (1450)                                       (1450-1465)                                 (1455)      


                On Thursday in book one I mentioned how Mr. Steve and his mother like going to that "Huntington" Library.  That's where they have one of those famous "Gutenberg" Bibles made on Johannes Gutenberg's first "Printing Press."  Blackbeard and Anne are flying bye.

            King Henry VIII had anyone, like a few of his wives for instance; "Beheaded" if they got him mad.  He's the one who also cut off the head of Sir Thomas More, who wrote that very first "Utopian" novel.  The scent of the Twin Joshua trees just came in on a very slight breeze.

            It says here William Tyndale "escaped England" but was "executed" in Europe anyway.  He was burned up, the way that girl Joan of Arc had been killed but; at least they "strangled" him to death first.  Oh!  His last words were, "Lord!  Open the King of England's eyes."


   KING HENRY VIII (1491-1547)            KING JAMES I (1566-1625)           

PAINTING BY HANS HOLBEIN THE YOUNGER                                                                                                                                                    


                  The most famous English Bible was made during the "Reign" of that guy King James I, who "Succeeded" Queen Elizabeth I in the early 17th century.  Boy!  I love how King James had bows on his fancy shoes.  And I always notice how King Henry VIII had square-toed shoes. 

             Hey God!  This is kind of interesting in how my Encyclopedia says in William Tyndale's Bible he "coined" phrases like, "Let there be light;" and "Salt of the Earth."  Wow!  William Tyndale was only thirty seven years old when he was "Put to Death."  Dawn's barking.

             Mr. Steve and his father both think it was "Authoritarian Monarchs" like Henry VIII who made the American "Founding Fathers" create a government where "Church and State" were separate.  To them it was even more important than things like "Freedom of Speech." 





                  I've mentioned before how the Founding Fathers thought it was important a "Ruler" be "Accountable" to others.  That's the main reason they created a "three part government" with a set of "Checks and Balances" built into it.  That way it would be harder to have a "Dictator."

                  Daisy heard our boss talking with his father on the phone one time about how, the 20th century produced the three biggest in scale  "Totalitarians;"  Hitler, Stalin and Mao Zedong in China.  Today I'll be finding out more about all three of them.  Two of the Pigeons flew bye.

            Oh my God!  Charlie Company of Quail are out there in the dirt behind the Sheds, and I see they now have some new babies too.  So now all three coveys have babies yet this is only the third day of Spring.  Boy!  I feel like hiding everything and going up front to tell Daisy.



                   Wow God!  Seeing Charlie Company right now makes me feel so good, and temporarily lets me feel better about Heathcliff.  Boy!  I'm so tempted to hide everything and run up front to tell Daisy the good news.  But, I'd better not; because she'd want me to stay disciplined.

             Oh!  I glanced up and see one of those little Birds Miss Susan said are called "Kestrels" sitting on an electrical power line going into our house. Kestrels look like miniature Hawks but are actually "Falcons" Miss Susan says.  Libby just now neighed and whinnied over there.  

                  That Kestrel is holding a dead Lizard in its mouth, which is a good thing because I know Kestrels are like Hawks in liking the taste of Quail.  Chosin must have just felt danger because he's now leading his group out into the cover of the bushes of the back desert.  I smell Sage.   




               Poor little Lizard.  I guess he wasn't fast enough to get away from that Kestrel, who can fly in really fast.  Daisy a I both noticed how Kestrels are good at "Hovering" up in the air and then, just at the exact right moment; swoop down and kill some food down on the ground.

          According to what Daisy heard Miss Susan say one time a few years ago, Kestrels can even hover inside of things like Barns.  I guess, from what Dais says; Miss Susan told our boss that in our area the girl Kestrels are bigger than boy Kestrels.  Daffy's quacking over there.

         Boy and girl Hawks pretty much look the same while you can tell Kestrel couples apart.  All have really sharp beaks and claws that's for sure.  Kestrels have brown and gray feathers and I for sure know one thing, they're really, really brave and courageous little Birds.   




           Even though they're small in size, Kestrels are aggressive in defending their territory.  Dais and Millie one time saw a small Kestrel try to steal a Field Mouse Freddie was carrying through the air in his mouth.   A Motorcycle just zoomed bye out there, going from north to south.    

         Up in the air Freddie and that Kestrel fought over the Field Mouse, which was still alive.  I guess Freddie was so surprised he dropped the Mouse, it fell all the way to the ground; and then just ran away.  Freddie was really angry, so he and Fannie even chased that little Kestrel.

         As I've said in my first two books, someday I'll get over my fear of being trapped in a house or an enclosed area.  So, then I can watch more Football on tv like Dais does.  The only thing I've seen so far is that one good tv show about Doug Flutie, who's small and tough like a Kestrel.  



             PHOTO BY MIKE SULLIVAN                   


             A picture in my Encyclopedia shows two Football players arguing about something.  Under that photo the caption says it's players from the New Orleans "Saints" and Atlanta "Falcons." I guess one time Dais heard our boss tell his mom he drew the logos of both those two teams.  

         In 1971, a few months after the Sylmar earthquake; Mr. Steve went to Atlanta on his dad's business trip.  In my books, I've found out a few things about the late 1864 American Civil War "Battle of Atlanta; and the War of 1812's "Battle of New Orleans."  A Crow just cawed.

         Daisy says Mr. Steve faxed line drawings of the Atlanta Falcons two logos to a customer in Georgia, for his kids to color.  Mr. Steve can draw the original "straight up and down" logo from memory.  He prefers it to the current  "leaning over to the right" logo on the helmets.  


                                                                      DAN MARINO      


              Daisy says our boss has this customer near Atlanta.  But the Service Manager there isn't a Falcons fan.  He grew up in the State of Florida so, his favorite "Professional" Football team is the Miami "Dolphins;" especially that team who went "Undefeated" back in the 1970's. 

         That Service Manager told our boss how his favorite Dolphins' player was Dan Marino who I wrote a little bit about on Thursday.  Dan Marino's family, like Mr. Rick's; is Italian-American from Pittsburgh.  Dais told me our Chief has drawn the Dolphins' old and new logos. 

         I guess you could say Kestrel Birds are sort of like "Midget" Falcons.  As I said in book one the day before yesterday when I wrote about that really small planet "Pluto," another name for little things is "Dwarfs."  That Kestrel ate the Lizard and is now flying into the desert.  


                                                           EDDIE GAEDEL (1925-1961)


             Writing about how small Kestrels are makes me suddenly think about that one guy named Eddie Gaedel.   I've written about how, in the early 1950's as a "Gimmick" or "Publicity Stunt;" he played a game for the St. Louis "Browns."  I can see two long vapor trails up in the sky.

           I wonder if there's such a thing as a midget, or dwarf Dog?  I know there are small Dogs like little Blinky next door for example.  Speedy Gonzalez just used the right vertical slot on the side of the gate to zoom out into the back desert, and he then darted out of view completely.  

          Boy God!  I can't believe Heathcliff is gone and we'll never hear his voice again.  Looking to the east beyond the three Sheds I see a lot of sunlight and way more green than you would expect to see on only the third day of Spring.  Thank You for inventing all the colors God.




                  A Freight just whistled faintly over there to my left, out there in the northern desert near the California Aqueduct.  A small group of Birds is flying toward the northeast way up there in the sky.  I just now smelled Theodora's Creosote bush over there near Jack the biggest Shed.

            Oh!  Hearing that Train reminds me about how yesterday I forgot to write about this song called "Train Kept A Rolling." So I can just do it now instead.  Dais and Millie one time saw this tv show about AEROSMITH, who I guess did the most famous cover version of that old song.

            Daisy told me the man on the tv show said Train Kept A Rolling was first done way back in 1951 when our boss wasn't even born yet.  It was originally done in the form of a "mid-tempo Jump Blues from it says here in this one Encyclopedia.  All four of the Pigeons just flew bye.    


           JOHNNY BURNETTE TRIO           YARDBIRDS                          AEROSMITH


                 Daisy says the tv show talked about how that song Train Kept A Rolling was "redone" in 1956 by a three piece band called the JOHNNY BURNETTE TRIO.   But the way they did it was in a "Rockabilly" style.  I just glanced up and see Theodora sitting in her Creosote bush. 

            It says here how the JOHNNY BURNETTE TRIO'S version of A Train Kept A Rolling is the first "recorded" example of "intentional distortion" using a guitar.  I guess there were a few earlier Blues songs that did that.  Theodora just now noticed me sitting over here on Elvira.

           According to the tv show, in the mid-1960's; that British band the YARDBIRDS also used to play A Train Kept A Rolling in concerts.  And when the four Musicians who would end up in LED ZEPPELIN first played together that was the first song they did.  Dawn's barking.  




              Daisy says one time our boss and his Niece Samantha talked about that song A Train Kept A Rolling, and how that Hard Rock band MOTÖRHEAD covered it.  I guess Mr. Steve and Mr. Dave have both played along to A Train Kept A Rolling.  Two of the Pigeons flew bye.  

              The tv show said Jeff Beck's "fuzz" guitar in the YARDBIRDS version of A Train Kept A Rolling "foreshadowed Heavy Metal."  Dais told me they also described it as "psychedelic Blues Rock."  Mr. Steve has AEROSMITH's second album with A Train Kept A Rolling on it. 

               Oh!  This is a good place to learn about a company called "Gretsch."  A tv show Daisy saw said they make musical instruments, and are known for their "Hollow Body" electric guitars.  I kept forgetting to write about Gretsch when I've written about "Gibson" and "Fender."


                FRIEDRICH GRETSCH (1856-1895)                    GRETSCH "6122 (1966)   

                                                                                                                                         "CHET ATKIN'S COUNTRY GENTLEMAN"  


                  My Encyclopedia says a German man named Friedrich Gretsch started his company in 1883, back there in that area of New York City called "Brooklyn;" where the Dodgers used to be from.  A large flock of Birds is flying bye way up there high in the beautiful morning sky.

            Wow!  It says here what the man on the tv show talked about.  In 1895, on a trip back to Germany Friedrich Gretsch suddenly died at the age of thirty nine; so his wife told their fifteen year old son "Fred" to take over the running of the company.  Dawn's barking over there.

            I guess, not only did Fred turn out to be a really good Businessman, so did his son and the family ever since.  Gretsch makes drums and many other things too Daisy says.  She heard our boss and Mr. Mark talking about their famous electric guitars that so many Guitarists like.  


                                         NEIL YOUNG                                                        WHITE STRIPES


                Daisy says the man on the tv show said, since the 1950's; Guitarists like Neil Young and the guy in the WHITE STRIPES play Gretsch guitars.  Most Gretsch electric guitars are those bigger "Hollow Body's," but Daisy says some look like "Solid Body" types.  I smell Blinky.

            In 1895, with her help; that guy Fred Gretsch made his father's company into one of the biggest "Manufacturer's" of musical instruments.  Daisy says our boss used to have a Gretsch tambourine but gave it to this kid as a gift.  One of his customers has a Gretsch banjo.

               Mr. Steve and Mr. Dave have both seen that guy Billy Zoom of the band X play, so know he also likes Gretsch guitars; as does the guy in the STRAY CATS.   AC/DC'S rhythm Guitarist, and the guy in the WHO; at times play Gretsch.  So does the BEATLES' George Harrison.  


BO DIDLEY (1928-2008)

                  Daisy says her favorite shaped guitar are the square ones that man from Mississippi Bo Didley used to play.  The tv show said in 1946, or year after World War II had ended; Bo Didley made his own guitars.  I just now noticed Andy over there guarding their burrow entrance.

            This Encyclopedia says, in the late 1950's; Bo Didly had Gretsch make his "Rectangle" guitars.  Mr. Steve's customer told our boss ZZ TOP'S Guitarist  has an original "Thunderbird" Bo Didley guitar from that period.  Bo Didley is not his real name, but just a nickname.  

             Boy!  Bo Didley must be smart to build a guitar, just like QUEEN'S guitar player and his father did too.  Mr. Steve's customer said Gretsch guitars are "versatile," and used the words "twang," and "snarl" to describe their sound.  Daisy says he mentioned a "whammy bar."




                  Our boss told Mr. Dave, when he saw the ROLLING STONES play back in the 1970's he noticed how their Drummer plays a Gretsch drum set.  And later, in the late 1980's when he took pictures at the Forum; he saw how Phil Collins plays Gretsch.   I smell the baby Cholla.

             Even though I'm really sad because of Heathcliff dying, I feel so alive right now as I sit here on Elvira.  There's bright green everywhere, the sunlight making that color look good.  No wonder to a lot of people in the world green represents Spring and a hopeful renewal of life.   

             I mentioned a few times in my first two books how Mr. Steve's favorite Baseball team was the Kansas City and later Oakland "Athletics."  Their primary color is green and, as in my first two books; today I'll learn more about the "A's" history.  Donald and Daisy are quacking.  


           JIM NASH (1967 / KANSAS CITY "A'S")      


         Looking at the green Arborvitae tree near the Patio makes me think about the Oakland A's.  I've mentioned how Mr. Steve began to like them when he saw that one "Sports Illustrated" Magazine with the picture of the then Kansas City A's Pitcher on it.  I like Duck voices.                 

          I wish I could go back to 1967 and see the moment Mr. Steve saw that Sports Illustrated Magazine and instantly became an A's fan, only because his Little League team at S.I.B.L. wore green too.  Right "then and there" the A's were his favorite Baseball team.  I smell Sage.               

          Boy God, I don't really feel like working today but; I sure hope You Guys won't mind if I don't work all day long today.  I can't believe this is book three I'm working on, and I've made it this far.  Boy!  Thank Everyone up there for helping me in making the first two days so great.                                                 

                                      ALBERT KING  /  B.B. KING  /  FREDDIE KING


             Over the last two days I've mentioned a few times how Mr. Steve sees a lot of significance in the number 3.  And, for some reason; I just now thought about how Albert King, B.B. King and Freddie King are called the "Three Kings of Blues."  I can smell the baby Cholla cactus.

