
   "COGNITO, ERGO; SUM"      

     Why Me?            


       (Book 1 / Part 1 / Chapter 1)            

                                                               -"ZETA" ORIONIS-                                                                                                                                                                             

                       7:30 A.M. /  THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 2014 / "VERNAL EQUINOX"





       "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference."                                                                                                                                                                                 Reinhold Niebuhr  (1892-1971)               

                                                                                      MAGGIE CÓRDOVA                                             


           Hello! My name is Maggie Córdova.  I'm a one and a half year old girl Dog, even though I don't really know exactly when my birthday is.  Boy!  It's too bad I can't talk, because I'd like to  tell my boss "Mr. Steve" things I've been thinking about over the last few days but; I sure hope    he'll be kind of impressed when he someday finds out I'm learning to read and write.                    

       I have a lot to say.  Hey God!  Sometimes, I know I "Daydream" too much; and kind of waste time "Dwelling" on unimportant things.   As You know of course, at times I do feel kind of like one of those awkward "Misfits;" but I want to believe You might have plans for me.               

          Oh!  I can smell a new Spring "Sage" plant but, this is only the first day of Spring?  I hope that's a "Good Sign" this might be a lucky year?  After one year of life, I now know what hot and cold weather is like.  God!  I think, given the choice; I prefer hot weather to cold weather.                                      




          Thank You God!  The scents are strong, Birds sing, the Sun to my front over the eastern desert is "Casting" longer shadows leaning towards me.   Oh!  Our neighbor's "Rooster" named  "Heathcliff  II" just crowed to my right, next door.  Some of his girl Hens are clucking.   

            Ah!  Hearing Heathcliff reminds of that other time when his voice suddenly made me feel a part of life down here on Earth.  I'm so happy because the Winter was kind of cold and now the weather will heat up.  No matter what, I want to believe the next three days will be good.       

       For most January the 1st is "New Year's Day" but not for us because my boss Mr. Steve considers today, this first day of "Spring;" to be our New Year's Day.  And I want to like what he likes so he'll like me.  I'll celebrate, even though he doesn't celebrate that much anymore.                                                                

                                  THE "TWINS"                                                  


             Oh!  I smell those two "Joshua" trees out there in the eastern desert so, maybe that is another sign this will be a good year?  I sure do want to think so.  Those two Joshua's back there grew up so close to each other that Mr. Steve jokingly calls them the "Dancing Twins."        

            I'm back here on the "Patio;" sitting on my "Couch" I named "Elvira."  I gave Elvira a name because my boss Mr. Steve, who "Rescued" me; names things.  I guess, another name for a couch is "Sofa;" and Elvira's my "Refuge," "Calming Space," "Solace;" "Place to Unwind." 

           To my left, up near the wooden Patio roof; green and gold "Chimes" hang down and right now a breeze from the eastern desert to my front is making them ring the way I like.  Hey "Holy Spirit," I really hope that's You right causing the chimes to sing right now.   Thank You!

                                                                                                       "BELIEF" / "FAITH"                                


              Holy Spirit, even though my boss doesn't believe in "Omens;" I do.  I think I smell, hear, see, taste or feel when You send me messages so, that's why I want to think; maybe smelling the Twins and hearing the chimes are "Good Signs?"  The Chinese believe in "Chi" I guess.

             Ah!  Heathcliff crowed again.  His voice makes me feel calmer, which is so good; because sometimes I get kind of nervous and have a hard time relaxing.  But God, I really want to thank You; for helping me not to "Worry" and even "Stress Out" nearly as much as I used to do.  

            I'll bet Heathcliff knows it's Spring, as I notice how he "Announced" the day earlier than usual this morning.  His voice is a really important part of our lives, and mornings just wouldn't be the same without it.  Heathcliff's voice gives me energy, which I'll need for three days. 


                      DAWN                                        BLINKY                                        ROSIE


             Our neighbor's Dog "Dawn" is barking next door but it's not her "Alarm" bark.  Dawn is light brown and weighs about seventy pounds, ten pounds more than me.  Her right eye does not work that good anymore, mainly because her old mean owner hit it with a belt I guess.

            Dawn was the leader of our neighbor's "Pack" of three Dogs but, one morning little forty pound "Blinky" took over; and "Outranked" her.  Blinky's a brave boy Dog who Mr. Steve calls "Short Biggie."  I guess, since back then Dawn's nickname has now become "Big Shorty."     

           An old girl Dog named "Rosie," who's slow and rarely barks; also lives next door.  She's a "Great Dane," who was black and weighed one hundred pounds; but is now grayer and skinnier. Mr. Steve has jokingly called Blinky, Dawn and Rosie the "Troika;" or the "Triumverat."    


           ANDY AND HELEN                  


              Oh!  "Andy and Helen" the Ground Squirrels are standing on that boulder they like.  Mr. Steve says some Squirrels live in trees, but ours live down in "Burrows;" where they sleep in Winter.  Andy and Helen are "Best Friends" who at times wrestle, play; and chase around.  

              I'm having a "Déjà Vu" feeling as another time Andy and Helen sat on their boulder as Dawn barked.  Andy "Watches Out" for Helen, and both are like me in liking to "Celebrate."   Mr. Steve jokes one of a male's jobs is to supply his female with "stability and comfort."  

            Celebrating is my favorite thing to do, except for running fast; and eating of course!  My boss calls when I jump, dance and howl my "Irish Jig."  Mr. Steve is fifty eight and says he's now old but, I've heard him joke about how he's been told that; "Sixty is the new Thirty."




                  Hey God!  Smelling the Twins makes me think about how 19th century "Mormons" from  "Utah" thought Joshua tree's looked like that "Old Testament" guy "Joshua."  He lifted up his arms in praying to You too.  Joshua led the "Ancient" Jews after You had "Moses" die. 

           We live here in "California," one of the "United States;" or "U.S."  Back in 1985 my boss, and his his two sisters "Celina" and "Susan;" rode Camels at "Jericho." where Joshua's ancient Jews fought.  Andy and Helen just ran away and are now going back down into their hole.

          Over the next three days I'll learn about different world "Religions."  Hey Lord!  We want to  believe in You so are what they call "Christian Roman Catholics." I guess Mormons, who are Christians too like us; prefer to call themselves "Latter Day Saints" or "L.D.S." for short.


                                                             MORMON "TREK" 


             Hey God!  I guess many Mormons, just like Jews too; have often been "Persecuted" and even killed sometimes.  In 1846, many Mormons made a really difficult "Trek" from the State of "Missouri;" to "Settle" out here in "Utah."  Heathcliff's Hens are clucking and sound happy.

            I plan on writing three books over the next three days and one thing I'll learn about is the "Mexican War" of 1846 through 1848.  That's when the "American Southwest," where we live; became part of the U.S.   Boy!  Birds are chirping happily and flying around right now.   

          We had a cold Winter but now it will warm up.  I heard Mr. Steve tell his friend "Randy" he likes it when cold weather gradually starts to "thaw out," and each day gets warmer until the really, really hot Summer finally comes in.  Dawn and Blinky are both barking next door.


JACK  /  MOE  /  MANNY     


           Straight ahead, to the east; I see our three "Sheds."  From right to left are, "Manny" and "Moe" the smaller Sheds; while "Jack" is the biggest Shed to my left.  They're all about fifty feet away from this Patio, their "Primary" color "Navy" blue; the "Secondary" color white.

          Jack the big Shed is Mr. Steve's secondary "Office" but, his real office is one of the three "Bedrooms" in the house.  Mr. Randy jokes the three "Bathrooms" in the house are also "semi-offices" too.  Boy!  Someday I really want to see and smell one of those astounding "Toilets." 

          A while back Mr. Randy joked about how, in an emergency; you could actually live in Jack the biggest Shed but, I don't like being "Boxed In;" so prefer open areas because then you can't be "Trapped."  Oh!  "Donald and Daisy," and the other Ducks; are quacking over there. 


           DAISY / DONALD                                                    FANNIE / FREDDIE        


          This is so great!  I just noticed "Fannie and Freddie" the Crows standing over there in the dirt.  They're kind of like Andy and Helen the Squirrels in that, if you see one you're likely to see the other; as they're "Inseparable," just like Mr. Steve's parents too.  Heathcliff crowed.

           On this way colder day last year, before my boss went and got me; I was living homeless out in that field.  I'll bet girl Chickens, called "Hens;" like Heathcliff's strong voice.  It says here in this good Spanish Dictionary that "Gallina" is the Spanish name for a female Chicken.        

        I'm so full because we had a bigger Spring celebration breakfast this morning.  Boy!  Thank You God for my "Royal" blue food bowl, there's nothing better than cold "Leftovers" mixed in with regular dry Dog food; and today was "Spam" meat.  In Spanish a Rooster is a "Gallo."


                                           MUSLIM "CALL TO PRAYER" TOWERS                          

                                                                 PHOTO BY REBECCA HOWARD           


            In 1985 Mr. Steve visited the "Country" of "Israel" and, in the "City" of "Jerusalem;" heard a "Muezzin" call "Muslims" to pray.  He jokes that Heathcliff the Rooster is kind of like having our own morning Muezzin.  Hey God up there in Heaven, are You also "Allah" too?

            An "Egyptian" man named "Hussein" told Mr. Steve "Adhan" is the Muezzin's "Call to Prayer" in "Arabic." "Shukran" means "Thank You" and "Al-hamdu lillah" is "All thanks to Allah."  Back in 1985, in a time of more "Terrorism;" Mr. Steve also visited "Italy."  

           I take good notes, but often have to "Sound Out" words and phrases; especially in all the other different "Languages."  I'm sure glad I have these "Dictionaries" and "Encyclopedias" to look things up.  I guess in 1985 there was "Tight Security" in Europe and the Middle East.     


JIMMY LENNON JR. / MIKE TYSON / JIMMY LENNON SR.                                       MICHAEL BUFFER

                         PHOTO BY STEVE CÓRDOVA                


             Well God here I go!  Time to "Buckle Down" as they say.  As a "Photographer" in the 1980's Mr. Steve took pictures of two Boxing "Ring Announcers" who "Introduced" the fights, or "Bouts,"  one used to say "It's Showtime;" the other guy "Lets' get ready to Rumble!"

             To impress my boss I want learn to read and write.  I'll make a quick "Sign of the Cross" and ask for You're help "Father," "Son" and "Holy Spirit."  Oh!  If You're up there right now mind-reading me Blessed Mother, please guide and protect me; and You too "Saint Joseph."      

            "Hail Mary, full of grace; the Lord is with You.  Blessed are You among women, and blessed is the fruit of Your womb; Jesus.  Holy Mary mother of God, pray for me a sinner now; at the hour of my death Amen." Oh wow!  I can smell some "Rosemary."   


                      "ROSEMARY"                                                                       "SUN" FLOWERS                       


         Blessed Mother, as You know of course; writing three books is called a "Trilogy."  Mr. Steve used that word and I never forget words.  I have three long "Outlines" that will guide me in the  writing of my three books, and one of the "Themes" throughout will be the number "3."  

         Lord Jesus!  Mr. Steve thinks 3 is important and, I'll write about how Pythagorus and that guy Nikola Tesla did too.  Heat, Water and Nutrients; makes "Life."  Nitrogen, Potassium with Phosphorus; is "Fertilizer."  You died at 33, Your short "Ministry" only lasting 3 years. 

        This British Writer who fought in World War I, and my boss really likes is J.R.R. Tolkien; or just "Tolkien" for short.  He wrote three books, called "Lord of the Rings;" which partly dealt with "War and Peace." My boss jokes, "Maybe peace is the temporary absence of war."  


                                        J.R.R. TOLKIEN (1892-1973) AND FAMILY                                                                                                                                                           

       Writing my books will show my boss I'm smart and females are as capable as males.  Also,  I can do a three day "Diary" or "Journal" of our lives around here; which Mr. Steve jokes is "not exactly the stuff of a Soap Opera."  Ah!  Heathcliff just crowed again over there next door.

       A Soap Opera must have something to do with singing about soap I guess.  Anyway, I want to make my boss Mr. Steve like and keep me.  Hey God!  I want to believe You had me brought over here for some reason; and then put my entire "Destiny" right into Mr. Steve's hands.   

       Hey God!  Even though some think it's dumb to believe in You I want to anyway.  And I want to believe in an "Afterlife" too.  Mr. Steve jokes that, since no one "knows for sure" it's better to live life as if there really is going to be a "Judgement Day" or; "Just in Case" as they say.


      THE "UNIVERSE"                                "ORION" CONSTELLATION 


       Mr. Steve is interested in "Astronomy," so now I am too.  My English Dictionary says it's the, "Natural science studying the physical universe's celestial objects through math, physics and chemistry."  And, the two main "Branches" are called "Observational" and "Theoretical."          

         Even though my boss doesn't really believe in it, over the next three days I'll find out about  "Astrology" too.   It's a, "Pseudoscience utilizing divinatory practices, in an attempt to discern    information about human affairs through the study of celestial objects."  Heathcliff crowed.        

    Hey God!  From what little I've heard about Astrology, it kind of sounds like something I might really be interested in learning more about.  It's one of the subjects we have on my three      outlines to learn about over the next three days.  I smell Dawn, Blinky and Rosie over there.                    



            I guess, there are three "Earth Cycles" in Astronomy; "Day-Night," the "Moon Phases," and our "Orbit" around the Sun.  Earth's "Nature" has three main "Elements;" sunlight, wind and liquids.  Boy God!  It would be so scary to actually go out there into "Outer Space."               

            Mr. Steve wonders God why, when You created the "Universe" 14 Billion years ago; You put our "Earth" the third "Planet" away from the Sun?  Was it so we could maybe be the only one in the "Solar System" to have "Life?"  I can hear Heathcliff's Hens clucking over there.  

          I guess "Venus" is closer to the Sun than us, so is way too "Hot" for an "Atmosphere" able to "Sustain" life; while "Mars" is too "Cold."   The Sun's strong "Gravity" pulls and makes all of the Planets out here circle around it.  I sense You God when I look at, or feel; the Sun.


                      "SOLAR SYSTEM"                                            "VERNAL EQUINOX"  


           Today's called the "Vernal Equinox."  My Latin Dictionary says vernal means, "concerning Spring" or "youthful;" while equinox is defined as "equal;" and I guess that means today there is going to be about twelve hours of sunlight and twelve hours of darkness.  Dawn's barking.

        A good "Diagram" in this Encyclopedia shows how, on the day of the Vernal Equinox; the Sun is "directly above" the "Equator."  The equator is the line that goes around the Earth in the middle.  Today the Sun "Rose" in the east to my front, and will "Set" directly to the west.

        I've noticed, in the coarse of a year; the Sun "Rises and Sets" between two extreme ends of the horizon but today it does those two things near the middle.  Each of my three books will be divided into three "Parts," of four individual "Chapters;" or a total of twelve chapters.   


    CÓRDOVA / TRUJILLO            


           Mr. Steve's father is thankful the females in his family were "resilient in adversity" and had the "ability to cope."  He and my boss believe in what's called the "Sacred Feminine," and think females can be the "Healing Rock" in males' lives.   We're often the family's "Glue." 

          Hey God!  I remember that time last Summer when my boss was working outside in the morning before it got too hot.  As he watered the big "Mulberry" tree up there in the front yard he and Mr. Randy talked about females in their families.  Ah!  The air is so clear right now.    

         Mr. Randy said he believes You God "designed" females to connect "Heaven and Earth." When pregnant and growing babies they're "conduits" to You Guys up there he thinks.  My boss kind of chuckled at that idea, and even used that really long word "intermediary" I noticed.   


         SUNRISE OVER THE DESERT                                      MR. RANDY                                 


            Hey God!  As You know, my boss and his father believe You gave many of us females an "Instinctive," or "Intuitive sixth Sense;" which males don't often have.  It's not "Logical," but is more of an "Emotional Gut Feeling;" which at times I'm pretty sure I have.  I feel so good!

           Mr. Randy joked his mom has a sixth sense.  Thinking of the sunrise this morning is now giving me energy and enthusiasm for learning to read and write; which I can tell is not going to be so easy.  But I have a feeling if I do a good job my boss will like me more and keep me.     

           I feel like writing about a guy named Julius Caesar but I'll wait.  He's "Associated" with March 15th, the "Ides of March;" when his wife warned him not to go into work that day but he ignored her and was killed I guess.  Mr. Steve's sister "Susan" was born on March the 16th. 


             GAIUS JULIUS CAESAR (100-44 B.C.)                 


        One reason I'll write my books is to leave a partial family history so maybe, hopefully; future generations might know a little bit about our "Ancestors."  Everyone has a "life story        worth telling" my boss thinks.  I have no memories of mine so will "Adopt" his family.                  

       It might seem ridiculous but I'll try to what they call "Channel" Mr. Steve's thinking in my writing.  So I'll learn more about years in his life like 1955, 1968 and 1977; or the 1960's, 1970's    and also the 1980's too.  I've wondered what it means to, "Suspend one's sense of disbelief?"        

       Boy God!  It will be a "Miracle" if I can finish my books but, as Mr. Steve joked; "At times life itself seems like a miracle." I won't be lazy, will try my best; and not expect it to "Come so    Easy."  In fact; I kind of have a feeling the next three days will be, at times; kind of hard.                                                                                                                                     

                       MR. STEVE                               


          My boss graduated from College with a "Bachelor of Arts," or "B.A." degree in "History." But he also studied "Philosophy" and "Political Science" so, now I'll be interested in those three subjects too; and will learn about them over the next three days.  I can smell little Blinky.     

          Mr. Steve's biggest failure was when he "Flunked Out" of "Law School" so I'll write about it over the next three days.  But, his friend Mr. "Grant" became a "Lawyer;" and sometimes he and his blind girl Dog named "Miggie" visit us.  God!  Thank You for my good eyesight.  

          Dawn's barking over there next door and I smell her and Blinky standing right next to her.  I'll bet Rosie, who's little by little going blind; is probably somewhere nearby.  Even though he's sort of small in size, more and more I'm kind of starting to really like Blinky's unique scent. 




        Looking east, I see the color light brown or "Khaki;" and my favorite color blue.  My boss's favorite Baseball team, the Oakland "A's"  or "Athletics," use green as their "Primary" color; with white and yellow as their "Secondary" colors.  So now I also want to like green too!

            One time I was listening to my boss and Mr. "Mike" talking as they cut up a Joshua tree the wind knocked over.  Mr. Mike said he doesn't understand it when people from big cities describe deserts as being "Empty."  Sometimes it can get really windy around here where we live.

        Mr. Mike joked, "To some people empty means no noise, crowds or Cars and worse; where do I buy my overpriced coffee!"  Mr. Steve told him what an older lady said a while back, "Some look at a desert and see nothing; I see everything."  Oh!  I really want to agree with that!




             My boss Mr. Steve thinks many people define a desert by "what it is not," and it's not a big city.  Boy God, as of course You already know; someday I'd like to smell a city even though I'm not complaining and like how our small town smells too.  I like my life better now!

             Mr. Steve does "Artwork."  Since 1999 he's sold "Apparel" and "Promotional Products" so has to be aware of things like colors.  A customer once described khaki as "non-descript" and "boring" because, it's not "Bright" but; I'm khaki in color and don't think I'm boring.

            Another "Dull" color is "Gray," which Mr. Steve's friend "Rick" joked is the color of cities.   The walls of our house and Patio floor below me are gray, and "Tan" is just another name for khaki; while "Beige" is "grayish-tan."  I'll learn more about "Concrete" in my books.


                                                                              MR. RICK / MOM                                            


                Mr. Rick is about a year older than my boss and, Mr. Steve and Mr. Rick think Mr. Steve was six when they first met.  Mr. Rick's "Italian-American" family had moved from the city of "Pittsburgh" out here to Los Angeles.  Ah!  The clear Spring air is making me feel so good.

            It was at Saint Ferdinands school where my boss met Mr. Rick, who married a girl named "Linda;" they ended up having three kids.  Mr. Steve, his brother Rock and Mr. Rick all played "Little League" Baseball together down there in Sylmar.  A lot of Birds are singing happily. 

           To Mr. Steve, in his mind he associates Mr. Rick with color pattern of black as the primary color; white and yellow as the secondary colors.  That's because the three professional sports teams from Pittsburgh use that "Color Pattern."  Mr. Steve likes green, white and yellow.       


         "OUR HOUSE" (FRONT YARD)                


                A long gray "Gravel Driveway" leads from the front of our house out to the road.  Ah! I just noticed a long line of Ants marching bye down there on the Patio floor.  Daisy says Ants, like Birds; tell you what's going on. They always know when to seal and unseal their holes. 

          Those Ants are going toward the north just on the other side of an old coffee table given to Mr. Steve by his ex-girlfriend Miss Emily.  Looking at the eastern desert to my front, and seeing Spring green; makes me think about my boss's mom.  She loves the color green like he does.

          Daisy heard Mr. Steve and his mom talking on the phone about a "Color Wheel," which is a tool she used when she was still painting.   A color wheel makes it easier to understand all the different color "Categories" I guess.  A small Bird with a twig in its mouth went running bye. 


  "COLOR WHEEL"                                    ISAAC NEWTON (1642-1727)  


                My Encyclopedia says that English man Sir Isaac Newton "conceived" the idea of a color wheel in 1704.  Red, blue and yellow are "Primary" colors, orange, purple and green being the "Secondary" colors.  There are six what they call "Tertiary" colors on the color wheel.

           I'll be learning about Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein over the next three days, mainly because Daisy thinks Mr. Steve will be really impressed if I do a good job in writing about them. Ah!  A nice cool morning breeze came in from the eastern desert.  The chimes are ringing. 

          Daisy heard one of Mr. Steve's customers tell him white and black, "in that order;" are the "two most popular new car colors."  Gray, red, blue and green are the next most popular that Parts Manager said.  Mr. Steve thinks white is "easier to maintain" in appearance than black.  


           HENRY FORD (1863-1947)  WITH "MODEL T"           


          Another person Dais has me scheduled to find out about in these three books is that guy named Henry Ford.  His black "Model T" Cars were the first built using an "Assembly Line."  He joked you could get a Model T "in any color as long as it was black" Daisy heard.

         Mr. Steve's mom thinks white represents "purity and being young," black "mystery and power."  To her green symbolizes "rebirth and hope," red "passion and energy;" and "calmness and wisdom" is what she sees in blue.  Blue is definitely my all time favorite color for sure. 

         Writing these books will be sort of hard God but, Mr. Steve's been called a "Quick Study;" so I want to be that too.  I "Catch on Fast" and learned in English what "stay," "sit" and "lay down" meant.  And, I know a lot of other words too; especially any "Food" related words. 


                 CALIFORNIA "HIGH" DESERT                    


           Mr. Steve what they call "Rescued" me from a field my first owner dumped me into last year.  I was "Homeless," my life bleak but; now I have hope and what they call a new "Lease on Life" as they say.  Thank You so much God for any "Peace of Mind" You might grant me.    

           Hey Lord!  As You know, I was angry and felt "Sorry for Myself" but my boss doesn't like to blame bad luck on others; or think of yourself as a "Victim."  Like my boss's mom says, "We all have Crosses to Bear."  Hey God!  Why did I survive when so many other Dogs don't? 

           I don't expect life to be fair anymore God.  I know about "Free Will" now and agree with it but, sort of also want to believe; You maybe at times "Intercede" down here.  I agree with Mr. Steve's Niece "Samantha" who said, "Uncle Steven, it's just not fair that life is not fair!"   




             I haven't had bad dreams lately about being homeless and, in fact; had a pleasant dream last night.  At times, I dream about how much it hurt my ribs; when those boys hit my side with hard rocks.   But, I'm not mad at them any more God; and have decided to forgive them. 

            Mr. Steve, who thinks "Some" dreams are important; told Mr. Randy he still occasionally has dreams about the times he's broken his bones or had big cuts.  I notice he called bad dreams "Nightmares."  Over the next three days, I'll write about good; and also bad dreams too.      

           When I first came over here, because I was "Spooked;" Mr. Steve called me "SPOOKIE TOOTH" which is the name of a band.  I've had a hard time trusting, though I'm better now.  I still won't ever turn my back all the way on anyone except my boss.  No way!  Uh! Uh!


               "CALIFORNIA"                                     "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA"


             We live in "California" which, on the "West Coast;" is one of  fifty "American" States." Ah!  I really like breathing air through the two "Nostrils" of my nose and right now, in my right nostril; I smell Blinky's good scent from over there.  Boy God!  Thank You for my nose.   

             To write my books I'll need these "Notebooks" and "Dictionaries" we found out in the garage. I'll use the "Encyclopedias" piled out here on the Patio too.  One Dictionary is to look up words in "Latin," while others are for languages that "Came from Latin;" like "Spanish."

             Boy!  How was anyone even able to "Invent" such amazing things like these "Pens" and "Pencils."  Mr. Steve read the 19th century American Writer Henry David Thoreau sometimes made and sold pencils.  Boy!  It would be so great if I had some thumbs like the people do.


    "NEW"/ "NUEVO"  MEXICO                                            "BELÉN"                           


             Mr. Steve's parents are from a small town in the State of "New Mexico" called "Belén," "Bethlehem" in Spanish; or "House of Bread" in "Hebrew."  Hey Lord!  In 1985 Mr. Steve's St. Ferdinands Tour Group visited the original Bethlehem where You were born.  I smell Sage. 

             Belén is called a "Hub" town because it's a "Railroad Train Junction."  For over forty years Mr. Steve's Grandpa "Trujillo" loaded "Freight" for the "Santa Fe Railroad," which was why he was really, really physically strong.  I'll learn about "Trains" in my three books.

             I'll learn about many "Topics" over the next three days, and one is "Córdova;" which is our last name.  It's an "Ancient" name, "Traced" to the year 1693 A.D. in New Mexico.  In my books one thing I'll write about is my boss's "Relatives" who still live back in New Mexico.    


                                                       MR. STEVE'S PARENTS (2012)   



         Mr. Steve's parents married in 1954, and moved to California in 1955; where Mr. Steve was born.  But they had to move back to New Mexico because of money.  In 1960 they returned out to California "For Good," and settled in "Los Angeles;" which is seventy miles south of us.  

        In 1957 my boss's brother "Rocky" was born in Belén, their brother "Sam" and two sisters "Celina" and "Susan" here in Los Angles in 1961, 1962 and 1964.  They were "Raised" down in "L.A." but now I'm glad my boss Mr. Steve lives up here in the "High Desert."  I smell Sage.  

        Rocky's a "Nickname" for "Roderick," but my boss just calls him "Rock."  All Mr. Steve's  brothers and sisters had children. Mr. Steve never got married or had kids so I guess, in a way; you could say we're kind of like his "Adopted" kids.  So, I want to make him proud of me!  


                                                         CÓRDOVA FAMILY (1985)    


                                                     FRONT / ROCKY, MR. STEVE'S FATHER IN CHAIR, SAM

                                                                              PHOTO BY ARMANDO AGUIRRE


         The area of Los Angeles, where Mr. Steve and all his brothers and sisters grew up; is called "Sylmar."  It's located in the northeast corner of the "San Fernando Valley."  According to this one good Latin Dictionary, the name Sylmar would be "Translated" to be; "Sea of Trees." 

         I'd like to smell a city someday but now all I know is our town called "Piñon Hills."  I guess a city has a lot of people while Piñon Hills only has about seven thousand "Residents."  My boss moved up here from Sylmar back in 2005, and I've lived over here for about a year now. 

        Our worker Mike jokingly calls Piñon Hills a "Village," or "Hamlet;" which I guess means small.  Thank You so much God for bringing me over here to live on these two acres because it's for sure way better than being lonely and homeless out in that field.  Birds are chirping. 


         MR. STEVE'S PARENTS         

                PHOTO BY RODERICK CÓRDOVA                 


          Mr. Steve's father was "Discharged" from the Marines in 1954 so got married.  Both of Mr. Steve's parents grew up "In or Around" Belén.  My boss's mom's first name is "Stella," and her what they call "Maiden" or old last name was "Trujillo;" before she went and got married.  

        My boss's father was actually from a small village near Belén called "Jarales."  His brother, "Casey;" still lives there.  Our last name, and Trujillo too; "Originated" from "Spanish" cities but I notice how "Córdoba" in "Andalusia" is spelled with the letter "b" instead of "v."    

        I guess Mr. Steve's dad's first name is "Sam," or "Samuel" in Spanish.  Mr. Steve's mother has two younger brothers, his dad, like my boss; is the the oldest of five kids.  The "Aunts" and "Uncles" in New Mexico also had children who then had kids too.  Ah!  I smell Rosemary.




            If You're making me smell Rosemary right now Blessed Mother I sure hope it means that You're thinking of me.  You know how scared I am I might've "Bitten off more than I can  chew" as they say.  Boy!  I just love to be smelling some Rosemary on this very first day of Spring!         

            As You know Virgin Mary, the reason my favorite color is "Royal" blue is because of the pretty blue flowers on Rosemary plants.  I think of You when I see or smell them, and I'm so looking forward to this year.  Oh yeh!  And Happy New Year up there Blessed Mother!             

          This Spanish Dictionary says Los Angeles means the "The Angels."  My Encyclopedia says L.A. is 460 "square miles" in size, and the second "most populated" American city behind "New  York City."  Mr. Steve's sister Susan, and sons "Dalton" and "Austin;" live near "N.Y.C."           