          I guess, those three "Blues Kings" influenced many later American and English Guitarists.  Mr. Steve has a customer in Mississippi, the State where two of them are from; and they've at times discussed the Blues Kings.  And how that guy Elvis Presley was from Mississippi too.

         The Parts Manager said B.B. King was born in the small town of "Itta Bena" Mississippi.  I guess it would be translated in "Choctaw" Indian language as "Forest Camp."  Oh!  Benjamin the Cow Bird just used the right vertical slot on the side of the gate to run into the desert.    


                             WILLIE NELSON                                                   BRIAN MAY


          On Thursday, in book one; I wrote about how Willie Nelson named his old beat up acoustic guitar after Roy Roger's boy Horse "Trigger."  And QUEEN'S Guitarist Brian May thinks of the electric guitar he and his father built as being a female.  I can smell the Twin Joshua trees.

          I guess, from what Dais overheard our boss tell that kid Jason who plays guitar; B.B. King  called his guitars "Lucille."  And Albert King named his "Flying V" guitar "Lucy."  For some reason, that makes me suddenly think of our Car Theodora who's in the garage right now.

              One time Daisy and Millie heard our boss talking with Mr. Dave about this QUEEN song called "Tie Your Mother Down."  In 1977 at the Forum they played it, and Mr. Steve thinks they might have even started out the concert with it.   Brian May wrote that song I guess. 


                                                  QUEEN                                                           RORY GALLAGHER

                                                       (1977)                                                                                    ("WHISKY A GO GO" / 1976)


                  Brian May said on Tie Your Mother Down he was influenced by Rory Gallagher's song "Morning Sun."  I've mentioned before how our boss, Miss Sandy and their friends saw Rory Gallagher at the "Whisky A Go Go."   Rory Gallagher, who died; was from Ireland. 

            Over the years Mr. Steve has played Morning Sun for people to see if they recognize the riff as a "lighter weight" version of Tie Your Mother Down.  And he plays them the really heavy riff on PANTERA'S song "Walk" which is similar.  Some people laugh when the hear them.

           Daisy heard our boss tell Mr. Dave he has some Rory Gallagher vinyl records when he was in a band called TASTE.  That song Morning Sun was a TASTE song.  Some people have wanted to buy those albums but so far Mr. Steve told Mr. Dave he still wants to keep them around.    


                              JIMI HENDRIX (1942-1970)                  RORY GALLAGHER (1948-1995)

PHOTO BY HENRY DILTZ                                                                                                                                                         


             Daisy and Millie heard our boss and Mr. Dave talk about how Jimi Hendrix admired Rory Gallagher's playing.  When someone asked him who the best Guitarist was he supposedly said, "I don't know, go ask Rory Gallagher."  All four of the Pigeons just flew over Libby's Corral.

          I guess, that QUEEN song Tie Your Mother Down begins with an unusual sounding guitar intro.  Mr. Dave said that weird sound is the "Shepherd's Tone," and QUEEN uses it at the end of the album on a song called "Teo Torriatte."  Mr. Dave used the term "auditory illusion." 

           Boy Elvira, it's so good to have you around at times like this.  You make me feel safe and I'd defend you like my boss if anyone ever tried to do something to you.  And, I know for sure Dais would too because she knows how important you've become to us over this last year. 


                                  JOSHUA TREES                                             ARBORVITAE TREE

        PHOTO BY TONE HELENA TORGERSEN                                                                                                                                                      


                    Looking around right now, and seeing the color green more than the gray of Winter; is making me think of the country of "Ireland" where that guy Rory Gallagher and the band U2 are from.  I'm so glad it's finally Springtime now.  Arborvitae trees are green year round.

             Oh!  I can write about how the color green is now associated with Ireland, which I was supposed to do yesterday.  One night in the living room as Mr. Steve worked on something Daisy and Millie saw a tv show about Ireland's bloody history with England.  Dawn's barking.

             Mr. Phillip, even though he's from "Wales," knows a lot about Ireland and Scotland; which means England too of course.  He and our boss talked about that tv show, which had a part about the "Political" history of green in Ireland.  I sure wish Heathcliff would crow.


  IRISH COUNTRYSIDE                                                      MR. PHILLIP            

ARTWSORK BY TANROY CHANDRA DAS                                                                                                                                                                                     


          Daisy heard Mr. Phillip say what the man on the tv show also mentioned; how for a long time "blue was Ireland's predominant color."  It "makes sense" green would be their "primary  national" color Mr. Phillip thinks, there being many green fields there.  I smell Mesquite.             

          Mr. Phillip says the Irish President's flag is blue.  An Irish lady, who liked Rory Gallagher; told Mr. Steve green is "synonymous" with "Irish pride."  She said her favorite song was "The Wearing of the Green," which was sung in the book and movie "Gone With the Wind."    

          A little Wren landed on one of the big boulders around the bottom of the Mulberry tree.  Already there's a Sparrow and two Mockingbirds drinking the water.  If this were Summer the water level, because it's hot weather; would be going down into the ground a lot faster.  


                                     ST. PATRICK (?)                                  KING HENRY VIII (1491-1547)

                                                                                                                                        PAINTING BY HANS HOLBEIN THE YOUNGER 


                  Daisy told me on "Saint Patrick's Day" every Spring if you don't wear something green others are allowed to pinch you.  Mr. Phillip said in the 16th century, as "King" of Ireland; that guy King Henry VIII's "official" Irish flag was blue.  Boy!  The morning air is so clear.    

            Hey St. Patrick!  If you might just happen to be up there mind-reading me right now, I notice how some think you went over to Ireland as a Missionary in the late 4th century A.D., but others think it was in the early 5th century.  I hear Heathcliff's Hens clucking over there.    

            The tv show talked about the 17th century "Great Irish Rebellion."  My Encyclopedia says that's when the British Government tried to "displace" the "Catholic" landowners and Bishops in Ireland, who used green as a color; with "Protestant" settlers.  I smell Sage.    


                  "IRISH LEGION" (1803-1815)                             NAPOLÉON BONAPARTE I (0000-0000) 


          One time our boss and his mom remembered this military figurine destroyed by that big 1971 earthquake down in Sylmar.  It was of an Irish Soldier, who fought for Napoléon; wanting    to fight against the English.  Mr. Steve enjoyed painting the that figurines green uniform.             

          Mr. Steve told his mom he still thinks about building and painting all of those models as a kid.  But, like Sister Rita Joseph said; "at least he has the memories."  Someday I really want to  watch some of the Oakland A's Baseball games on tv., to see how their green uniforms look.         

         I guess, in the 1790's many Irish, seeing what happened in the American and then French revolutions; wanted to be a "Republic" too.  Mr. Phillips said these guys called the "Society of United Irishmen" wore green coats.  They had green hats and green and white striped pants.       



            Oh!  I just noticed Finley the Finch standing over there on the dead tree branch, and I can see how his new girlfriend is not ignoring him anymore.  In fact, she's really trying to get him to throw up some food for her to eat right now.  But Finley's just ignoring her I notice.

            Boy!  Now, I really do feel like hiding everything and running up front to tell Daisy about Finley but; I'd better not.  I'll just wait and tell her when I take my first big break, after chapter four.  Hey Blessed Virgin Mary!  I sure hope You're up there helping us way down here. 

            Some of the Ducks are quacking and that makes me miss Heathcliff and think about how it's probably going to be really hard not to think about him today.  But, Daisy is so right; and I'll just have to do my best.  I wonder if maybe we'll go in the house to watch Cartoons today?




              A little Sparrow just flew in and landed on one of the big boulders around the bottom of the Mulberry tree, where the water in the basin is reflecting the morning sun.  It looked around and is now drinking.  Finley and the girl Finch just flew off into the desert behind the Sheds.

          I smell the Arborvitae bush just to my left right in front of the patio.  That makes me feel a little better about today even though I'm still kind of in shock in thinking about how Heathcliff's totally gone.  Now, a Wren landed near the Sparrow; and is also drinking water too. 

          Oh!  Looking at the eastern horizon beyond the three Sheds suddenly makes me hear that song La Primavera by Antonio Vivaldi.  I'm beginning to understand better why Mr. Steve likes it so much.  Taking in a deep breath of fresh air through my nose makes me feel good.  


             ANTONIO VIVALDI (1678-1741)              LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN (1770-1827)

                                                          ARTIST UNKNOWN                                                                                                            PAINTING BY JOSEPH KARL STIELER                                                                          


         Wow!  I'm having a Déjà Vu feeling again!  Taking in that breath of air suddenly made me remember hearing Beethoven's song "Ode to Joy," which is now giving me the exact same happy feeling I felt then.  And a Finch is drinking from the basin below the Mulberry tree too.                 

         Boy God!  If I could time travel by using Mr. Peabody's Way Back machine I'd want to see what those guys Vivaldi and Beethoven smelled like.  Even though Dais heard Beethoven at times didn't take a bath or clean his hair.  So, "Odds Are;" he might've smelled kind of bad.                   

         Dais saw this tv show that said how Ode to Joy, especially after the fall of that Berlin Wall; is the European "Anthem" symbolizing "Freedom."  Will and Ariel Durant joked Beethoven was a "pessimist trying to convince himself he was an optimist."  Thank You God for Ode to Joy!                                      


         Looking up from way down here on Elvira I see a group of Birds flying toward the north.  The Sun is now hanging just above the eastern horizon beyond the back half acre.   I can also see a few Birds zipping around in every direction.  Boy!  I feel so lucky to even be alive today.             

        The shadows are still leaning toward me sitting here on the patio.  Oh! It's a good thing the Wren and Sparrow who were drinking water from the water basin below the Mulberry tree flew away a minute ago.  I just noticed Cher the Cat slinking around behind the Sheds.                          

        I know for sure Cher probably noticed how quiet it was this morning.  And even though our neighbor's give her food to eat, she's often up early trying to catch some extra food too.   And I'm sure she loves how alive with things to hunt and eat these first days of Spring have been.                                                                



         Looking around makes me think about how this is the third day of Spring.  The diagram in my Encyclopedia shows how the Earth is positioned now in space.  Speedy Gonzalez just whizzed bye and now the only thing left of his presence is the dust he raised still floating in the air.

         I notice how the Earth's North and South Poles don't point straight up and down but tilt at an angle as Earth spins or rotates on its axis.  At times the top half points toward the Sun, and at other times the "Northern Hemisphere" leans away.  That effects all of the four "Seasons."

        When the Sun is higher and more directly aimed at Piñon Hills it's Summer, while down in the Southern Hemisphere it's Winter.  I guess, maybe Earth's tilt is the reason why the days are longer during Summer and shorter in Winter.  I can smell the new baby Cholla cactus.  


                                                                                                   PLANET "EARTH"


              I guess, the longest day of the year here in Piñon Hills, when the Earth most faces toward the Sun; is the first day of Summer or "Solstice."  The first day of Winter, the shortest day when the Earth least faces toward the Sun here; is called the "Winter Solstice."  Daffy's quacking.

          The day before yesterday was the "Vernal Equinox," so there were twelve hours of light and twelve hours of darkness.  Two times a year, called the "Equinox's; is when the Earth's tilt  doesn't lean either toward or away from the Sun.  And that really effects us in Piñon Hills.   

          I'm sad about Heathcliff but these first three days of Spring makes me feel happier.  I've said a few times how Mr. Steve thinks the first day of Spring is our new year's day.  A customer of his takes his wife and kids on good vacations up to Alaska to see the "Northern Lights."   


                                        "NORTHERN LIGHTS" ("AURORA BOLEALIS") 

                    PHOTO BY MIKE CARLSON           


          This Encyclopedia says, because of the Earth's tilt; the Vernal Equinox up at the North Pole "signals" six months of "continuous" daylight.  That one Parts Manager has been to "Barrow" Alaska.  He told Mr. Steve how, from November through January; it's always "dark night."     

        Wow!  A picture shows the Alaskan Northern Lights.  The caption says they happen when "ionized gas particles" come flying in and hit the Earth's magnetic field "at an angle" up there in Alaska.  This one older lady told Mr. Steve you can also see Northern Lights in Iceland.   

        The Parts Manager says, his wife and kids really like the yellow and green Northern Lights the best but; he prefers the purple ones.  Boy!  I would love to see the blue Northern Lights and I know Daisy would like the red ones better.  Rudy the Roadrunner is jogging bye.

                                                    COUSIN GIL / ROCK AND KIDS 

             I've mentioned a few times over the last three days about how Mr. Steve's parents are from New Mexico.  Many of our boss's relatives still live there.  One, a Cousin named Gil Aaron; is the son of Mr. Steve's dad's brother.  Gil's sister is named "Joylene," or "Joy" for short.

          Dais heard our boss and his brother Rock talking about on the phone about how Gil Aaron is a "Hunting Guide," and does "Taxidermy."  My Dictionary says that's, "The art of preparing and nd stuffing the skins of animals to make them appear lifelike."  Dawn's barking. 

              When Mr. Steve, with Rock and his kids; visited Gil Aaron's business in New Mexico a few years ago.  And when they were there I guess Mr. Steve's Cousin gave him an 8 x 10 color photo he took of the Northern Lights.  He took that picture up there in Alaska Daisy says. 



                       PAINTING BY BALTHASER DENNER                            


         Hey Lord!  I really like that one song Mr. Steve played on his Boombox this morning.  It's called "Messiah" and, the part Daisy and I liked is when a choir sings "Hallelujah."  We thought of You up there in Heaven and had that feeling of "Rhêma" I've been writing about.                      

        This one Encyclopedia says George Friedrich Handel, who wrote Messiah; was a German "Baroque" composer like that guy Vivaldi.  But I guess he lived in England.  I've mentioned how in Europe Baroque means the period between the late 17th and early 18th centuries.                      

       Lord!  It says here Handel's Messiah, written back in 1741; is what they call a three part "Oratorio Choral."  He intended to "glorify the mystery and majesty" of Your life.  I really like    Handel's his long white wig and would for sure definitely wear one like that if I could.                                                                           

             KING JAMES I  (1566-1625)            

                     PAINTING BY PAUL VAN SOMER                            


          It's interesting how Handel's Messiah was influenced by the English language Bible paid for by King James I that I wrote about.  I've mentioned how King James' "Reign," in the early    18th century; is called  "Jacobean."  Boy!  I really like shoes with bows on them.                            

          Oh! I wonder if our boss knows this?  I guess Handel's "original" 1741 version of Messiah was "modest in scale" but after he died others, like that guy Mozart for instance; "amplified" it  in its "sonic dynamics."  I've said before how Mr. Steve likes heavier versions of music.                 

          All of sudden I'm hearing Vivaldi's song La Primavera.  Hey Lord!  My Encyclopedia says Handel's song is partly about Your raising from the dead and going back up there to Heaven.  I    can see how the Sun is now totally above the eastern horizon behind the three Sheds.                     


                BILL HANDEL AND FAMILY                  SAMANTHA / MISS PEGGY                  


          In my books I've mentioned that Jewish guy Bill Handel's morning L.A. Radio show Mr. Steve at times listens to.  I wrote about how Bill Handel and his wife have twin daughters and one looks kind of like Mr. Steve's Niece Samantha.  That Dragonfly just zoomed bye.                            

        On Thursday, in book one; I wrote about how Bill Handel's twin daughters had their "B' not Mitzhav" ceremony over there in Israel.  It was held at "Masada" which, as I've mentioned a few times; is King Herod's "Fortress" built up on a mountain.  A Duck is quacking.                       

          I wonder if that German guy Friedrich Handel was Jewish?  I'll bet he was Ashkenazi Jew just like Bill Handel's family and Mr. Steve's two ex-girlfriends, Emily and Harriet; too.  I smell the baby Cholla cactus over there in the dirt and that makes me think of Heathcliff.                      


            MARIAH CAREY                            EMINEM                            LEONARD COHEN            

                             PHOTO BY ROB LATOUR                                                                  UNIV. MUSIC GROUP                                                      PHOTO BY FABRICE COFFRINI                                                                                

          Last night Daisy and I looked up at the sky and thought about Heathcliff dying.  Dais told me about a tv show her and Millie saw about sad songs.  One was called "One Sweet Day" sung  by a very talented girl named Mariah Carey and these guys called BOYZ II MEN.                         

        Dais says that tv show played PINK FLOYD'S song "Wish You Were Here" and "Dust in the Wind" by KANSAS.  The BEATLES song called "Yesterday" was on there and so was a song by one of the guys from GENESIS.  A Crow is cawing out there in the eastern desert.                     

        Hearing in my head Handel's Messiah, now makes me think about that one song Dais told me about; called "Hallelujah."  It was by this Canadian guy named Leonard Cohen and I guess that tv show called it a "Secular Hymn."  Now two Crows are squawking out there.                                   



       Ah!  Just as I'm about to mention a sad song called "Mockingbird" by that "Rap" singer Eminem, I see a chubby Mockingbird sitting on a tree branch.  I've said before how Eminem was born on October the 17th just like Mr. Steve's brother Rock.  A Duck is quacking.                          

         Hey God!  Dais noticed how many of the songs on the tv show were all about what they call the "impermanence" of life.  And some sang about giving thanks for all the things You've given    us down here on the Earth.  The one Mockingbird is imitating a Sparrow right now.                       

       Daisy noticed some of the songs on the tv show mentioned about wishing you'd told people things when they were alive but; now it's too late.  I guess Mr. Steve's Niece Stephanie believes in that one old saying, "Life is too Short."  That Mockingbird just darted into the desert.                                                                      

                                             ST. JEROME (347-420 A.D.)  

                                                            PAINTING BY DOMENICO GHIRLANDAIO    


          I'm still thinking about The Lord's Prayer.  As I wrote yesterday, that one 5th century A.D. scholar Saint Jerome translated into Latin the original Hebrew and Greek "Scriptures."  But his first version of The Lord's Prayer didn't have that last sentence I've mentioned in it.  

          Hey Lord!  St. Jerome was kind of like St. Paul but instead of being hit by lightning he got sick, had a vision; then almost died so dedicated his studies to You from then on.  As I've said, it would be great to have a vision even though it might be kind of scary.  I smell Juniper.      

          As I've written before, King James I sponsored an English version of the Bible and was the one who "Succeeded" Queen Elizabeth I.  As leader of Scotland his title was "King James VI."  His Great-Grandfather was Henry VII and his mother was Mary "Queen of Scots."  


                             ROXY MUSIC                                                   STEELEYE SPAN                                                                                                        

         Hey God!  Did You just make ROXY MUSIC'S song "Virginia Plain" pop into my head?  As usual, it makes feel so good to hear the sound of the oboe.  Fannie and Freddie are flying out into the eastern desert and are talking back and forth with each other as they wing along.             

        Oh!  Now I'm hearing STEELEYE SPAN'S song "Jigs."  Boy!  I feel like dancing but, I'd better stay disciplined; and keep working on this third and final book.  Someday I might learn to  use spoons as a percussion instrument the way the girl from STEELEYE SPAN does.                     

        Over the last three days I've mentioned a few times how my favorite musical instrument to listen to is a flute.  But, the more I hear that song Jigs; the more I like the sound of a mandolin.    It's too bad none of the members of my favorite band DEVO play flute or mandolin.                                

                                   "SCRUB JAY"                                      "BLUE BOY"

                                                                                            PAINTING BY THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH


           Ah!  The Scrub Jay "Blue Boy" is standing on a boulder over there.  I've mentioned how Mr. Steve named him after that one Thomas Gainsborough painting down at the "Huntington Library" and Museum.  The Scrub Jays are not "Bluebirds" like Frida and Diego.  

          Boy!  I wonder why Blue Boy's girlfriend "Linda" still  isn't with him.  Daisy, who's most likely on the driveway licking her paws for her Arthritis; thinks Linda's probably busy building the nest for this new year.  I'll bet Max's girlfriend 99 is doing the same exact thing too.

          Daisy told me she's noticed how Scrub Jays, who are actually related to Crows and not to Bluebirds like Frida and Diego; also hide food like Crows too.  That's such a smart thing to do, just in case they might need it later.  Some people feed Scrub Jays right out of their hand.    


                                                                                      "SCRUB JAY" NEST

                                                                                              PHOTO BY LIZ MCMASTER   


           Usually when you see Blue Boy you'll see Linda because they often look for food together.  Daisy told me Scrub Jay eggs are blue and the babies are gray and have red on their head when born.  She says Scrub Jays are smart, and imitate Hawks to scare away the other Birds.

           Seeing Blue Boy makes me feel a little bit better, even though I'm still thinking about how Heathcliff is gone.  I know Daisy's thinking about it too.   She says Scrub Jays will re-hide their hidden food, and once saw a boy Scrub Jays guarding as the girl Scrub Jay made their nest.

          Another thing Dais told me was how, like Crows; Scrub Jays will kind of have funerals for a dead friend.  They screech and squawk around the dead body.  Daisy says Blue Boy's girlfriend Linda was named after Linda Ronstadt, the girl Singer who I guess grew up in "Arizona."  


                                                             LINDA RONSTADT


            In my first two books I've mentioned the 1979 trip that Mr. Steve took with his friend Mark Ritter who died.  In Mark Ritter's red Truck they drove through Arizona and New Mexico.  One of Mark Ritter's Cassette tapes they had with them to listen to was by Linda Ronstadt.

         Daisy heard our boss say he and Mark Ritter liked Linda Ronstadt's "eclectic" music, but also thought she was so pretty too.  I guess, she was raised on a Ranch near "Tucson," and one of Mr. Steve's customers described Linda Ronstadt's family as being "Arizona pioneers."     

        One of the songs on the Linda Ronstadt Cassette was called "Blue Bayou."  That's why our boss calls Blue Boy's girlfriend that name.  The song was originally written by Roy Orbison but, according to what Dais heard; Mr. Steve likes Linda Ronstadt's 1977 version much better. 


                    MR. STEVE / CELINA                                    SUSAN, CELINA, GRANDMA CÓRDOVA, 

                                                                                                         MR. STEVE'S MOM, FATHER MAHAN

                                          (JUNE, 1985 / "VATICN SQUARE" ROME)


                One morning as the Sun was coming up and Mr. Steve was watering the trees he told Mr. Mike his dead sister Celina, who died in 2004; also really liked Linda Ronstadt's version of Blue Bayou.  Their mom's Girl Scout troops sang it too.  I keep on hoping to hear Heathcliff.

           On the 1979  trip through Arizona and New Mexico in Mark Ritter's Truck, they spent a night in Tucson.  When Mark Ritter later moved to Arizona, for a few months lived kind of near Tucson.  Blue Boy just flew away right now, and is going over Libby's Corral to the south.

           I've mentioned a few times over the last few days how, after she died Mr. Steve kept many of Celina's things like Video Tapes and Audio Cassettes.  When he hears Blue Bayou he thinks of her now Daisy told me.  He still has a few of Celina's Linda Ronstadt Cassettes in her case.


CELINA CÓRDOVA (1962-2004)


                 Mr. Steve and his mom one time remembered what a talented "Seamstress" Celina was. As a "Dispatcher" for that Long Beach Auto Repossession company in Long Beach.  Hey Lord!  I guess Miss Celina believed in You and Mr. Steve says she's up there with all of You Guys.

            From what Daisy and Millie heard, Mr. Steve thinks his sister might've accidentally taken too many "Pain Killer" and "Sleeping" pills and it killed her.  It was sort of like what that girl Marilyn Monroe might've done.  But, things were going badly in her life our boss says.

            Hey Miss Celina!  If you just happen to be up there mind reading me right now, I want to tell you Mr. Steve and the family miss you a lot; and think of you.  So, as Sister Rita Joseph said; you're still alive "in their heads."  Hearing Linda Ronstadt still reminds our boss of you.    


      HANK WILLIAMS SR. (1923-1953)                              MARIA CALLAS (1923-1977)


        Daisy and Millie one time heard our boss talking on the phone with a customer who's near Tucson.  That guy said Linda Rondstadt, who sang many styles of songs; was influenced as much  by Hank Williams' Country songs as the Opera singing of Maria Callas.  I new smell Sage.           

             Mr. Steve's customer told him Linda Rondstadt's Great Grandfather came to Arizona from Germany in the early 1840's, or even before the Mexican War.  At that time the "Southwest" was still part of Mexico.  So I'll bet Linda Ronstadt's descendants had to learn to speak Spanish.

         Mentioning the city of Tucson makes me think about a Car Daisy told me was named after the city.  Yesterday I wrote a little bit about one of Mr. Steve's customer in Georgia who's a Parts Manager at a "Hyundai" dealership.  Blackbeard and Anne are flying toward the east.


                                                                                2014 HYUNDAI "TUCSON"


                  Oh wow!  I really like how those Hyundai Tucson's Cars look.  As I've mentioned often, I'm still afraid of riding in Cars but; if I ever had one I'd want it to look like the Tucson in this picture.  Boy!  Royal blue is my favorite color, but green and red are pretty good too.  

                  As I said yesterday when I wrote about that other Car called the "Santa Fe," Hyundai is a Korean company.  As with many of the other Auto "Lines," Mr. Steve once did a line drawing of Hyundai's logo.  Frida and Diego are flying toward the northeast, and seem to be happy.

                Dais heard our boss's customer tell him about how Linda Rondstadt's Great Grandfather was "gambling" his family could do better in Arizona than Germany.   Mr. Steve's parents kind of "Took a Chance" coming to California from New Mexico.  I can smell Theodora's bush.      




                   I've mentioned how, in the early 1990's; Mr. Steve's family was involved in "Gaming" industry.  That's mainly why, because they "Know the Numbers;" our boss and his father never gamble.  Daisy heard the Parts Manager in Arizona say he and his dad like to play "Poker." 

             Mr. Steve told his customer the biggest "Card Room" in the world is not in Las Vegas, Atlantic City or Monte Carlo; it's the "Commerce Club" right here in Los Angeles.  In those type of Casino's you can only play cards.  Our boss and his dad have been there.  I smell Sage.

             Daisy heard our boss tell that guy no "Slot Machines," or games like "Blackjack;" are allowed in Card Rooms.  But you can play card games, including an Asian one called "Pai gow."   One time a Vietnamese lady told Mr. Steve Pai-gow can be also be played using "Domino's." 





                  The city of "Commerce," where that big Card Room Casino is located; is in an area that used to be land on one of those "Californio Ranchos" I've written about over the last three days. Those 1830's "Vaquero's" were "Prototype Cowboys."  Two of the Pigeons are flying bye.

             A lady one time told our boss in the "Old World," in Europe; only "Aristocrats" were "permitted" to ride Horses.  But in the "New World," like here in early 19th century California; "bravery, ability and horsemanship created a "new type of Aristocracy."  Dawn's barking.

            Part of the material Mr. Steve and his parents had to read as Mission Guides was about the different Cow Ranches up here in "Alta" California after Mexico broke away from Spain.  One was the "Rancho San Antonio," where Commerce is now.  Libby's scent just floated in.