            Wow!  My Encyclopedia has a picture of "Downtown" Los Angeles' tall buildings.  Over the next three days I'll find out about the history of California, and its cities; some of which Mr.  Steve and his family have even been to.  Oh boy!  I think I might be "Afraid of Heights."              

           Oh!  This is interesting Blessed Mother!  L.A., begun in 1781; was named after You and the original name was "El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Angeles de Porciúncula."      The American "Revolutionary War" was also still going on back east in that year 1781.                 

          It says here that, in English; the "Official" name for Los Angeles is, "The Town of our Lady the Queen of the Angels from Porciuncula."  I guess, Porciuncula is a Spanish "River."  I    don't know if I can swim so I'm sort of still afraid of deep water God, as You already know.                          



          Boy!  In Spanish sometimes they have long names, and in German it's the same; except they "Combine" the words.  So, I'm glad I have all of these Dictionaries because there's no way I could just sound out and spell many words myself.  Uh! Uh!  That would be totally impossible.    

       Our name "Córdova" (Core-doe vah) may be "Phoenician" in "Origin."  In the 12th century A.D. the "Islamic" city of  "Córdoba" was one of "the most advanced" cities in "all the  world" from what my Encyclopedia says.  I'll learn about my last name in all of my books.           

            Things are much easier to understand when an Encyclopedia has maps and pictures to go along with the writing, and I do like reading "Caption's."  Boy!  I'm so tempted to learn about    our last name right now but, I'll just wait and do it according to schedule.  I can smell Sage!                                                                                        SAGE                                                               MR. DAVE                                            


        Mr. "Dave," my boss's friend; now lives in "Taos," New Mexico with his wife "Julianne."  They mailed us some New Mexico Sage which Mr. Steve at times burns.  Some Sage is purplish,    or "Morado" in Spanish; and I'm looking forward to learning more about the color purple.         

         Like my boss, Mr. Dave plays drums.  He's "Hupa" Indian and is a "Real" Drummer while Mr. Steve admits he's just a "Bedroom" Drummer.  Mr. Dave and Miss Julianne have a mostly    black Dog named "Ling" which, in the Hupa language; is their word for all of us "Dogs."            

         I guess Mr. Dave says "Blessings to All," and "Mitakuye Oyasin;" which means "All of our Relations."  He worked with my boss and is also from Sylmar.  Hey God, and Blessed Mother; I  kind of like how Mr. Dave at times calls You Guys "Father Sky" and "Mother Earth."                                         

                         FERDINAND III                                     "SAN FERNANDO" VALLEY                  

                                          (c.1199-1252)                                                                  ("SAINT FERDINAND" VALLEY)                      

         PAINTING BY HERNANDO DE ÁVILA                                                                                           


          Down there where my boss Mr. Steve and his brothers and sisters grew up there things named "In Honor Of" a 13th century A.D. Spanish King.  My Encyclopedia says, not only was    "Ferdinand III" a King; he was also a "Catholic Saint" too.  Wow!  That is good alright.              

           Mr. Steve and his brothers and sisters went to that Catholic school "St. Ferdinand," which was in the city of "San Fernando;" in the northeast part of the "San Fernando Valley."  All are    named for King Ferdinand III.  Ah!  I feel good back here on the Patio sitting on you Elvira.        

           "Mission Hills," where the actual "San Fernando Mission" is located; is west of the city of  San Fernando.  I guess, Sylmar is to the east of San Fernando; and north of this other city I'll be writing about over the next three days called "Pacoima."   I love the sound of chirping Birds.           





          Over the next three days I'll learn about the twenty one 18th century "Missions" built up here in "Alta" or "Upper" California.  My boss Mr. Steve and his parents were what they call      "Tour Guides" at the "San Fernando Mission."  I smell Dawn, Blinky and Rosie to my right.       

             Mr. Steve read, if California were it's own "Country;" it would be the world's 6th largest "Economy."  But it's cities are now too crowded with people, Cars; and noise he thinks.  I guess,  California has thirty nine million people; while "Canada" has only thirty six million.                    

          Where we live it's not crowded.  I guess we  live in "Scrubland" or "Chaparral," near the "Foothills;" on the north side of the "San Gabriel" mountains.  Sylmar is in the foothills on the opposite south side of that exact same "Range," and both areas have some "Arroyos."    





             I'm back here on our Patio on the east side of the house but, in my mind; I'm seeing our front yard on the west side behind me.  "Up in front," Joshua trees and "Yucca Palms" line the gravel driveway going out to the road in front of our house.   Ah! I just love this fresh air!      

            My boss owns our house on his two and a half acres.  My main job is to guard these two "Fenced-In" acres but, I also "Keep an Eye" on" the "Undeveloped" half acre of desert behind the three Sheds to the east too.  Oh!  Thank You again God for all of this good land to guard.

            Rabbits, Birds; and Lizards live out there in what my boss calls our "back half acre."  I'm afraid to walk in the desert, but Mr. Steve isn't; even though Bobcats, Coyotes and Mountain Lions "occasionally" show up.  Bugs, or "Insects;" live around here and I hate all "Flies!"


                                                 THE BIG "MULBERRY"TREE                                                  


                To my front, about twenty feet from where I'm sitting here on Elvira on our Patio; is a  twenty foot tall "Fruitless Mulberry" tree.  Circled down below it are big "Boulders," with dirt between them; so the water won't flow away when Mr. Steve waters it.  That's a "Basin." 

            Right now the basin's full, and looks like a miniature Lake; with sunlight reflecting off it's surface.  Bugs, Lizards and things like that; drink it's water.  Oh! What looks to me kind of like an inexperienced Sparrow Bird just flew in, landed; and is now looking around cautiously. 

           Hey God!  Thank You for inventing water!  When I was homeless out in the field, at times I was "Dying of Thirst" as they say; so it's a good thing maybe You sent that lady who left me water to drink.  Right now we're in a "Drought" so my boss says we can't waste any water.    


                "FREIGHT" TRAIN                        WILLIAM MULHOLLAND (1855-1935)  


          Oh!  A "Train" just whistled faintly to my left, or the north of us.  A "Railroad Track" goes bye our property, about three miles away; near to the "California Aqueduct" which takes water  down there to Los Angeles.  Boy! The warm morning sunlight feels so good on me right now.        

        A man from "Ireland" named William Mulholland built the California Aqueduct in 1913.  I'll learn about the countries of England, Ireland, Wales and Scotland over the next three days.    And, I'll also learn about New Mexico's old water "Ditches;" which are called "Acequias."          

        The Train whistled again. God!  How could anyone have even invented a complex thing like a Train?  Boy! I can't wait to use all of these good Encyclopedias to learn more about Trains and things like that over the next three days.  Thank You God for the way I feel right now.                                                                          



               Oh my God!  "Angeline" the big Quail is standing over there in the dirt with new babies but this is way too early in the year to have babies!  Three groups of Quail "Coveys" live around here and Angeline, and now her new babies; belong to "Alpha Company."  I smell some Sage.

            Mr. Steve named our three groups of Quail, "Alpha," "Bravo" and "Charlie" Companies so we could tell them apart.  Those two brave girl Quails "Laverne" and "Shirley" lead Bravo Company.  Wow!  Seeing Angeline's babies is making me think this is going to be a good year.

           That big boy Quail "Chosin" leads Charlie Company.  Angeline will take her babies to the front yard where Mr. Steve spreads "Bird Seed" and "Chicken Scratch" on the ground below his office window.  He also fills a "Bird Bath" with water.  Angeline's such a big girl Quail!   



                     ARTWORK BY MARK HALLET                             


             Quail remind me of Chickens.  I guess Birds are "Descendants" of one of two "Types" of "Dinosaurs" who for "millions of years" lived during three main "Periods," the "Triassic," the "Jurassic" and "Cretaceous."  Oh!  Angeline and her new Spring babies are now gone.   

            A little "Wren" Bird just flew in to drink water from the basin below the Mulberry tree.  If I know Birds it will drink but be alert.  Things around here, like our neighbor's Cat named "Cher" for instance; would "Like nothing More" than to "Ambush" and then eat it.

           The Wren just flew away.  Birds are fast, and some are good at what's called "Disguise."  Our Sheds are "Elevated" two feet above the ground so the Quail, Squirrels and Lizards often hide underneath them.  But, unfortunately for them; Snakes also know they go there too.     



    PHOTO BY VINCENT MEYER                


               One morning, Mr. Mike saw Bugs, Lizards and Birds drinking from the basin below the Mulberry tree; and joked it looked like a "mini Serengeti."  I guess, that's an an area of the big "Continent" called "Africa." I'll find out a lot more about Africa in all of my three books.

            This Encyclopedia has a picture of the Serengeti.  The caption says, "gazelles, zebras and wildebeest share a water hole."  Usually, those three wouldn't be "Hanging Around" one another but being so thirsty; they're a lot more willing to just "Take their Chances" so to speak.    

           One time on a really hot day I saw this Lizard and a Snake drinking water from the basin right across from each other, and Mr. Steve saw it too.  Thank You God for all of the cool breezes on extremely hot days.  In just a few months it will be way hotter up here in the High Desert.                                                                 ZEBRA                                                                      LIBBY

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Sitting here on Elvira, and glancing to my right; I can see our neighbor's Horse "Libby" looking at me from her "Corral."  She's old and, I'd recognize her unique scent anywhere; even in that one dream she was in.  Oh!  A small "Garter" Snake just crawled underneath Moe.  

             Mr. Mike talked about "Zebras," and how he read some think black and white stripes is to keep cool; or confuse predators.   Flies might stay away from that "stripe pattern" too.  Oh! I'd definitely paint myself black and white, or do anything; to make Flies leave me alone.       

               This Encyclopedia says "Serengeti" means "Endless Plains" in the "Maasai" language. Mr. Steve has taken pictures of some Zebras.  A north south "Dirt" road, called "Primavera;" is the eastern boundary of my boss's land out there in the eastern desert behind the Sheds. 




           I love "Music" but I'm still afraid to go all the way down the mysterious "Hallway" in our house.  So, I can only listen to music when Mr. Steve comes outside to do "Yard Work."  While he does his work out here he listens to this totally astounding machine called a "Boombox."

          Someday I'll see that round white and gold "Plaque" at the far end of the hallway.  I guess it shows two faces, the left half a Moon with its eyes closed; and a Sun face with the eyes open on the right side.  Ah!  I suddenly hear the faint buzzing sound of some Hummingbirds.    

         How could anyone have invented such an ingenious thing like a Boombox?  And to think it's powered by "Energy" from those miraculous little things called "Batteries."  Ah!  I hear all of the different types of Birds chirping right now, and they sound happy that it's Spring! 


                                        MAX AND 99                HUMMINGBIRDS                    MAX  

                                                                                                                PHOTO BY TOM GREY  


              Ah!  I just glanced up from here on my couch Elvira to see Max the green Hummingbird whiz bye.  He just kept right on going toward the north, or my left; seeing Mr. Steve did not fill up the two glass containers with the red liquid in it today.  Max isn't with his girlfriend 99.

          Because the two front doors of our house have those pretty stained glass windows showing Hummingbirds, people give my boss Mr. Steve "Hummingbird Theme" things.  In "Courting" 99 you can see how much they really like each other.  I heard Max coming from my right.   

        My boss's father thinks it's often more important to listen than talk, but one time Mr. Steve found out years later he lost a job because the girl doing the "Hiring" was looking for "a more "chatty" person.  Ah!  I just picked up the scent of that one Sage bush behind the Sheds.      


                                                      ANTONIO VIVALDI (1678-1741)


           One time doing yardwork  Mr. Steve listened to a song called "La Primavera," like our dirt road.  This Latin Dictionary says it means ""The Spring," and was written by the Italian "Composer" Antonio Vivaldi.   Mr. Steve used the Greek word "Rhêma" to describe it.  

          I guess, in the Bible one "Interpretation" of  Rhêma is "The Living Word," but my boss thinks it can also be the uplifting feeling some music gives you.  He says music can "change your perspective on time."  Boy!  I love the "Wig" "Vivaldi" is wearing in the painting of him.     

          My Encyclopedia says Vivaldi, like that other guy "Bach;" was a 1700's "Baroque" era "Composer." Oh!  He was buried in a "Pauper's Grave" so was "destitute."  God, I sure do hope I never end up being as poor or "impoverished" like Antonio Vivaldi was when he died.   




                  Hey God!  As You already know of course, my boss Mr. Steve says Rhêma or The Living Word; probably usually means speaking or writing something.  But he also sees Rhêma in music or things "created from nothing" too.  Ah!  I feel so good sitting here on my couch Elvira. 

                  Mr. Steve jokes at times he feels like an "obsolete Dinosaur," or like this Joe Walsh song says; an "Analog" person in a "Digital" world.   Over the next three days I'm scheduled to learn and then write a lot about the huge subject of "Music."  Boy!  Thank You God, I can't wait!  

                 I guess my boss appreciates "Modern Technology" but, in music; prefers  "spontaneous" yet possibly "imperfect" songs made on musical instruments rather than being "Programmed."   Hey God!  Do You help us when art is created down here?  I have a feeling You do alright.


          MAGGIE CÓRDOVA                     

         ("THE BARRISTER")                    



                 Boy!  If "Given Half the Chance" as they say, I'd definitely wear a wig like the one Mr. Vivaldi has on in the painting of him.  I guess back in those days the Judges also had to wear a wig too when deciding all the different cases.  A small group of Birds is flying to the east.

           Hey Lord!  It says here Vivaldi was "Roman Catholic Christian" like us, but he was also a  "Priest;" or "Cleric" too.  My boss and his dad have given money to help bury people who've died poor.  Mr. Steve often listens to La Primavera when brushing his teeth in the morning.    

          One morning, as he watered the big Mulberry tree over there; my boss told Mr. Randy for "much of history" people took few baths.   So they just shaved their heads and wore wigs to not have hair "Lice."  Boy!  I sure wish I had a good wig to wear, even though I'm really clean.


             "STOCK EXCHANGE"                           MR. RICH / MR. STEVE'S PARENTS

        (NEW YORK CITY)                                                                          (CRISTINA IN FRONT)          


           In the late 1960's and early 1970's Mr. Steve's father had a school for "Stockbrokers."  In 1977 my boss and his brother Rock were taken by their Uncle Marty to see the "New York Stock Exchange."  Mr. Steve's parents have also visited that Stock Exchange over the years. 

           Mr. Steve's father knows a lot about the subjects of "Capitalism versus Socialism," and "Democracy versus Authoritarianism."  I'll learn a lot about those things too over the next three days.  There are Birds zooming around out there in the eastern desert behind the three Sheds.  

          Boy!  I'm kind of tempted to look up that guy Karl Marx right now but, I'd better just do it according to my book one outline.   His ideas from the 19th century are still influencing people to this very day I guess.  That's what I heard my boss tell Mr. Randy that morning last Summer.  


                                          KARL MARX (1818-1883) WITH WIFE        


                 I'll mention quickly how Karl Marx was a 19th century "German" Jew, who lived with his family for much of their lives in England.  He wrote about Communism versus Capitalism, and the bad things about "Industrialism."  My boss and his dad both read "Das Capital."

             Mr. Steve thinks many Americans "take things for granted," or assume there will always be enough food and water.  But "History" shows "Nothing lasts Forever" so, even ancient Rome fell.  Most Dinosaurs, who "Ruled the Earth" for millions and millions of years; are gone too.    

             My boss thinks many things have two sides so, every "good" thing has also been used for "bad" purposes too.  A "Gun," helps people hunt food to survive; or kill people more easily.  In history, it has often been the case that life can be "Equal Parts" good; but also bad too. 


   DESERT LIZARD             


                  Aha!  I knew I smelled a Lizard and I see it  over there in the dirt doing "Push Ups."  Up and down, up and down but; it better be careful as motion attracts attention from things like the Crows and Ravens for example.  Ugh!  It would be so, so bad to be eaten as food I think

               Piñon Hills doesn't have as many Cars as a city but, they drive too fast on the road in front of our land.  We have a 1977 "Chevrolet" half ton Truck named "Rex."  He was given to us by Mr. Steve's brother "Sam" and his wife "Yolanda."  I can smell some new Spring Sage.

             Mr. Steve's brother Sam and his family live about twenty seven miles to the west of us in the town of "Littlerock." Their oldest son is named "Mathew," and then there's "Sammy" Jr. and his younger sister "Raqquel."  The Lizard just ran and went under a rock over there.       


                                      SAM / YOLANDA                     SAMMY / SAM / MATHEW / RAQUELL                                                                                                                             YOLANDA IN FRONT


         One time, as they loaded up Rex with things for the "Dump;" my boss told Mr. Mike his brother Sam played on Baseball teams from Sylmar High School.  One team came within a game of playing down there at "Dodger Stadium" for the "City" Championship.  Heathcliff crowed.    

         I guess, the game Sylmar High lost back in the 1980's was to "Granada Hills" High; and one of their players was John Elway.  He was good in Baseball but turned out to be even better in Football.  I'll learn more about him, and that Baseball game; in my second book tomorrow.          

        A "County" is part of a "State," and we're in "San Bernardino" County.  Mr. Steve says our county is bigger in size but "Los Angeles County," where he and his "Siblings" grew up; has way more of a "Population" of people.  Boy!  I really love how Spring air smells right now!                                                        

     PIÑON HILLS        


           My Dictionary says the word "Sanctuary" means, "A holy place of refuge and protection; particularly in a Temple or Church."  Hey God!  This two acres, but especially here on my couch Elvira; are my own protective sanctuary or happy space.  I feel safe being here on this Patio. 

            I'll learn about the country of "France" in my three books.  A French story is about a guy who's a "Hunchback," and his "Safe Haven" was the Bell Tower of a "Medieval" Cathedral; in that big city of "Paris."  A "Cathedral" is a giant, humongous; Catholic Church I guess.  

         Oh my God!  Freddie the Crow just swooped in from "Out of the Blue" and landed right on a Lizard near Manny the far right Shed.  He killed it fast with his beak, and will fly off to find an area where he and Fannie can eat it "In Peace" as they say.  Boy! That Poor little Lizard.  


                                                 "HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME"


        My boss likes "Horror" movies.  In this "Silent" movie about the Hunchback he thinks the "Actor" who played the Hunchback was so good at putting on "Make up" like Mr. Steve's Niece named "Stephanie" is trained to do.  Boy!  It would be so bad to be one of those Hunchbacks.

        I guess a silent movie has no sound, like music or talking.  In that one Hunchback movie the people are mean to the Hunchback but a girl "Feels Sorry" for him.  Thank You God for sending that lady to help me, when I was homeless; and was sort of like that Hunchback too I guess.   

        Boy!  I'm tempted to write about that Hunchback.  I guess his job was to ring loud Bells in that giant Cathedral so, he went "Deaf" but, I'll come back to him when I write about that girl Helen Keller.  My boss's first girlfriend Sandy's father, and Mr. Steve's dad; are partially deaf. 


                                                         VICTOR HUGO (1802-1885)  

                                                            COLORED BY PHOTOS.COM / JUPITER IMAGES            


            A "Painted" black and white photo in this Encyclopedia shows the 19th century French Writer Victor Hugo.  He wrote the book the Hunchback movie's "Based On" as they say.  At one time I guess, Mr. Steve painted black and white photos he "Printed" on "Silk" paper.

            In my books I'll write about a smart little guy named Homer Lea who, in the early part of the 20th century; wrote two "Influential" books on "Military History."  I guess, possibly because he was dropped as a baby; he was one of those Hunchbacks too.  Heathcliff just crowed.

              Hey Blessed Mother!  It's so interesting how my Encyclopedia says Victor Hugo's book is named "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" and, in French the Cathedral is called "Notre Dame de Paris" or; "Our Lady of Paris."  So, that big giant huge Cathedral was named after You!


                        MARY SHELLEY (1797-1851)                                       FRANKENSTEIN   

                                    PAINTING BY RICHARD ROTHWELL                                                                                                                                                   


            Hey God! I feel like writing about that monster "Frankenstein," who was "Created" with dead body parts.  But I'll wait until tomorrow, when I look up that girl Mary Shelley; and find out about the man who turns into a Wolf.  Mr. Steve really admires Mary Shelley I guess.

        In my three books I'll also learn about "Horror" movies, and this one Actor named Boris Karloff who played the Frankenstein monster and a "Mummy" in another movie too.  I can tell Mr. Steve thinks Mary Shelley must've been smart.  I really want him to think I'm smart too.

       Another thing I'll write about tomorrow is this band called BLACK SABBATH.  Like Boris Karloff and Mary Shelley, they're "English" and their left-handed Guitarist accidentally cut off some of the tips of his fingers.  A hungry Crow is clucking out there in the eastern desert.   

                                                                                                                                                        MR. PEABODY / BOY SHERMAN    


                   I'm still kind of afraid to go in our house because I'm scared of being trapped in an area with no "Escape Routes."  My boss at times gets kind of upset with me over that.  But, I do look forward to the time when I overcome my fear; because then I can watch a lot more tv.

            At this point I'll only go in the living room on Saturday mornings to watch "Cartoons" on that amazing "TV" machine.  I guess tv is an "Abbreviation" for "Television."  Cartoons are so educational, and my all time favorite is about the world's smartest Dog named "Mr. Peabody." 

            Mr. Peabody and his boy "Sherman" use their "Way Back" machine to "Time Travel," which I'd like to do "For a Living."  Mr. Steve doesn't believe in time travel, but if he did would want to go back to the 1500's or 16th century.  Or he'd want to talk with Mary Shelley. 


                                                            "SPEEDY" GONZALEZ

                                                                                                                              PHOTO BY IAN MERRLL


            Oh!  Who should I see when I'm thinking of cartoons?  It's that "Fast-Running" Squirrel Mr. Steve named "Speedy Gonzalez," and he streaked bye in front of the three Sheds.  I guess in "Real Life," Speedy Gonzalez is actually this Mouse; who speaks with a Spanish accent. 

            I've tried chasing "Speedy" but he's just way too fast and agile for me.  I'm fast and agile too but not like him so, I just have fun chasing him; knowing "Good and Well" I'll never actually catch him.  Dawn's now barking over there next door and I can really smell little Blinky.

          When we go in the house on Saturday mornings to watch our cartoons Mr. Steve leaves the front door open so I feel more comfortable and don't worry about being "Trapped."  I've been afraid of "Enclosed" areas ever since I was homeless.  Someday I'll go down the Hallway! 




          Hey Lord!  Thank You for letting the Romans kill You so You could help us down here and, as You know; I'm partly writing my three books in You Guys honor.   I sure do hope Everyone up there "Smiles Down" on me.  If I could time travel Lord I'd definitely want to go smell You.   

         Oh!  That Jackrabbit Mr. Steve named "Jack" just whizzed bye.  It's good to see him even though I'm so tempted to chase him as he didn't even notice me over here on Elvira.  I sometimes have wondered if Jack's a boy or a girl but Mr. Steve thinks he's "most likely" a boy Rabbit.  

         Lord!  I can't wait until Saturday when I learn about Your "Death Shroud" over in Italy.  I would sure love to smell Your blanket like I love smelling my three blankets!  To "Mock" You, I guess the Romans hung a sign above You saying "King of the Jews" in three languages. 


                                                           "SHROUD OF TURIN"


            Lord!  This Encyclopedia shows Your blanket, and it sure does looks like Your image was burned right into it; maybe when You went up to Heaven.  Mr. Steve has worked in Photo "Dark Rooms" so knows about "Negatives."  Boy!  It must've hurt to be "Nailed" onto a cross.    

            Boy!  I just love these three blankets, Barry, Robin and Maurice our friend Mr. Chris got for me.  I'll use them to hide all my materials if Mr. Steve breaks his usual pattern and comes out here to the Patio.  My three blankets are named for those brothers in the BEE GEES. 

           Like my boss, I now give things "Nicknames;" which this English  Dictionary says is, "A substitute or descriptive name given in fun."  I'll never forget that first time when my boss Mr. Steve called me "Mag" because that meant he liked me.  A group of Birds just flew bye.    



            Mr. Steve has a customer in New York State named Mr. "Phillip," who's originally from "Wales."  He calls "England" the "U.K.," short for "United Kingdom;" which also includes the countries of "Scotland" and "Ireland" too.  Mr. Phillip calls a nickname a "Pet" name.  

           Boy Elvira, I's so glad I have you to be with me for the next three days as I write my three books.  I'm so happy my boss bought you from Mr. "Mark" before Mr. Mark moved his family out there to "Hawaii."  Mr. Mark's wife is named "Kim," their sons are "Taj" and "Dylan."

           I already know what an "Island" is because I looked it up a while back.  Boy!  It would be so interesting to smell an island I think.  But I'll bet Hawaiian Dogs would wonder what a desert like what I'm smelling right now might smell like.  A little Lizard just went running bye.      




        We live in the "Tri-Community" of Piñon Hills, "Phelan" and "Wrightwood."  Phelan and Wrightwood were named after men.  Miss "Susan," who used to run our local Newspaper; says    Piñon Hills at one time was called "Desmont," and even before that "Barrel Springs."                

       This Encyclopedia has a map of the "Mohave" desert and shows how Los Angeles is to the southwest of us.  This big city, called "Victorville;" is about twenty five miles to the east of Piñon  Hills.  Boy!  I really like looking at maps and can now see why my boss likes them too.       

     Aha!  I knew I was being watched and, I just noticed this Lizard standing on the wall over there; next to the "Sliding Glass Door" going into the "Dining Room."  Sometimes Lizards are    hard to see because they're so good at "Camouflage."  My boss sells camouflage Baseball hats.             


   PHOTO BY RYAN LEE                   


              Wow!  I love how the morning sun makes "Cholla" (Choy-ya) cactus "Glow" and look pretty but, their spines will stab you like needles.  God!  As You know, like my boss I really love that magical time every morning when Crickets stop chirping.  And Birds then begin to sing.      

             Mr. Steve thinks 3 is important but so is the "Duality" of 2, where things have two sides.  With good comes bad with bad comes good, the bigger the good the equal "Potential" for bad; and "Vice Versa."   His father sometimes jokes that's Your ironic joke from up there God. 

             Cholla cactus are called "Jumping Cactus," and I know why because; Mr. Steve had to use a stick to flick off that painful spine.  It stuck to my side like a "Magnet" when I got way too close and I noticed how Mr. Mike used the word "Velcro."   But I "Learned my Lesson." 


RONNIE JAMES DIO (1942-2010)  

                                                                                                                                                      PHOTO BY STEVE CÓRDOVA

               Over the next three days I'll learn about a Singer named Ronnie James Dio, who was in RAINBOW and BLACK SABBATH before he had his band.  He "Popularized" and made the "Malocchio" Devil's Horns hand gesture be associated with Heavy Metal.  I smell Sage.    

           Mr. Steve took pictures of Ronnie James Dio, and likes a lot of the songs he sang on in the 1980's.  He writes lyrics about "Sorcerers and Wizards, and the duality of life, one time saying in an interview, "Without darkness there is no light."  A Train whistled faintly over to my left.

          A while back my boss found out Ronnie James Dio was born on July the 10th, while his birthday is on the 9th of July.  He was told "Dio" is buried in Glendale at the "Forrest Lawn, just like that lady Miss Helen who worked with Mr. Steve and Mr. Mark.  A Finch is chirping.   


                                                         CHARLES DARWIN (1809-1882)

         PAINTING BY GEORGE RICHMOND                                                                          


           That chirping Finch reminds me of that 19th century Englishman Charles Darwin.  Hey God!  I guess "Darwin," who was "Sickly;" described the physical world You created through his "Theory" of "Evolution," or  what he called  "Natural Selection." He studied Finch's.      

           My boss's friend Mark Ritter, who a girl described as "never a dull moment;" died but got to achieve a "Life Goal" by visiting the "Galápagos" Islands like Darwin did.  He knew about "Reptiles;" "Geology" and "Aviation" too. "Deceased" is a nicer way of saying "Dead."  

           According to this English Dictionary, the "definition" of "Temporal" is, "of or part of the physical world" or "temporary, transitory."  I'll learn more about those two things over the next three days.  Oh!  A nice breeze just came in from the eastern desert behind the three Sheds.



            Is that You Holy Spirit!  Just for the "Heck of It" as they say, I looked up "Spiritual" and my Dictionary says one definition is, "Of the spirit or soul."  And another one is, "Not physical or corporeal."  Oh!  I think I sort of like this one other third meaning, "Sacred or Holy."

           Mr. Steve and his friend Mr. Mike were about to take a "load" of things to the "Dump" when they talked about Charles Darwin's idea of "Defense Mechanisms."  Cholla cactus' jump on you to "defend" themselves, and Joshua trees have "Stabbing" tips.  Dawn's barking.   

           I've noticed when Mr. Steve works he wears those amazing "Gloves," mainly because a lot of things around here have jagged edges or sharp points.  How could anyone have even thought of how to make gloves?  Hey!  I'll  bet we could make money inventing gloves for us Dogs!




                     Oh!  "Blackbeard," Fannie and Freddie's son; is flying bye with his girlfriend "Anne Bonny."  Blackbeard's missing his left eye and my boss thinks he may have lost it fighting for the right to be with Anne.  Now, just like his parents; they're a couple "For Life" so to speak. 

             Wow God!  In looking at the Sun over the eastern horizon, and feeling its warmth which gives me energy; I sense You.  Ah!  I suddenly feel the exact same way I felt last Spring when the sunlight would absorb into me.  And I was also smelling the new scents coming out too!           