                  I'm looking at the map of L.A. but it doesn't list the city of Commerce, which is just to the southeast of "Long Beach."  You can really see how big in size Los Angeles is when you study the map.  Some Motorcycles zoomed bye out there on Primavera Road, and left dust behind.

            Daisy says Mr. Steve's Niece Stephanie sometimes drives his parents to visit with a Priest from New Mexico named Father "David" at the Commerce Club.  They have lunch there.  For some strange reason, seeing the dust lingering in the air out there makes me feel better.

            In 1992 and 1993 Mr. Steve, his brother Rock and their father worked in this other Card Room called the "El Dorado."  From what Daisy heard our boss say one time, it's located in the city of "Gardena;" which on the map I see is near "Redondo Beach."   Libby whinnied.  



          Dais heard our boss one time talking with his brother Rock about how now the El Dorado Card Club is called the "Hustler Casino."  It was bought back in the late 1990's by a man named Larry Flynt.  Charlie Company and all of their new babies are out there behind the Sheds.           

       One time at the El Dorado Casino our boss and his father talked with a man from South Korea.  He told them his family were "Farmers," who moved here in the mid-1960's.   He kind of chuckled when Mr. Steve's dad told him he associates South Korea with "extreme weather."         

         Hey Lord!  The South Korean community up here in our area of the desert are like us in wanting to believe in You.  The lady who runs the Cleaners next to Stater Brothers, and cleans      and repairs the quilt blanket Mr. Steve's sister Celina made; is one of those.  I smell Libby.           


                                                       "MONARCH" BUTTERFLY


             Oh!  The Monarch Butterfly that's been hanging around here for three days is flying bye right now and that makes me feel better.  Daisy thinks Butterflies are a sign of good luck and I kind of want to believe that too now.  Mr. Steve's mom really likes to watch Butterflies.

             I'm still thinking of that painting of King James where he's wearing fancy clothes and the shoes with bows on them.  The more I think about it the more I really do believe someone might be able to make money selling shoes for Dogs.  Boy!  I'd love to have my own good Crown. 

             Hey Lord!  I just thought of how, by the 17th century; there were those three types of Christians.  There were original "Roman Catholics" like us and the "Greek Orthodox."  In the 16th century those different "Protestant" groups I've written about started up in Europe.  

                                                                                                                                  MARTIN LUTHER (1483-1546)           

PAINTING BY SERGIO ANDRES SEGOVIA                             


        Mr. Steve has a few different Bibles, like the King James Bible or the one that guy Martin Luther translated into German.  He keeps most of his books etc. on the bookshelf in the hallway  Daisy told me.  The strong smell of some Penstemon just came floating in from the desert.             

      I just thought of how, a century before King James; King Henry VIII had asked the Pope "Grant" him a "Divorce" from his first wife because she couldn't have any babies.  He wanted a  male "Heir" to run  England after he died.  King Henry ended up having six wives total.               

      When the Catholic Pope said no to him, Henry VIII just created his own religion; calling it the "Anglican Protestant Church of England." Then he "Dumped," or "Got rid Of;" his first       Spanish wife and married a "Brand New" girl.  Donald and Daisy are quacking over there.                    

                      HENRY VIII (1491-1547)                         ELIZABETH I (1533-1603)                            PAINTING BY HANS HOLBEIN THE YOUNGER                                                                                                                                 


           I mentioned a few times how that lady Queen Elizabeth I was Henry VIII's daughter from his second wife named Ann Boylein; who he had "Beheaded."  Queen Elizabeth was a "Capable" leader our boss thinks.  She was brave in 1588 when England beat Spain's naval "Armada."         

        Someday God, I'd sure like to have my own Bible to read; from "Cover to Cover" as they say.  This one Encyclopedia says King James' Bible was the third English Bible because Henry    VIII and Queen Elizabeth also "commissioned" English Bibles too.  I love the smell of Sage!         

        Famous Englishmen like Sir Walter Raleigh, Sir Francis Drake and William Shakespeare  were "Subjects" of Queen Elizabeth I; so are now associated with her "Reign."  A big Lizard just went and hid under one of the large boulders around the bottom of the Mulberry tree.                   


       THE "UNIVERSE"           


       Thinking of Heathcliff being gone makes me realize God how fragile life is and how small we are in the "Overall Scheme of the Universe." Boy!  Daisy's about sixteen years old, so will likely    not be around much longer.  Ugh!  I shudder just thinking about how awful that would be.           

      According to what it says right here in this one Encyclopedia, the "Universe" can be defined as being, "All of space and time and their contents."  And that would include things like planets,  stars, galaxies and many other "forms of matter and energy."  I can smell some Manzanita.          

    Boy Everyone way up there, I sure hope Dogs and Roosters like Heathcliff are allowed to go into Heaven and be with all You Guys.  If it is allowed then I'm positive Heathcliff is up there.  If  you just happen to be hearing me Heathcliff, pray for all of us still down here in Piñon Hills.                    

       OUR SOLAR SYSTEM'S "GALAXY"                          OUR "SOLAR SYSTEM"                                      

          Wow God!  How could anyone like You have even created such a huge in size thing like the Universe?  I've mentioned before how, Scientists think You made it about fourteen billion years ago; and our "Solar System" was formed ten billion years after that.  Dawn's barking.                  

       You created our Universe God,  Mr. Steve and his father think someday our Solar System may die. Over millions and millions of years, the eight Planets gravity may gradually "effect one  another."  In a "Domino Effect;" orbits change; and Planets could crash into each other.               

      This one Encyclopedia says, when our Sun dies; in its "luminous late phase of life" it will become a "Red Giant."  It will expand, burn up the Solar System; and collapse like a "House of  Cards" as they say.   Then, in its "remnant final stage" it will be a dense "White Dwarf."              


                        "VENUS"                                           EARTH'S "MAGNETIC FIELD"            


         I just thought about that Planet "Venus," which this one Encyclopedia calls "earth's sister planet."  The second Planet from the Sun, it's about the same size as us; but is way too scorching hot to have any life able to even survive on it.  Donald and Daisy are quacking over there.             

        On Thursday I wrote about the Solar System's "Goldilocks" area where Earth is in.  We're just the right distance from the Sun so, it's not too hot or cold to prevent an "Atmosphere;" or      what Stephen Hawking calls the "Habitable Zone."  Two of the Pigeons just now flew bye.            

        This really good painting shows how Earth's "Magnetic Field" deflects the Sun's "Charged Particles" and "Solar Winds," so they don't come down and kill us.  Hey God!  Did You give the  Earth its magnetic field and ozone layer?  Daisy thinks it had to be You who did that for us.                                              



        One night Daisy and Millie were in the living room, and saw this really good movie from 1977 called "Close Encounters of the Third Kind."  I guess, it's mainly about U.F.O.'s coming to Earth.  Andy's over there sniffing the air and alertly guarding the hole from Goliath or Cher.       

        Daisy told me, the Aliens try to communicate with the humans by using these five kind of eerie-sounding musical notes.  Dais heard that, some people say there are three different kind of "Close Encounters" with Aliens from Outer Space.  All four of the Pigeons just flew bye.              

           According to Dais, part of the movie Close Encounters is about how the Aliens bring back some people who had disappeared into that "Bermuda Triangle" area.  And, the biggest U.F.O.    Space Ship lands on top of a tall and giant "Butte' called "Devil's Tower."  I smell Andy.               


         "DEVIL'S TOWER" (WYOMING)       

              PHOTO BY CREATIVE COMMONS         


          Mr. Steve's customer in "Wyoming" said a Butte is "kind of like" those "Mesa's" in New Mexico, "isolated" hills with "steep" sides and "flat" tops.  I've mentioned how in Spanish the      word "mesa" means "table."  A group of little Sparrows are flying over Libby's Corral.                

        According to my French Dictionary "butte" means "small hill."  This Encyclopedia says how Devil's Tower in Wyoming is about "twelve hundred" feet tall, and is "approximately" one    mile "around in diameter."  Libby's over there eating some of her hay, which I can smell.              

          There must be a lot of Bears living near Devil's Tower because the Parts Manager told Mr. Steve the "Cheyenne" and "Arapaho" tribes call  it "Bear's House."   The "Lakota" name for it  is "Matho Thílipa," means "Bad God's Tower."  Oh!  Maybe that just means the Devil?                            

     "HOODOOS" (WYOMING)      


        Yesterday in my second book I wrote about the unique "Rock Formations" over there in what is now the country of Turkey.  And, I also mentioned those weird things in Wyoming called "Hoodoos." Some think Devil's Tower is an old volcano but Mark Ritter said it wasn't.                  

         Someday I'd really like to see those "Dormant" volcanoes to the northwest of our house.    But, I know they're not nearly as big as the one over there on the "Big Island" of Hawaii; where  Mr. Mark's family lives.  Ah!  I can smell the new baby Cholla cactus growing over there.              

         Daisy told me, in the movie Close Encounters a man and a lady actually climbed up to the top of Devil's Tower; to see a giant shiny U.F.O. land on top.  As You know God, it kind of made    Daisy think of You giving Moses the "Ten Commandments" on "Mount Sinai."  I smell Sage.       



           PHOTO BY DAN GALISSINI             


       Hey God!  According to Dais, in the movie Close Encounters that man climbing up Devil's Tower told the lady going with him not to look down.  So it kind of reminded her of that one Old  Testament story of Lot's family leaving their home town.  I can hear some Crows cawing.            

         I guess God, the Angels warned Lot's evacuating family not to turn around and look behind them as You destroyed those cities of "Sodom" and "Gomorrah."  But, in the "Book of Genesis" story; Lot's wife disobeyed You so turned into a pillar of salt.  Mr. Steve went to the Dead Sea.      

   One time Mr. Steve told Miss Babette about what he described as the "desert terrain" all around the Dead Sea, and how hot it was when he and the Tour Group visited that area.  I guess you could even see the salt evaporating from the surface of the Dead Sea.   I smell Sage.                             

2014 G.M.C. "TERRAIN"      


        Daisy and Millie heard our boss talking with a "General Motors" customer about one of those Sports Utility Vehicles, called a "Terrain."  The Parts Manager said they first came out in    2010,  and used the term "mid-size" to describe them.  Two of the Pigeons just flew bye.                

        According to what Dais heard the Parts Manager say that one time, last year Terrain Car "Exteriors" started coming with better "chrome trim;" and their "Interiors" were improved.  I  just glanced up and see two crisscrossed vapor trails way up there.  Andy's looking at me.             

        Well, back to writing about Venus.  I'm so glad I figured out a place to insert the subject of that movie Close Encounters.  As usual Daisy was right in saying I'd find a place to put it in as I  went along.  Boy!  It's really hard to believe we won't hear Heathcliff any more.                                           



          This Encyclopedia calls "Venus" the Roman Goddess of "love, beauty and prosperity,"  to the Greek's she was "Aphrodite."  Venus was the "Mother of Rome," and was "worshipped" by many "cults" at "annual festivals."  Julius Caesar said he was related to Venus I guess.                 

        It says here the Goddess Venus represented "balance in life" to the Romans.  She had the power to "temper" the male personality and, before her wedding; a girl prayed to her.  Benjamin the Cow Bird ran bye, and is now flying over the fence on the north side of our property.               

         Alpha Company, with all of their new Spring babies; are using the two vertical openings on either side of the gate to go out into the back field behind the Sheds.   Angeline stands out by how big she is.  One time Daisy watched the tv news about a good Tennis player named "Venus."         


    ARIEL (1898-1981)   WILL (1885-1981) DURANT                    EDITH HAMILTON (1869-1963)                     


        One time Dais heard our boss and his dad talking about how Will and Ariel Durant, and that lady Edith Hamilton; wrote about the Roman Goddess Venus.  Mr. Steve one time told Mr. Ralph to go read some of their different books.  He did and I guess really liked them a lot.           

       A few years ago Mr. Steve bought and sold a few things from a lady who was also named Edith Hamilton.  She was surprised when our boss knew about the Writer, and told him she read the other Edith Hamilton in College.  And her classmates used to joke with her about it.                

         Daisy heard that lady also tell our boss Edith Hamilton's sister was the first female to ever be "appointed" to the faculty of "Harvard" University.  Wow!  That means she must've been as    smart as her sister.  I've mentioned how Mr. Steve's Uncle Marty graduated from Harvard.          




          It says here, before his navy beat Mark Antony and Cleopatra's Ships at the "Battle of Actium;" Octavian prayed to Venus as the "Goddess of  Victory."  Daisy heard Will and Ariel      Durant wrote about that huge battle.  I can hear Donald and Daisy quacking over there.                

           Miss Maria, who cleans Mr. Steve's parents house; was born on September the 2nd.  And, the Battle of Actium also took place on that date; but in 31 B.C.  Our boss and Mr. Dave one time talked about the movie "Ben Hur; and how Ships rammed each other back in those days.              

          Blessed Mother!  According to my Latin Dictionary "venia" means "grace" or "favor" in English.  And, I guess "venerari" would be translated as; "To honor or try to please."  Venus's    son named "Aeneas" fought and survived that "Trojan" War I've written about before.                





          I'm now looking at a 15th century Renaissance painting by this one Italian man named Sandro Botticelli.  The caption says it shows Venus being born from the "foam of the sea."  Daisy one time told me about how there's a good band who named themselves RENAISSANCE.            

          Dais says, in College at C.S.U.N; our Chief's mom studied art by Sandro Botticelli.  She likes his Birth of Venus painting and also likes his other work called "Primavera." Oh!  It says      here Blessed Mother that guy "Botticelli" did a lot paintings of You and baby Jesus.                       

        I've mentioned a few times over the last three days how Primavera means "Spring" in Latin.  And Primavera is also the name of the dirt road behind Mr. Steve's half acre of desert he owns on the other side of the fence.  I'm suddenly hearing Vivaldi's song "La Primavera."            