             Boy Crows like Blackbeard, who has a white hole where his eye use to be; fight a lot but girl Crows are tough too I notice.  Crows seem to be able to read your mind, especially if they're trying to steal your food from you.  I wonder what that term "Shrinking Violet" means?      


                SAMSON AND DELILAH                                                  "TALONS"                                 


             Oh!  Those two "Ravens" my boss named "Samson and Delilah" are now flying bye.  I've noticed how Crow and Raven couple's wings flap "In Unison" as they fly or, as Mr. Randy said; "in synch."   Both Crows and Ravens have really sharp beaks and claws to use in a fight.

            On the ground Crows and Ravens "Waddle" like those "Penguin" Birds that I've heard about.  My boss says Penguins "fly underwater" instead of up in the air.  Wow!  So, they must be able to "Hold their Breath" for a really long time; which seems so hard of a thing to do.    

            Crows caw while Ravens croak.  Mr. Steve had named Samson "Goliath" because of his big size, but Delilah showed up so he was renamed Samson; and that big Gopher Snake became Goliath instead.  I'll learn more about people from the "Old Testament" in my three books.   





            A breeze from the east, behind the three Sheds; brought in the scent of Joshua trees.  This one Encyclopedia says they're "Agave" trees and their longer Latin "Scientific" name is "Yucca Brevifolia."  Wow!  Some Joshua trees can live to be over one hundred years old I guess. 

           A Native-American "Cahuilla" lady from near "Palm Springs" once told my boss about "Basket Making," and how you can make shoes from Joshua tree leaves.  I guess you can also eat Joshua tree flowers.  In Cahuillan, Joshua tree is "Hunuvat chiy'a;" or "Humwichawa."

          Over the next three days I'll learn about "Explorers," like a guy named John C. Frémont.  As San Fernando Mission Tour Guides Mr. Steve and his parents studied him and "Wilderness Guide" Kit Carson, who lived in New Mexico.  In the 19th century they "Mapped" the "West."  


             JOHN C. FRÉMONT (1813-1890)                     KIT CARSON (1809-1868)    


                 It says here how in 1840, even before the Mormons named them; John C. Frémont said Joshua trees were "ungraceful" and "repulsive."  Boy God!  I have to totally disagree with John C. Frémont about that.  In fact, I really, really  like how they look and smell to me right now. 

             This afternoon I'll find out about the "Mexican War" of 1846-48, which is important to the history of California and New Mexico.  John C. Frémont and Kit Carson played big parts in that war.  I guess John C. Frémont even stayed at the San Fernando Mission back in 1847.  

             Ah!  I hate it when my tongue gets stabbed trying to lick a cactus spine or "Sticker" out from between my toes.  I've noticed people wear those amazing "Shoes," which we could maybe invent for us Dogs; to make money.  Fannie and Freddie, talking to each other; flew bye.   




             I smell one of our "Arborvitae" trees, which look more like bushes than trees.  "Piñon" means "Pine" in Spanish, and my boss thinks "at one time" there were probably more Pine trees in our area; which some have described as being a "harsh landscape."  Heathcliff crowed.  

          My favorite thing to do, except for eating of course; is running.  I used to run fast on the dirt paths we've "Carved Out" in "Making the Rounds" when guarding the "Perimeter" of our  two acres, but now I just "Jog."   I also enjoy celebrating by jumping, howling and dancing.        

          In Winter people "Ski" in Wrightwood, which I guess is sliding down snow-covered hills on skinny wooden boards hooked onto your feet.  Oh!  What if someone could invent skiing for    Dogs?  They could probably make money because we have four legs instead of just two.                                          



         Mr. Steve's sister Susan, and her sons Dalton and Austin; like to ski but I guess my boss has only done what they call "Water Skiing."  That kind of sounds scary because I'm still sort of  afraid of water, especially deep water.  I'm not really sure yet if I even know how to swim.             

            Boy!  I'm really starting to "Get the Hang" of writing and kind of like it.  I practiced a lot using these amazing "Pencils" when putting together my three outlines, and will start using the    permanent ink "Pens" after I practice writing a lot more.  Boy!  "Erasers" are so amazing!         

            Hey God!  I really like learning new things, and now can't wait to work on my books.  I'm sort of embarrassed at how much I "Procrastinated" because of my fear this will turn out to be a lot harder than expected.  But now I think I might be able to do it, with Your help of course.         


"FIELD" MOUSE          


            Aha!  I knew I was smelling a Field Mouse, and now see it standing over there in gravel.  Wow!  You rarely see Mice out during the day but, it better be really careful because if Cher the Cat smells it he or she "Is a Goner" for sure as they say.  Mice have such cute little tiny hands.    

        That Mouse may sense it's Spring so is "Taking a Chance" in coming outside in order to absorb the Sun's warmth.  Not only do Cats eat the Mice, but so do Crows, Ravens, Snakes and    Hawks around here.  Mr. Steve read some of our local Hawks are called "Prairie" Hawks.            

     Oh my God!  "Goliath" the Gopher Snake crawled in from the desert, through the left vertical slot on the side of the gate.  Gopher Snakes look like "Rattlesnakes" without "Rattles," have skinnier heads; and aren't poisonous.  Snakes scare me but, it's nice to see Goliath.                                                                 


        PHOTO BY MATT JEPPSON                


         Goliath stopped and flicked his tongue out to pull in a taste of air.  At times Cher the Cat opens her mouth really wide and almost seems to "Drink" in the taste of air.  The Mouse has not  yet picked up Goliath's presence so maybe I should warn it?  Nah, I guess I won't do that.            

         I can mainly tell Goliath by how big he is but, also by his round eyes and the lines on his face; that go from the top of his head around either side of his eyes.  I'd say Goliath is now over    three and a half feet long.  I don't think I'd really like having no legs to walk around on.               

          Mr. Steve's friend Mark Ritter who died knew about Snakes, and said there are six types of California Gopher Snakes.  He had a "Bull" Gopher Snake.  On Saturday I'll write about Mark Ritter's "Gila Monster" who, back in the 1990's; lived with Mr. Steve for about seven years.                                             

 "MOCKING" BIRD       


            Oh!  What I thought was a chirping Finch is actually one of those "Impostor" Birds Miss Susan called a "Mocking" Bird.  They "Imitate" other Birds, and I have a feeling it probably has something to do with food somehow.  The Mouse is gone and I'll bet it smelled Goliath.           

          Mr. Steve gets up early and, like him; I now also like that "Old Saying" the "Early Bird gets the Worm."  We had a good breakfast this morning and, as usual; it was mainly that "Dry" Dog food.  At times I've kind of wondered about what Worms and Bugs would taste like?

         Boy!  There's nothing better than cold "Leftovers" mixed with dry food!  And this morning that delicious meat "Spam" was also in there too.  I smelled it even before I ate it, and I'll bet he put it in because today's a special day; the first day of Spring.  Goliath just crawled away.  




           Eating breakfast this morning I thought of the first time I tasted dry Dog food, when I was homeless and that nice lady gave me food and water.  Thank You God if it was You who sent that lady to help me when I needed it so much.  Boy!  I really, really love to have food and water!  

           Hey God!  I promise I'll never complain again about dry Dog food, even though; at times it gets kind of what they call "Monotonous."  Now I really like dry Dog food!  Whenever I feel like dry Dog food is boring I'll just think about when I was homeless out in that awful field.

           I remember the time I was eating the dry Dog food the lady gave me and that one-legged Crow watched me.  Crows are smart and will steal your food, which I hate; if you're not careful.  Ah!  I can hear two Crows right now squawking and I'll bet they're fighting over some food.


                                                             ONE-LEGGED CROW

                                                                 PHOTO BY ROGER VAN GELDER  


             I'm pretty good at acting mean so I growled at the one-legged Crow when he kept eyeing my food.  Mr. Steve once had a one-legged Crow which, in the 1980's; was given to him by their family "Auto Mechanic" named "Wilt Walls."  He died a few years ago from what I heard.  

            One morning Mr. Wilt found the Crow with it's leg stuck in a machine so, to "Save" it; cut off its leg and put it in a "Cage."  He gave that Crow to Mr. Steve, who buried it when it died about a year or so later.   Boy God!  I wonder if I'll get to be buried when I die someday?

           My boss remembers the voices of people like Mr. Wilt who've died.  Mr. Wilt grew up in the State of "Texas," where  Mr. Steve's brother Rock now lives with his two sons; "Rocky Jr." and "Jacob."  I smell Libby the Horse over there to my right, which makes me feel good.  

                                                                                                   WILT / DONNA                                                        ROCKY JR. / ROCK / JACOB

                                                                                 STEPHANIE / RICH / CRISTINA            


            My boss says Mr. Wilt was "forthright, honest and fair" and didn't "overcharge." He was a hard-working "basically decent" person.  And, as with Mr. Steve's parents; in order to to "Get Along" with "Wilt" it was a good idea to get along his wife "Donna" who he really trusted.  

           When the one-legged Crow died my boss buried it and was tempted to cut off the leg.  He met an older "Native-American Shoshone" man at the Phelan Library who said, to "venerate" the Crow's strength he would've made an "amulet" out of the leg.  Oh!  I smell Arborvitae.

           I'd wear the Crow leg "Charm" too because it might just "Impart" that Crow's courage, or "heart" as Mr. Wilt said.  You know, when I chewed up Mr. Steve's shoes I kind of felt like I was taking in a part of him but he got really mad at me so I won't do that again.  No way!       


                                                     RITCHIE VALENS (1941-1959)         


             In my books I'll write about a Singer named Ritchie Valens, from this town near Sylmar called "Pacoima."  In the late 1950's he had "Hit" songs "La Bamba," and "Donna;" like Mr. Wilt's wife's name.  I heard La Bamba once and it makes me want to dance right now.   

             I'm not scheduled to write about the history of that song La Bamba until book two but, feel like mentioning it now too.  My boss's friend named Mr. "Ralph" said it's an 18th century "Jarocho" Mexican song from the "Gulf Coast" region of "Veracruz."  Dawn's barking.     

            Mr. Ralph said Jarocho music "blends" European, African and Indigenous "influences" by using guitar, harp and violin.   He read how some think La Bamba can be "traced" to the 16th century, when the Spanish brought black African Slaves to Mexico.  I like Dawn!   


                    MR. RALPH (SON RORY)                                     CAROL KAYE           

PHOTO BY STEVE CÓRDOVA                                                                                                                                                         


                 Mr. Ralph says "Bamba" is an area in "West Africa."  In my books I'll write about this lady from California named Carol Kaye who, as a "Session" Musician; played guitar on Ritchie Valens' song La Bamba.  Boy!  There are so many Birds chirping happily around here.  

             I guess Carol Kaye was a member of this group of Los Angeles "Studio" Musicians who some people called the "Wrecking Crew."  They played "Anonymously" on many famous songs from back in the 1960's.  Carol Kaye played bass on the BEACH BOYS "Pet Sounds" album.

            Mr. Steve did art for this guy who said Carol Kaye, now "Retired;'" lives in "Rosamond" near "Edwards Air Force Base."  My boss then told him how his friend Mr. Grant has a house in Rosamond.  I'm scheduled to write a lot more about "Edwards" in all of my three books.  


    "VAPOR" TRAIL          


                      Oh!  I just glanced up and see one of those long white "Vapor Trails" up in the sky.  Mr. Steve says they come from the back of "Jet" Planes, and maybe that one's from Edwards A.F.B.   to the northwest of Piñon Hills.  I'll learn about the subject of "Aviation" in my books.   

              Because I'm still not totally comfortable going in the house, I can only hear music when my boss brings his Boombox outside.  Sometimes he plays music but, also listens to what I guess they call "Talk Radio."  He's been listening to "KFI" from Los Angeles for many years.

             Another good song which makes me feel like dancing is "The Third Hoorah!," by that English band called JETHRO TULL; who use a "Flute" in their songs.  I really love flute!  The Third Hoorah! also has a "Bagpipe" part in it, and I kind of like how Bagpipe's sound too. 


                        JETHRO TULL                                                                    GENESIS                                                                                                             

            Hey Lord!  Later today I'll write about that one 1973 JETHRO TULL concert my boss and a girl named "Angela" saw at the "Forum in Inglewood." It was called "Passion Play" like how they called Your death in the Middle Ages.  Ah!  I love breathing in fresh Spring air.

            I've only heard a few songs but, so far my two favorites are "Musical Box" by  GENESIS and CANNED HEAT'S "Going up the Country."  Both have flute in them, and flute is definitely my favorite musical instrument; and nothing will ever change my mind!  Heathcliff crowed.

           Someday I'd like to hear some songs by this band called the MOODY BLUES.  And that's mainly because, from what I've been told; I guess some of their songs have really good flute in them.  The sound of a flute, sort of like Pigeon's cooing; makes me calm down and relax.




              My favorite band, even though they don't play flute; is DEVO.  They wear professional yellow uniforms and have this really good song about a guy with a square head in the shape of a block.  If I had a few fingers instead of just toes I'd definitely try to learn to play a flute. 

            Last Summer Mr. Steve played some DEVO songs on the Boombox, and I've liked DEVO ever since.  I've heard they're from the State of "Ohio," and at times wear shiny red hats.  I like red, but by far my favorite color is "Royal" blue; which is the color of our food bowls.

            A good breeze just now brought in the Twin Joshua trees scent from out there in the back  desert.  That reminds me of when that really cold blast of wind, which hurt my face a lot; blew in with their smell on it too.  Boy Elvira!  I'm so glad I have you around to be my loyal friend.


                                                                  THE "FORUM" 

                                                                                                                                  PHOTOS BY STEVE CÓRDOVA   


           That 1973 JETHRO TULL concert wasn't the only show my boss has seen at the Forum, and in my three books I'll write about other "Venues" where he's seen events at.  Sometimes, he was allowed to take pictures.  A group of Birds just flew bye, and I know what a "Flock" is.

           In the mid-1980's my boss and his friends "Mark" and "Helen" worked for the company that owned the Forum and also the Sports teams.  As "Salespeople," they all sold "Season Seats" and "Advertising."  Back in 1985 Mr. Steve visited the original Forum back in Rome, Italy. 

           A topic I'll learn about in my three books is "Stadiums;" from ancient Greece through the current modern "Sports Facilities" whose roofs open and close.  In 1985 Mr. Steve's Tour Group visited the "Colosseum" in Rome.  The Sun's warmth feels so good falling on me right now.   




         This Latin Dictionary says "Arena" is "derived" from the word "sand."  Sand soaked up all the blood "Gladiators" and Animals "spilled" for the entertainment of the Roman "masses."  I guess my boss Mr. Steve has a heavy "Replica" of a sword called a "Gladius" in his office.         

        In 1923, Los Angeles built this Stadium called the "Coliseum;" which is spelled different from the one in Italy I notice.  In 1994, my boss and his mom had an "Art  Exhibit" down at the  "Natural History" museum, which is right next door to the Coliseum.  Dawn's barking.                

          The "Inglewood" Forum opened in 1968 when my boss was thirteen.  Basketball, Hockey,  Soccer, Boxing and Tennis matches are held there; and so are "Circus's" which I'd love to smell  someday.  I'm scheduled to learn a lot more about the year 1968 in all of my three books.                                                                                            NEW YORK CITY ("MANHATTAN")                            


             Another year I'll find out about is 1977, the year my boss and his brother Rock made a trip back east.  In a "Rented" Car they drove all around New York City, and then visited their Uncle "Marty's" family in "Morristown," New Jersey.  I can smell a Lizard around here.

            In 1977 my boss and his brother drove bye "Madison Square Garden."  And they went to a Baseball game at "Yankee" Stadium.   That "Son of Sam" killer was caught when they were in "N.Y.C.," and the death of "Elvis" was announced when they were driving to "Gettysburg."

            Mr. Steve's Uncle Marty took them to see the "World Trade Centers" in 1977, and they also went to the "Stock Exchange" because Mr. Steve's dad had that school for Stock Brokers. 1977 is the year "The Bronx Burned."  In 2001 the "Twin Towers" were both blown up.


                         CREAM                              THE DOORS                        LED ZEPPELIN


           My boss and Mr. Randy one time talked about Arenas.  Mr. Steve thinks 1960's bands like CREAM, the DOORS and LED ZEPPELIN were lucky to "come along" when they did because "Arenas" are way bigger than just "Auditoriums."  All of those are "Three Piece" bands.

           I guess, in the late 1960's the professional "Basketball" and "Ice Hockey" Leagues added new cities, and larger Arenas were built in 1968.  "N.B.A." is short for the "National Basketball Association," and "N.H.L." means "National Hockey League." The Lizard's now gone.

          Mr. Steve was in 8th Grade in 1968.  He and Mr. Randy talked about how, until the late 1960's; concerts were often "Revues" where many bands played one or two "Hit" songs.   From what I heard, Ritchie Valens did that in the 1950's.  But then big Arenas changed things.




           I guess after 1968, if a band could "Sell Out" bigger "Halls" or Arenas; they made way more money.  In 1968 that "Power Trio" CREAM played the first "Rock" concerts at Madison Square Garden and out here at the Forum.  "Three Piece" means bass, drums and guitar.

          Mr. Steve read, in the late 1960's; bands like JETHRO TULL "adapted" their concerts for Arenas.  Also he says, people like himself began buying "33 R.P.M. Albums" instead of  small "45 R.P.M. Singles."  I guess the three letters R.P.M. just stand for "Revolutions Per Minute."    

          In 1968 Mr. Steve's friend "Doug," who knew Mark Ritter; saw Jimi Hendrix play at "Cal State Northridge" where Mr. Steve, his mom, brother Rock, sister Susan and Nephew "Mathew" went to College.  In that year CREAM played at "C.S.U.N." too.  I'd love to go to College.          

                                                                                                                                   CLAIRE ROTHMAN 


           My boss had a dream about a lady named Claire Rothman who, in the 1980's; "Managed" the Forum.  Like Grandma Córdova, who drove a School Bus in Belén; she was a nice but "No-Nonsense" person.  No one "Acted Up" around them as neither "Suffered Fools" easily.   

           At times Claire Rothman gave my boss "Photo Passes," or permission; to take pictures at the Forum.  She was a friendly but serious person, kind of like his Grandma Córdova.  Fannie and Freddie the Crows, talking to each other; are flying towards the northeast right now. 

           I guess one time a Spanish language "La Opinion" Photographer jokingly called that lady Claire Rothman "El Ultimo Jefe," and "La Jefa de Jefes."  And my Spanish Dictionary says that might mean "The Ultimate Boss" or "The Female Boss of Bosses."  Ah!  I smell new Sage. 


             MISS SANDY                                 MISS EMILY                         MISS HARRIET

            Mr. Steve has had three girlfriends, "Sandy," "Emily" and "Harriet."  He met Sandy as a 12th Grader  at "Sylmar High," when she was in the 10th Grade.  They were together seven years.  I guess Miss Sandy's mom was a "Nurse," and her father fought in World War II.  

           Sandy's mom's "Personality," in "Holding things Together;" was like Grandma Córdova and Claire Rothman.  Her laugh even resembled Claire Rothman's laugh.  In the early 1980's our boss met Miss Emily out here at Law School, but she grew up in "Long Island" New York.

                  Miss Emily works in the "Athletic " Department at U.C.L.A., which is a big College in Los Angeles.  Miss Harriet's job is to "Lay Out " pages on one of those "Computer" machines I've heard about.  She does that for a Magazine which sells "After Market" Car parts.       


                                                                    CANNED HEAT


              Later this afternoon I'll write about a Los Angeles band called CANNED HEAT.  They did one of my favorite songs "Going up the Country," which I like because of the Singer's great voice and the pretty flute they play in it.  Some Ducks are quacking over there next door.

             My boss told Mr. Mike, back in 1972 when he was seventeen; he met CANNED HEAT'S Bob Hite in "Topanga Canyon" at a "Barbecue."  Bob Hite looked like "Blackbeard the Pirate" he thought.  I guess Mr. Steve was in the 11th Grade and going to "Sylmar High" in 1972. 

             CANNED HEAT'S other song "On the Road Again" uses "Harmonica," which I like too but not as much as flute.  Mr. Steve likes their "Heavier" and more aggressive sounding song "Let's Work Together."  Over the years he's tried to play along on the drums to those songs.   


                            MR. STEVE (1984)                                                          MR. DAVE   

     PHOTO BY ARMANDO AGUIRRE                                                                                                                                                                                      


          I guess my boss told Mr. Dave in New Mexico, who also plays drums; he likes to play along to CANNED HEAT'S song Going up the Country because it gives him a chance to play "Snare" drum more.  JETHRO TULL'S happy song The Third Hoorah! also has snare drum in it too.

         CANNED HEAT and GENESIS' Drummers, both "Left-Handed;" have "light touch's" in how they play.  CANNED HEAT'S Drummer is a "Mexican-American," or "Hispanic / Latino;" like Ritchie Valens and Mr. Steve too.  My boss does many things left and right-handed.       

         Mr. Steve met a "Native-American" lady who's "Tataviam."  She said "Pacoima," the town Ritchie Valens was from; is "Gabrieliño" for "Running Water."  I guess 18th century Spanish, who came up to California; called Tataviams in the San Fernando Valley "Fernandeño's."   




             In 1959, when my boss was four; Ritchie Valens was one of three famous Musicians who died in an Airplane crash.  Mr. Steve was told Ritchie Valens was afraid of flying and so am I.  As a matter of fact, I'm still very scared to ride in any of our three what they call "Vehicles."  

            I hear Birds singing and that makes me feel good.  I'm so glad You created Birds God as life just wouldn't be the same without them and right now, looking at the eastern desert behind the three Sheds; I see a lot of them darting around.  Heathcliff just crowed over there.

                Ritchie Valens and his mom are buried at the "Mission" cemetery, about thirty feet from Mr. Steve's parent's two "Crypts" ready for when they die.  My boss's Grandmothers, and sister "Celina;" are at Mission cemetery,   Mr. Steve's friend Rick's son "Gino" is there too.


                                              RITCHIE VALENS / MOTHER'S GRAVES    

                                                        ("SAN FERNANDO MISSION" CEMETERY)                                                                                                                             PHOTO BY STEVE CÓRDOVA   


          Ritchie Valens real last name was "Valenzuela."  From 1977 through 1989 Mr. Steve's dad bought "Season Seats" for the Los Angeles "Dodgers" Baseball team.  Later this afternoon I'll write about it so will find out about this one guy from Mexico named Fernando Valenzuela.

         Over the next three days I'll learn about what they call "Sports."  Mr. Steve and both of his brothers played Baseball a lot when growing up, and Mr. Steve still plays "Slow Pitch" Softball.  His "Sister-in-Law" Yolanda in Littlerock was a good Softball Player too from what I heard. 

         Hey God!  To my boss Spring represents hope.  In Baseball his favorite team the Oakland "A's," as usual; need young players to do better than expected to "Compete" this season.  They don't have as much money as "Big Market" teams like the Yankees, Red Sox or Dodgers.       


                            BERNARDO PINANGO / FRANKIE DUARTE (THE FORUM / 1989) 

                                                                                                            PHOTO BY STEVE CÓRDOVA    


          Back in the mid-1980's my boss, Mr. Mark and also Miss Helen all sold things for the L.A. Basketball "Lakers," Ice Hockey "Kings" and Indoor Soccer "Lazers."  Oh!  And I guess also    for the "Strings" Team Tennis too.  Ah!  I really love the how I feel right now here on Elvira.        

        Mr. Steve took pictures of some events at the Forum, like a World Championship fight in 1989 between this guy named Frankie Duarte and Bernardo Pinango.  A photo of Mr. Frankie      throwing a right hand punch was published in a few Magazines.  Two Pigeons are flying bye.       

      Daisy heard Mr. Steve and his dad talking about how that picture of Frankie Duarte was used to make this ten foot tall painting.  That big painting was later shown on the front of what they call a "Program" printed for a fight Mr. Frankie was later in.  A Freight Train whistled.          

           GRANT FUHR (1985)     


      When we go in the living room on Saturday mornings to watch cartoons I see this Hockey stick in the front dining room.  It was given to Mr. Steve by a "Goaltender" named Grant Fuhr,  who had broken it in a practice.  Dais says Mr. Steve has a "Goalie" mask near his drums.           

        The year Mr. Steve got the Goalie stick from Grant Fuhr was 1985.  I guess, he took the old tape off, re-glued the broken wood; and then re-taped it.  Daisy says one time Mr. Steve told his    brother Sam over there in Littlerock how Grant Fuhr was a really nice and friendly person.         

     Mr. Steve told his mom in a dream he hugged Miss Helen and told her he wished he could have said goodbye to her.  Mr. Steve is six feet tall, she was six feet one; and joked "gravity was    shortening her."  He drove her to some of the U.C.L.A. Football games at the "Rose Bowl."                

                WITH WIFE "KIM"                           MR. MARK                    WITH SONS "TAJ" / "DYLAN"                                            

           Mr. Mark, who grew up in "Milwaukee" Wisconsin; moved with his wife Kim and their sons Taj and Dylan out to Hawaii.  Miss Kim grew up in "Oakland."  Mr. Mark plays guitar and keyboards too, and also sings songs as a one man band he calls BLUE TURBAN STONE              

             On the "Big Island" of Hawaii, Mr. Mark operates an "Internet" Newspaper.  Over the next three days I'll write more about Mr. Mark, who danced on a tv show called "Soul Train;" and also one time got a "Date" on "Love Connection."  Boy!  The fresh air is so clear now.  

            Over the next three days I'll write about Mr. Steve and his family's lives, and also people who have influenced them.  I heard my boss tell Mr. Mike how, the older he gets; the more he thinks about things like that.  Boy God!  I really like breathing clear air through my nose.  




        In this Encyclopedia the caption under a "rare" picture of Ritchie Valens playing drums says he's "filling in" when another Drummer got sick.  Someday, I'll go into his bedroom and        watch my boss play his drums.  Hey God!  I think right now I can feel You in the sunlight.          

           I'm so tempted to write more about Ritchie Valens now but I'll just wait.  Right behind the three Sheds this fence separates our two acres from Mr. Steve's back half acre.  A "Gate," which is sort of like a see through door; is right in between the two smaller Sheds Manny and Moe.  

         Mr. Steve uses that gate to go into the desert.  It's so amazing how Rabbits or Squirrels run at "Full Speed," and go right through the two vertical "Slots" on either side of the gate; without hitting their heads.  "Vertical" means "up and down," while "Horizontal" is "side to side."


AUDIE MURPHY (1924-1971)

                                                                                                                                                               PHOTO BY STEVE CÓRDOVA


             Mr. Steve and his parents all think "Cemeteries" are special so I'll learn about some of the ones they've been to.  In July of 2008 they visited the "Arlington National Cemetery" back there in "Washington D.C."  I guess the letters "D.C." just stand for the "District of Columbia."

          In 2008 Mr. Steve took pictures of Audie Murphy's grave, a guy who in World War II won 33 "Decorations."  For years Mr. Steve's father knew his "Widow" Pamela, an "Advocate" for the "Veterans" at the "Sepulveda Veterans Hospital."  Mr. Steve has a friend named "Pam." 

         Wow!  This Encyclopedia says Audie Murphy "earned" thirty three decorations during the Second World War.  Fighting mainly in Italy, and then France; he "received every U.S. military combat award."  A small group of Birds went  flying bye above Libby's Corral, going east.




                 A picture in this Encyclopedia shows Audie Murphy, who was from Texas like Wilt the Auto Mechanic; getting "awarded a medal."  Boy God!  My boss would be proud of me if I got a medal.  Mr. Steve's brother Rock, and his son's Rocky Jr. and Jacob; live in Texas too. 

             In my books I'll learn about the history of "Metal."  A "Helmet," just like the one Audie  Murphy's wearing in the photograph; is near the "Fire Place" in the "Living Room" among my boss's collection of military helmets and hats.  I'd want a metal helmet if I'm ever in a war!       

             Even though I'm mainly going to write about that guy Audie Murphy later, I'll say now how he also got "Prestigious" medals from France and Belgium too.  This Encyclopedia says he was a "heroic" person.  Wow!  At the age of  nineteen he earned a "Medal of Honor."    


             "BUFFALO" BILL CODY (1846-1917)          ANNIE OAKLEY (1860-1926)    


            This is interesting.  My Encyclopedia says Audie Murphy's parents died during the Great Depression so, he learned to shoot guns "accurately;" to help "support" his eleven brothers and sisters by hunting Squirrels.  Hey!  That one girl named Annie Oakley also did that too!

           Mr. Steve thinks Annie Oakley proved girls can shoot guns as accurately as males and she was even in Buffalo Bill's "Wild West Show."  With a .22 rifle; my boss used to be a good shot.  During the 1930's "Great Depression" his Grandpa Córdova shot Jackrabbits with a .22.

          Oh!  It says here Audie Murphy became an Actor after World War II and, in 1955 the year my boss was born; "played himself" in a movie about fighting in Italy and France.  In the early 1950's he fought in the Korean War just like Mr. Steve's father.  I smell Libby next door.


                                                                BOBBY CHACON                                                                                                                                                                                                 

      I suddenly feel like mentioning my boss's friend named Bobby Chacon.  Twice he was a "World Champion" Boxer and, like Ritchie Valens; grew up in Pacoima too.  In 1997 Mr. Steve    wrote this short book about Mr. Bobby's family and also his very interesting "Life Story."            

          Well, I'd better just stick to my three outlines and write about Bobby Chacon according to schedule.  But I will say now how, in the mid-1990's; Mr. Steve and his father helped him when    he was almost homeless.   I see, and now smell; Libby standing over there to my right.                   

        Mr. Bobby has "Brain Damage," partly from Boxing I guess.  In the 1970's he was World Champion as a "Boxer/Puncher" but, having lost "Foot Speed;" in the 1980's "Adapted" and      became a World Champion "Counter-Punching Brawler."  So he had to get hit a lot more.                                            STEVE BANKS (1953-2009) / WIFE "RONNA"       


           Mr. Steve's boss Steve Banks died in 2009.  1999 was a bad year for my boss, as he made dumb mistakes so lost a lot of money; but Steve Banks helped him get back "On his Feet."  His company was called "S&S Enterprises" back then; and now goes under "A Thread Ahead."

           Just like Mr. Steve's father, Steve Banks knew about the sport of "Boxing;" and both were good "Poker" players.  Steve Banks is buried at "Eden Memorial" Jewish cemetery, right across the street from the Catholic Mission cemetery.  Mr. Steve spoke at his "Funeral" I guess. 

          In a Jewish burial "Attendees" shovel dirt onto the "Coffin" and, as he threw dirt on Steve Bank's coffin; my boss heard "Alemany" High School's Football team practicing.  He thought of an old saying, "Time and life stop for no one."  Mr. Steve went to Alemany for two years.  




          From first through eighth grades Mr. Steve went to Catholic "Parochial" school next to the St. Ferdinand's Church.    Besides California, there are places all over the world named for King Ferdinand III.  Mr. Grant says "San Fernando" is a common name in the "Philippines."

          Some of Mr. Steve's Teachers were "Nuns" who, in the 1960's; wore heavy black and white "Habits" or layers of "Veils."  Even on really hot Summer days they were often out there on the School playground keeping an "Eye on Things."  They just accepted it as "Doing Penance."

          My English Dictionary says the word penance means, "Voluntary self punishment to show repentance for wrong-doing."  Hey Lord!  I guess all us Roman Catholics have a long history of doing that type of thing.  I'll learn about what's called "Self Flagellation" in my books. 


                                                                         MR. RICK   


           At age seven my boss met his friend Rick at St. Ferdinand, when Rick's family moved out here to California from the city of "Pittsburgh;" in the State of "Pennsylvania."  Rick was eight and "On and Off;" they've known each other ever since.  Heathcliff just now crowed.

          Rick and his wife Linda's son "Gino" is also buried at the Mission Cemetery too.  My boss thinks, if Gino had not died as a teenager; he may've made it to the Baseball "Major Leagues."  His "Natural Ability," and "Instinctive" skill in "Fielding;" impressed a lot of "Scouts."

          Because of "Peer Group Pressure" Mr. Steve tried to ignore the Nuns.  But, "In Reality;" it was those Nuns who taught him "Guiding Principles" and made a "Lasting Impression" on him.  Saint Ferdinand is a "Parish," so one thing that means is how it has a good "Church." 

                                                                        "SAINT FERDINAND" CHURCH   

                                               PHOTO BY GARY FREDBURG                                                                                                         PHOTO BY STEVE CÓRDOVA                                                                                                                                                

            Hey Lord!  Like the other Nuns who taught him at Saint Ferdinand, Mr. Steve's 6th Grade Teacher "Sister Rita Joseph;" is dead.  In 1966, when he was eleven; she told him the difference    between "Subjective" and "Objective."  There's a long white vapor trail up there in the sky.      

         I guess subjective means each person is "Entitled" to an opinion so I like blue, you prefer red.  But objective means there is no opinion or, "It is what it is;" as Sister Rita Joseph used to say.  Two plus two will always "only equal four" and there is only "one correct answer."

         Sister Rita Joseph also explained the difference between "Sympathy" and "Empathy."  I can "Sympathize" or feel sorry for you, but if I've experienced what you're going through then I can "Empathize" with your exact same situation.  I've "Walked in Your Shoes" so to speak.   


         "FLOCK" OF BIRDS           


          Hey God!  Sister Rita Joseph, who's alive in my boss's head; said to love and fear You.  I do fear disappointing You, Mr. Steve fears disappointing his family; and I want to be what she said was an "Inquisitive Lifetime Learner."  She talked of the "excitement of the unexpected."      

          Sister Rita Joseph said no group has a "monopoly" on "good or bad," there being only two types of people; "decent or indecent."  She said people have "more in common than they have differences."  In a dream Mr. Steve apologized to her for being such an "Idiot" back in 1966. 

         In the dream Mr. Steve told Sister Rita Joseph he'd "qualify" her belief about people.  He thinks people are "basically decent" or "basically indecent."  Those with a "Conscience" don't always do the right thing, and "Sociopaths" don't always do wrong; as everyone is "Flawed."   





              Hey God!  Sister Rita Joseph thought You sometimes "Interceded" in life but usually don't because of "Free Will."  She thought it important to at least try to lead a "Meaningful" life, but  that's not "easy to do" she said.  Most people die just hoping their lives had some meaning.          

          Way back in 1966 that lady Sister Rita Joseph read her class a saying, "Disappointment is unavoidable in this life but discouragement is a choice."   Hey God!  No matter what, I'm going to work hard; and even harder when things don't "Go my Way" over the next three days.  

         Dawn's barking over there next door and her voice makes me feel good.  I can kind of tell she's not that smart but, little Blinky sure seems to be and; I'm starting to kind of like Blinky's unique scent even though he's small in size.  I know for sure Dawn and Blinky are brave. 


                                                LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN (1770-1827) 



                Besides Vivaldi's song La Primavera, Mr. Steve at times listens to music by a German man named Ludwig van Beethoven" as the Sun comes up.  I guess his "6th Symphony" is called the "Pastoral."  "Beethoven" also wrote that one other really good song called "Ode to Joy." 

          Mr. Steve's Niece Samantha learned Beethoven songs on "Piano."  One is the first sad part of a three part song called "Moonlight Sonata," which Mr. Steve called a "lamentation." And, she learned "Für Elise;" about this girl Beethoven liked.  Boy!  That girl was so lucky!

          I feel like writing about Beethoven now but I'll wait and do it later.  My boss says he "went "deaf," which means he lost his hearing; and tomorrow I'll look up this brave girl named Helen Keller who was not only deaf but also blind too!  I wonder if a Dog could play a piano?

                                                                                                                 RICHARD STRAUSS (1864-1949) WITH FAMILY                                     


              A song Mr. Steve sometimes plays in the morning is "Thus Spoke Zarathustra." According to my Encyclopedia it was written by a German Composer named Richard Strauss at the end of the 19th century.  The really strong smell of Cholla cactus just blew in from the desert.

         In my books I'll write about a 1968 movie Mr. Steve likes called "2001 A Space Odyssey," which is partly about this one "Computer" named "Hal;" who is smarter than the people who built him.  My boss was thirteen in 1968.  I guess Mr. Steve uses an office computer a lot. 

         Hey God!  I've only heard Richard Strauss's song Thus Spoke Zarathustra once but can see why my boss likes it.  It makes me think of Your "Awesome" power in creating life down here on Earth.  Mr. Steve told Mr. Dave back in New Mexico he likes the "Timpani" drums on it. 


                                                FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE (1844-1900)


            My Encyclopedia says Richard Strauss was "inspired to compose"  his song Thus Spoke Zarathustra by a book written by that German "Philosopher" Friedrich Nietzsche.  I'm going to learn a lot more about him over the next three days.  I can hear a Raven croaking faintly.   

          As You know God, I used to feel "Sorry for Myself," a "Victim" of being dumped out in the field to die.  But now I really want to believe in what "Nietzsche" said, "That which does not destroy me, only makes me stronger!"  Ah!  The smell of this first day of Spring is so great!  

        God!  I want to agree with "Nietzsche" but it's too bad he said You were "Dead."  Mr. Steve thinks in the 20th century some of his ideas were "misinterpreted" and influenced Germans to do bad things.  The same is true of that British guy Charles Darwin, who influenced Nietzsche.  




             Oh!  Bonnie the Bird just flew is now throwing up a Bug from her stomach to feed to her and Clyde's babies.  They again built their nest near the Patio roof this year and my boss was so shocked at how early they had their babies.  Wow!  That might be another good sign I'll bet.

             It's kind of gross how the baby Birds eat whatever their parents have stored up in their stomachs. Yuk!  I don't think I'd like that, unless of course I was starving; as then I'd probably eat almost anything.  I did at times think of eating Bugs when I was homeless in that field.

            Last year, when Bonnie and Clyde built their first nest up there; Mr. Steve had just read a Newspaper article about the real 1930's "Great Depression" era "Gangsters" named Bonnie and Clyde.  His brother Rock had brought a Texas Newspaper to California.  Heathcliff crowed. 


                                              CLYDE BARROW / BONNIE PARKER 


             The real Bonnie and Clyde were from Texas like Mr. Wilt.  In 1994, Mr. Steve's brother Rock moved over to Texas with his three kids; daughter "Stephanie" and sons "Rocky Jr." and "Jacob."  Mr. Steve's parents called Rocky Jr. "Rocky Michael" I noticed that one time.

            "World War I" ended in 1918 and "World War II" began in 1939.  Back in the 1920's the  American "Economy" was "Roaring" so people had money.  But I heard my boss say during the 1930's "Great Depression" most of the people were poor, and some even "Starved to Death."   

          Over the next three days I'll learn about the two World Wars and also the years "Between the Wars" too.  Mr. Steve, and his father; think all three periods are equally important so I want to find out about them.  Boy!  I just love how sunlight feels when it's sinking down into me.          




          In my three books I'll learn about "History," and my Encyclopedia says this one ancient Roman Writer named "Cicero" said, "Historia magistra vitae est."  My Latin Dictionary says    that  translates as, "History is life's teacher."  Boy!  It's too bad Cicero's head got cut off.             

            I guess that guy Cicero knew Julius Caesar.  It says here he "influenced" the 16th century European "Renaissance," the 18th century "Enlightenment" era; and American  President's like Thomas Jefferson and Harry Truman too.  Clyde just now flew away from their nest.                    

           Tomorrow in book two I'll learn about the Italian "Mafia."  That guy Al Capone lived in a town near "Chicago" called "Cicero" where, before this economic "Recession" we're in; I guess  Mr. Steve had a customer.  Boy!  It would be so great to have something named after you.                                                      

  1930'S "GREAT DEPRESSION"          

           A picture in my Encyclopedia shows a 1930's Train carrying "destitute hobos" during the Great Depression.  Mr. Steve says in those days millions of people were "desperate."  Oh!  What a coincidence that a Train just now whistled faintly to my left, or out in the northern desert.  

          My Dictionary says a "Hobo" is a "migratory worker or tramp," and a tramp "travels as a vagrant."  The definition of a "Vagrant" is, "A person who wanders from place to place with no job;" like Mr. Steve's mom's Uncle James did in the 1930's.  Everyone was poor then.

          Blinky's barking.  Hey Blessed Virgin, hearing Bonnie and Clyde's babies chirping makes me think about someday being a good partner with a boy Dog and having babies we could raise together as a team.  Boy!  Even though  he's kind of small I'm starting to sort of like Blinky. 




           My boss thinks the Great Depression influenced his Grandparents and parents too.  In a dream he heard Grandma Trujillo saying, "Only God knows;" which she said often.  Mr. Steve's parents have been together for years because they genuinely trust and respect each other.  

          As I mentioned, I want to show how females can be capable so; will write about the capable females in Mr. Steve's family in my three books.  Mr. Steve's Grandma Córdova, though short; was once described as being "indomitable."  I guess she had a "Mind of her Own" as they say.

          Over the years Mr. Steve has dealt with many "Couples," often for "Business."  He likes it when he can tell the wife something, confident it will get clearly told to her husband.  His parents are that way so, talking to one about something important; is just like telling the other. 


ROCKY JR. / MISS AMBER            


           Back there in Texas Mr. Steve's Nephew Rocky Michael is a good "Tattoo" Artist and his girlfriend named "Amber" has a "Beauty Shop."  Both seem to have a "Head for Business" in the same way my boss's Grandma Córdova had.  I can see a vapor trail up there in the sky.

          Mr. Steve told his brother Sam in Littlerock he can tell their brother Rock in "Arlington" Texas is proud of his three children in the same way Sam and Yolanda are proud of their three kids too.  They all have a lot of "Potential."  Susan is also proud of  sons Dalton and Austin.

         Grandma Córdova was a good partner who saved money.  Mr. Steve says his family's lucky the latest generation of girls in our family are good "Helpmates" too.  Hey God!  My boss's dad thinks You might've made it so many females want to "feel needed" and important to others.       


               "MISSION" CEMETERY                               MR. STEVE'S PARENTS CRYPTS


            Mission Cemetery, where Mr. Steve's parents have their Crypts and his sister Celina and Grandmothers are buried; is behind the old San Fernando Mission.  That's where Mr. Steve and his parents were what they call "Docents."  That means they showed people the Mission.

            In my three books I'll learn about the twenty one "Alta" California Missions.  In the 18th century they were kind of like giant Farms run by Spanish "Franciscan" Priests.  In the Spanish language the word "Alta" means "upper," while "Baja" is how you would say "lower."  

            Boy!  It's so great having all of these Dictionaries for looking words up.  A lot of words are kind of hard to spell, especially in the other languages; but once I spell a word I'll never forget it. Thank You God for giving me a good memory, which will help me in writing these three books.  


                                                      "SAN FERNANDO" MISSION                             

                             DRAWING BY STELLA CÓRDOVA                                           PHOTO BY STEVE CÓRDOVA                                       PAINT ON MARBLE BY STELLA CÓRDOVA


            As "Tour Guides" at the San Fernando Mission, Mr. Steve and his parents learned about the twenty one Alta California Missions.  They were "Established" in the late 18th century by Father Junipero Serra, and later by Father Férmin de Lasuen.  Heathcliff just crowed.     

            In the 1700's the Spanish "Colonized" California, over a century after "Settling" in New Mexico.  Only "Native," or what my boss calls "indigenous" people; were here then.  Boy!  I'm sure glad I have all of these really great Dictionaries that we found up there in the garage.  

         The Catholic Priests who "Ran" the Missions, "Friars" or "Padres" in Spanish; were all members of the "Franciscan" Order.  Padre means "Father."  Over the years I guess Mr. Steve went to a few different Baseball games down there at the San Diego "Padres" old Stadium.    


                                                     SAINT FRANCIS (c.1181-1226)  


        According to my Encyclopedia, that guy Saint Francis was from an Italian town called "Assisi;" and is "one of the most venerated religious figures in history."  Bonnie finished feeding her babies and then flew away so now the chicks will probably just go back to sleep again.            

            If I had a "Time Machine" like Mr. Peabody I'd go back to the 13th century to smell you Saint Francis.  My Encyclopedia calls you the "Patron Saint" of us Animals.  Mr. Steve might go back so his wiser older self could advise and warn his dumber younger self about things.   

           Hey Saint Francis!  I sure hope You're looking down and "Mind Reading" me.  Please help me over the next three days so I can honor us Animals.  If I do a good job hopefully my boss will be really proud of me, and maybe I could even help others to learn some new things too!    


                                                    CELINA CÓRDOVA (1962-2004)  


          Too bad life isn't fair God!  Mr. Steve says it's sad both of his Grandma's ended up buried out here in California, while their husbands got "Interred" in New Mexico.  In 2006 Mr. Steve, and that Boxer Bobby Chacon; walked around the Mission Cemetery and saw the graves.  

              One time, as he watered the big Mulberry tree up there in the front yard; my boss told Mr. Randy about his sister Celina who died.  He said he thinks of what a good "Seamstress" she was when, in cold weather; he uses a warm "Quilt" blanket she made for him.  Heathcliff crowed.

          I guess, when they were at the Mission Cemetery; Mr. Steve and Bobby Chacon visited the graves of Ritchie Valens and Mr. Steve's friend Rick's son Gino.  They saw the metal nameplates on the front of my boss's parents Crypts too.   Speedy the Ground Squirrel sprinted bye.   




             My boss and his friend Mr. Doug, who's wife "Susan" died; talked on the phone one time about how females often live longer than males.  I guess Mr. Doug has known Mr. Steve since the late 1970's, when they met through that guy Mark Ritter.  Boy!  I love this time of morning!

             In 1985 my boss Mr. Steve met a famous Basketball "Coach" named John Wooden; who had U.C.L.A. teams that won a lot of championships.  My boss and a guy named "Paul" were at the "Anaheim Convention Center."  A flock of Birds are flying toward the east right now. 

            Mr. Steve and Paul, for the company that owned the Forum; were "Manning" this booth trying to get "Sales Leads."  In the half hour talk with Coach Wooden they both noticed how he mentioned his "good" wife a few times.  My boss found out later that his wife had died.




            Mr. Steve and his family go to the Mission Cemetery to clean and put flowers on all the family graves.  Celina's daughter Samantha visits her mom.  On the north side of of the cement slab driveway, in front of the garage; is our little cemetery with some Dogs already in it.

            I guess my boss's sister Celina made quilt blankets for other people in the family too.  So, as Mr. Steve says; in a sense she's alive when they think of her while using those quilts.  I guess, Mr. Steve's mother  thinks of cemeteries as being the physical site of "Hallowed Grounds."  

           Hey God!  At times Mr. Steve has nice dreams where he hugs his Grandparents and sister Celina.  I believe in "Ghosts" but my boss doesn't, saying he'd "pay money" to see one.  Me too!  But, I'd kind of want to be around Mr. Steve if we ever do happen to see a real actual ghost.  


"I LOVE LUCY"         


             In my books I'll learn and write about this 1950's tv show called "I Love Lucy," but I can mention it now too.  I guess it's mainly about two couples who are friends, "Lucy and Ricky" and "Fred and Ethel;" the names of our four local Pigeons too.  Boy!  The air is so clear now.

            The Actor who played "Fred Mertz" on I Love Lucy was Catholic and, like Bob Hope and Chuck Connors; is buried at the Mission Cemetery.  Mr. Steve thinks he'll likely be buried down there at the Mission Cemetery too, but "hasn't decided yet."  I smell some Joshua trees.    

           What a coincidence that, just as I'm thinking of that tv show I Love Lucy I see our four Pigeons who live around here.  They just flew in from being out there in the eastern desert, and all landed on the Patio roof; directly above me down here down on Elvira.  Dawn's barking.

                                                       LUCY AND RICKY / FRED AND ETHEL                       


               Hey Holy Spirit!  As You know, I now associate You with "Doves," which I heard was just another name for Pigeons.  Oh!  The chimes are beginning to ring so I sure hope that's You Holy Spirit coming in on the wind with the Pigeons up there.  Doves symbolize "Peace" I guess.

         If You're there Holy Spirit, thank You for showing up to give me moral support as I know I'll need help over the next three days.  I'm a little scared of trying to learn how to read and write and know it will be really hard to finish my books.  Ah! I can smell all the Pigeons now.

        Oh my God!  I just noticed a cute little Cholla cactus just to my right growing out there in the dirt.  I hope it's another good sign for the coming year.  The four Pigeons above me are now walking around up there, and their "Cooing" voices is making me feel really good right now. 


   MIKE TYSON     

                                                              PHOTO BY STEVE CÓRDOVA   


              One time, at ringside; my boss sat next to the then Heavyweight Boxing Champion Mike Tyson.  A few years ago this guy from "New York City," where I guess Mike Tyson is from too; told Mr. Steve Mike Tyson likes "Raising" Pigeons.  I'll bet he likes the sound of their voices.

              Today's Thursday so right now I'll bet my boss is in his office working.  Since 1999 his job has been calling "Auto Dealerships" trying to sell them "Apparel" or "Promotional Products." I guess, that mainly means "Clothes;" and the things with the business's information on them. 

          When he was Office Manager my boss hired Mr. Dave to work at the company down there in San Fernando.  He then trained him to be a Salesman, in the same way he hired and taught Miss "Susan" how to "sell on the phone."  Mr. Dave had a lot of "Motorcycle Shop" customers.  


                     MISS BABETTE                           MR. JULIO                               MISS KARIN

                 (WIT HUSBND DAVID)                      (WITH WIFE ROSARIO)                           (IN HER OFFICE)


                  I guess, Mr. Steve and Miss Susan mainly sell to "Parts" Managers at the Dealerships; and so do these two other girls named Miss "Babette" and Miss "Karin."   Sometimes they deal with "Service" Managers, "General" Managers or even the owner.  Heathcliff just crowed.

            Whatever "Orders" everyone "Submits" are what they call "Fulfilled" by a man named Mr. "Julio."  That means he "Embroiders" whatever is necessary to do for the order.  That one morning I heard my boss tell Mr. Randy how "talented" he is.  The air is so clear today! 

            When the economic recession of 2008 happened it hurt everyone at Mr. Steve's company, in his case losing almost forty "Honda" Dealerships.  Miss Babette lost a lot of "Toyota" stores but Mr. Dave was "Hit the Hardest" as they say.  He lost almost all of the Motorcycle Shops.




         1999 was a bad, maybe the worst; year for Mr. Steve.  He was dumb, lost money; so had to make more.  Since then he's occasionally had Nightmares where this shadowy "Praying Mantis" tries to stab him, which is such a coincidence because I have that same exact dream too!   

             Mr. Steve is forever grateful to Steve Banks for hiring him, and helping him "Start Over;" in September of 1999.  In a dream he told Steve Banks how he helped a girl and her kids in Steve Banks' memory.  Steve Banks wife is named "Ronna," his daughters "Amy" and "Lori."  

         Eden Memorial Jewish Cemetery, where Steve Banks is buried; is "Elevated."  So you can look down on the Mission Cemetery across the street.  Hey God!  As You know, as he threw dirt down on Steve Banks' coffin Mr. Steve looked at the Mission Cemetery and thought of life.  


                                            "EDEN MEMORIAL PARK" CEMETERY       

                                                                                                                              PHOTO BY HANS GUTKNECHT  


          Mr. Steve felt obligated to speak at Steve Banks Funeral.  I'll write about 1999 and other of my boss's bad years, but I'll also write about some good years too.  In his dream he hugged Steve Banks, and still remembers how his hugs kind of reminded him of his own father's hugs.  

          Hey God!  In the dream my boss thanked Steve Banks who, when told Mr. Steve gave that girl and her kids money; was happy.  The Pigeons are all walking around up there on the Patio roof above me down here.  Boy!  Hearing their cooing makes me feel so good right now.     

          As You know God, Mr. Steve's mom jokingly told her kids to help others so if someday they needed help You might guide someone to help them.  The Nuns at Saint Ferdinand, like Sister Rita Joseph; also said to do that too.  Hey God!  I want to help others learn new things.   





               Hey Lord!  Over the next three days I'll learn about other religions.  Mr. Steve says that in "Hinduism" they believe in the "Concept" of "Karma," which is sort of like how You said; "You reap what you sow."   And this "Secular" saying is, "What goes around comes around."   

              This painting in my Encyclopedia shows the "Elephant-Headed" God "Ganesha," and the caption below says; in the "pantheon" of Hindu Deities Ganesha is worshiped as the "Remover of Obstacles."  Oh wow Blessed Mother!  That's kind of like how I also think of You too!

          I notice how, in the picture of Ganesha; "Swastika" logos are in the top corners.  Because I know there's a long history to that logo, I feel like writing about Swastikas now but I'll just wait and do it according to my outlines.  Another name for a logo is an "Emblem" I guess. 




          Hey Lord!  Mr. Steve gives money to that homeless man Mark and his girl "Yorkie" Dog "Karma."  They've adapted to living in the desert outside Phelan, and Karma makes Mr. Mark    happy; in the way I want to make my boss happy too.  Mr. Steve gives "Socks" to the poor.         

        Mark and Karma are best friends, and Mr. Mark "carved out" a "Makeshift Shelter" in between three Joshua trees.  Lord!  When my boss helps poor people he thinks of what You said, "Whatsoever you do unto the least of mine, you do unto me."  The Pigeons just flew away.           

           I looked up the "Concept" of "Karma" and it can mean "Fate" but, another definition is; "The totality of one's good and bad acts in each stage of one's existence."  In Buddhism, and in    Hinduism too; they believe in that exact idea.  The sky is getting a lot bluer right now.                                                           

"HIGH" SKY     


      Hey Lord!  If my boss sees Mark and Karma walking toward Phelan he gives them a ride into town; and thinks of You.  I'm glad we're not poor.  Ah!  I just used my two nostrils to take in a big breath of clean, fresh air so; thank You God for giving me some good things to smell.            

        Mr. Steve met a Chinese guy who said some Buddhists worship Ganesha as the "Patron" of  "Arts and Sciences," and also "Learning and Writing."  This Encyclopedia says Hindus pray to  Ganesha for "New Beginnings."  Hey Blessed Mother!  I sort of think of You as being that.           

     From 1st through 10th Grades Mr. Steve "Attended" Catholic schools.  His "Elementary" school, 1st through 8th; was Saint Ferdinand.  Then after that he went to "Alemany" for 9th and 10th Grades, but in 1973 "Graduated" from "Sylmar High;" which is a "Public"  School."          


      "SYLMAR" FROM ABOVE          



        When my boss had Mr. Wilt's one-legged Crow, he played jokes on visitors to his house in Sylmar.  After that person, or persons; were sitting in his living room; he'd "excuse" himself and leave.  I heard my boss and Mr. Mike talk about a one-legged Quail who lived around here.          

           Mr. Steve would go in his bedroom, and quietly open the Crow's cage; so it would jump out.  The look of surprise on peoples faces when a one-legged Crow hopped into the living room was funny Mr. Steve says.  My right nostril just picked up Libby's scent from over there.  

          In seeing the Crow most girls jumped up, screamed and tried to run away; whereas guys would freeze and then chuckle or laugh.   In a dream, Mr. Steve found out that one-legged Crow was female; which he and Mr. Wilt had wondered about.  They never named that Crow. 


                                         LADY CÓRDOVA / MR. STEVE (1984)   

  PHOTO BY ARMANDO AGUIRRE                       


         For almost nineteen years Mr. Steve had a girl Dog named "Lady," who was half "Pit Bull" and half "Doberman" but; knew Mr. Steve didn't want her to be "Vicious."  To this day my boss has dreams about Lady, who was a good guard.  I wonder if he ever dreams about me?  

         Because one "Dog Year" is equal to seven people years, Lady was one hundred and thirty three when she died.  In the 1980's visitors to Mr. Steve's house, who didn't know Lady; would "Honk" their Car horn; not sure if she would bite.  Now people have those "Cell" phones.    

        Hey God!  Lady's my "Role Model."  Mr. Steve kept her old pink collar and it was this man from Egypt named Doctor Makkar, who owns the "San Fernando Pet Hospital;" who "Put her to Sleep."   That's just a nicer way of saying how they had to go ahead and kill her I guess.    


                                                "SAN FERNANDO PET HOSPITAL"                                                                                                                         

           Mr. Steve says Lady wanted to "contribute" and guard until the end; just like old Rosie next door.  Since I really don't know who my "Ancestors" were I've kind of adopted Lady as my "Admired and Worthy" ancestor.  Oh!  A little gray Lizard is standing on the wall over there.  

           My Dictionary says a "Pet" is "A domesticated companion," and "domesticated" means "accustomed to or devoted to home life."  Yup!  That's me alright as I definitely want to be Mr. Steve's friend and, now love these two fenced in acres.  That Lizard is doing some pushups.

           In the 1980's Mr. Steve had two Cats, one this pure white boy Cat his girlfriend "Emily" named "Mookie Wilson."  The other was "Miss Foot," who had thick gray fur while Mookie had shorter hair.  You know, I haven't seen our neighbor's black and white girl Cat "Cher" today.   


            MOOKIE WILSON CÓRDOVA                              MISS FOOT CÓRDOVA

                        PHOTOS BY STEVE CÓRDOVA                   


             Mr. Steve's girlfriend Emily grew up in New York City and, in 1985; named Mookie Wilson after a "Mets" Baseball Player.  Miss Foot, still "Agile;" had an extra toe on each foot so also a few extra claws too. I guess Mets is just an "Abbreviation" for the name "Metropolitans."    

        From what my boss says, Mookie and Miss Foot were "Total Opposites."  Miss Foot wanted to be petted and tried to get into everyone's lap, but the only one Mookie Wilson allowed to touch him was Emily and Mr. Steve; but especially Miss Emily.  I now like to be petted more too.

       I'm so glad I haven't had any bad dreams lately.  The worst one is when I bark, to warn my boss about an invader but; no sound even comes out of my mouth.  So I sort of panic and just go ahead and start biting around like crazy, but in the process break off a lot of my teeth.  


ALICE COOPER                                                       ALICE COOPER BAND


           Lord!  I guess, that "Christian" Singer Alice Cooper has good songs called "Welcome to my Nightmare;" and "Halo of Flies."  I'm always so relieved when it "Dawns on Me" I'm just having a bad "Imaginary" dream.  Boy!  I sure hope there aren't too many Flies this year.

           I used to have more Nightmares, usually about being homeless; but most of the time I have pleasant dreams now.  Last night I was so nervous about today, and hardly slept at all as at times my mind "Races;" and I get really worried about everything.  Dawn's barking to my right. 

            Last Summer a "Mountain Lion" walked up Primavera Road.  Dawn and I noticed it first but "Molly the Mule," who later died; kicked the back Corral fence really hard so got "Credit."  At first I was sort of jealous, but then wasn't when I thought about us working as a team.             