       In 1970, when Mr. Steve was fifteen, a Dutch band named SHOCKING BLUE did a song about a girl named Venus.  Blessed Mother, Daisy says SHOCKING BLUE'S girl Singer's name    was "Mariska" or "Mary" or "Maria."  I can smell Theodora's Creosote bush over there.          

          Daisy says our boss has played drums to the song called Venus and thinks that girl Mariska is pretty.  Their Drummer's left-handed and the guitar player sometimes plays one of those sitars from  India.  Dais and Millie saw a good video made for that song Venus I guess.                             

      From what Daisy heard our boss say, SHOCKING BLUE'S song, later in the 1980's; was "covered" by that British girl singing band called BANANARAMA.  Oh!  I really like the hats    BANANARAMA are wearing in a photo.  I'd definitely wear a hat like that for sure.                     


        STEPHEN FOSTER                            THE BIG 3                             BANANARAMA                                                     

         Hey God!  I'm still having a hard time not thinking about Heathcliff being gone forever.  And I know Daisy, as she licks her paws for her Arthritis; is up there in the front yard thinking about it too.  But, I'll just do what she said to do and focus on this third and final book.                 

           My Encyclopedia says the guy in SHOCKING BLUE who wrote Venus was "inspired" by a 1960's song called "The Banjo Song" by a Folk band called THE BIG 3.  Cass Elliot, who was    later in the MAMA'S AND THE PAPA'S; was in that band.  A Train whistled faintly.                     

         I guess The Banjo Song, was itself  "inspired" by an old 19th song called "Oh! Susanna;" written by that guy Stephen Foster.  I guess, now he's called the "Father of American Music;"      and was from Pittsburgh just like Mr. Steve's friend Rick's family too.  I smell Mesquite.              




        Daisy saw this tv show about the Second World War that showed a girl Bulldog named "Venus," who was the Captain's Dog on one of those big "Destroyer" Warships.  I guess Venus's Ship took part in operations in the Country of "Norway" in 1940.  It was damaged there.             

          That tv show mentioned how Venus the Bulldog was on H.M.S. "Vansittart.  It fought in the "Mediterranean Sea," near that island of "Malta;" even sinking a German U-Boat Dais told me.  In 1942 Venus's Ship tried to stop supplies going to Erwin Rommel's "Afrika Korps."           

        Oh!  This Encyclopedia says how the "Motto" on that Bulldog Venus's Ship was "Grata Quies Si Merita."  And according to my Latin Dictionary that would be translated to be, "Rest is Pleasant if Deserved."  Wow!  That sort of sounds like something Mr. Steve might agree with. 


                "TRIANGLE" SLAVE TRADE                                "CARIBBEAN" SEA                                                                  

        Oh my God!  I just noticed I forgot to write about that "Bermuda Triangle" area where Ships and Planes mysteriously disappear.  So, I have to do it now; even thought it might not fit in this section perfectly.  Oh well, at least I noticed it now instead of later when it's then too late.       

           Daisy and Millie saw a tv show about the Bermuda Triangle and it sounds so interesting.  I guess, at the beginning of that movie "Close Encounters," some men discover World War II era  Planes which supposedly disappeared over the Bermuda Triangle.   Andy's looking at me.             

         My Encyclopedia says what the man on the tv said too, how another name for the Bermuda Triangle is the "Devil's Triangle."  That sounds bad.  Hey God!  I wonder if the area is cursed as being part of that three century long Slave Trade Triangle I've learned about in these books?                                                                                            GRUMMAN TBM "AVENGER"                             


          Daisy heard our boss tell his father how Mr. Dave in Taos is interested in the subject of the Bermuda Triangle, and so was Mark Ritter who died.  I've mentioned how Mark Ritter studied    World War II Planes.  He knew about the Grumman TBM "Avenger" Torpedo Bombers.             

         I guess, in December of 1945 a squadron of Avenger Planes were over in Florida practicing bombing an old Ship out in the Atlantic Ocean.  But on the way back they all disappeared and those were the ones in the movie Close Encounters.  I smell Juniper from behind the Sheds.          

         It is kind of weird Dais thinks, how a Plane sent out to search for the missing Avengers also never came back.  Mark Ritter believed it exploded over the Ocean, and then sank quickly in the water.  The fast moving "Gulf Stream" waters then swept the remains to the north he thought.                          

       VAPOR TRAIL       

         I see a vapor trail up in the sky.  Mr. Dave thinks it's weird the main Pilot in "Flight 19," who led the Avengers from 1947; said his compass wasn't working just before they disappeared.  But Mark Ritter says there are "natural magnetic variations" sometimes.  Dawn's barking.         

           Daisy heard our boss and his father talk about Flight 19.  Mr. Steve's dad thinks the Pilots just got lost through "navigational error," ran out of gas and fell in the Atlantic Ocean; and then sank in the really deep waters there.  Or the Gulf Stream just pushed them way to the north.       

       Some people think the Bermuda Triangle area might just be one of those "Portals" into a "Parallel Universe."  Our boss and Mr. Dave have talked about that BLACK SABBATH song      called "Into the Void."  I can't wait to someday hear it because Daisy thinks it's so good.                

"ATLANTIS"                                                  "BIMINI WALL"


              Mr. Dave read some people think the mysterious disappearances of those Ships and Planes might have something to do with the "Atlantis" Plato wrote about.  Edgar Cayce predicted that    it would be found in the area of the Bermuda Triangle.  Oh!  I think that might just be it!              

        The tv show mentioned how Ships have sunk in the Bermuda Triangle since Columbus's time but it's mainly a post World War II "phenomena."  Mark Ritter used to tell people how bad the weather can get in all of that region.  I've learned a about a few of those big huge storms.        

          Daisy one time heard Mr. Ivan told our boss's dad he read how ocean floor "Methane" can sometimes "decrease the density of water."  Then, I guess a lot of bubbles are all formed; which    might effect the "Buoyancy" of a Boat going bye above it.   So the Boat falls down into a hole.      


   MAX AND 99         


        Oh!  Max the Hummingbird is over there, and is finally with 99 his girlfriend.  Boy!  We're  wondering where she's been over the last two days, and seeing her makes me feel like hiding my materials and running up front to tell Daisy.  But, I'll just wait until my first break.                        

      The sunlight is reflecting off of the surface of the water around the bottom of the Mulberry tree.  Oh!  It's a good thing those Birds who were drinking water are gone because Cher the Cat just came out from behind Moe.  And now her unique scent is floating into me.                               

     Wow!  Seeing Cher, who is now using the right vertical slot on the side of the gate to go out into the desert; makes me remember this time last year when I saw her do the exact same thing.  Little Blinky's barking.  Hearing his strong voice kind of makes me feel better.                               


                            "OSRICH" VERSUS "HUMMINGBIRD"                              


        As I've mentioned before, Hummingbirds are the smallest Bird in the world; the Ostrich is the biggest.  One flies so fast its wings look like a gray blur, and the other one doesn't even need    wings to fly at all.  Max and 99 are circling around each other, playing near the Sheds.                   

        Ostrich's can grow to be nine feet tall and a Hummingbird is two inches long.  Max is flying backwards right now while 99 is just hovering in the same spot.  Sometimes, when they play like  this; Mr. Steve jokes about how it almost looks like they're dancing with each other.                      

       In book one on Thursday I wrote about that Ostrich ranch near the town of Solvang here in California.  I also mentioned the big Ostrich egg shells Mr. Steve bought, over there at "Charlie Brown's" in Littlerock; where his brother Sam's family live.  I can smell Mesquite.                                

JOHNNY CASH (1932-2003)


         Daisy says one time she and Millie heard our Chief tell Mr. Randy about how he read that singer Johnny Cash had an Ostrich on his farm.  Oh!  I really like the bowtie he's wearing in this black and white picture.  It was taken when he was young in age the caption says.                           

        Mr. Steve said Johnny Cash's Ostrich attacked him, and tried to claw him to death; but it was a good thing he was wearing a thick leather belt with a metal buckle which saved his life.  I've mentioned how, in 1932; Johnny Cash was born three days after Mr. Steve's father.                

          I mentioned in book one how a Trainer at the Solvang Ostrich ranch said an Ostrich's huge claws can be "lethal."  He said their size, and "killing power" too; allows them to not need to fly  like many of the other Birds.  I see a long white vapor trail way up there in the morning sky.         



           One time, as they loaded Rex to go to the dump; we heard Mr. Mike mention these Jets  rich people fly around in.  So Mr. Steve told him about a conversation he had with a customer in  Kansas about the "Lear" Jet company.  Boy!  I just love how the air is so clear again today.          

            Mr. Steve used the word "luxury" to describe the small six to eight passenger Jets made by that Lear company.  Lear began in 1962 when he was seven, his brother Rock five; and Sam    one.  Their sister Celina was born back in 1962, and Susan then came the following year.               

          We heard Mr. Mike say he read about a man named Bill Lear, the one who first started that company for building "private business" Jet Planes for the wealthy.  Mr. Steve has been at    Van Nuys Airport a few times when he saw those Lear Jets.  Thank You for the air God!                                                        

     STEVE FORBES                              "FORBES" MAGAZINE      


            One time Mr. Steve's parents, in one of those "Meet and Greets" I've written about; met a man named Steve Forbes.  He publishes a "Business" Magazine for rich people.  Our boss told    Mr. Mike in "Forbes" Magazine there were always advertisements for those Lear Jets.                  

         For many years every month Mr. Steve's father was sent a copy of Forbes even though he never paid for them.  Mr. Steve says that's so the Salesmen could "puff up" all the "Circulation" numbers to "prospective advertisers."  Paying "Subscribers" are even more important.                

      I guess our boss read how Steve Forbes, who ran for President; has five daughters.  Mr. Steve's father told him he agrees with his idea of a "Flat Income Tax."   Steve Forbes was born in "Morristown," New Jersey where Uncle Marty's family used to live back in the 1970's.                

                                   "BEAVERTAIL " CACTUS             


         The scent of that Beavertail cactus out in the desert is stronger today.  Oh!  I think I smell a Beavertail cactus flower but how can that be because it's only the third day of Spring?  But, then again; some unusual things like that seem to happening over the last two days.                                

       Thinking about flowers makes me think how good it smells when the ground is covered by desert wildflowers.  In my first two books I've mentioned the "Poppy's."  To the northwest of the town of Littlerock, where Mr. Steve's brother Sam's family live; they grow wild.                             

         I've mentioned a few times how that lady Miss Susan, who used to run the local Newspaper; knows a lot about plants and things like that.  When people ask her about "Transplanting" the    wildflowers to their house she tells them it's often hard to do.  A Duck is quacking.                        





      I can't wait for all the different wildflowers to show up.  I really do like how those yellow "Marigolds" smell and look.  Miss Susan told Mr. Steve how, many wildflowers don't have very    deep "root systems;" and are some of those "Annuals" I've written about before.                           

        Even though those Annual type of flowers die after just one year, Miss Susan said they leave their seeds behind laying on the ground.  The seeds might go down in the ground and make new flowers but a lot of times they don't and just blow away.  Some Ducks are quacking.                       

      Daisy says one time our boss was doing yard work when a lady from down in Los Angeles parked her Car on the road.  She came over and asked Mr. Steve if she could pick some of our      wildflowers.  He said okay and even let her go into our back half acre for Marigolds.                                            



        Charlie Company must've been under Manny, but now Chosin is leading them all out into the desert.  They're going through the vertical slots on the sides of the gate, the babies using the    slightly thinner left opening.   A slight breeze just blew in their scents to me here on Elvira.           

         Hey God!  Did You make it so everyone around here is having their babies way earlier than usual this year?  Seeing, and now smelling; Charlie Company's babies suddenly makes me feel a  little bit better and gives me energy.  Boy!  I sure do wish Heathcliff was still around here.             

     Wow!  I can't believe what both of my nostrils suddenly just smelled right now.  The same exact breeze that blew in Charlie Company's scent also brought in the smell of those light purple wildflowers Miss Susan one time called "Lilacs."  A Train just whistled faintly right now.                              


            PHOTO BY ROSE MUENKER          


       Ah!  It is Lilac flowers I'm smelling right now and that may be another good sign!  Chosin the big boy Quail is now leading his group underneath Jack the big Shed.  Speedy Gonzalez just  ran through the wider right vertical slot on the side of the gate to go out into the back desert.        

         One time Dais and Millie heard Miss Susan tell our boss how Lilac flowers, back in ancient Greece; symbolized love.  Boy!  I feel like going up front to tell Daisy about the new Quail babies and Lilacs.  Ah!  The scent of old Sage just came floating in to me sitting here on Elvira.                

         Dais says our Chief told Miss Susan about a customer in Massachusetts.  I guess that Parts Manager said he, and his wife and kids; go every year to a "Lilac Festival" in Boston.  I've said a few times over the last three days how Mr. Steve's mom really likes to grow flowers.                                 



         Smelling those Lilacs makes me think of "Jacaranda" trees.  I've mentioned before how, when he lived down there in Sylmar; there were some Jacaranda trees growing on the sides of the neighborhood streets where our boss's family lived.  Ah!  I can smell some unfamiliar Sage.           

         Hey God!  Daisy and I would like to smell and see some Jacaranda trees, even though Mr. Steve says some people don't like their scent; and even say they "stink."  Mr. Steve and his mom like how they smell but especially like the purple flowers when in "Full Bloom."  I love Sage!       

        Mr. Steve tells people who don't like how fallen off Jacaranda flowers turn sticky, and can damage the paint on your Car, "for only a few weeks a year you get to see a unique sight."  It's so amazing to think of a purple tree.  I'd sure like to see that, and know for sure Dais would too.                    