                       "MOUNTAIN" LION                                         MOLLY THE MULE                                  ("PUMA" CAT)                                                                   (LIBBY IN BACKGROUND)      


          Mr. Steve says, in an "emergency;" we have plenty of wood to burn for cooking or heating our water to "prepare" the extra food and water "stored" in our garage.  In my three books I'll learn and write about "Natural Disasters."  I hear Dawn still barking over there next door.

         In 1971 Mr. Steve's family survived what's now called the "Sylmar Earthquake."  It was so strong it destroyed their house.  Oh!  The scent of that one really tall Joshua tree just floated in, and I like it's smell so; thank You God for all the different Joshua trees who live around here.

         Mr. Steve was told, if a Joshua tree grows straight "up" like the one I'm smelling; that must mean it has never "Bloomed."  When Joshua trees bloom they have little white and green flowers that come out.  Fannie and Freddie the Crows, talking to each other; flew bye right now.    




           Aside from eating, and running; my favorite thing to do is celebrating.  Like Dawn next door, I have a sad "Howl" and a happy howl but, Dawn doesn't dance like I do.  My boss thinks my dancing kind of looks like an "Irish Jig" because I sort of hop around in little circles.  

          To the left, at the far end of this Patio; is my valuable collection of rubber balls and wood logs which I chew on to relax.  For some reason, chewing on things just makes my teeth feel good and gives me something to do; or a "Project" to work on.  Mr. Steve always has projects.  

       I have sharp teeth and can bite down hard.  I hid my old torn up Soccer ball so Mr. Steve doesn't throw it away like he always does to my old things.  Boy!  I really hate when he does that but, I have a brand new green rubber ball I'm saving to chew on as a "Reward" for later.             


                                                                 FLOCK OF BIRDS  


            My book one outline says I should write a little bit about the area we live in up here in the High Desert.  A flock of Birds is flying toward the northeast; or my left.  Up here in Piñon Hills there are only a few "Business."   Mr. Ramon the Auto Mechanic works up on the highway.     

        To buy groceries or "Hardware" Mr. Steve drives to Phelan, which is about seven miles away.  A "Stater Brothers" store, and also a "McDonalds" restaurant; is there.  In the 1970's some wanted to rename Phelan "Magic;" but I guess that idea was "Rejected" as they say.        

        Mr. Steve one time overheard a little girl defending our "Primitive" area to another little girl who was obviously from a city.  She said, "Oh no!  We not only have a McDonalds in Phelan, we have a good Burger  King too!"  I guess the city girl said, "Really!  That is good alright!"                                                              "NEWS PLUS"                                                MR. DON                               


             That lady Miss Susan, operated the local "Community" Newspaper called "News Plus" for years; and now a guy named Don does it.  Both know a lot about the Tri-Community area.  I hear Donald and Daisy the Ducks quacking about something over there next door to my right.  

             Miss Susan is over eighty years old.  I guess, she and my boss sometimes share "Reading Material;" as they're interested in some of the same things.  She gave Mr. Steve a book about the history of the High Desert up here.  I'll write about some of the things that book talks about. 

           I guess Miss Susan, like Mr. Steve's parents; was a child during World War II so has some memories from the 1940's.  Those "War Years" made as big an impression on them as the 1960's, 1970's and 1980's made on my boss.  Boy!  I'm sure glad we live in "Times of Peace."     


                             COMBAT                  "KOREAN" WAR        MR. STEVE'S DAD ON LEFT         



           People from the country of "South Korea" live in our area now and Mr. Steve has told a few of them how his father, as a "Marine;" fought in the "Korean War."  An older lady told him to thank his dad.  North and South Korea are on a peninsula the way Spain and Portugal are. 

          My Encyclopedia says "technically" the Korean War never "officially" ended and wasn't a "declared" war.  It was called a "Police Action" by the "U.N." or "United Nations," and in 1953 ended with an "Armistice."  I guess, that means a "Tie" or; like a "Draw" in Boxing.  

          In 1953, with the "cessation of hostilities;" it was agreed to "revert" back to there being two Korea's on the peninsula.  "North" Korea was "Communist, supported by Stalin's "Soviet Union;" and Mao Zedong's China. "South" Korea was "Democratic," and supported by us.




             This Korean lady told my boss about how, in Korean meals; "Kimchi" are side dishes of things like "Garlic" or "Onions" that everyone shares.  "Banchan Sharing" is important for the Korean "family" she says.  Boy!  Mentioning that food kind of makes me hungry right now.

             Over the next three days, I'm looking forward to learning about the Korean Peninsula's long history.  Thank You God for this huge opportunity so, for sure I'll do my best; and try not to let anyone down.  It will take a lot of work but, I kind of like learning all these new things.

             In writing my three books I'm determined to keep my focus but, of course I'll take a few what they call "Breaks" when I have to go to the bathroom.  But, I want to be "Disciplined" and resist the urge to chase that Roadrunner "Rudy;" or Speedy Gonzalez.  No matter what!




         The biggest "City" to us, to the east;  is over twenty miles away and is called "Hesperia." I guess an even bigger city called "Victorville" is about thirty miles from Piñon Hills; and to south of us is the really big city of "San Bernardino."  I smell a Lizard somewhere around here.             

          Victorville is where this old road called "Route 66" used to come through all the way from the "Midwest."  I'm kind of tempted to write about Route 66 now but, I'd better just wait and do it according to my outlines.  Aha!  I see a totally motionless Lizard over there in the dirt.

         Even though I'm not going to learn about Route 66 right now, I will mention how it's a part of New Mexico history too.  Miss Susan knows about that "Highway," and Mr. Steve has learned many things from her.  The Lizard just sprinted fast under a rock near the Mulberry tree.




             Hey God!  Mr. Steve sees importance in 3 so, I now look for things in three's too; like in how Phelan, Piñon Hills and Wrightwood are called the "Tri-Community."  And then I heard my boss tell Mr. Randy how he's been told that You said to pray three times a day.  So I do! 

          I'm so glad I have a lot of  Notebooks to write my three books, and I'll look things up in my Dictionaries and Encyclopedias.  Some are for other languages.  I used my Spanish Dictionary to look up the name San Bernardino and, as I expected; it means "Saint Bernard" in English.  

         To my left, on the other side of my couch Elvira; is a pile of Encyclopedias and Mr. Grant's obsolete "Legal Research" books.  "Computers" replaced them for looking things up.  Mr. Steve has them all covered up with dark green "Tarps" and doesn't even know I'm using them.  




            I knew I heard something coming and it was a big "Fluorescent" blue "Dragonfly" which just zoomed bye.  It's going from north to south; or from my left to my right.  The buzzing sound Dragonfly wings make is kind of like the sound Hummingbird wings make too I've noticed.          

           Hey God!  Thank You for all of these pens and pencils, and I have a whole "Cigar Box" of them I can use.  This cigar box might be special to my boss because it was in a "File Cabinet" up there in the garage.  Boy!  How could anyone have even invented such a thing as a pen?  

           It's kind of hard holding pens and pencils in my right paw, but I'm starting to get used to it.  Over the next three days I'll practice using them, in learning to write and; might even try to write a few times with my left paw.  Mr. Steve can do some things with either hand.




           If I can become the first Dog in history to write a book Mr. Steve will be so proud of me.  If I can learn to read and write then he'll never, ever want to get rid of me.  For a short time he was thinking about giving me away because he thought I might be just a little bit too "Wild."

           As I mentioned earlier, Mr. Steve and his brothers and sisters grew up down there in Los Angeles.  But in 2005 Mr. Steve moved up here.  My main "Duty;" which I do "Take Seriously;" is to guard these two fenced in acres.  So, even though I'm working I'm still staying alert too.

       Looking straight ahead I see our three Sheds Mr. Steve had built.  As I've said, in a "Dire Emergency;" we could live in Jack the big Shed on my left.   I've stuck my nose inside the Sheds to sniff curiously around but, I'm still kind of afraid to actually go all of the way inside.                                      




             Ah!  "Max" the boy Hummingbird just whizzed bye and I heard him coming.  But, too bad Mr. Steve didn't fill the three "Feeders" with that red drink so; he just kept going.  Usually you  would see his girlfriend "99" with him so maybe she's too busy building this year's "Nest." 

               Dawn's barking, which makes me feel like going to see what's going on but no; it's not her alarm bark.  Rosie's old and sort of quiet now but little Blinky's so cute.  I'm starting to like his totally unique scent and, actually; would kind of like to get to know him better this year.      

          Mr. Steve was told that Dawn's old owner hit her hard with a belt, and the buckle might've injured her eye.  Blackbeard the Crow has no left eye, so cocks his head to the side in order to see with the good eye; Dawn does that so her left eye sees.  Thank You God for my two good eyes!  




            If one of those "Burglars" I've heard about ever tries to sneak into our neighbor's land I know for sure Dawn and Blinky would attack and bite them hard.  And I know Rosie would try to "Pitch In" and help out.  I'd for sure fight off a burglar who invaded these two acres too.

          Sometimes Dawn barks sort of mean at me but I kind of bark mean back at her.  Mr. Steve yells at us and tells us to be friends.  We both now get the message even though it's kind of fun to show Dawn I'm brave too but, "Truth be Told;" I really kind of want to to impress Blinky. 

          Our neighbors say Rosie's about sixteen and, sadly; My boss thinks she'll die  soon.  Wow!  In Dog years Rosie's about one hundred and twelve.  My boss said she's named after this song by that Australian band AC/DC, who I've heard have the best dancing Guitarist in history.    




            My boss drew AC/DC's logo.  "A.C." means "Alternating Current," while "D.C." stands for "Direct Current" and tomorrow I'll learn about Nikola Tesla; on Saturday about that Greek guy named "Pythagorus."  Both of them saw great importance in the "Pattern of 3."

            At times Mr. Steve plays drums to songs by bands like AC/DC.  I've heard AC/DC songs he's played on that Boombox.  I like "Back in Black" and "Thunderstruck," but can't wait to someday hear that song about the girl named Rosie.  Ah!  I just love breathing in fresh air.

          Hey God!  Looking east; the Sun is slightly above the eastern horizon.  As it's warmth now sinks in on me down here I think I can better understand why so many cultures have worshiped You in the "Form" of the Sun.  I'll learn more about that subject in all of my three books.  


                                                  AKHENATEN (1319? B.C.-1336? B.C.)


          God!  Later today I'll learn about the ancient Egyptian "Pharaoh" named "Akhenaten." At a time when people worshiped many Gods, he's the first "Known Monotheist" who prayed to a single God like You; in the "power" of the Sun or "Aten."  A Pharaoh is like a King I guess.

          A picture in my Encyclopedia shows Akhenaten and his wife "Nefertiti" holding their three babies with Sun rays hitting them.  Akhenaten's "Original" name was "Amenhotep IV."  God!  I kind of wonder if he may have "Influenced" the later Jews who decided to just believe in You?   

         Hey God!  I'll bet Akhenaten worshiped You, and Mr. Steve joked he wouldn't be surprised if You're also "Zeus," "Jupiter," "Odin" and "Allah" too.  Feeling the sunlight suddenly makes me for some reason think about how those "Celts" built that "Stonehenge" over in England.


   TUTANKHAMEN (c.1332? B.C.-1323 B.C)


         Mr. Steve has read about that other Pharaoh "Tutankhamen;" or "King Tut" for short.   He and his mother are both interested in the subject  of "Archaeology."  I guess, King Tut died    young; and is thought by some Archaeologists to have been Akhenaten and Nefertiti's son.           

        Boy God!  I'm tempted to write about King Tut now but, I'd better not and will just wait, and do it as scheduled.  I can't wait!  I've been really looking forward to learning  about him for a long time, ever since I found out that Mr. Steve and his mom were interested in him.                   

         Andy and Helen the Ground Squirrels just ran bye.  They're what's called "In Synch" and it's like "Seeing Double" when Helen just follows in what Mr. Randy calls Andy's "Wake."   She just trusts his judgement; the way Mr. Steve's mom trusts in his father's judgement too.                                                 "PEP BOYS"                                                         THE SHEDS           

                           ("MANNY, "MOE, JACK")                                                              (JACK, MOE, MANNY")                                                          


              Our three Sheds are named after an "Auto Part's store" called "Pep Boys," or "Manny," "Moe" and "Jack."  In my books I'll learn about "Cars;" especially "Vehicles" driven by my boss and his family over the many years.  Boy!  "Motors" are so totally amazing to me!  

          In 1972, when in the 11th grade at Sylmar High; Mr. Steve's dad bought him his first 1968 "Chevelle" from his friend Rick.  It was "Forest" green and had a "307 cubic inch Small Block" motor.  From what I've heard Mr. Steve say, forest green is a "darker shade" of green.

          Mr. Steve and his brothers grew up on the same neighborhood as this guy named "Tim."  I guess he's an Auto Mechanic and partially learned things by working on Mr. Steve's Cars.  Tim's now also a good Boat Mechanic too so will likely always have a way to "Earn a Living." 


                                                  MR. STEVE'S 1968 "CHEVELLE'S"                            


           I guess, my boss Mr. Steve actually had two 1968 Chevelle's; the second one what they call an "S.S" version.  It had a "396 Big Block" motor, was "Royal" blue with a black vinyl roof; and a "Raised" S.S. hood too.  S.S. is just an abbreviation for the term called "Super Sport."  

          Even though I'm scheduled to write about it later today, I think I'll write about Mr. Steve's three current vehicles now too.  One is a little 1993 "Ford Escort" who my boss's Niece, when she was six; named "Barney."  I just glanced up to see a gray Lizard run bye out in the dirt.   

         As they were driving along Samantha asked, "Uncle Steven!" is this a boy or a girl Car?   I guess, after thinking about it for a moment; he said "A boy Car" so Samantha asked to name it after Barney the Dinosaur.  That Lizard ducked under a rock near the big Mulberry tree.   

                                                   "BARNEY" (1993 "FORD ESCORT")    


         Right now Barney is sitting under a big tree up there in the front yard.  Mr. Steve should've gotten rid of little Barney but feels a sense of loyalty for her getting him through "Hard Times."  Mr. Steve used her to teach his Niece Samantha and Nephew Mathew to drive a "Stick."

         As I mentioned, when I wrote about that guy Steve Banks; 1999 was a very bad year for my boss. At the time he was driving a Cadillac, which used too much gas so; he bought little Barney from his customer in Mission Hills because of the "Gas Mileage."  Libby's nibbling some hay.  

        My boss showed Mr. Mike how our 1977 Truck Rex has a "350 small block" motor, and the "Stick Shift" is up near the steering wheel instead of "On the Floor."  Mr. Mike told my boss the small block motor first came out in 1955.  That's the exact same year Mr. Steve was born.


        "REX" (1977 "CHEVROLET" 1/2 TON)                  SAM / YOLANDA'S FAMILY                                                                                                              


             Rex was given to us by my boss's brother Sam and his wife Yolanda; who live with their kids to the west of us in "Littlerock."  I guess their town has about ten thousand people, while Piñon Hills over here has about seven thousand.  Two of the Pigeons are flying to the east. 

            My boss and Mr. Mike talked about how Rex has two twenty gallon "Gas Tanks."  Back in the 1970's there were "Gas Shortages," where Mr. Steve and his friends slept in Cars waiting to get gas in the morning.  This man named Jimmy Carter, a "Democrat; was President.  

            If gas is ever "Scarce" again we can "Store" forty gallons in Rex and in an emergency, like if an earthquake happens; we can sleep in Rex's bed Mr. Steve says.  This Latin Dictionary says "Rex" means "King."  I'll learn a lot more about the 1970's over the next three days.                                     

                                                          CHRYSLER "CORDOBA"


                Mr. Steve met a man from the city of "Detroit."  In 1975 his parents bought a small gold "Chrysler" Car called a "Cordoba;" a "Luxury" Car then.  It had a gold leather Interior," and when "Brand New" cost four thousand dollars; "a lot of money back then" Mr. Steve says. 

            The man told my boss the Cordoba had a "383 Cubic Inch V-8" motor, and was built in Canada; or across a river from "Detroit, Michigan."  I'll learn about cities in my books.  I notice Chrysler spells Cordoba with a "b," and doesn't put an "Accent" over the first "o" like we do.

           Mr. Steve was given a silver metal "Nameplate" from a 1976 Cordoba Car and then made a "Line Drawing" of it.  I guess, in 1979 and 1980; Cordoba's were used in "N.A.S.C.A.R. racing but didn't win any races.  Mr. Steve's dad didn't like how Chrysler pronounced our name.      




        Oh!  Just as I'm about to write about our Car "Theodora" who do I see?  That one girl   "Thrasher" Bird Mr. Steve also named Theodora too.  She's sitting on her favorite "Creosote"     bush, which I notice Mr. Steve lets grow larger; just to the left of Jack the biggest Shed.               

            Thrasher Birds have long curved beaks, run on the ground like Roadrunners even though they can fly; and at times imitate other Birds the way Mockingbirds do.  Mr. Steve wasn't sure if Theodora was a boy or girl but saw her holding a twig to build a nest so gave her a girl name.      

              Crows were circling out there over the eastern desert behind the three Sheds.  But now all of them just dove down to the ground so there must be something dead to eat; like an old Rabbit maybe.  Or maybe a Snake or Lizard might've made a mistake and came out into the open.  


  "THEODORA" (1993 "LINCOLN TOWN CAR")      


          The Car my boss mostly drives, also named "Theodora;" is our white 1993 "Lincoln Town Car."  She was given to him by his parents and is "solidly built" Mr. Steve says. Miss Susan told him boy Thrasher Birds help build nests so we're not really sure now if Theodora is a girl.            

        According to what my boss told Mr. Randy, in 1993 our Car Theodora was what they call "State of the Art."  She's still a really good Car I'd say, even though I'm afraid to ride in Cars.      Hey God!  As You know already, someday I'll overcome my fears; with Your help of course.        

       Mr. Steve had already named his Car when Miss Susan told him about Thrasher Birds so, the Car became "Theodora 1;" the Bird "Theodora 2."  My favorite band DEVO's two guitar      players are named "Bob 1" and "Bob 2."  They're the brothers of other DEVO members.                                                  




        At the time when Mr. Steve named our Car Theodora he was reading a book about what they call the "Byzantine" Roman Empire.  And it had a chapter about that "Emperor" named    "Justinian I."  I guess, my boss admires his really brave wife; the "Empress Theodora."               

        This Encyclopedia has a painting showing the Emperor Justinian and Empress Theodora.  The caption says she's "scolding" and "shaming" her husband into not "fleeing" from the city    of  "Constantinople."  Theodora the Thrasher Bird just went running away right now.                  

       It says here in 532 A.D. a big "riot" broke out in Constantinople and angry "mobs" killed people and burned things.  "Justinian" was scared, about to "escape" on a Boat; but his wife got mad and embarrassed him right in front of everyone!  Some of the Ducks are quacking.                




             I guess the Constantinople riots "erupted" at a "Chariot" race.  Mr. Steve likes a movie called "Ben Hur" which has Horse-Racing Chariot scenes.  Two of my boss's favorite Actors are Charlton Heston, and Peter O'Toole; who I'll find out more about in all my three books.               

          Wow!  Maybe, because he was mad; Justinian killed thirty thousand people to take back Constantinople after the "Nika" riots.  My Greek Dictionary says "nika" is "victory" and Dais     heard "Nike" is a "Brand" of shoes.  Purple was the "Royal" color of the Byzantine Empire.      

           Alpha Company of Quail are filing through the two vertical slots on each side of the back gate, so they can go out into the eastern desert behind the three Sheds.  A fence is absolutely no barrier to them.  Boy!  Angeline seems much bigger than the other adult Quail in her group.                                           

  "HAGIA SOPHIA"        



             I feel like writing about the Christian Roman / Greek Byzantine Empire now but I'll do it according to schedule.  Justinian I built a giant Church called "Hagia Sophia."  Mr. Steve's been to "Saint Peters" Basilica and the "Pantheon" in the city of Rome, which are really big too.         

        Mr. Steve says some think he's weird for giving things names, or thinking of his Cars as male or female but; he "doesn't care" and admits he's weird.  I now like to give things names so I guess I must be strange too.   Heathcliff the Rooster just crowed over there to my right.              

         In my books I'll learn about bands Mr. Steve likes.  One is a British band called QUEEN, whose Guitarist and his father built the red electric guitar he still uses.  Mr. Steve, and girlfriend Miss Sandy; saw QUEEN play twice way back in the mid-1970's when they first came out.                                                                    

          BRIAN MAY           


         Mr. Steve was amused, got a "Kick out Of;" reading QUEEN'S Guitarist thinks of his guitar as female.  On Saturday I'll talk about some of the best Guitarists my boss has personally seen play.  He and Harriet once got to see Stevie Ray Vaughn play a concert with Jeff Beck.          

             I guess at times Mr. Steve and his dad have wondered why some countries, like Germany for instance; say "Fatherland."  But others, like the Russians; refer to their nation as being the    "Motherland."  Mr. Steve's father was once told how Adolf Hitler used to say "motherland."       

           Dawn's barking to let others know she's there, and I don't blame her as at times I'm kind of nervous too about someone getting past us and attacking our boss.  Boy!  That would be bad, we might even get "Fired" if that happened.  Mr. Phillip from Wales calls it being "sacked."                                                              FIRST ALBUM                                    QUEEN                             EARLY 1970'S                          


          My boss's favorite QUEEN album is their first one, which came out a few days after his eighteenth birthday in 1973.  He'd just graduated from Sylmar High School.  Over the years, to    see their reaction; he's played that QUEEN I album for people who have never heard it.               

           Because I can only hear music when my boss Mr. Steve brings his Boombox outside, I've only heard that one really good QUEEN song about the rhapsody.  But someday, when I get over my fear of being trapped; I want to hear more music in the house.  That will be so great!              

          Boy God!  I really want to overcome my fear of doing things like going all the way down the hallway in the house or riding in a Car.  I see Cars and Trucks going bye on the road in front  of our house with Dogs in them and they're not afraid of riding in Cars.  I can smell Sage.                                                         

  BERTHA BENZ (1849-1944) / "MOTERWAGEN"


           Even though I'm not scheduled to write about her now, I sort of feel like mentioning this German lady named Bertha Benz.   My Encyclopedia says her husband Karl Benz built the first "operational motor car" in history.  Boy!  Smelling Spring Sage makes me feel so good.                

          A picture shows Bertha Benz and her daughters.   The caption says they're sitting in her husband's first Car, which only had three wheels I notice.  Mr. Steve's friend Mark Ritter, who    died already; knew a lot about about the "Mercedes Benz" company from what Dais heard.         

         Mark Ritter heard Bertha Benz, like my boss's mom and Grandmothers; was what they call a "problem solver" who "proved" her husband's idea worked.  I guess Karl Benz was kind of a "Perfectionist;" and at times timid in "Promoting" himself.  Dawn's barking over there.                                  



          Mr. Steve says that lady Bertha Benz reminds him of his Grandma Córdova in some ways.  In 1888, if her husband wouldn't do it; then she and her two sons would take the first ever "long distance" Car ride in history.  She had "high confidence" his idea for a "Car" would work.          

         This Encyclopedia says, in 1888; Bertha Benz "drove" her teenage sons from their German town to her mom's town sixty five miles away.  That very first Car had a "Two-Stroke Internal    Combustion" motor I guess.  Boy! Such things like "Engines" seem so amazing to me.                   

        Bertha Benz sounds smart.  After that first trip she told her husband Car's needed an extra "Gear" for going up hills and leather "Brake Linings" for stopping.  Bertha Benz was born and died in May I notice and, in Mr. Steve's family; there's a lot of important dates in May.                               



         Thinking about Bertha Benz makes me wish I could go back in time to meet and smell Mr. Steve's Grandparents; especially his Grandmothers.  One time I heard my boss tell Mr. Mike he  read "an old saying."  I guess it went, "A good wife is the wind behind her husbands sails."          

        Dawn's barking.  One time this Bobcat used a Joshua tree to "Spring," or jump;  into our neighbor's yard and caught Dawn and Blinky totally by surprise.  It was like Pearl Harbor back in 1941.  But, "In the End;" they chased the Bobcat away from the Chickens and Ducks.              

         As I said earlier, in 1960 when Mr. Steve was five and his brother Rock three; their parents "Picked Up" and moved from New Mexico to California.  I can hear Crows fighting for food out there in the desert.  Ah!  A little grayish brown Lizard is standing on the wall over there.                                


             PHOTO BY STEVE CÓRDOVA                        


          Mr. Steve says Sylmar once had a lot of "Olive" trees,  and is why according to my Latin Dictionary "Sylmar" means; "Sea of Trees."  I heard my boss's parent's still have an old Olive    tree in their backyard.  Speedy Gonzalez the Squirrel zoomed bye in front of the three Sheds.      

         Back in the 1970's and 1980's Mr. Steve's father helped to get the "Olive View" Hospital "Rebuilt" after the 1971 earthquake.  In the 1980's he and others got a "Permanent Campus"        for "Mission" Junior College. The Lizard ran down the wall and is running into the dirt.            

           In 1960, when Mr. Steve's parents moved out here to California; Sylmar was "Rural" with some "Paved" dirt roads and a few people even riding Horses.  Now my boss thinks Los Angeles is way too crowded.  It's "much harder to peddle" Bikes on dirt roads Mr. Steve jokes.                                                  

       "14 FREEWAY          "SYLMAR" EARTHQUAKE      ("VETERAN'S" HOSPITAL)        

     (FEBRUARY, 1971)           


           The 1971 Sylmar earthquake destroyed the house Mr. Steve's family lived in, and some of the other houses on their "Neighborhood" too.  People died at the "Veterans" Hospital where, as a "Patient;" Mr. Steve's father used to sometimes go to.  Some Birds are chirping happily.            

       At times I'm pretty sure I feel some small earthquakes.  I've never been in a "Big One," where buildings even fall down and things like that.  I can just tell how our house was built to be strong, and is well made; so I feel really secure with my back to this east side of the house.            

         I mentioned earlier how Mr. Steve's father fought in the Korean War.  That has proven to be both good and bad because, he "Made good Friends" but; suffered "permanent injuries."  He has some "Long-Lasting" good and bad memories but, has accepted them as a part of life.                                                                    LEE IACOCCA / MR. STEVE'S PARENTS (1988)      



         Mr. Steve's parents once got invited to a downtown "Auto Show" at the "L.A. Convention Center."  They met Lee Iacocca, the "Chrysler C.E.O."  Chrysler had made the Cordoba Car so Mr. Steve's father jokingly told him about how to correctly pronounce our last name I guess.       

        C.E.O. means "Chief Executive Officer," or the "Boss."  Fannie and Freddie landed near that flat rock, with a wiggling Lizard hanging from Freddie's mouth.  Oh!  He just killed it with his really sharp and powerful beak.  And now he and Fannie can share their meal together.          

        Even though I'm not scheduled to write about that guy Lee Iacocca until tomorrow in book two, I feel like mentioning him now.  I can always write about him later too.  It says here in this    one Encyclopedia that Lee Iacocca was an "Engineer" and that's why he designed Cars.                                   



           That guy Lee Iacocca seems kind of smart.  This one Encyclopedia says how, back in the 1960's for "Ford;" he "developed" the "Mustang" Car.   Mr. Steve has done line drawings of the different Ford logos, but over the years has also done some of the "Chevrolet" emblems too.        

        My boss likes a 1968 movie where a man named "Bullitt," in a dark green Mustang the color of his first 1968 Chevelle; chases a "Dodge Charger" through the streets and hills of that    city up there called "San Francisco."  It's near that other city of "Oakland."  I smell Sage.           

           I guess, when the Spanish first came up here to "Alta" California back in the 1700's; they named  San Francisco after St. Francis.   Fannie and Freddie are done eating.  Taking a few little hops the way Crows and Ravens sometimes do, they're both lifting off and flying away.                                                                                                                                         LEE IACOCCA                             


           I heard my boss tell Mr. Randy one morning how, in the 1980's; Lee Iacocca "rescued" the "Chrysler" Car company from "Bankruptcy."  I guess, he "revived" it by "advocating" for  U.S. "business exports."  God!  Thank You so much for having my boss go rescue me too.             

            My Dictionary says "Tariffs" are "protective taxes assessed against exports or imports."  I guess Lee Iacocca, and another guy named John Delorean; were both from "Detroit."  I'll learn a lot more about the different American cities over the next three days.  Boy!  I can't wait!            

          At Ford Lee Iacocca developed the Escort like our Barney.  In the 1980's his "Jeep" was the first "Sports Utility Vehicle."  But his 1970's "Pinto," like it's "Rival" the Chevy "Vega" my boss's brother Rock used to drive; was less successful.  Those were bad Cars Dais heard.                                           "TUSKEGEE AIRMEN" (P-51 "MUSTANG")      

PAINTING BY COLIN PARKER                                                                                                                                                                                


          Over the next three days I'll learn about Airplanes.  One was the American "Fighter" P-51 "Mustang."  In book three on Saturday, I'll look up and write about these black Pilots called the "Tuskegee Airmen;" who flew P-51's during World War II.  I smell a Lizard around here.            

       I guess Lee Iacocca's Car was "Named After" the P-51 Mustang. The Germans called the Tuskegee Airmen "Red Tails" because the rear of their Planes were red and this painting in my    Encyclopedia shows it.  Aha!  I see a Lizard standing in the dirt near the Arborvitae bush.            