        Daisy and Millie saw a Huell Howser episode about Jacaranda trees here in Los Angeles, and this man said they were originally brought to California in the 1890's from "Bolivia" and      "Argentina."  They "adapted well" to a Mediterranean climate he said.  Dawn's barking.             

         Mr. Steve thinks you just have sweep up the fallen Jacaranda flowers every day during the few weeks when the trees are "Blooming."   A blind lady told Huell Howser in her mind she can    still see the purple Jacaranda's.   She said she even like how the tree trunks looked Dais says.        

         I guess, Mr. Steve's mom has noticed how each individual Jacaranda tree has what she calls "their own timetable for blooming."  Mrs. Lindsey, the other Girl Scout leader; joked how they "marched to the beat of a different drum" like that guy Thoreau said.   I can smell Blinky.                            

HENRY DAVID THOREAU (1817-1862)                 ALBERT EINSTEIN (1879-1955)                


       Daisy says another man told Huell Howser many people see Jacaranda trees as "either a miracle or a mess." Hey God!  He mentioned how that guy Albert Einstein said there were "two ways" to go through life in seeing this physical world.  Two of the Pigeons just flew bye.                 

          Hey God!  Dais heard Einstein used to tell people that, "Either everything is a miracle or it isn't."  Huell Howser was told by a guy he interviewed, Tourists come to Los Angeles just to see    Jacaranda trees; but those who live here often don't like them.   I like how Blinky smells.              

        Mr. Steve was interested when Huell Howser interviewed the "Reverend" from the Church he goes to.   He's the one who called Jacaranda trees a "miracle or a mess."  He said he was an Artist, and when he came to Los Angeles he thought Jacaranda's were a gift from You God.                                         



          From what Daisy heard, that girl Miss Susan who works with our boss told him how her favorite flowers were purple "Lilacs."  She said one reason she likes them is because her mother liked them a lot when she was a girl growing up in West L.A.   Her mom already died I guess.       

          Over the last three days I've learned so much about some of the different colors.  And as I showed a few times, even though his favorite color is still green; Mr. Steve has come to also like    purple too.  His mom was very good at mixing oil paints to match the  shades of purple.                 

         I just thought about how, back in the mid-1980's; Mr. Steve, Miss Helen and Mr. Mark in Hawaii sold things for the company that owned the "Forum in Inglewood."  The Lakers, Kings    and Lazers Indoor Soccer too; all used purple as their "Primary color."  Dawn's barking.                    

                                    PRINCE                                                        MR. MARK                                                                               

         Daisy and Millie one time were in our boss's office and heard a girl on the phone tell him she read the concept of "Rhêma," which I've mentioned a few times over the last three days; is at times "associated" with purple.  Rhêma is Greek for "The Living word."  I smell Blinky.              

          Our boss and Mr. Mark one time talked about how that guy Prince is also associated with purple.  Daisy and Millie one time saw his movie, and heard the song he wrote; called "Purple      Rain."  Fannie and Freddie, talking to each other; are both now flying over Libby's Corral.          

          Someday I'd really like to hear a few Prince songs, and some of Mr. Mark's songs too.  But Mr. Mark's main job for making money to support his family is selling some advertising for the    "Internet Newspaper" he created.  Mr. Mark, like Mr. Grant; knows a lot about computers.             

             JIMI HENDRIX                          TAYLOR SWIFT                         KEVIN DUBROW             


       One time Daisy and Millie were in our boss's office and heard he and his Niece Samantha talk about how her Grandma is a really good Painter.  Over the years Mr. Steve has noticed that sometimes Musicians look pretty good wearing purple.  Libby just whinnied over there.               

          I've mentioned before how mixing red and blue makes purple.   Mr. Steve's mom is good at mixing all the different color oil paints to blend colors, and can come back the next day or later    to make colors which match something she had done on that painting before.  I smell Sage.           

        Daisy says our boss and Mr. Julio talked about the color purple, and how it's not a "Stock" color which they keep around like other colors.  When a customer wants something in purple they just order it.   I guess pink used to be like that until it became symbolic of breast cancer.            



        Another good movie Daisy and Millie saw in the living room one night was called "The Color Purple.  Dais thinks I would really like it because it's partly about how these two friends      overcome their really difficult lives.  That's like Homer Lea, Douglas Bader and Doug Flutie.        

         Daisy told me Millie liked the parts in the movie The Color Purple when the two lifelong friends play this hand clapping game.  Boy!  It sounds like it would be really fun from the way      Dais described it that time.  Hey!  We should invent a paw clapping game for us Dogs!                   

        Wow!  I can't believe it's already the end of chapter one.  That first hour went bye pretty fast considering how sad I am about Heathcliff dying last night.   Thank Everyone up there for giving me help down here.  I'll try hard to finish this third and final book no matter what.                 


        (CHAPTER 2 / PART 1)


                   VIEW TO THE EAST  

           I just glanced up in time to see a Bee zip out into the eastern desert behind the Sheds.  Bees really do like flowers so it will be happy when it smells those new Lilacs.  Boy!  It seems like a lot more Birds are now zipping around out there in the back desert behind the three Sheds.                

        Charlie Company's scouts just came out from under Jack and are heading for the northeast corner of the house to my left, at the far north end of the Patio.  This Lizard that was standing on the Patio floor ran out into dirt near the Arborvitae tree.  Boy!  I love how flowers smell.               

       When the "Coast is Clear" Chosin will lead Charlie Company up to the front yard too.  He knows there's plenty of food to eat because of how Mr. Steve spreads the Bird Seed and Chicken Scratch on the ground below his office window.   I see Libby over there in her Corral.                   


         WALT WHITMAN (1819-1892)               ABRAHAM LINCOLN (1809-1865)        

                                                                                                                                         PHOTO BY ALEXANDER GARDNER


        Smelling those Lilac flower makes me think about how Daisy and Millie heard Miss Susan tell our boss Walt Whitman wrote a poem about them in the 19th century.  It was "Symbolically" really about President Lincoln I guess.  I kind of like Walt Whitman's hat in his picture.                

          This long line of Ants, on the other side of Miss Emily's coffee table; is marching bye on the Patio floor.  The gray floor makes me think about "Concrete" again.  In my first two books I've    written about concrete a few times, mainly because Mr. Steve in interested in that subject.             

         Wow!  My Encyclopedia says a "Frenchman" made the first concrete "vessel" in 1848 and it was a metal "frame covered with concrete."  As I've mentioned, back in 1848; there were a lot  of wars going on over there in Europe.  My Dictionary says a vessel is, "A Boat or Ship."               




          My Encyclopedia has pictures of "abandoned" concrete Ships.  Mr. Steve had a customer in the central California coastal town of "Aptos."  He told our boss about about a concrete Ship up there which for a few years was used as a "Leisure Park" with a pool and everything.               

          Yup!  Charlie Company just came out from under Jack, and Chosin is now escorting them around the northeast corner of the house; at the far end of the Patio over there to my left.  He's    named after that Korean War battle.   Boy!  Hearing the baby Quail makes me feel good.              

        The first "completely concrete" Ship was built in the late 19th century over there in Italy.  Yesterday I wrote how, on "D-Day" in 1944; the Allies used concrete Ships to deliver the fuel and ammunition.  And then they were used as "Pontoons" for that "Mulberry" harbor too.                            


          A definition of a "Pontoon" is, "A row of Boats or floating objects connected together to form a bridge over which things are moved."  Julius Caesar's Engineers were good at making      wooden pontoons.  Pontoons were used at that Civil War "Battle of Fredericksburg."                    

        It says here concrete is "cheaper" than steel so, in both World Wars when the steel was "scarce;" concrete Ships were built.  But, I guess a concrete Boat needs a thicker "Hull;" so uses way more gas to "propel" it through the water.  I can smell Cher the Cat around here.                  

      Oh!  I guess one "drawback" to concrete Ships, if hit by a torpedo; they sink faster than a regular Ship made totally out of steel.  Wow!  Some Sailors even called them "floating tombs" or "coffins."  Because I don't really know how to swim yet, I wouldn't want to be in the Navy.



        WOODROW WILSON                                FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT     


       In World War I President Wilson "authorized" the building of concrete Ships.  And so did President Roosevelt in the Second World War.  I've mentioned how Woodrow Wilson's wife, after he had his really bad "Stoke; was secretly the "De Facto" American President for a while.            

        I've mentioned Huell Howser's tv show, where he goes around California visiting all of the different places.  He was going to do a show where Mr. Steve and his mother gave him a tour of    the San Fernando Mission.  Cher the Cat is walking out into the desert behind the Sheds.              

Daisy says our boss's customer in northern California told him Huell Howser visited Apsos    to see what's left of that concrete Ship I mentioned.  He described it as a "shipwreck." Daisy says she heard our Chief and his mom have never seen that one particular Huell Howser episode.        



                 PHOTO BY MICHAEL LEVINE                           


        Oh!  Max the Hummingbird is zooming around trying to impress his girlfriend 99 and he just made that one sound he makes.  He'll zoom up into the sky and show off.  Boy!  It would be    so great if someday a boy Dog ever showed off and then tried to impress me like that.                     

          I've mentioned how boy Hummingbirds "Court" girl Hummingbirds and right now Max is just a tiny spec way up there in the sky, as 99 hovers below.  I wrote about how the Nazi's studied Hummingbirds to figure out how to make Helicopters.  Ah!  I think I smell little Blinky!                

         Yup!  There he goes!  Max is streaking down to the ground with his two wings pinned really tight to his little body, and looks like a World War II German Rocket.  Oh!  I now can hear Dawn sad howling over there next door.  Boy God!  That kind of makes me think of Heathcliff.                                          "JUNKERS JU-87 STUKA"                                               "V-2" ROCKET             


          Wow!  It's so incredible how, just before he hits the ground; Max turns "On a Dime" and veers to one side.  As he comes down he looks like what a German Stuka Dive Bomber must've      looked like during the early part of the Second World War.  Rudy just now jogged bye.                  

          Oh!  Max just did his climb, dive and pass routine again but this time he and 99 flew away together.  Well, back to learning more about Europe in the century after the time of Christopher Columbus.  Queen Elizabeth's British Navy beat that big Spanish "Armada" in 1588.                    

          As I wrote before, in Spanish Armada means "armed."  Hey Lord!  My Encyclopedia says, when King James' English Bible was "published" in the early 17th century; the last sentence of    the Lord's Prayer was included in the Book of Mathew.  Some Finches are chirping.                                                        

           JOHANNES GUTENBERG (1398-1468)                    "PRINTING PRESS"                         


           I've written about how Mr. Steve's father thinks that German man Johannes Gutenberg's invention of the "Printing Press" in the 1440's was one of the most important things to happen in history.  Then, by King James' time; more people could read.  I smell that old Sage bush.  

          Wow!  Our four Pigeons, Fred and Ethel and Lucy and Rickie; are flying in from being out in the eastern desert.  And I see a Lizard over there standing on the wall next to the sliding glass door.  That exact same thing has happened before but I can't remember when it was.

          Thank Everyone up there for helping me take my mind off of Heathcliff dying.  By writing about the Lord's Prayer I sort of forgot for a few minutes about Heathcliff and I'll just go ahead and keep working.  Boy God!  I'm actually starting to kind of feel a little better now. 


                                                       "GUTENBERG" BIBLE      


            I've written about how Mr. Steve and his mom enjoy going to places like the Huntington Library where they have that one Gutenberg Bible.  I wonder what Dais is doing?  I'll bet she's sad too but I know she'd tell me to just be brave and "Stay the Course" as they say.    

           Hey God!  This morning Daisy said I was lucky to have a good project to keep my mind off of poor Heathcliff and she was so right.  I will dedicate this last book to Heathcliff!  Ah!  All of a sudden I'm hearing Vivaldi's song  La Primavera and that's giving me more energy. 

          Another Classical music song our boss Mr. Steve sometimes plays in the morning is called the "Rite of Spring."  I've never heard it but really hope to someday.  Daisy told me it's kind of a long song and I guess it was written by this one Composer from over there in Russia. 


                                                 IGOR FYODOROVICH STRAVINSKY (1882-1971)  


      This Encyclopedia says Igor Stravinsky, in 1913 while living in France; wrote the Rite of Spring.  I guess it's "rhythmic structure" influenced later 20th century Composers.  Dais told me one time about how Millie really liked the way it sounded and made her feel in hearing it.             

        It says here the Rite of Spring is about "Pagan Russia" before they believed in You God.  I guess part of that story is about how a girl is "sacrificed" by dancing herself to death.  Boy!  I've never, ever been so totally tired from dancing that I feel like I'm actually dying.                               

      I wonder if Mr. Steve knows that "Stravinsky" said his song was about, "The mystery and creative power of Spring."  Oh wow!  He also said, "Music praises God in ways better than being in a Church."  Now I really want to hear that song the Rite of Spring someday.                               



            Oh!  I just glanced up from my work and see Frida and Diego the Bluebirds standing over there.   Like Andy and Helen, Fannie and Freddie or Max and 99; you can just tell they're best      friends.  Boy!  Diego, like other boy Birds; does seem to be a lot more colorful this year.                 

           A Motorcycle just zoomed bye on Primavera Road, and I heard it coming from far away.  As I've mentioned a few times in my books, our dirt road behind Mr. Steve's half acre of desert; runs a north south direction.  Floating dust raised by that Motorcycle is rising in the air.               

         For some reason, all of a sudden I'm hearing this song called "Don't Stop Believing" by a northern California band called JOURNEY.  One time last Summer, as he worked out here doing yardwork, Mr. Steve played it on his Boombox.  Daisy says Millie liked JOURNEY'S Singer.                                                                      JOURNEY                      


          I was supposed to write about JOURNEY, who are from "San Francisco;" yesterday.  Boy!  Daisy thinks Don't Stop Believing is just as inspiring as Beethoven's "Ode to Joy."  Hey      God!  If it's You up there making me hear Don't Stop Believing right now then Thank You.           

            Mr. Dave joked some make fun of JOURNEY for writing "sappy" songs for "overweight girls."  But he and Mr. Steve like them.  I guess, our boss gave Mr. Mark that homeless man his    JOURNEY cassette with Don't Stop Believing on it, so he and Karma could listen to it.                  

        Daisy and I both noticed how our boss used the word "anthem" to describe Don't Stop Believing.  His friend Chris thought the song "structure" unique, because the main "Chorus" is  sung only at the very end of the song.   If I had a Dog band we could howl songs like that.                                                       



         Daisy heard our boss tell Jason about his High School friend Chris.  I've mentioned a few times how he played guitar.  Chris noticed Don't Stop Believing has two "pre-chorus's, and an    "instrumental pre-chorus;" before JOURNEY sing the actual words "don't stop believing."         

               I like how Don't Stop Believing starts slowly on piano, and then build up in intensity to be soaring and rousing.  Daisy thinks the guitar is good.  That song makes us feel like a prayer going up to You God, so we can feel the spirit and emotion associated with Rhêma and Awen.                  

          Over the last two days I've mentioned a few times how our boss's favorite QUEEN album is "QUEEN I."  Dais told me about a song on that album called "Keep Yourself Alive" and in some ways it's kind of like JOURNEY'S Don't Stop Believing.  Mr. Steve likes the drums on it.              




           Over the years Mr. Steve has showed people BEE GEES Videos to see their reaction when they hear the three brothers blended singing voices; or in the case of black people realize they're white.  One black girl said the BEE GEES "Harmonies" are a "gift of grace" from You.              

          Dais says the BEE GEES singing is amazing alright, but the actual music on their songs is really good too.  She heard Miss Susan at work say she thought they wrote and sang some of the best "Love" songs in history.  A flock of Birds is flying to the east way up there in the sky.             

          I guess Mr. Steve has been amused when he shows BEE GEES Videos to black people and they realize the BEE GEES are white.  Sometimes their jaws even drop in disbelief and they then laugh or shake their heads.  It is astounding how the BEE GEES singing sounds Dais thinks.                                                                                     


        Mr. Steve met this girl from Northern California who told him Steve Perry, JOURNEY'S Singer; is Portuguese.  She said the Singer from BON JOVI "admires" him, and so does Brian    May; QUEEN'S guitar player.  A boy Lizard is chasing a girl Lizard around over there.                 

    Back in 1972, when he was seventeen; Mr. Steve and his friend Chris met JOURNEY'S keyboard player Greg Rolie.  He was friendly and asked them where they were from.  Over the    years our boss has also shown people JOURNEY concert Videos just to see their reaction.             

       Daisy heard our boss tell Mr. Dave on the phone one time how he likes JOURNEY before, and after; Steve Perry became their lead Singer.  He used to play along to this song called "She    Makes Me Feel Alright" from their 1976 album.  That was before Steve Perry I guess.                   




        Daisy says our Chief and Mr. Dave talked about how before Steve Perry JOURNEY was more of one of those "Jazz-Fusion" bands.   Mr. Steve likes that song She Makes Me Feel Alright because it gives him a chance play the High Hat and Ride cymbal.  A Duck is quacking.                 

         As a Drummer, Mr. Dave went and listened to She Makes Me Feel Alright and later said he really liked that song too.  I've mentioned how, over the years; Mr. Steve has played songs from    his past for people like that kid Jason for instance.  He just likes to see their reaction.                     

        I've mentioned a few times in my first two books how Mr. Steve prefers heavier versions of the different styles of music.  Jazz-Fusion is a harder Rock variety of Jazz Daisy told me.  Rudy    the Roadrunner used the right vertical slot on the side of the gate to go into the desert.                                                                   RETURN TO FOREVER 


          I'm not scheduled to write so much about music now but thinking about that song Don't Stop Believing makes me feel like doing it now too.  Daisy says our boss likes this "Fusion" band from Los Angeles called called RETURN TO FOREVER.  I can smell a Lizard.                              

          Mr. Steve had a customer in New Jersey who knew a lot about Fusion music.  He told our boss RETURN TO FOREVER'S Guitarist Al DiMeola is also from New Jersey.  I've mentioned a few times how Mr. Steve's Niece Stephanie's boyfriend Rich from New Jersey too.                          

         Daisy says our boss thinks RETURN TO FOREVER'S musicians are good but they don't use a singer.  That guy in New Jersey said Al DiMeola once went up on stage to play guitar with    Frank Zappa, who I've been writing all about.  Aha!  I can see the Lizard now.                                                                      

       AL DIMEOLA      


        Dais told me our Chief has vinyl records by RETURN TO FOREVER, and also one of Al DiMeola's "Solo" albums; called "Elegant Gypsy."  Later today I'll learn about "Gypsy's," or "Roma" people as they call themselves.  The water in the basin is reflecting sunlight.                     

         When Mr. Steve and Chris met JOURNEY'S Greg Rolie in 1972 he was in that band called SANTANA.  I guess JOURNEY was formed in 1973 when our boss was in 12th Grade.  A small    girl Finch flew in to drink water from the basin around the bottom of the Mulberry tree.               

       In 1972 Mr. Steve and Chris were "Roadies" for that keyboard player Gabriel.  They were delivering his "Hammond B-3" organ to a place in Hollywood where it was going to be repaired.  And, I guess it just so happened Greg Rolie had an organ in there at the time too.                                             

            SANTANA (GREG ROLIE UPPER RIGHT)                              SANTANA ("WOODSTOCK" /  1969)                                                                                                                           PHOTO BY TUCKER RANSOM                                                 


          I guess in 1972 that place in Hollywood was also fixing Greg Rolie's Hammond B-3.  Greg Rolie admired Gabriel's "pedal setup."  Mr. Steve told him he liked Ansley Dunbar of England and a few years later, in the mid-1970's he became JOURNEY'S Drummer too.                               

         Mr. Steve remembers Greg Rolie joking that, if he hadn't become a Musician; he probably would've been an "Architect."  Mr. Steve says his mom and sister could've probably made good  Architects too.  Greg Rolie said that he went to High School near San Francisco.                             

      A few years ago this guy told our boss that, in 1972; Ansley Dunbar was the Drummer in Frank Zappa's band.  Mr. Steve and Mr. Dave talked about how he's right-handed and holds his left stick in that "Traditional" grip I've mentioned before.   Donald and Daisy are quacking.                                                 FRANK ZAPPA                                                            ANSLEY DUNBAR                                                                                                           

        That guy also told Mr. Steve how, in the mid-1960's; Ansley Dunbar was in England and tried out for Jimi Hendrix's band.  He did good but, so did the guy who ended up getting the job so; Jimi Hendrix did a "Coin Flip" to decide who to hire.  Ansley Dunbar lost I guess.                    

          Two Pigeons just flew in from the desert behind the Sheds and landed up on the patio roof right above me.  I wonder if all the Pigeons noticed this morning that there was no Heathcliff to    announce the day around here?  Oh!  I hear Heathcliff's Hens cackling over there next door.         

          I see a long vapor trail up in the sky.  Theodora just jumped up into her favorite Creosote bush near Jack.  Wow!  I really kind of feel right now as if that exact same "Sequence of Events" when I was hearing all of Heathcliff's Hens cackling over there has happened before.                                                          




         I just thought about that color Jimi Hendrix at Woodstock print, which is hanging in our boss's bedroom.  Someday, I want to see it.  I've mentioned how that print was given to our boss  by Mr. Rich, and was "Framed and Matted" by Mr. Oimette who died a while back.                      

         Daisy says, when our boss looks at that 11 x 14 inch color Jimi Hendrix print, he thinks of the nice conversations he had with Mr. Oimette at his house in Wrightwood.  Mr. Oimette knew a lot about the history of Jazz music and a few other subjects too.  Ah!  I love how Sage smells.        

          Mr. Oimette knew all about "Hammond B3" organs I guess.  He chuckled when Mr. Steve told him how in the 1970's he and his friend Chris, as "Roadies" for that guy "Gabriel;" had to    move a "B3" from "place to place."  Dais heard our boss tell Mr. Dave how B3's are heavy.                        



          A picture of a "B-3" shows a wooden "Lesley" speaker, which Mr. Steve also had to move around; next to it.  When they were growing up in Sylmar; Mr. Steve's friend Tim's mom had a    B-3 in their living room.  The Pigeons, who've been walking around up there; just flew away.        

          I guess that guy Tim's mother also had one of those wooden Lesley speakers too.  "Cones" in it would spin around the faster you played, and her B-3 even had a "Primitive" kind of "Drum Machine."  I look forward to someday hearing some of that band JOURNEY'S songs.                   

         Hey God!  Are You helping me to not think about Heathcliff by keeping me busy writing?  I think it might be working because, in writing about JOURNEY  I totally forgot about Heathcliff.  Oh!  In my mind I'm right now hearing Don't Stop Believing, which makes me feel "Uplifted."    


2014 DODGE "JOURNEY"    


           According to what Dais heard one time, there's a Dodge Car called a "Journey."  It's one of those Sports Utility Vehicles, and one of our Chief's customers told him he got one for his wife to drive her sons "Pop Warner" Football team around.  A Train just whistled faintly.                     

        I guess, that Parts Manager used the words "crossover" and "mid-size" to describe the Journey.  He told Mr. Steve they're made "down in Mexico," come with either two or four wheel  drive; and in parts of the world the steering wheel is on the right side.  Dawn's barking.                

           Wow!  I wrote more than I was scheduled to write about that band JOURNEY, but that's okay because like Daisy has been saying over the last two days; I can "improvise" as I go along.    Hey Heathcliff!  If you're up there mind reading me, we'll add you to our prayers now.                  



    Oh my God!  Theodora's over there with what is mot likely a boy Thrasher Bird, who's offering her food.  So Theodora is a girl and we were right all along.  They both just now jumped to the ground from up in the Mulberry tree branches and are running away together.  Wow!         

          Well God, like Daisy says, like it or not we all have to die.  Because she's so old she's been thinking about "Mortality" more lately and so has our boss.  And with Heathcliff gone she thinks we have to really not waste any time and live fully "In the Present" as that saying goes.

          As I've mentioned, our Chief stays busy and tries to make every day productive because he thinks about how short life is.  Dais says he thinks living in the moment, especially if you're doing art or learning; can sometimes take your mind off of life's normal everyday ordinariness.  


           Boy You Guys, thinking about mortality really makes me appreciate what Heathcliff was to us and how he seemed so young!  He had "meaning" in his life, to announce the day; just like  a Muslim "Muezzin."  It makes me think about the cycle of "Life, Death and Rebirth."                 

        Mr. Steve says his parents, like countless others; "Sacrificed" trying to make life better for their children.  Our boss and his siblings all have their own houses and, to a large extent; it's  due mainly to the efforts of their parents who didn't want them to be poor.  I smell Sage.               

          I'm so tempted to hide everything and run up front to tell Daisy the news about Finley's new girlfriend and Theodora's boyfriend.  But, I'll wait and do it after chapter four, when I take my first big break of the day.  The Monarch Butterfly just fluttered bye in front of the Sheds.       



            Aha!  I knew I was being watched and, sure enough; I just noticed that new Hawk sitting over there on a branch of the big Mulberry tree.  I didn't even notice it flying in which is kind of strange.  Oh!  Now that Hawk is looking at me over here on Elvira in sort of a weird way.             

          It's a good thing Chosin already took Charlie Company up there to the front yard because Hawks love to eat Quail.  Andy's sniffing the air and I can tell he knows that Hawk is there by his body language.   Oh!  The Hawk just lifted off and is now flying out into the back desert.               

      Boy!  Heathcliff being gone makes me think of how our boss's father says there's no such thing as a "life without problems."  Daisy thinks we're so lucky to not have to worry about food, water and a place to live.  Even here, in the richest country in all of history; many are poor.                                      



              Mr. Steve's Grandparents were adults during the 1930's Great Depression.  I've written about it before and will write more about it today too.  Life was really, really difficult and; most people and their Cats and Dogs were very poor because of how there so few jobs back then.  

              At St. Ferdinand's Sister Joanne Claire said, having a "sense of purpose" makes life "a bit more tolerable."  Ah!  My right nostril just now picked up the slight scent of some of the new Spring "Roses" over there next door.  I know for sure Daisy is up there smelling this too.

            Hey God!  As You of course already know, I now want my purpose in life to become one of those "Lifetime Learners" Sister Rita Joseph talked about.  I can't wait for our boss to read my books so he'll want to keep me.  But, I still have a lot of work to do today in this book.   




             A vapor trail is up there.  Hey God!  Even though I feel bad about Heathcliff dying, I'll just have to do like Dais says; "Hunker Down" and focus as much as possible on what I have to do today.  Even though, we're all still kind of in a "State of Shock" around here I think.        

                  I don't know if it's just me but the Birds; especially the Sparrows, didn't seem to be quite as happy this morning.  I heard a few of them singing, but not like you would expect on this third day of Spring.  Oh wow!  Maybe the other Birds around here noticed Heathcliff missing too?

           Today is Saturday so I have to be ready if Mr. Steve calls us to go watch cartoons.  If he does I've had practice hiding all of my materials.  Our boss doesn't usually make phone calls on weekends unless told to by one of his customers.  Two of the Pigeons are now flying bye. 


              MR. PEABODY / BOY SHERMAN                      UNDERDOG / GIRLFRIEND POLLY 

             Because today is Saturday, for his job Mr. Steve doesn't normally make any phone calls; unless he's told to by a customer.  He didn't do much yard work this morning, and so far; hasn't opened up the front door so we can go in the living room to watch Cartoons.  I smell Sage. 