       For some reason I just thought of that one guy Christopher Columbus.  My boss Mr. Steve thinks he's important in history.  He may've been Italian, and in 1492 sailed three wooden Ships all the way from Spain here to what "Europeans" then after that called the "New World."                                                 

       CHRISTOPHER COMUMBUS (1451-1506 A.D.)     

      ARTWORK BY MONICA NORIEGA                


           A painting of Christopher Columbus in my Encyclopedia shows a map behind him and the route he took in 1492 in what would be the first of four "Voyages of Discovery."  That first one    "Changed the World," for good and bad; Mr. Steve says.  The little Lizard just ran away.             

         These kind of long outlines will guide me but I can add things too as I go along.  I've heard "Jazz" Musicians what they call "Improvise."  In 1978 my boss and a girl named "Monica" saw  a GRATEFUL DEAD concert.  They stayed only for the first three hours before leaving early.      

        We also made this list of important dates in Mr. Steve's family, "Birthdays" and things like that.  And, I just noticed Columbus died on May the 20th; which is Mr. Steve's Nephew Austin in Connecticut's birthday.  Mr. Steve's parents "Wedding Anniversary" is the 24th of May.                            

 SUSAN WITH HORSE "BRITELING"                       EAST COAST (U.S.A.)               


      My boss's sister Susan, with her sons Dalton and Austin; live "Back East" in the State of "Connecticut."  They have a girl Dog my boss jokingly calls "Bella 1," because his parents own    a Pit Bull named Bella too; so she's "Bella 2."   That band DEVO have Bob1 and Bob 2.               

          I guess, like it does around here at times; Winters can be really cold back east.   On a map I guess you can see how Connecticut is in between "Boston" and "New York City."  Boy God!  I  feel so good right now, in seeing and feeling the sunlight coming in from the east; to my front.      

        In the 1990's Mr. Steve's sister Susan was a "Set Decorator," for tv shows like "Roseanne" or "The Bill Cosby Show;" and now has an "Interior Design" business.  Mr. Steve's family think she's so talented.  And she still really enjoys riding Horses and has two of them now I guess.              




         In the 1980's, Mr. Steve's sister Susan went to College at "U.C.S.B;" or the "University of California Santa Barbara."  It was on the U.C.S.B. Football field where Mr. Steve, and that girl "Monica;"  saw that GRATEFUL DEAD concert.  Boy!  What an unusual name for a band.         

         Over the next three days I'll write about places Mr. Steve's family have been to, like Santa Barbara for example.  Because of it being next to the "Pacific Ocean;" they had family vacations there.  My boss told Mr. Grant that time how on "clear days you can see the Channel Islands."    

         Hey God!  As You know already, someday it would be so great to be able to smell an actual Ocean; or maybe even a Lake maybe.  That Aqueduct taking water down to Los Angeles is near    us, over there to my left; or to the north.  Ah!  I feel so happy to be here sitting on you Elvira.         




         Even though it's not on the outline right here, I sort of feel like mentioning how the city of Santa Barbara.  One morning my boss told Mr. Randy how his family has "fond memories" of    Summer vacations spent at the "Miramar" Hotel.   Daffy's quacking over there to my right.       

       One time Mr. Steve and his father remembered some of the cities they've visited, like New York City for example.  Mr. Steve told him he had a "nice" dream where he and the Miramar Hotel's French Lifeguard "Jacques" "reminisced."  I'll write about him in my three books.          

         Boy!  I'm so tempted to write about my boss's 1977 trip to New York City but, I'll wait until tomorrow.  His Uncle Marty took he and his brother Rock to see that "Statue of Liberty" in the Harbor, the "World Trade Centers;" and "N.Y. Stock Exchange" too.  Heathcliff crowed.                                          

                                  SAM JR. AND FAMILY                                   




          I've mentioned how Littlerock is about twenty seven miles west of us here in Piñon Hills. My boss says on a map it's actually "slightly" to the northwest.  I hear a lot of Birds chirping out  there in the desert behind the Sheds, and that suddenly makes me feel good right now.           

        All of Sam and Yolanda's kids, like they were when young; are what they call "Athletic."  Mr. Steve thinks his "Sister-In-Law Yolanda helps his brother a lot and is a good partner.  God! I really love to breath in deep breaths of fresh air through both nostrils of my wide open nose.        

       Mr. Steve's brother Sam's family have Dogs named "Ozzie" and "Tito."  Like Bella1 and Bella2, they're really good guards.  I've mentioned before how DEVO's two Guitarists, named      Bob1 and Bob2; are both the younger brothers of two of the other members of the band.                  



         I guess, Ozzie the Dog is named after a guy named Ozzie Osbourne; the original Singer in that British band BLACK SABBATH.  I'll write a lot about them over the next three days.  I've    only heard a few of their songs when Mr. Steve's plays music out here on his Boombox.               

          Mr. Steve likes playing drums along to all different types of music and one's called "Heavy Metal."  That's the type of band BLACK SABBATH have been since the early 1970's when Mr. Steve was in High School.  He likes playing along to their good song called "Paranoid."                 

         My boss likes "Heavier" versions of "Original" music.  He likes Bob Marley's "Raggae" but "prefers" the POLICE.  He appreciates John Lee Hooker but likes 1960's British "Blues"      better.  He and Harriet saw Jeff Beck and Stevie Ray Vaughn, he and Emily Eric Clapton.            


ROCK'S FAMILY (1985)  



         I'll learn about the State of "Texas" in my three books.  Mr. Steve's brother Rock lives there with his sons Rocky Jr. and Jacob.  I mentioned how Rocky Jr. is a good "Tattoo Artist,"    and his girlfriend "Amber" is a talented "Beautician."  They're a "good team" my boss says.      

           My boss says in Texas they have big "Tornadoes" where the wind is so strong it can blow down your house.  We have little "Funnel Clouds" up here in the desert but nothing that strong.  But, at times; we do have some heavy winds that can almost knock you right down alright.          

           I'm so tempted to look up and write about the famous "Battle of the Alamo."  It happened in 1836, when Texas was part of the country of "Mexico;" but they broke away and became their own country or "Nation" for about ten years.  I can smell a Lizard somewhere around here.                                                 

BATTLE OF THE "ALAMO" (1836)     


          I'll just wait until tomorrow to write about the Alamo.  I might mention it a little bit later today when I learn about the "Mexican War" from 1846-1848.  I guess my boss, and his father;    think both events were really important in the history of the United States and Mexico too.           

        Oh!  I looked up and see one of those long white vapor trail clouds.  I hear Dawn barking over there and that makes me think how brave she is and how I sure wouldn't want to fight her.  Aha!  A Lizard is standing on the wall near the sliding glass door going into the dining room.       

      About fifty miles to the northeast of Piñon Hills is "Edwards Air Force Base," which I'll learn a lot about in my books.  I'll bet the Plane who made that vapor trail is "Stationed" there.  Back in the year 1996 Mr. Steve worked  for his friend Rick's company inside of "Edwards."                                    




           Mr. Steve is interested in "Aviation," and as a kid growing up in Sylmar built "Model" Airplanes.  His friend Mark Ritter who died also studied the "History of Flight," especially these Planes called "Flying Wings."  This company near us called "Northrop"  now makes them.          

          Seeing the vapor trail reminds me of my boss and Mr. Dave talking about Planes. Some Birds just flew bye and that makes me think about how amazing it is to be able to actually move all around way up in the air.   Boy!  It would be so scary not to be standing on the ground.            

          Hey God!  I sort of like the color "Sky" blue!  Mr. Steve says some don't like it.  He has customers in "North Carolina," where light "Tar Heel" blue is the "Official" State color; and      in my books I'll find out about that State and a Basketball Player named Michael Jordan too.                          
   "WRIGHT" BROTHERS                                "ANGLES OF ROTATION"   


          I'm so tempted to write about these two American guys called the "Wright Brothers" who, early in the 20th century; flew in the first Airplane which they themselves built.  But, I think I'll  just wait and learn about them according to the outlines we made.  Heathcliff just crowed.           

        Though I'll mainly write about the Wright brothers later, I couldn't resist looking them up now too.  And, under the title of "Flight Dynamics;" it says here they "built and flew" in the first what are called "fixed wing" Aircraft.  Two of the Pigeons just now flew over Libby's Corral.      

          I guess the Wright brothers built Bicycles so used their knowledge of  "angles of rotation in three dimensions," "Pitch," "Roll" and "Yaw" to fly Planes.  I really like when Encyclopedia's    have "Diagrams," like the one showing those three things right here.  I also like Heathcliff.                                                                                   KING FERDINAND III                 

        PAINTING BY STELLA CÓRDOVA                                                                                                                                              


              I said earlier how the "San Fernando Valley" is named after that one 13th century A.D. Spanish King, and Saint; Ferdinand III.  When we go in the living room on Saturday mornings to watch tv we get to see Mr. Steve's mom's big paintings.   A small flock of Birds is flying bye.     

           Mr. Steve's mom did a tall painting of King Ferdinand III, which she used Mr. Steve's face on it; and I noticed it right away even the first time I even saw it.  That big painting is hanging on the wall near the kitchen entrance.  I smell the Twin Joshua trees out there in the desert.          

             In the 8th century A.D. Muslim "Moors" came up from North Africa to conquer most of the "Iberian" peninsula, areas now the countries of "Spain" and "Portugal."  It says here, for      the next seven centuries; Christian and Muslims fought many "bloody wars."  I smell Sage.                        

   "IBERIAN" PENISULA (8TH CENTURY A.D.)                   CHARLETON HESTON ("EL CID")           


          A good map in my Encyclopedia shows in green how much of Spain the Muslim Moors "overran" in the 700's.  I notice it was called the "Caliphate of Córdoba."  Daisy says Mr. Steve told his sister Susan it's "entirely possible" there's Moorish or Jewish blood in the family.         

         For those seven hundred years, after the "Muslim Conquest;" the Spanish fought to push the Muslim Moors back down into North Africa.  This Spanish Dictionary says "Reconquista,"    means says just means "Re-Conquest."  Thousands of people died during those years.                   

        Charlton Heston, one of my boss's favorite Actors; played the part of this Spanish Soldier named "El Cid."  King Ferdinand III, who fought the Moors; was related to him I guess.   Over the next three days I'll learn more about some of the different movies Charlton Heston was in.     



(1199-1252 A.D.)                                         (0000-0000)  

                                                                                                                                          PHOTO BY STEVE CÓRDOVA


          Mr. Steve thinks it "only natural" St. Ferdinand's Parish was named after King / Saint Ferdinand III.  Franciscan Priests, like Father Junipero Serra; first came up here from "Baja" California in the 18th century.   Father Serra set up the first nine "Alta" California Missions.      

          The caption underneath a painting of Ferdinand III says he was from the "Kingdom" of "Castille."  Oh!  He died on May the 30th which, in looking at my list of dates I see is Mr. Steve's Niece Raqquel's birthday too.  In our family Raqquel is spelled with two Q's instead of one.         

        As San Fernando Mission "Tour Guides," my boss and his parents learned Father Serra was the first "Presidente" of the Alta California Missions.  It says here how, when he died Father Fermin de Lasuén, a "Basque;" took  over.  Twenty one Missions were "Established" here.                  

         DRAWING BY STELLA CÓRDOVA                       MR. STEVE WITH MOM                       PHOTO BY STEVE CÓRDOVA     

        In the 1990's Mr. Steve and his mom had "Art Exhibits" about the Missions at different places around Southern California.  The one I mentioned earlier was downtown at the "Natural  History Museum" near the Coliseum and U.S.C. campus.  Donald and Daisy are quacking.          

        On Saturday mornings, if we go in the living room to watch cartoons; I get to see the big paintings Mr. Steve's mom had in the Art Exhibits.  I'm so silly for being too afraid to go all of  the way down the hallway in the house.  The living room has high fifteen foot tall "Ceilings."       

        Mr. Randy used the word "superimposed" to describe how Mr. Steve's mom used his face on that painting of King / Saint Ferdinand III.  It's hanging on that wall between one of our two "Dining" rooms.  That painting was not in any of the different Art Exhibits from the 1990's.        

                                            LIVING ROOM                               "SAN FERNANDO MISSION CHAPEL BELLS" 


           Hanging over the couch in the living room is a big painting Mr. Steve's mom did of bells at at the San Fernando Mission.  It shows the bell's in a tower of the "Chapel," which I guess is just another name for a smaller "Church."  Hearing chirping Birds makes me feel so good.                 

         Ah!  The green and gold chimes hanging from the Patio roof, which were given to my boss as a gift; are now ringing because a breeze just came in from the eastern desert behind the three Sheds.  Boy!  I sure hope that's You Holy Spirit.  I'm having fun learning so thank You.                 

         From 1st through 8th grades my boss went to Saint Ferdinand's Catholic School over there in San Fernando.  San Fernando is an "Independent" city "Within" Los Angeles so, has its own Policemen, Mayor and City Council too.  Oh!  I smell that old Sage bush behind the Sheds.                            



         Hey Lord!  My boss's 6th Grade Teacher Sister Rita Joseph told her class about that one "Golden Rule" You talked about, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."  Boy!  I totally agree with You on that good idea Lord.  I think I'll always try to do that in my life.       

       Lord, Sister Rita Joseph said other religions, like Hindu's "Kharma;" also believe in the same "general" idea You did.  And in China "Confucius" said, "What you do not want to have    done to you do not do to them.  A "Secular" saying is, "What goes around comes around."           

              Mr. Steve says, if he could talk to Sister Rita Joseph now; he'd apologize to her for all of the "idiotic mischief" he and his friends did.  Sister "Clara" Joseph was his 7th Grade Teacher and,  like Sister Rita Joseph; was "Scotch-Irish." She's also dead too but alive inside of his head.                    

         "JACK" THE JACKRABBIT      



         Oh!  I glanced up just in time to see Jack the Jackrabbit running from my left to right out there in the eastern desert behind our three Sheds.  I'll bet the new Spring Sun is giving him a lot of energy just like it's doing to me too.  The sky is so beautiful right now and I feel so great!          

          I'm kind of looking forward to keeping a three day Journal of our life here in Piñon Hills.  I like our lives but noticed how my boss used the words "mundane," or "non-eventful" one time  to describe how we live.  "Our ordinary lives would never be a tv drama entertainment show."    

       Writing about the Nuns at St. Ferdinand's makes me wonder if there would ever be such a thing as a Dog Nun?  If there is, I'd want to be one because I think I could be a good Teacher for  my class.  The very unique scent Jack left behind just floated into the nostrils of my nose.                                                                

                               "SAN FERNANDO MISSION" CHAPEL INTERIOR                                        

           PHOTO BY STEVE CÓRDOVA                    


          Mr. Steve has taken many pictures of the San Fernando Mission, not all of which were used in he and his mom's 1990's Art Exhibits.  This statue of King / Saint Ferdinand III above    the Chapel "Altar" was used by my boss's mom for her painting.   We have some statues.             

             Hey Lord!  As You know, Mr. Steve jokes one reason King Ferdinand III was made into  a Saint is because he killed Muslims in Your name.  This Spanish Dictionary says "Matamoros"  means "Muslim killer."  My boss, and his dad; think violence will likely always be normal.           

           All of a sudden right now the sights I'm seeing, things I'm smelling and hearing; remind me of other times.  The food I tasted in my royal blue food bowl this morning made me think of that time the Lizard watched me eat too.  I sure do hope we have Spam for dinner tonight.                



           God!  Thank You again for bringing me over here to live on this two acres because I have a feeling I'd probably be dead by now if You hadn't done that.  But now, I have more hope and a "Direction" in life.  And I'd like to try to turn my own good luck into something even better. 

           My boss at times dreams of his Dog Lady and Mookie Wilson and Miss Foot the Cats.  He told his mom how, as long as he has his "memories;" in a "Philosophical" way; they're all still alive.  Sister Rita Joseph taught him that and now my boss thinks of her in that way too. 

           I just thought of how Mr. Steve's friend Mark Ritter died.  They met in the 1970's, when Mr. Steve was in "Junior" College.  They worked for "Laser Images," who did a "Light Show" using "Lasers" called "Laserium."  That was at the "Griffith Park Observatory" I guess.


                                                                 "LASER IMAGES"


           Laser Images office's were in the San Fernando Valley city of  "Van Nuys," right near an Airport.  Mr. Steve jokes he was a "Go for" at Laser Images, because he had to "go for this;" or "go for that."  But mainly, this pretty girl named "Debbie" hired him to be the "Janitor."  

          I guess that girl Debbie went to the "University of Southern California," or  just "U.S.C." for short.  Their biggest "Rival" is U.C.L.A. where my boss's ex-girlfriend "Emily" works in the "Athletic" Department.  And that stands for the "University of California in Los Angeles."

          Since 1999 my boss has done his job and is grateful his boss Steve Banks who died helped him recover "Financially."  He told Mr. Randy he "made stupid mistakes," and "has no one to blame but myself."  Some Ducks are quacking, Daffy being louder; over there to my right.

                              WHEN YOUNG                 LADY CÓRDOVA                     AS BABY


          I just thought about my boss's Dog Lady, who lived to be nineteen.  Although she was half "Doberman" and half "Pitbull," she wasn't mean because Mr. Steve didn't want her to be.  Lady was the "Runt" of  the "Litter," and I have this weird feeling I was one of those runts too.    

          Like with us there were times when Lady's "Duty" was to "Act" aggressively, to be a good guard; and that's why I want to be like her.  Hey God!  I hope I live a long time too but if I don't that's okay.  Boy!  If only I could time travel back to the 1980's and meet Lady in person!  

         Oh!  Our neighbor's Cat "Cher" just used the right vertical slot on the side of the back gate to slink out to the eastern desert behind our three Sheds.  Her what they call "Body Language" tells me she's hungry.  Much of the time during the day Cher sleeps and saves up energy.


                                                                    "CHER" THE CAT


          Seeing Cher right now suddenly makes me think about how amazing Cat "Reflexes" are. I've seen with my own eyes how quick Cats can be, and told how they can sometimes catch Birds by "Ambushing" and "Intercepting" them in midair.  Boy!  I'd really like to see that alright.   

          Miss Emily, Mr. Steve's second girlfriend; named "Mook" after a 1980's Baseball player on the New York Mets.  Mr. Steve met Miss Emily in "Law School," and I guess she had this job to raise money to fix the "Statue of Liberty."  She's from "Long Island" in New York City.

          On the day after tomorrow in book three I'll learn about New York City and things like the Statue of Liberty.  But I have this feeling the subject of New York City will come up before then too.  A Sparrow with a twig in it's mouth, to build a nest; is hopping bye out there in the dirt.


                   SANDY                                           EMILY                                 HARRIET


            Mr. Steve has "Dated" different girls but considers that he's been a "Couple" with just the three I mentioned earlier.  During the 1970's in High School, and the years after; he was with "Sandy."  When they broke up she eventually got married and ended up having some kids.  

            After Mr. Steve met "Harriet," he and Emily "Went their Separate Ways" so to speak.  I guess, in the late 1980's and early 1990's; he accompanied Miss Harriet on her "Assignments" as a "Music Reviewer."  She wrote the articles while he took pictures to go along with her work.

                                                                       ELEANOR ROOSEVELT WITH HUSBAND AND MOTHER IN LAW                             


            Over the next three days I'll learn about the "Roosevelt" and "Kennedy" families.   I like a quote by a lady named Eleanor Roosevelt, who was married to the President during the 1930's "Great Depression" and World War II.   It will help me in trying to write these three books.         

       Mrs. Roosevelt said, "You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.  You must do the thing you think you cannot do."    Hey God!  Learning to read and write and do these books will be hard so please help me.              

           Wow God!  I'm finished with chapter one, so eleven to go today.  This chapter was longer than we thought but, as Mr. Steve's mom says, "Life is often what happens when you're planning something else."  I'll hide things under my blankets Barry, Robin and Maurice and go pee.           


                                                                                           (BOOK 1 / CHAPTER 2)

                                                                                       "COGNITO, ERGO; SUM"




                                                               DAISY CÓRDOVA      


           Well, I'm back!  I went pee in the northeast corner of our fenced in two acres and now will begin chapter two.  After my fourth chapter, or end of Part One; I'll take a longer bigger break and go visit my best friend named "Daisy."  She's staying up there in the front yard today.

                Daisy, or "Dais" as Mr. Steve calls her; helped me put together my three outlines and will bark to signal me if Mr. Steve comes outside.  I like it when Mr. Steve calls me "Magg," because then I feel as if he likes me.  Boy!  It looks like my books will be a lot longer than I thought.

                 I'll bet Daisy is probably laying on the cement slab in front of the garage.  She's old, and has this thing called "Arthritis;" so today's warm sunlight will make her paws and hips feel a lot better.  Daisy sometimes jokes the "only permanent thing in life is almost constant change."


                                                     DAISY / MAGGIE CÓRDOVA  


           Daisy, who convinced me to learn reading and writing; also goes by our  boss's last name "Córdova" like me.  Hey God!  She's old and "Sensible," joking You brought us here to "bring out the best" in Mr. Steve.  Daisy doesn't fear the unknown, and says "nothing comes easy."

           People have told Mr. Steve that, judging by her eyes and teeth; Dais might be sixteen years old like Rosie next door.  She's going blind but her sense of smell and hearing at times seem to be getting sharper.  Because I wrestle with her, I know how Daisy's still really physically strong. 

          Today Daisy will rest on the "Driveway," where normally she'd be in  garage; in the area where Mr. Steve put her "Barney the Dinosaur" blanket.  That's between the "Freezer" and the "Utility Room" door.  Inside that small room are amazing "Washer" and "Dryer" machines.


        "JACK" / "MOE" / "MANNY"                                   "MOJAVE" DESERT                  


              Well God!  Looking out into the eastern desert behind our three Sheds, and also feeling the Sun which gives warmth and energy; makes me think of You.  It's so great how today is our New Year's Day because it's the first day of Spring.  Boy!  Happy New Year Everyone up there! 

               Daisy was also "Rescued" by Mr. Steve because, like myself; her owner just didn't want to keep her anymore.  She has so much "Experience," and I always listen to her when she tells me things; because I really trust her opinion.  Fannie and Freddie are flying bye to the east.

          This morning for breakfast Dais also really liked how Mr. Steve mixed that new Spam meat in with leftovers and dry Dog food.  For her Arthritis, he puts this little thing called a "Bufferin" pill in her food.  She also often licks her hairy paws too, which makes them hurt less.





                  Well God, I have a feeling these books are going to be longer than I expected so; I'll just say a quick prayer and begin chapter two.  I like learning to read and write but; finding out new things is even better.  Daisy says in my books I've got to have good "time management."

            Hey Lord!  I say "Hail Mary" prayers to Your mom too.  Daisy told me Sister Rita Joseph influenced Mr. Steve in asking Your Father for a "Gift of Grace" in, if he knows he's about to die; giving him just enough time to say a quick Hail Mary.  Daisy and I hope for that too!  

               Boy!  Daisy was so right in saying it's a good thing I got plenty of practice holding a pen or pencil in putting together my outlines.   Having only toes and not fingers, it would be so great if I had a few fingers but, I'm getting used to it and not complaining.  Dais told me about thumbs.  


                                              HENRY DAVID THOREAU (1817-1862)


             I'm glad Daisy explained how to use the "Erasers" on the ends of these amazing pencils.  In my three books I'll learn about Writers my boss likes.  That guy Henry David Thoreau and his family, to earn some money back in the 19th century; made wooden pencils Daisy told me.  

            In chapter one I used pencils and erasers a lot, and can now tell by how long that chapter turned out being; I'll need them in these three long books.  I can't wait for chapter five, when I use the "Pens" Daisy found in a "File Cabinet" up there in the garage.  Heathcliff crowed.

           Based on how it feels, I think I might be what they call "Right-Handed."  But maybe I can be like my boss who, for some things like playing drums; is "Ambidextrous."  In Baseball, he can "Throw" and "Bat" right or left-handed; and can use eating "Utensils" with either hand.




            I mentioned in chapter one how we live near the "Foothills" on the north side of the "San Gabriel" mountains.  Sylmar, where my boss's family grew up; is located in the southern foothills of the same exact mountain "Range" on the other side.  Some small Sparrows just flew bye.  

           Based on how the shadows look, and where the Sun is; I'd say it's about eight thirty.  I feel so lucky to have my big project to work on and the ability to do it.  I'll bet that Daisy up there in the front yard is also already wondering too when we'll get our first food snack of the day.

               Heathcliff just crowed God!  And I really kind of want to see his crowing more than usual on this first day of Spring as a good luck sign for me in writing my three books.  Mr. Steve, and Daisy too; look for "Symbolism" in things and I'm starting to do that more and more too.


              I glanced up because Bonnie the Bird flew back in from the desert and is now throwing up the Bugs in her stomach to feed their new babies.  Wow!  Besides her and Clyde, Alpha Company also had their new Spring babies so early this year.  Boy!  That must be a good sign I think!

          Chirping baby Birds symbolize for Daisy the three part, reoccurring; "Cycle" of nature, "Life, "Death" and "Rebirth."  I notice one of Bonnie and Clyde's "Chicks" chirps louder, and more often; than the others.  Mr. Steve's dad jokes, "The squeaky wheel often gets the grease."

          Mr. Steve's parents,  married for fifty eight years; think "Forgiveness" and a "Sense of Humor" are  important.  My boss never married but likes women and children and is just more happy right now being alone.  He jokes about how he's "circled the Sun" fifty seven times.


                                                            MR. STEVE'S PARENTS

                                                                                                                                  PHOTO BY RODERICK CÓRDOVA


            Daisy says on April the 8th of 1950 Mr. Steve's parents met in High School and one reason they're still together is because they're a team who help and "Complement" one another.  Oh!  I notice on my list of dates how Miss Emily was born on April the 9th.  Dawn's now barking. 

           The happy feeling of "Romance" is great but is usually "temporary" Mr. Steve says.  "In the "Long Run" he thinks, it's better to find a partner who helps and supports you; as "Looks" fade for almost everyone.  Blackbeard and Anne Bonney are flying bye and seem happy.  

          After raising five kids Mr. Steve's dad encouraged his wife to go "Back to School."  She did and, at "Mission" Junior College and "Cal State Northridge;" graduated as what's called "Cum Laude."  Daisy told me she never got anything lower than an "A" grade in any of the class's.


                                                             MR. STEVE'S MOM


           When young  Mr. Steve's mom was a "Girl Scout" and later, for many years; a "Leader" of a few "Troops."  In my books Daisy has me scheduled to write about "Field Trips" they took.  If there was such a thing as "Girl Scouts" for us Dogs I would definitely want to join up. 

          My boss told Mr. Randy a good example of his father caring for his wife is how he allowed her to hold troop meetings at their house.   Mr. Steve's mom loves to sing so, of course; her girls sang a lot.  His dad, even watching tv sports; prefers silence with no "background" noise.

          While her meetings were going on Mr. Steve's dad would simply go work in his office and close the door.  My boss jokes about how, to both he and his father; the concept of "Karaoke" is "incomprehensible."  Neither one likes to sing but, realizes; they're "In the Minority."

                                                    MAGGIE / DAISY CÓRDOVA

          My boss is in the minority too in now preferring to be alone, but thinks too many prefer bad "Relationships" to no relationship.  Dawn and I howl, but not Daisy, Blinky or Rosie.  Daisy and I like to pray, and I kind of  want to agree when she jokes singing is "praying double."

          Daisy heard Mr. Steve talking on the phone with his friend Rick and they remembered how Rick's dad who died used to joke, "A happy wife is a happy life."  My boss thinks it's normal for families to argue and disagree.  Some famous bands have brothers who fight a lot I guess.

         After my first owner dumped me out in that field, there were a few times when I felt kind of lonely but; really didn't know what I was missing.  But now my boss, Daisy and I are a family; so I would never ever want to go back to being homeless.  No way!  Ugh Ugh!  Forget it! 


                                                                    MISS SUSAN


           For some reason I just thought of that lady Miss Susan who, lives in Phelan; and for years ran the local Newspaper "New Plus."  I guess she's a good Writer and my boss even has a "File" on the things she's written.  Some Ravens are croaking faintly out there in the back desert.

          My boss told Mr. Randy he can tell Miss Susan, who's in her eighties; was a good mother.  Like his mom, it's obvious she's a "patient" person who likes "to share knowledge."  Boy God! I'd really like to someday be like her and Mr. Steve's mom if I ever have to teach someone.   

          Ah!  I just thought of my boss's old Dog Lady.  I want to be like her and one of my "Long Term" goals is to make Mr. Steve proud of me so he'll never, ever want to get rid of me.  A "Short Term" goal is to show him, by writing my books; I can do something other Dogs can't do. 




                 Those Ducks Mr. Steve named "Donald and Daisy" are quacking.  Daisy says he named them after a real life cartoon Duck couple.  I want to see that cartoon someday because I guess Donald the boy Duck wears this professional looking uniform in my favorite color blue.

            Daisy says Donald's girlfriend Daisy has big eyelashes, a bow stuck on her head; and has special shoes made only for Duck feet.  Daisy the cartoon Duck likes to get flowers, dancing; and to kiss.  Our Daisy says Donald and Daisy have two hands they can use just like a human.

           According to our Dais, Daisy the girl Duck seems more "sophisticated" than Donald; who has a hard to understand voice.  He also wears a blue "Beret" hat likes the ones Mr. Steve has in the living room near the fireplace.  "Daffy" the Duck's voice is louder than the other Ducks.     




                Boy! Dais is so lucky because she goes in the house a lot more than me so gets to hear more music and see more tv too.  She told me Donald and Daisy the cartoon Ducks have Mouse friends named "Mickey" and Minnie."  The four Pigeons are flying together toward the northeast. 

           Daisy told me Mickey and Minnie the Mouse's also kiss, and really like each other.  Unlike other Mice, they have really big feet and hands; so have custom made shoes and white gloves.  Up there in the sky  there are now some skinny white clouds forming and starting to spread out.

          I guess the cartoon Daisy and Minnie have bows attached to their heads so my Daisy thinks they must be able to stick onto feathers or fur.  Boy!  Someday I won't be afraid of being trapped in an enclosed area, so will get to see more educational tv.  Donald and Daisy are quacking. 




                Yup!  Right now some Ducks are quacking but Daffy's is louder.  Daisy told me in real life Daffy is a cartoon Duck who tries to compete with this smart Rabbit named "Bugs Bunny."  He gets so frustrated and upset when, no matter what he does; Bugs Bunny always beats him.

            According to Daisy, there's this Hunter named "Elmer" who isn't very smart, and always wants to hunt Rabbits but over and over again keeps getting tricked by Bugs Bunny; who eats a  lot of carrots I guess.  Our Daffy has by far the loudest and most unique quack over there.  

           Daisy heard Mr. Steve tell his mom on the phone about this man named Chuck Jones.  He was an "Animator" for "Warner Brothers" and for eight years his Nephew "John," who died; was a classmate of Mr. Steve's at St. Ferdinand's.  Mr. Steve met Chuck Jones a few times.     


                                                           CALIFORNIA (U.S.A.)   


            As I said in chapter one, besides writing about our area up here in the "High Desert" over the next three days; I'm also going to learn about our State of California and the overall United States too.  These books are going to be a lot longer than Dais and I expected.  I smell Sage.

           Mr. Steve thinks California has way too many people.  There are now more people in our State as live in the entire "Country" of Canada he was told.   L.A. "County" alone has a bigger "Population" than thirty eight of the other fifty American States Daisy heard.  I like Sage.

          This Writer who "Focused" on California was named Carey McWilliams.  Mr. Steve read he thought "Change" in California, like in the world; was usually "gradual."  But at times it was fast, like in the 1849 "Gold Rush;" or finishing of the 1869 "Trans-Continental" Railroad. 


                                                   CAREY MCWILLIAMS (1905-1980)


           This one Encyclopedia has a good quote by that guy Carey McWilliams.  He said at times, "California has not grown or evolved so much as it has been hurtled forward, rocket-fashion, by a series of chain-reaction explosions."  Mr. Steve's dad has read Carey McWilliams books.            

         The caption under a picture of Carey McWilliams describes him as a "journalist" which I know means he wrote for Newspapers.  Anyway, I'd better stick to my outline; and learn about Carey McWilliams later.  Blackbeard and Anne Bonny the Crows just flew bye way up there.

         Daisy says it will impress Mr. Steve if I can learn and write about the Indigenous or Native-American people who have lived in North and South America for about twelve thousand years. I guess, people now called "Indians;" came here at the end of the last "Ice Age.  Dawn's barking.


                                                    "MIGRATION" OF PEOPLE FROM "SIBERIA (c. 10,000 B.C.)

  PAINTING BY DE ANGOSTINI                                                                                                                                                                       


                 This Encyclopedia has a good map that shows how, in maybe 10,000 B.C. at the end of the last "Ice Age;" people from an area now called "Siberia" walked across a "Land Bridge."  Then they "Migrated" or spread southward.  I guess a little "c." before a date means "About." 

                  Someday I want to go to a "Library."  Daisy says Mr. Steve has been to many Library's in his life and a while back met an older man over there at the one in Phelan.  That man was from the "Shoshone" Indian "Tribe" and they talked about some of the different Native "Bands."  

           Dais told me that Shoshone man thinks the original Americans were most likely "chasing the game" across that exposed land bridge.  They were "Nomadic Hunter-Gatherers."  Game is just another word for all the different kinds of Animals people hunt and kill for food to eat. 


                       "TONGVA" VILLAGE                                  "CHUMASH" VILLAGE

                 PAINTING BY MARY LEIGHTON THOMSON                                                                                PAINTING BY OLGA FERNANDEZ                              


            Daisy says Mr. Steve and that Shoshone man at the Library talked about Indian groups, like "Tongvans" and "Chumash;" who've lived in California for thousands of years.  "Mojave,"  "Chemehuevi" and "Southern Paiute" are from our area.  Oh!  And the "Serranos" too.   

           A subject I'll learn about over the next three days are the "Pictographs" or "Petroglyphs" Native peoples have made on rocks.  Daisy says Mr. Steve's friend Mark Ritter who died knew a lot about things like that.  I guess Mark Ritter also studied about Reptiles and Geology. 

          My Encyclopedia says "Civilization" began "about" 4,000 B.C., when "nomadic hunter-gatherers" who "followed the seasons" for food; "settled" in one area.  "Writing," "Farming" and the "Domestication of Animals "Characterize" civilization.  I can smell Libby over there.  


                               FOUR OF KNOWN ORIGINAL AREAS ("CIVILIZATION")


          I really love it when my Encyclopedia's have maps that go along with the "Text" because it makes things so much easier to understand.  This good map shows four areas where civilization first began, China, India, Mesopotamia and Egypt.  All were very near to some big Rivers.

         Boy God!  Thank You so much for having Dais find, in those file cabinets in the garage; all these Notebooks, Dictionaries and writing supplies.  And, also for these Encyclopedia's Mr. Steve piled out here on the Patio.  Daisy thinks You might've had those things happen on purpose.

         In the front yard are statues and stelae's which represent those four areas where civilization began.  Near the front entrance to the house is this really heavy "Assyrian" statue of a part Lion, part Eagle; with the head of man.  The four Pigeons just now flew in from the desert.  


MAGGIE                              (FRONT YARD)                         DAISY               


                 Up there in the front yard are two statues representing China.  A "Warrior Monk on a little hill with big boulders piled around it holds a sword, and the other one is a sitting or praying "Buddha" on a smaller hill.  The four Pigeons just landed up on the Patio roof above me. 

                 After chapter four or Part One I'll take a bigger break and go visit Daisy, who Mr. Steve jokes is built "like a barrel."  She's old but is still strong in her neck and; is "Young at Heart" as that old saying goes.  This one French Dictionary says "Joie de Vivre" means "Joy of Life."

            Some people think Daisy looks like a small ninety "Pound" furry Bear but, although she's still solid and strong; she believes she's gradually shrinking "Day by Day."  Mr. Steve tells people I weigh about sixty or so pounds.  Boy!  I wonder who figured out how much a pound is?



ARTWORK BY PHIL WILSON                                                                                                                                                                         


         In my books I'll learn about "Mammals," which is what us Dogs and people are.  Sixty five million years ago a huge six mile wide "Asteroid" flew in from Outer Space and slammed right into the Earth, killing most Dinosaurs.  God!  Five times life has almost ended on Earth.

        The caption below a painting in my Encyclopedia says it shows the Asteroid "impacting" in what is now an area of Mexico called "Chicxulub," on the "Yucatan" peninsula.  And, this map shows where that is in the "Gulf of Mexico."   I love hearing the Pigeons cooing up there. 

           Daisy, who gave me the idea of learning to read and write; is like Mr. Steve in being curious. Sister Rita Joseph told her class to be "Lifetime Learners," joking it's a way to "exercise your brain muscle."  Hey God!  It was Sister Rita Joseph who said to look for You in everything."       

                                                                                           SD.Kfz.166 "STURM PANZER" ("BRUMBAR")      


           Dais has really thick black fur, whereas I have short; khaki-colored hair.  Mr. Mike jokes, because she's built like a little "Tractor" or "Tank;" her nickname should be "Panzer" just like  those Second World War German Tanks.  The Pigeons are now all walking around up there.         

         I like to learn because Daisy, who's not selfish in sharing knowledge; also wants to learn new things.  I try to be calm, confident and practical like her but; at times I worry too much and "Dwell" on unimportant things.  Ah!  I think I might smell a brand new Spring Sage plant.          

         The Dog I replaced, when she died at age three; was named "Millie."  Daisy told me how she heard Mr. Steve tell people she was a mix of "Labrador" and "Doberman."  Millie, like me    enjoyed running fast; and Daisy thinks "curiosity" was something we both "had in common."     


MILLIE CÓRDOVA (2009-2012)


           According to Dais, on a really, really foggy morning; Mr. Steve opened the gate to pull our Car Theodora out and then drive to the San Fernando Valley.  It was about five in the morning    and he was going to his office at work.   He didn't notice Millie getting out because of the fog.       

          I guess, when he got home at four that afternoon Mr. Steve had a "bad feeling" when only Daisy met him at the gate.  He glanced to his left, saw Millie's body; and told his mom one time    how he had "that sinking feeling" people sometimes talk about.  Wow!  That would feel bad.        

       One night, Daisy and Millie were in the living room and saw a good tv show that used the phrase a "Thirst for Knowledge;" which is the same phrase Sister Rita Joseph said to her class at St. Ferdinand's.  Millie's now buried in our little graveyard up front, next to the driveway.                                                                              



          I just thought of how Daisy told me about the "Yin/Yang" and "Ankh" logos.  She says a Chinese girl Mr. Steve had "Brunch" with said, to her; the "two-sided" black and white circle    teardrops symbolizes "Reality."  Daisy says brunch is "breakfast and lunch" together.  Wow!       

           To Mr. Steve Yin and Yang represents the two sides of "Nature."  To the ancient Egyptians the Ankh logo symbolized "Life," or "Eternal Life."  In Buddhism Yin and Yang means "duality of life," white in black, black in white; the "inevitable, unchanging cycle of life and death."          

        I just thought of how New Mexico's yellow flag has this red four-sided "Zia" logo on it.  I guess, that emblem originated in artwork of a "Pueblo" Indian tribe living in what is now New    Mexico.  The Pigeons flew off and are now going back out into the desert behind the Sheds.           




         Looking at the Sun above the eastern horizon makes me think of how my boss read, to the Zia people; "4" is "Sacred" and represents the Sun.  Daisy says Mr. Steve has drawn the Ankh,    Yin and Yang and Zia logos.  I guess Mr. Dave in New Mexico knows about the Zia people.            

        My Encyclopedia says to the Zia people 4 symbolizes the four "points on the compass," the "four seasons" of the year; and four "periods of the day.  And I guess the Zia logo also stands      for "childhood, youth, middle and old age."  The Sun's warmth makes me feel so good.                 

        Daisy will be interested in how it says here Zia people believe in four "obligations," the first to have a "strong body;" the second to keep a "clear mind."  Trying for a "pure spirit" is  also    important too.  Mr. Steve joked with Mr. Dave about that being "easier said than done."             




          I guess, in a three day "Ceremony;" Pueblo Indian Dancers pray for "Kachinas" to give them rain so they have enough "Crops" to survive.  Hey!  I wonder if those Kachinas are kind of like our Angels?  This one Encyclopedia says how the Zia people call themselves "Tsiya."              

          Hey Lord!  The fourth Zia obligation is to help others like You said to do.  That's why my boss helps that homeless guy Mr. Mark and his Yorkie Dog Karma.  Daisy says Mr. Steve has        done line drawings of the Zia logo with either three or four sun rays coming out of the circle.       

         Dais says you can "lose by winning" or "win by losing" and at times you learn more from losing than winning.  She talks about being a "victim of your own success." Later today I'll look up this one ancient Greek King named "Phyrrus" who fought a war against the Romans.                                                    

   FLOCK OF BIRDS        


              Ah!  A flock of Birds flying to the northeast up there in the sky.  I can hear Dawn and Blinky barking at something over there to my right and I'll bet old Rosie is standing right near     them.  Boy!  I'm beginning to kind of like Blinky's brave-sounding voice more and more.              

            Hey God!  As You know of course, the first thing I remember smelling when I came here to live was Daisy's scent.  I can imagine it right now as a matter of fact.  When Mr. Steve first put me on the ground, up there in the front yard; I was really scared of what was happening.              

             On that very first day here Dais came over and sniffed my rear because, you can tell a lot by smelling back there.  She welcomed me with "Open Arms," or paws in her case.  She took me "Under her Wing" so to speak, and now treats me just like her "Long Lost" younger sister.          




         Fannie and Freddie the Crows are flying bye, talking to each other as they often do.  Daisy says they're actual full names are "Fannie Mae" and "Freddie Mac."  Today, as the first day of    Spring; they'll have about another eleven hours of sunlight to "Forage" or look for food.               

      I'll bet Daisy's up there laying on the cement driveway, and I hope her Arthritis isn't too painful today in her feet and hips.  Daisy loves her "Barny the Dinosaur" blanket in the garage    near the utility room.  But today she'll stay outside and bark if Mr. Steve comes outside.                

       At the end of that cement slab, in front of our garage; Mr. Steve put those little gray rocks called "Gravel" out to the front gate.  It hurts Daisy's feet to walk on gravel so she avoids it but I think it makes me run even faster than usual.  Boy!  I suddenly do really feel like running.                               



          Oh!  The Roadrunner Mr. Steve named Rudy is over there with a squirming Lizard!  If I know him he'll "Body Slam" it on the ground to knock it out, and break the bones; so it will be    easier to swallow.  Yup!  Rudy threw the Lizard hard to the ground alright, which must hurt.       

           I've had dreams about Mr. Steve getting me from that awful field my first owner dumped me in.  I wonder if Rudy's a boy or girl Roadrunner?  Mr. Steve told Mr. Randy, because Rudy's way too fast to catch and look; he just gave him a name that starts with the letter "R."                  

          Daisy will bark to signal me when our boss comes outside to give us our daily snacks.  I've been practicing hiding all my materials really fast under Elvira's "Cushions" and I also have all  of these three good blankets too.  Boy!  I already can't wait for our first snack of the day.               



                                 PHOTO BY STEPHANIE SMITH                           


        Oh!  I'm glad to see "Benjamin" the "Bronze Cow" Bird made it through Winter.  Miss Susan told Mr. Steve what type of Bird Benjamin was.  Daisy says Benjamin was named after        that guy Benjamin Franklin, even though we don't really know for sure if Benjamin's a boy.         

           Cow Birds are like Thrasher Birds in being able to fly but often run on the ground instead. Dais told me one time a Cow Bird ran in the house when Mr. Steve left the sliding glass door over there to my right open.  But, I guess it eventually just ran back out of that dining room.                 

      When Mr. Steve took me down from the Car and put me on the ground on that first day I tried to escape in panic.  I didn't know if I was being what's called "Kidnapped" or what.  I was  "Dazed and Confused," just like in that one LED ZEPPELIN song Daisy told me about.               


  "SPIRIT OF 76"             

       PAINTING BY ARCHIBALD M. WILLARD                        


            One time Daisy and that Dog Millie who I replaced were in Mr. Steve's bedroom and saw this tv show about the "Revolutionary War."  There was a song in it called "The World Turned    Upside Down," which is how I felt when I was first brought over here.  Heathcliff crowed.             

            Thank You God for making me sense my boss was helping me so I let him catch me.  Dais says I'm "silly," and don't know what I'm missing in being afraid to go all the way in our house.  Rudy ate the Lizard and is now running around the northeast corner of the house to my left.        

           It was Daisy who, for about three months; helped me put together my three long outlines and list of dates.  Hey God!  As You know, Dais believes one reason You might've brought us over here was to help Mr. Steve be more happy.  And now I sort of really want to believe that too.                                                         



          Blessed Mother!  It was Daisy who told me about that movie where the Hunchback takes "Sanctuary," or protection; in Your Catholic Cathedral in France.  She says, in the Hunchback    movie; they used the phrase "Safe Haven."  And now, this two acres is like our safe haven.            

          On my first day over here Dais tried to introduce herself by licking my face but I was too scared to let her.  Now, we lick each other's faces all the time.  Hey God!  As You know, I've had a few dreams about that first day; and have wondered if I dream more than the other Dogs?            

         I'm lucky Dais has a good memory, which helped me put together my outlines and list of birthdays; and important family dates.  She jokes I might have a "Photographic Memory" but hers seems pretty good too.  All of a sudden for some reason I just thought of "England."                                                                               QUEEN VICTORIA (1819-1901)                   CHARLES DICKENS (1812-1870)       

PORTRAIT BY ALEXANDER BASSANO                                                                                                                                                       


         Daisy says our boss has read books by Charles Dickens, a 19th century British Writer who lived during the "Reign" of "Queen Victoria;" and wrote a book about Christmas. In my books  Daisy has me scheduled to learn about all of the different "Holidays."  I just love holidays!           

          Oh!  My Encyclopedia says Queen Victoria was born on May 24th and looking at my list of dates I see how Mr. Steve's parents "Wedding Anniversary" is on that same day.  I guess Charles Dickens said the 19th century was the "Best and Worst" of times.  Heathcliff just crowed.             

         Dais says our boss told Mr. Mike a Bible quote about being a "stranger in a strange land."  And that's just how he felt when he moved up here to the High Desert from Los Angeles back in  late 2005.  I sort of felt that exact same way too for a little while but now not anymore.                                              

    "WREN"  IN "CHOLLA" CACTUS                


          I just glanced up and noticed one of those Birds Miss Susan called "Wrens" standing on a Cholla cactus, out in the desert; behind the three Sheds.  Thank You God for Daisy, and also for    making all of the Birds around here.  Heathcliff crowed and his Hens are clucking happily.           

         Daisy showed me around at first, explaining what would be expected of me; and what my "Rights and Duties" were.  Hopefully when Mr. Steve, who Daisy has started to call "Chief;" is    able to read my books he'll be proud of me.  And I want to impress Dais too that's for sure.           

          On the first day here at first I ran around like a "Chicken with its head cut off."  But, with no escape because of all the fences;" I went down on my stomach and let my boss sit next to me.    Daisy says some dead headless Chickens really do keep on running all around.  Oh wow!                                                         

     "YOGI" BEAR                                                             MR. PEABODY         


         I've mentioned how I only go in the house on Saturday mornings to watch cartoons.  We like "Yogi" who's "Smarter than the average Bear" and I like it when Dais jokes about how I'm  smarter than the average Dog.  My right nostril just picked up Libby the Horse's scent.                 

         Boy!  It would be so great to someday be as smart as Mr. Peabody.  If I had his Way Back Time Machine I'd see who my mother, whose scent I "Vaguely" remember; was.  Daisy is lucky    to have known both of her her parents, so I know she would rather travel to the future.                 

          Dais thinks Mr. Steve would time travel to the 16th century if he could so that's why in my books she has me scheduled to learn a lot about the 1500's.  Daisy jokes that I've "bonded" onto  Mr. Steve as sort of my "substitute" mom and dad.  And she might just be right about that.                                                       

          ROBERT E. LEE(1807-1870)                              JAMES LONGSTREET (1821-1904)                                                                      

         I'll learn a lot about the American Civil War in my books.  My boss admires Robert E. Lee, who relied on the judgement of "Subordinates" like James Longstreet; even if he was a "Rebel."  There were over a million "Casualties" in the Civil War.   That means "Dead or Wounded."         

         That one girl from China told Mr. Steve how Yin represents "dark" while Yang symbolizes "light."  Mr. Steve jokes Generals like James Longstreet, and "Stonewall" Jackson too; were the Yin's to Robert E. Lee's Yang.  Dawn is barking faintly over there next door to my right.              

        I notice the "Circular" picture of James Longstreet.  Daisy says our boss, when he worked in "Dark Rooms;" used "Masks" too sometimes in "Printing" black and white photos.  When he lived down there on "Hagar" Street in Sylmar one of his three bedrooms was a Dark Room.                                                      



        Hey God!  In my books I'll learn about Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson, who was Robert E. Lee's best "Confederate" General.  In 1860, after Abraham Lincoln was elected U.S. President;    many of the "Southern" States went ahead and broke away from America.  A Crow cawed.          

         A big flock of Birds is flying bye, moving to the northeast.  You can tell by where the Sun is hanging over the eastern horizon, behind the three Sheds; that it's between eight thirty and nine o clock in the morning.  Boy! So far, I really like learning; and reading and writing too.                 

        Daisy says on this tv show one of Robert E. Lee's Soldiers said, "I'd charge the gates of Hell itself if old Master Robert said to do it."  Boy God!  I sure hope I'll never have to see Hell.  But,  as Daisy says; if Mr. Steve goes there then we'll just have to follow him right in there too.                                                                                                      

            "HERCULES CAPTURING CERBERUS"                

                PAINTING BY BORIS VALLEJO                             


         Writing what that one Soldier said makes me think of the ancient Greek "Hades," or the "Underworld."  I guess that guy "Hercules" captured "Cerberus," the "Three-Headed Dog"        with a Snake's tail; who's job is to guard Hades gate.  Dais thinks Hades is like our "Hell."           

          This painting in my Encyclopedia shows Hercules holding Cerberus, who the caption calls "ferocious" and "vicious."  I'll learn a lot about ancient Greece and Rome in my books, and will  come back to Hercules later.  Boy!  If I had to fight Cerberus it would be three against one.           

       Daisy says Mr. Steve told his friend Ralph Robert E. Lee described James Longstreet as a reliably consistent methodical "Old War Horse."  At times he jokingly calls Dais that too and it's so great when he refers to us as "his girls."  I really think we "Complement" each other.                               



          Lately I've started calling Daisy "Dais" like my boss does.  I was so happy that first time he ever called me "Magg" because it showed he likes me.  Daisy jokes about how, at her "advanced" age it's better to work "smarter rather than harder;" and I want to learn to do that too.                

         Daisy and I have different personalities.  She's calm, careful and thinks about things before doing it; whereas I tend to "Shoot from the Hip" and "Overreact."  Mr. Steve calls me "Jumpy" and "High Strung," as I at times worry way too much; and don't trust even when I should.           

       Hey God!  I'm trying to be more like Daisy, a "Realist" who says "Don't kid Yourself;" just like Mr. Steve's father sometimes does.  Mr. Steve jokes, the older he gets the more "Pessimistic"  he becomes but; he's still "relatively optimistic."   Heathcliff's Hens are clucking over there.         


                                   ROBERT E. LEE ("TRAVELLER")                                        


               Oh!  My right nostril just picked up the scent of Libby the Horse over there in her Corral.  And that makes me think about how, during the American Civil War; Robert E. Lee rode a gray boy Horse named "Traveller."  Robert E. Lee was more "Loyal" to his State of "Virginia."          

         This picture in my Encyclopedia shows Robert E. Lee sitting on Traveller, who looks like a kind of big Horse.  I notice it's a black and white "Painted" photo; like the "Prints" Mr. Steve at one time used to color too.  I'll learn a lot more about "Photography" in my three books.               

         Dais says to deal with things "as they are," and "not how you want them to be."  She says have an "open mind," and nothing is "set in stone;" as life can be what happens when "planning  something else."  Mr. Steve and his father change their mind if it turns out they were wrong.                         




              Hey Lord!  I'll bet Your dad St. Joseph taught You things like Dais does with me because both of them are sort of like "Coaches."  Dais says, if possible; try to have a "backup plan" or a "fallback position."  Ah!  Smelling Libby right now makes me think of last Summer.                     

           Daisy says have "self-confidence" but not be "arrogant or cocky," and Mr. Mike used the term "excessive pride."  When young, you feel "bullet proof" or "invulnerable" she says; with a  false "sense of security."  She told me about "Narcissus" from that ancient Greek story.                

        Hey Blessed Mother Mary!  I'm now beginning to be just like Daisy in thinking of You as "Mother Earth."  Mr. Dave also feels You in nature too.  I mentioned how he and his wife Juliane now live in New Mexico.  Daisy heard that a lot of people call Mr. Dave "Drummer Dave."                                             



         Oh!  The black and orange Monarch Butterfly is fluttering bye.  Daisy thinks Butterflies bring good luck and, taught me about how sometimes; the "smaller things end up being the big    things."   I just now picked up the faint scent of a Lizard that's somewhere around here.               

          Aha!  I see a Lizard over there to my right, standing on the wall near the sliding glass door going into this dining room.  And now it's starting to do those Lizard pushups.  Boy!  There are    so many Birds flying around out there in the eastern desert behind the Sheds right now.                

           As strong as Daisy is Virgin Mary, she jokes not even that guy Hercules can beat "Mother Nature."  One time I jumped way too high and landed awkwardly on my side so; it really hurt a lot.  I had sore ribs for a week but learned my lesson and will never do that again.  Nope!                                            

AS PLAYER                   STU LANTZ          WITH "CHICK" HEARN 

                                                                                                                                   PHOTO BY ANDREW BERNSTEIN


        Daisy and Millie heard Mr. Steve talking on the phone with Mr. Mark in Hawaii.  They remembered this guy named Stu Lantz, the Basketball Lakers' "Color Commentator" on their    Radio and tv broadcasts.  He's an ex-Player who worked with a man named "Chick" Hearn.        

          One time my boss heard Stu Lantz say, no matter how big and strong you are, "You can't beat Mr. Floor."  I can now empathize with that, and know Mr. Steve can too; because he's fallen and hit the ground really hard I guess.  I just noticed how that one Lizard is now gone.                  

       Mr. Steve and his brothers, Rock and Sam; played Sports like Baseball when growing up down there in Sylmar.  Mr. Steve told Mr. Ralph how he still occasionally dreams about the time  he broke his arm in hitting the ground while playing Soccer.  Some Crows are cawing.                                                                                 "TUMBLEWEEDS"              


        A strong breeze just blew in from the eastern desert behind the three Sheds and, for some reason; that makes me suddenly think about those round prickly things Mr. Steve one time called "Tumbleweeds."  I guess they're also called "Russian Thistle."  I always totally avoid them.          

         Daisy told me Miss Susan said Russian Thistle seeds were accidentally brought to America in the late 19th century inside "Flax" from Russia.  One really windy day that giant Tumbleweed chased me which was so scary but I got away.  Dais laughed because I'm a fast runner!                  

         It's amazing how such a small plant in one year can grow so huge like Tumbleweeds.  In the "Fall" they break off and roll around, which Miss Susan says spreads their seeds around; so new  baby Tumbleweeds can be born I'll bet.  My boss doesn't like Tumbleweeds either I notice.                                                             



        Throughout my three books I'll learn about the "Ancient" world.  In Greece these three Philosophers named Socrates, Plato and Aristotle lived.  Plato was Socrates' student, he taught    Aristotle; who "In Turn" tutored "Alexander the Great" before his conquests I guess.                   

         I kind of like being Daisy's "Pupil" and I'm a fast learner.  Daisy told me Mr. Steve and his father like an old saying by that guy Socrates, "The more you know, the more you know you don't know."  Ah!  I can really smell that one Sage plant from last year behind the Sheds.              

         I've mentioned how my boss gives things nicknames and Mr. Randy chuckled in hearing him call me and Daisy "Maginowski" and "Dasinovich." Mr. Steve calls me "Magasaurus."  I'll  be finding out about the country of "Poland," and Dinosaurs too; over the next three days.                                                                                                   BEDE (672-735 A.D.)      


        Hey Lord!  I'm so glad Daisy and that other Dog Millie saw a tv show about the history of using the letters "B.C." and "A.D." to date things.  Dais says "B.C." stands for "Before Christ"  while "Anno Domini" is Latin for "In the year of our Lord."  Dawn's barking over there.             

        My Encyclopedia has a picture of this one 8th century A.D. "Anglo-Saxon" Writer named "Bede."  Daisy says he was a Christian Monk, and is the "Father of English History."  Way back in the early 700's he wrote of a date being "Before the incarnation of our Lord;" or "B.C."           

        This is interesting Lord.  It says here using the letters B.C. and A.D. to date things did not "take root" until the 18th century.  Before that dating things was "confusing."  Daisy heard Mr. Steve say the ancient Egyptians, and Romans; also had "complicated" dating systems.                                                      

"SIR" ISAAC NEWTON (1642-1727)     


        Yup Lord!  This one Encyclopedia says just what Dais told me.  One reason why people use Your birth to describe dates is because of that English Scientist named Isaac Newton.  I guess he wrote one time about how he thought, "The times are set down in the years before Christ."           

        My Encyclopedia says Bede died on May 26th, and my list of dates has Mr. Steve's Nephew Jacob in Texas as being born on that date.  I notice Lord how "Sir" Isaac Newton was born on    Christmas day, even though Mr. Steve thinks that wasn't your birthday.  I like how wigs look.      

      Hey Lord!  Daisy says some people don't like using Your life to measure dates.  So, one non-religious way of describing dates is "B.C.E." or "C.E.;" which is short for "Before the Common  Era" and "Common Era."  A little Bird holding a twig in its mouth just ran bye right now.           




        As You know Lord, Daisy and I decided I'd use the letters B.C. and A.D. in writing my three books as Daisy want to think the year "1" is probably Your birth.  In my Dictionary I just looked up the word "Chronology."  The little Lizard just ran all of the way down the wall right now.       

       I guess one of the definitions of chronology is; "The science of measuring time and of dating events."  Another is; "The arrangement of events in the order of occurrence."  I wish I could go    back in time to smell Isaac Newton but, Daisy heard that he wasn't a very friendly person.            