            As I look around at such a beautiful sunny morning I keep feeling like I want to cry.  Hey God!  As You know, Daisy is now convinced You're sending me some messages through our boss's latest Chinese fortune cookies.  Frida and Diego are both now flying toward the northeast.  

            Last night Mr. Steve's two Fortune Cookies said, "Life gets hard near the summit;" and "Nothing is eternal, not even your troubles."   As You know God, Daisy and I now think You sent  those messages because today is probably going to be way harder.  Boy!  Sage smells so good.




                Oh wow!  Blue Boy's over there, and his girlfriend Linda is finally with him.  What really got my attention was the unique kind of screechy and scratchy sound of their voices.  Daisy and I have both noticed a few times how smaller Lizards are one of a Scrub Jays favorite foods.

           I'm thinking about how Scrub Jays sing around the body of a dead friend like a funeral.  They hide, and at times re-hide food; but are smart and will cleverly steal food from the other Birds if they can "Get away with It" as they say.  Scrub Jays imitate Hawks Dais told me. 

           From what Daisy and Millie saw on this tv show, Scrub Jays and Deer have one of those mutually beneficial "Symbiotic" relationships I've written about before.  Deer's let them eat the 
Ticks" from their fur, the Scrub Jays get food.  They even eat inside the Deer's ears I guess.    


                   WIND CHIMES                                                  "RANDSBURG"                


            Oh!  The chimes are ringing now so, this is a good time to write about a small town to the north of Edwards A.F.B. called "Randsburg," where those chimes up there were made.  In the      19th century gold was discovered there but now it's partially one of those "Ghost Towns."            

          Daisy heard our boss tell his mom on the phone one time about the lady who bought him those chimes.  He helped her fill out legal documents and, while in his house; she noticed things having to do with the Oakland A's.  Most of those things were gifts from others.                              

           At the house on Hagar Street that one lady liked the wooden Oakland A's "Coat Hanger" which now hangs near the entranceway to our house.  She also saw the chimes our boss had  near the sliding glass door going out onto the patio.  Miss Emily gave him the coat hanger.                     




               In my first two books I kept forgetting to write about Randsburg; which that lady and her son were visiting when they went into the chime making business.   I guess they had a lot of    colors but she thought of Mr. Steve.  I'd want blue ones but green looks good too.                            

             Oh wow!  What a coincidence that, just as I'm writing about chimes; a breeze just came in from the desert and is making them ring.  I hope You're making the chimes ring Holy Spirit,    and it would be so great if You were around again today.  Two of the Pigeons flew bye.         

            I'm still thinking of that Fortune Cookie.  This English Dictionary says an "Axiom" is a, "Statement universally accepted as being true."  And, my book of "Synonyms" says a "Maxim"  is another way of saying it.  Boy! I sure do hope Mr. Steve keeps eating fortune cookies.                 




            Mr. Steve was told in Randsburg, which has less than one hundred people; they filmed a Dwight Yoakam Video in the late 1980's.  Dwight Yoakam is "Associated"  with that one Country music style I wrote about called the "Bakersfield Sound."  I like his hat and guitar.                       

           Daisy heard our boss tell Mr. Doug on the phone one time how the Dwight Yoakam Video was for a song he "Covered" by that other band the BLASTERS.  He, and Mr. Doug; have both  seen the BLASTERS.  Mr. Steve took pictures of the BLASTERS' Dave Alvin Dais says.                

           Dwight Yoakam was born in the State of "Kentucky."  Mr. Steve heard Johnny Cash liked his music and he's "Opened Up" for bands very different from himself, like LOS LOBOS, X and even HÜSKER DÜ.  I wrote about HÜSKER DÜ back on Thursday in my first book.                     



PHOTO BY CHANG KIM             


       Oh!  Seeing as I just talked about Randsburg, this is a good time to write about another small Mojave Desert town I missed on my outline yesterday.  It's called "California City" and I    guess Mr. Steve bought things from a man who lived there.  He joked it was a "ghost town."         

          Dais heard our boss and that man talk about how California City began in the late 1950's as a "Land Speculation," which turned out to be a partial "Fraud."  The man said they said a      big huge Lake was under the ground there but it wasn't true.  Samson and Delilah flew bye.         

        From what Daisy heard the man say, California City is twenty miles north of "Edwards A.F.B."   It's part of the "Antelope Valley" just like the town of "Littlerock," where Mr. Steve's    brother Sam's family now live.  Andy's scent just floated in over here to me on the Patio.               




          I've learned so much about the early history of European "Alta" California over the last three days, and how Father Serra established "San Diego Mission in 1769.  That same year the    Spanish first saw the "San Francisco" Bay.  In 1775 that "De Anza" expedition happened.            

          The man told our boss in 1775 a Franciscan Priest named Francisco Garcés, part of the De Anza expedition; camped in the area where California City is located.  Back east in that year the "Revolutionary War" was about to start.  Motorcycles went bye out there on Primavera Road.    

         I've mentioned before how that guy Juan Bautista de Anza led two hundred and forty men, women and children north into Upper California, to colonize the San Francisco Bay area.  Mr.    Steve told the man from California City he and his parents read about that guy Padre Garcés.                     



       According to what Daisy heard the man tell Mr. Steve, in the late 19th century there were "Borax" mines to the east of where California City is now located.  And teams of twenty Mules    pulling Wagons used to take it out of the desert.  Borax is salt used to make glass or soap.              

        The man joked California City has only about fifteen thousand people in it, but "in actual size on a map" or "land area;" it's the third largest town / city in California.   Dawn's barking      over there.  I can smell Blinky and Rosie standing next to her, which makes me feel good.              

         They had "such big plans" for California City back in the early 1960's the man said.  Some  people got "partial refunds" of their money in the 1970's.  Dais heard how, now from high up in  the air you can really see clearly the outlines of what was intended to be a very big city.                



            Oh wow!  I just picked up the scent of some Rosemary bush's.  And now the smell of our neighbors "Oleanders" just floated in too.  Max and 99 will be really happy because it seems like this Spring all of the different types of flowers are coming out way earlier than usual.                     

         Blessed Virgin!  I hope You came in with the smell of the Rosemary bush because, even more than my first two books; I might need extra help today.   Boy!  Taking a deep breath    of fresh air right now makes me feel good.  Some of the Ducks are quacking over there.                  

        Smelling all the new Spring flowers makes me suddenly think about how "Flora" is the ancient Roman Goddess of "flowers" and "Springtime." This one Encyclopedia says they had an "annual" Spring festival called "Floralia."  Two of the Pigeons flew over top of the house.             


                                              "FLORA"                                  "SPRING FESTIVAL"

                                                                        PAINTING BY LAWRENCE ALMA-TADEMA


               I guess "floris" is Latin for "flowers" or "flourishing, and at the Spring festival people wore bright-colored clothes.  I guess the ancient Greeks called Flora "Chloris."  Mr. Steve one time bought a framed copy of a painting showing another Roman Spring celebration.

              Mr. Steve and his mom saw the real painting of that Spring Festival when they visited that "Getty" Museum near the beach.  The copy is the actual size of the original, about five feet tall and three feet wide.  It hangs in the "Entranceway" of Mr. Steve's parent's house.   

              In 1985 our boss walked around some of the city of Rome "On his Own, apart from his Tour Group.  He went to where the Romans used to race Chariots called the "Circus Maximus." An old Temple devoted to the Goddess Flora was kind of near to the Circus Maximus.


                                                            "OLEANDER" BUSH   


               Smelling those Oleander bushes next door makes me think about how Mr. Steve has such bad skin.  When they did what are called "Blood Tests" on him they found he's "Allergic" to Oleander flowers, peanuts and strawberries too.  Dawn's barking over there.  

              Many people are allergic to egg "Yolks" our boss says.  But he was told by the Doctors that he's allergic to egg "Whites."  I guess Daisy heard he "Knows from Experience" that he can eat eggs and peanuts in moderation; as long as he doesn't "Overdue" it as they say.

             Every day Mr. Steve starts by eating two toasted slices of bread, and drinking a glass of Fruit juice; along with those things called "Vitamins."  If he's out of bread he has one of those flour "Tortillas" I've mentioned before.  His mom makes really good "Fried" eggs.


                                                                       "BACON AND EGG" BREAKFAST     


             Our Chief likes his mom's fried eggs with bacon, her thick flour tortillas; and if she has it green or red New Mexico chili.  It's so weird to think about how eggs come out of girl Chickens just like Heathcliff's group still over there.  Boy!  Writing about food makes me hungry.    

             Now, usually the only time Mr. Steve eats eggs is sometimes when he stays at his parents house in Sylmar.  But, he can never eat even one strawberry or his skin will "Break Out" and get really "Itchy."  I can see a small Garter Snake now crawling out into the back field.  

             I guess, when they told our boss about Oleander bushes; it "Dawned on Him" as to why his skin was so bad when he lived down there on Hagar Street in Sylmar.  He always trimmed or cleaned the Oleander bushes surrounding his house.  He swept up many Oleander flowers.  



                                                                    PHOTO BY STEVE CÓRDOVA  


                    One time that kid Michael who lived up the street from Mr. Steve called kind of excited. He said, "Mr. Steve!  I was sweeping up Oleander flowers and thought of something."  Speedy Gonzalez just used the right vertical slot on the side of the gate to run into the desert.

             Daisy says that kid Michael asked, " You know how you joke about many things having two sides?  Well, the prettier the Oleander bushes are when they're all filed up with flowers; the more dead flowers there are to clean up later."  Mr. Steve thought that was funny.

                    Oh wow!  I smell some our neighbor's Rose bushes!  Ah!  Maybe smelling those Roses, and the Oleander's too for the first time this year; is Heathcliff up there trying to send us down a signal or gift?  I wonder if Daisy can smell all of the new Spring flowers up there?  



              I guess our boss thought about Michael years later when he heard a song called "Every Rose Has It's Thorns" by that band called POISON.  I've said a few times over the last three days how our boss thinks, the bigger the good, the equal potential for bad.  I smell Sage. 

             Ah!  A breeze came in from out in the eastern desert behind our three Sheds.  I again smell the faint scent of one of the new Rosemary plants I've been smelling for the last two days. Boy, I sure do hope that it's You Blessed Virgin, or Heathcliff, sending us a sign not to be sad.

            Boy God!  I really don't feel like writing today but somehow I just have a feeling I need to at least try anyway.  Daisy thinks I should write this third book in Heathcliff's honor and I think that's exactly what I'll do.  Hey Heathcliff!  I I will try to keep your memory alive!



            Oh!  Finley's over there again with his new girlfriend.  She was pecking his bill and is now flapping her wings so he'll throw up food for her.  But, he keeps on tricking her and just pretends to do it; so then she'll really want the food from him more and more and more I think.                   

                    By God!  For some reason, seeing Finley over there being so happy makes think about how Heathcliff is totally gone now.  Finley just finally threw up some of the food he was carrying around down there in his stomach.  A Train just whistled faintly over there to my left.

              Daisy says one time Mr. Dave told our boss he read a Magazine article which said that, over there in Europe; some pet Finches escaped from their cages and now the wild Finches have spread all around.  Oh!  Finley and his new girlfriend just flew out into the back desert. 




                    Hey!  I think I'll name Finley's new girlfriend "Fanny," even though we already have Freddy's Fanny too.  Oh!  We can have Fanny1 and Fanny2 like DEVO'S Bob1 and Bob2, and I'll name Finley's girlfriend after that girl band FANNY.  Yup!  That's what I'll do alright.

             One time Mr. Steve played an old 1970's FANNY Video for that kid Jason.  I've written about how FANNY was one of the first female bands who played their own instruments.  And I guess all four sang too according to what that Video showed of their band "Rehearsal."

            You can really tell how talented FANNY were by the Video but, from what our boss told Jason; they didn't make much money.  Instead, they "paved the way" for later groups like the GO-GO'S who did make money.  Two crisscrossed vapor trails are up there in the sky.     


                        ARTWORK BY TRAVIS MOORE    "WHISKY A GO-GO"           RORY GALLAGHER                   

                                                                                                                                                  PHOTO BY WERNHER KRUTEIN


                  Over the last two days I've written about how Mr. Steve has been to some of the different Nightclubs down there in in Los Angeles, like the "Whisky A Go-Go" for instance.  That's where in the early 1970's he and Sandy saw that guy Rory Gallagher.  A Train whistled faintly. 

            I guess also in the early 1970's Mr. Steve, Sandy and some of their friends saw FANNY at the Whisky.  Over the years our boss has played FANNY for people, to see their reaction to how talented all four of them were back in those days.  But, they never "Made It" as they say.

           According to Dais FANNY is two sisters, the Bassist and Guitarist; and also a Drummer and Keyboardist.  Those two sisters are originally from the Philippines Daisy heard, but came to live here in Northern California with their parents.  I guess they were just young girls then.    




                  According to Daisy, that kid Jason was very impressed not only at how all four members of FANNY sing; but their musicianship too.  The guitarist older sister plays really good "Slide" guitar on a song called "Ain't that Peculiar."  Oh!  Fanny and Freddy are flying bye.

            Dais thinks I would like this one FANNY song about a Bulldog because of how the girl on keyboards even has this part where she howls like me and Dawn.  Boy!  I would like to see that alright.  Ah!  Right now Dawn's doing her obligatory non-alarm bark over there.    

               One time our boss and Mr. Dave were talking about FANNY'S drummer, who plays the "Ride" cymbal on the Bulldog song.  Daisy likes the piano on that song but noticed how the bass and guitar are also good too.  I've mentioned how David Bowie really liked FANNY.