      Jack the Jackrabbit just ran out into the desert through the right vertical slot on the side of the gate so, must've been hiding under Manny the far right Shed I guess.  Daisy explained the      ingenious concept of "doors and gates" to me.  Boy!  how could anyone have been so smart?                                                            ANDY AND HELEN               


         Aha!  I knew I was hearing Andy and Helen the Squirrels and, there they are over there  just to the side of Manny the far right Shed; near their burrow.  Hearing them singing makes me feel like howling because it's Springtime and the weather will get warmer.  Happy New Year!        

          For the next three days Dais will bark to warn me if Mr. Steve comes outside.  He usually gives us snacks near the front door but I've practiced hiding things in case, "One in a Million;"    he comes back here to the Patio.  Boy!  I feel so good right now hearing Andy and Helen.               

        When Mr. Steve got me down from the Car that first day I noticed Dais, who's got what's called "Command Presence" because of the "self-assured" way she stands.  She seemed bigger at that moment for some reason.  I can smell the Twin Joshua trees out there in the back desert.                                                                        



           Hey Lord!  Looking at the clear skies above the eastern horizon, beyond the three Sheds; makes me imagine You for some reason.  Daisy says Mr. Steve, and his father too; think You and Your family must've been really poor when You lived down here in Israel.  Dawn's barking.          

       My boss says Lord, if You were like most first century A.D. people; from age twelve You worked to help the family "Survive."  Did You have any brothers and sisters?  Daisy told me Mr. Steve and his dad think You probably did because large families were "the norm" then.                 

        One time Daisy and Millie were in Mr. Steve's office and heard him talking on the phone with Mr. Dave in New Mexico.  Lord!  Mr. Dave heard You might've been an "Essene" who was  actually born at a place called "Qumran."  I'll learn about the "Dead Sea Scrolls" later.                                                    




       Hey God!  In 1985 Mr. Steve's parents organized that trip to Italy and Israel.  Their Tour Group visited Jerusalem, where they got to pray at the Jewish "Wailing Wall;" and then walked up to the Muslim "Dome of the Rock."  Heathcliff just crowed over there to my right.                    

       Lord!  One place the Tour Group didn't get to go see in 1985 was the town of "Nazareth," where You were born.  Daisy says the "Tour Guide" named "Haim" said after You died, some    people joked; "Can  anything good come from Nazareth?"  It was a "Backwater" town.                

         Blessed Mother!  That guy Haim told Mr. Steve's Tour Group of the "Roman" town called "Sepphoris," which is near Nazareth in the "Galilee" region; and north of the "Jezreel" valley.    I guess there are some people who think that You might've been born over in Sepphoris.                                     



          Someday, I want to hear a Scottish band called NAZARETH.  Daisy told me they have a good Singer, and says Mr. Steve used to play drums along to their "Razamanaz" album.  Two of the Pigeons just flew in from the desert and went over the top of the house in going west.               

         Dais says NAZARETH have a sad song about a guy waking up in the morning to find out someone had killed his Dog and Cat.  And, not only that she told me; on the same day his house    even burned down too.  Boy!  What a really bad time that must've been for him I guess.                 

          My boss's parents are from Belén in New Mexico.  Mr. Steve's father's brother "Casey," sister "Lydia" and some of their kids still live there; and so does Mr. Steve's mom's two brothers "David" and "Celedon" too.   I'll write more about "Jarales" and "Los Lunas" later.                                              


   PAINTING BY PIETRO PERUGINO                      


         Lord!  Mr. Steve thinks You might've married that girl Mary Magdalene.  I can't wait to learn about her when I write about the "Cathars" in book three on Saturday.  I'm tempted to do it right now but I'd better just wait and learn about her according to my outline schedule.             

        If you might just happen to be up there mind-reading me right now Miss Mary, my boss read you're talked about in the "New Testament Gospels" twelve times; even more than some of  the other twelve male "Apostles."  I can't wait to learn about you.  Two Pigeons flew bye.              

        Hey Miss Mary!  Daisy heard you were from a "Noble" Jewish family, but gave that up to be with our Lord; even though He didn't have money or things like that.  I don't blame you as I    would do the same thing too.  If I could time travel I'd go back to smell all of You Apostles.                                                                                      "CARING PARENTS"                               


       This is interesting Lord.  My Encyclopedia says, in the "Book of Mathew" You and Your "Foster" father St. Joseph were called "Tektons" in Greek; which might mean You were "Day    Laborers."  A painting shows Your dad holding You as Blessed Mother sleeps behind.                    

         Hey Lord!  My boss thinks, from age twelve to thirty; You helped Your dad making things from wood and wonders if You ever dug ditches?  Mr. Mike, like Mr. Steve's Niece's boyfriends    Rich and Rick; are "Handymen."  Maybe that's what You and Your father might've been?           

          Tomorrow in book two Dais has me scheduled to write about a Mexican Worker Mr. Steve hired for three days.  His name was "Esteban," which is Spanish for "Steven;" my boss's name.   Blessed Mother!  I want a "Necklace" with a "Medal" like the one Mr. Esteban wore.                                      




        Mr. Esteban's medal was dedicated to You Blessed Virgin.  Tomorrow I'll write about that time in the 16th century when You came down and visited an Indian man named Juan Diego in    Mexico.  Mr. Esteban said how Your image was "imprinted" right on Juan Diego's cloak.              

         Lord!  If I owned something You and Your dad built I'd protect it the way I protect my boss or my rubber ball collection.  My Dictionary says a "Relic" can be a, "souvenir" or; "venerated  remains."  My boss jokes how he's the third type of relic, an old "survivor from the past."            

       One time Daisy was in Mr. Steve's office and heard him and his friend Mr. Ralph talking on the phone.  Mr. Ralph is so knowledgeable about a lot of things, and that's why Mr. Steve enjoys  talking to him.  Dais says Mr. Ralph's son named" Rory" also seems to be really smart too.                       

  MR. RALPH         

                                   PHOTO BY STEVE CÓRDOVA                        


           Daisy told me Mr. Ralph, who was born in Mexico City and now works for the city of Los Angeles; said "Tilmàtli" in the Aztec "Nahuatl" language means" Cloak," while "Tilma" is how you'd say it in Spanish.  Heathcliff crowed.  Boy!  What a good day this has been so far!                

        Hey Blessed Mother!  As You know, I think it would be so great to go down to Mexico and smell and see that guy Juan Diego's cloak with Your picture now on it.  But, first I'd have to get    over my fear of riding in a Car because I guess Mexico is way far away down to the south.             

         Ah!  I just now breathed in a full breath of fresh morning air through both of my nostrils.  I can't wait to go up front to visit with Daisy at the end of chapter four.  I feel like doing it now but I know for sure she would want me to be more disciplined and just stick to our schedule.                                                                                                     "THE ANNUNCIATION"        



          Ah!  This breeze just brought in the scent of Rosemary from behind the Sheds out in the eastern desert.  Hey Blessed Mother!  If You're mind reading me thank You for influencing Dais  in wanting to teach me new things like where the best breezes are on really, really hot days.           

        Did You have babies as a teenager Blessed Mother?  My boss says that was normal back then when "Life Expectancy" was about thirty and a "hardscrabble" life of death and hardship  was a common thing.  A little Wren holding a twig in its mouth ran bye out there in the dirt.         

         Alpha Company of Quail, who were under a Shed; is now filing orderly through the wider right vertical gate slot to go out into the desert.  Hey Lord!  Mr. Steve and his family do help the poor just like You said to do.   We like helping Mr. Mark and his Yorkie Dog Karma too.                                                   

          EDDIE "SPAGHETTI"                 


          Dais says another person Mr. Steve helps is Eddie "Spaghetti."  He was born with no arms but still plays drums and sings to make some money.  Mr. Eddie is allowed to set up his drums,    and also a "P.A." system too; out in the parking lot of the Phelan "Stater Brothers" store.             

         I guess that guy Eddie Spaghetti puts on "Prosthesis" arms, onto which he attaches sticks; but mainly plays drums with his feet.  His shoulders move the fake arms around I guess.  Daisy    told me that she heard Mr. Steve one time say how P.A. just stands for "Public Address."              

        Mr. Eddie sings along to music where the "Vocals" are removed.  Like Mr. Steve, he plays drums right-handed so uses his right foot on a "Pedal" to play the big "Bass" drum.  Dais says    Mr. Steve really admires Mr. Eddie for not being lazy and instead being a "Busker."                      




           Someday, when I get over my fear of being trapped; I'll go in his bedroom and watch Mr. Steve play drums.  One of those diagrams in my Encyclopedia shows a "Standard five Piece" set or "Kit" of drums.  Daisy's told me our boss has what are called "Tama" brand drums.                

        Daisy explained how a right-handed Drummer, like our boss and Mr. Eddie; use their left foot to play a "High Hat."  It's two matching metal "Cymbals" open, and close; by using a "Foot Pedal."  Like all "Percussion," a High Hat can be be played "hard or soft;" or "fast or slow."      

        My boss told Mr. Eddie about this concert he and his friend named Steve saw in the mid-1980's.  It was by an English band called DEF LEPPARD, and was at the "Sports Arena;" down there in Los Angeles.  DEF LEPPARD'S Drummer lost his left arm in a bad Car accident.             


         DEF LEPPARD                                                             RICK ALLEN          


           Mr. Steve told Mr. Eddie he thinks, after the Car accident DEF LEPPARD'S right-handed Drummer uses foot pedals to "trigger" sounds his left hand used to play.  One time Dais told me about what a "Snare" drum is.  And she said those metal "Cymbals" can be really loud.                

        Daisy says a few years ago Mr. Steve did artwork for a man from "Sheffield," England.  I guess, that's the city DEF LEPPARD is from; so they talked about DEF LEPPARD, the "Sheaf" River, parks and the "Pennine" mountains.  He wanted to know about California history.            

        "Pittsburg," where Mr. Rick's family is from; has been a "Steel Town" like Sheffield too.  I'll be learning about "Industrialism" in what now looks like will be three really long books. That man told my boss Sheffield is famous for making metal knives and other things like that.                                

                     SHEFFIELD "FOOTBALL" CLUB (1857)                          


      That one man said the oldest "Soccer," or what the world calls "Football" team; is from Sheffield.  An old black and white picture in my Encyclopedia shows Sheffield's first team from  back in 1857.  Wow!  That was even four years before the American Civil War broke out.              

       One morning last Summer Mr. Steve played that good Johnny Cash song called "Ring of Fire" on his Boombox.  I'll learn about "Country" and "Western" music, and Johnny Cash; in book two when I look up "Sun Records."  Many Birds are chirping out there in the desert.           

         I guess, that guy Eddie Spaghetti plays drums and sings along to the music of Ring of Fire; and Mr. Steve likes his "version."  Daisy says one of Mr. Steve's customers told him Ring of Fire was written by Johnny Cash's wife named "June."  I smell Libby the Horse right now.                          


         My boss thinks Johnny Cash's wife was a good Singer too, and her "Maiden" name was "Carter."  In the 1980's Mr. Steve sold Basketball Laker's "Season" seats to a Baseball Player      named Gary Carter.  I guess, from what Daisy says;  he was on the New York "Mets" then.           

          Eddie Spaghetti's poor.  Lord!  Dais explained what the "Least of These" means, so we've both wondered if we're considered that?  Daisy thinks we probably sure are and, because of all    her long experience; I now believe her when it comes to trusting her on things like that.                

         Rabbits, Squirrels and other things use bushes for what they call "Cover," and I would too if I were them.  Snakes like Goliath know they're there but, at least Hawks can't see them.  Cher  the Cat always checks under bushes I notice, to see if she gets lucky and finds a lazy Mouse.                                                                

  MR. EDDIE       

         PHOTO BY STEVE CÓRDOVA            


          My boss puts money in Eddie Spaghetti's bucket and told him about a 1980's band he took pictures of called WALL OF VOODOO.  Their version of Ring of Fire has some dark "Spaghetti  Western" sounding guitar in it Daisy says.  Hey Lord!  Mr. Eddie's a Christian just like us.           

       I guess some think Lord, back in Your days; a Tekton like You and Your father were even lower "In Status" than "Peasants."  That's mainly because You didn't own a "Plot" of land.  I'll  learn about "Ownership" in my three books but boy, being a peasant sounds kind of bad.             

           Hey Lord!  As You know, I think Daisy's right!  God could've had You be born into a rich or powerful family but, instead Your family was poor; with no what they call "Influence."  So You    must've been extra special she believes, and I now totally agree with her on that completely.                                                   

  FRONT YARD  (DAISY / MAGGIE)           


        For some reason I just thought about the amazing machines inside the house.  Daisy one time told me "Refrigerators" keep food cold, or frozen too; so it won't "Rot."  In my  books I'll    find out about the history of "Salt," which my boss and his father think is really important.          

         Boy!  How could anyone have even invented those incredibly complicated  "Washer" and "Dryer" machines inside the utility room?   Someday I'll have the courage to go in the kitchen,  where Dais says Mr. Steve cooks food; and has one of our two refrigerators.  I smell Sage.             

         Daisy licks her paws for her "Arthritis."  She really believes in the power of that one little Bufferin pill Mr. Steve puts in her food.  On Saturdays, when we go in the living room to watch    our cartoons; Daisy's by far favorite is about that handsome boy Dog named "Underdog."                                                                                



          Dais thinks Underdog is so good looking and, because her favorite color is red, likes how his uniform looks; while my favorite color is blue so I prefer his cape.   Underdog has this special pill in a secret compartment of his ring.  This guy named "Popeye" eats "Spinach" Dais says.      

          I'd wear clothes with the initial "M" on them, the way Underdog has a "U" on his chest. Daisy told me my favorite band DEVO wear yellow uniforms with the band name on them.  In    book two I'll write about this tv show she and Millie saw called "Laverne and Shirley."                

         Daisy likes how Underdog helps others and can even fly.  I think she has a "Crush" on him and is envious when he protects his girlfriend "Sweet  Polly Purebred."  I really admire how he,  like Mr. Peabody; has the incredible ability to walk "Upright" on only his two rear legs.                                             



        It's so obvious sometimes that Daisy is jealous of Underdog's girlfriend Polly and, as Mr. Steve's customer Mr. Phillip from Wales says; she "fancies" him.  When people from the "U.K."  say "smart," it means something "looks good."  U.K. stands for "United Kingdom" I guess.         

         When a person from England says they're "keen" on something, that means they "like it" Daisy told me.  Ugh!  Libby's over there in her Corral, looking over here in this direction; and I    just noticed how her skinny black tail swatted away a Fly.  Dais and I really hate all Flies!             

         Because of her Arthritis; Daisy's big paws hurt when she walks on the gravel driveway that goes out to the road.  Mr. Mike jokes she doesn't run but "lumbers."  I really love running fast,    and thinking about it suddenly makes me kind of feel like running now as a matter of fact.                     



         Sometimes Dais and I wrestle and, even though she's old; she still has a lot of strength in her thick neck.  She's hard to move when her feet are firmly "Planted" as they say, but at times    she just lets me climb on her in practicing my wrestling.  Fannie and Freddie just flew bye.           

       Mr. Mike joked that Daisy at times "ambles" like an African "Hippopotamus."  And my Dictionary says to amble means, "To move with an easy gait."  Yup!  That's Daisy alright, as she  never seems to be wasting hardly any energy at all; even when she runs or moves around.             

        Dais says Mr. Steve is interested in "Old Sayings" and "Slang," so now we're interested in that too.  When we were making my three long outlines it was amazing how many Dais knew.  It was her who told me Mr. Steve and his father think "everyone has a story worth telling."                        



         Ah!  I just picked the scent of our neighbor's boy Dog Blinky over there next door.  Daisy and I both kind of admire little Blinky because, he's small but brave; and would bite a Burgler if  one ever tried to invade them.  Daisy thinks he has kind  of an attractive smell and so do I.            

          One time Mr. Steve said "You can't have your cake and eat it too" but I don't get why you wouldn't eat food?  Daisy thinks it means you can't have it "both ways" and, she's usually right    in explaining when things aren't "What they Seem" as they say.  Binky's very brave.                      

        Another saying is, "The grass is always greener on the other side;" and Daisy thinks that means to appreciate what you have even though nothing's perfect.  Life can be a "cold-blooded" and "unpredictable struggle" she told me; full of "stress."  I wonder what grass tastes like?                                        

  "ALPHA"  COMPANY       


           Oh!  Angeline and her new babies, with Alpha Company; are going around the northeast corner of the house at the far end of the Patio to my left.  They're going up front to eat the food    my boss spreads on the ground below his office window.  Angeline is such a big girl Quail!             

          Dais also liked the new Spam meat we had for breakfast, and thinking about it makes me hungry.  We each have a royal blue food bowl and, as I said earlier; for the next three days she'll be my "Lookout" to warn me when Mr. Steve comes outside.  Dawn's still barking over there.      

            I'm being "so silly" Daisy says, in being too afraid to go all the way down the hallway.  I go in the living room on Saturday mornings to watch our cartoons like Mr. Peabody, Underdog and Yogi the Bear.  But, someday I'll smell my boss's bedroom and office; and guest bedroom.                                                                               

                   "YOGI" BERRA                            


         In my three books I'm going to learn about sports like Baseball.  Writing about Yogi Bear makes me think of a Baseball Player named "Yogi" Berra.  He was from "St. Louis" but, in the    1950's; played "Catcher" for the New York "Yankees."  His real first name is "Lawrence."          

       I mentioned in chapter one how my boss and his brothers Rock and Sam played Baseball growing up.  And Mr. Steve's Sister in Law Yolanda was a good Softball Player too.  My boss still sometimes plays "Slow Pitch" Softball but already admits he'll have to quit pretty soon.                

         Oh wow!  This Encyclopedia says Yogi Berra was born on May 12, which is Miss Yolanda's  birthday too.   Yogi Berra is in the "Hall of Fame," and Dais says Mr. Steve has visited St. Louis and New York City; cities he's "Associated" with.  Heathcliff just now crowed over there.                                                 

             YOGI BEAR                       


           Yogi the Bear steals "Picnic Baskets" with food in them and Daisy jokes he's clever like a Crow.  And, even more impressive to me; is how he can run fast on two legs.  I wonder if we'll go in the living room to watch tv on Saturday because I'm supposed to do book three then.                

           A picture shows that Baseball player Yogi Berra squatting down, ready to catch a ball and Daisy thinks I'd be a good Catcher seeing as how good I am at catching balls and things like that in my mouth.  I sort of like how a Catcher's "Mitt" looks.  My boss has a few mitts I guess.           

        Mr. Steve read Yogi Berra was a smart "Field General."  I guess he said funny things like, "It's hard to make predictions, especially about the future;" or "It's like déjà vu all over again."  One time he said about a restaurant, "No one goes there anymore because it's too crowded."                                    



          I've written how  "Déjà Vu means, " having a feeling one has experienced a thing before." Another time, smelling Libby like I am right now; I thought of Mr. Peabody or "Mister Know it All" as his boy Sherman calls him.  He, like my boss's Dog "Lady;" is my "Role Model."             

       Mr. Steve's Dog Lady is my "Hero" but, now so is Mr. Peabody because of how calm and "Sophisticated" he is.  He went to "Harvard" College, speaks eight languages; and like Yogi the    Bear walks around only on two legs!  Mr. Steve's Uncle "Marty" went to Harvard too.                 

          Mr. Peabody says clever "Puns," wears a red "Bow Tie which Dais likes;" and I want to be like him but wonder what I'd look like wearing "Glasses."  My boss wears glasses and Dais could use them. Hey!  Maybe we could invent glasses for Dogs and maybe even make some money?                                      MAX THE HUMMINGBIRD                                    "STUKA" DIVE BOMBER          

                                                                                                  ("JUNKERS Ju 87")                      

                              PHOTO BY MICHAEL LEVINE                                                                                                                                                                                                                             


         Max the Hummingbird, still without 99; glanced at the empty feeders so whizzed bye.  He's aggressive, so was almost named "Napoléon;" and in the "Courtship Ritual" shows off  to 99 by  zooming up in the sky.  Before that he sings and puffs up while hovering in front of her.                 

    Once Max has 99's attention he dives down to the ground as if he's one of those German "Stuka" dive-bombing Planes from World War II.  Daisy heard Hummingbirds go sixty "Miles    per Hour."  At times Max uses his cute little flapping wings to make some sounds 99 likes.            

         Oh!  The shiny blue Dragonfly whizzed bye.  I guess Dragonflies need water, where the girl Dragonflies can lay all of their eggs.  How weird to have babies in eggs like Birds.  In my books I plan on learning about the different unique Animals who "Evolved" down in "Australia."                                               



          I've noticed how male Dragonflies are like boy Hummingbirds in defending girlfriends.  Miss Susan said millions of years ago Dragonflies had thirty inch "Wingspans," and today there are some people who even eat them.  Yuk!  Uh Uh!  Unless I was totally starving of course.            

           According to Miss Susan, in the countries of "Japan" and "China;" Dragonflies are killed and "ground up" to make medicine.  She says over in Japan Dragonflies have come to symbolize "courage and strength."  But in European "Folklore" they're considered to be "sinister."             

          That "California Aqueduct" to my left, or north; takes water to Los Angeles and goes bye three miles to the north of us.  I guess, it's where the girl Dragonflies might go to lay eggs to have their new babies.  Mr. Randy one time called that aqueduct a "cement river" I noticed.                   

       WILLIAM MULHOLLAND (1865-1935)               "CALIFORNIA" AQUEDUCT              

                                                                                                                                                      PHOTO BY STEVE CÓRDOVA


          That man William Mulholland built his Aqueduct in 1913.  When he "Opened the Gates," to let water go down into into Los Angeles for the very first time; the hill above Sylmar is where    he did it.  A small group of Birds is flying bye up there in the now high blue morning sky.              

         Dawn's barking over there next door, but she's just letting everyone know she's there; and "On Duty" as they say.  I sometimes get too nervous but, for some reason; hearing her right now makes me feel really calm.  Boy!  I'm so glad to be alive and sitting here on you Elvira.                  

       I replaced Millie after she was killed that night, Daisy took the place of "Lucy;" this gray nice "Staffordshire" Pit Bull.  Lucy was given to Mr. Steve by his Niece Stephanie, her boyfriend Rich; and their daughter Cristina.  Millie and Lucy are buried next to the cement driveway.                            



         Because she got old Daisy's owners didn't want her anymore.  She, like myself; believes You God "Graced" us in getting us over here to live on these two acres.  Thinking "nothing" is totally "predictable," Dais sort of wants to believe in the idea of some things being "Pre-Ordained."       

        I'll bet Daisy's up in the front yard hoping we have Spam for dinner tonight.  Me too, even though I'm still full from breakfast.   I wonder if  Mr. Steve will give us our first snack of the day sooner than usual just because of how it's Springtime and this is our most special of days?            

      Daisy is my "Mentor," and that name comes from an ancient Greek story the "Odyssey;" which was "Recited" by the blind Poet named "Homer."  As I said earlier, Daisy thinks at times in life you learn more by losing than winning.  I can smell the Twin Joshua trees out there.                                           



            I guess the Odyssey is a "Myth" about brave "Odysses," who fights in the long "Trojan" war but; then has a hard time getting back home to "Thrace."  His son "Telemachus" has this "Tutor" named "Mentor."  Daisy heard Mr. Steve has his father's copy of the "Odyssey."             

        Later today, and in my other two books; I'll learn about the Odyssey and also this other book called the "Iliad."  I'm so tempted to do it now but, I'd better just wait and do it according  to the three day schedule Daisy and I agreed on.  Boy!  I can almost smell Dais right now.              

     For some reason, thinking about a mentor makes me feel like writing about this Jewish "Gangster" from New York City named Arnold Rothstein.  In the early 1920's, after World War  I; one of his "Proteges" or Students was "Lucky" Luciano.  Ah!  The sky is so blue!                                                                               

       ARNOLD ROTHSTEIN (1882-1928)                      CHARLES "LUCKY" LUCIANO (1897-1962)    


         According to my outlines, I'm supposed to talk about the "Mafia" in book two.  But, I think I'll mention it now too.  That way, hopefully; when I get to the "Cosa Nostra" tomorrow it might be a little bit more understandable.  Italian gangsters called Arnold Rothstein the "Brain."           

         Lucky Luciano is now called the "Father of American Organized Crime" but Mr. Steve and his father think that "Title" is Arnold Rothstein's.  In 1919, one year after World War I with the "Spanish Flu" pandemic going on; he "Fixed" the "World Series."  Heathcliff crowed.                  

       Back in 1919 the Chicago "White Sox" played the Cincinnati "Reds" in the World Series. And I guess that guy Arnold Rothstein "Paid Off" some of the "Underpaid" White Sox Players    to "Throw" or lose games.  So now it's known as the infamous "Black Sox Scandal."                                      

    1919 CHICAGO "WHITE SOX"    


           A picture in my Encyclopedia has circles drawn around the White Sox Players who threw the 1919 World Series.  Daisy saw a movie which showed how "Cheap" the White Sox's owner      was so the Players weren't loyal at all.  My boss has drawn the White Sox and Reds logos.             

         Two German words my boss thinks important are, "Zietgeist" and "Weltanshauung;" or "Sprit of the Times" and "World View."  Daisy's "Joy of Life" gratitude for every day reflects  her "Point of View."  Boy! Thank You so much God for this really great German Dictionary!        

         The main reason why I'll be learning so much about those German words is because Daisy says our boss and his father think a "Philosophy of Life" can often be what they call a "Sign of   the Times."  Heathcliff crowed.  His Hens clucking makes it seem like they're all happy.                   



         This one Encyclopedia says the "post" World War I public "disliked" Baseball after 1919 but, during the good economy of the "Roaring" 1920's; "Babe" Ruth's "prodigious" home runs  "brought fans back."  He symbolizes the Zeitgeist of his times, like the 1960's BEATLES.              

          Dais explained to me what the name "Cheapskate" means when we were doing this part of my outline.  Mr. Steve and  his dad think in "Capitalism" too often people "Worship" money.  In 1919 those White Sox Players were willing to "Compromise" their beliefs for the money.               

         Anyway, I'll come back to Arnold Rothstein tomorrow and will also learn about these other two Jewish Gangsters named Meyer Lansky and "Bugsy" Segal too.  Meyer Lansky was Lucky    Luciano's "Bookkeeper."  He inspired a "Fictional" character in the "Godfather" movie.                                   

           MEYER LANSKY (1902-1983)                           BENJAMIN "BUGSY" SEGAL (1906-1947)        


           In the early 1990's Mr. Steve's family was involved in the "Gaming" industry so he visited the city of "Las Vegas."  After World War II, Bugsy Segal had the "Flamingo" Casino on what is now called the "Strip."  My boss jokes "gaming" just "sounds better" than "Gambling."             

          It was mainly from Dais's memory that I was able to put together my list of dates that are important to Mr. Steve's family.  As I go along I'll compare the list to things I read in all of these  really good and valuable Encyclopedia's.  The four Pigeons just flew over Libby's Corral.             

        Daisy thinks it's so ridiculous how I'm afraid to go all of the way down the hallway in our house.  In my "Heart of Hearts" as they say, I know she's right but it's sort of hard to give up old habits.  I would kind of really like to sniff around in Mr. Steve's bedroom and office alright.                                                                        MR. RANDY                                                           MR. MARK                                                                   

             Mr. Randy lived in the State of "Arkansas" just like Mr. Mark in Hawaii's relatives.  He laughed at how scared I was the first time I saw water come out of a "Hose," and it now seems    embarrassing I was afraid of you Elvira.  I'm so glad my boss bought you from Mr. Mark.          

           I see a vapor trail up in the sky.  Hey God!  As You know, I could've finished my outlines in less time but, kept adding new things and; "Procrastinated" in beginning my books.  But, like      Bertha Benz did with her husband; Daisy put "Her Foot Down" and said nothing's perfect.         

       Dais told me about a saying she and that other Dog Millie heard on tv one time that went, "Nothing ventured, Nothing gained."  Mr. Steve's father used to say, "The only ones who never    fail are those who try nothing."   He and Daisy both think you can learn by making mistakes.                                                  

  NEVILLE CHAMBERLAIN (1869-1940)         


           Over the next three days, I'm looking forward to learning about those two 20th century "World" wars; and years in between.  Mr. Steve and his father think those wars influenced the    way history went.  Daisy saw a tv show about the British "Statesman" Neville Chamberlain.         

         That tv show talked about the 1938 "Munich Conference," where Neville Chamberlain tried his best to avoid war.  Dais told me how he said, "If at first you don't succeed, try, try and    try again."  Boy!  I really, really, really want to believe in what Neville Chamberlain said.             

          I remember that cold night when Daisy told me about the time she and Millie heard one of those Basketball Player's say on tv; "You can't make the shot if you don't take the shot."  I want to believe in that saying too now.  Boy!  You can learn so much through the old sayings.                              

(PLAYING TOGETHER)            HUMMINGBIRDS                       (NEST)                    


             Max the Hummingbird just zoomed bye and still his girlfriend 99 isn't with him.  I like to watch them play when they look like they're dancing.  Daisy heard Hummingbirds usually have  only two babies per year, and told me about how they make really cute, tiny little nests.                 

            Boy Hummingbirds will fight even bigger Birds over food, territory; and girl Birds.  I like how Max protects 99, and it's surprising Mr. Steve didn't fill up the their feeders with red liquid, seeing as how this is the first day of Spring.  I've wondered what that red drink tastes like?           

           Daisy's still strong but says she's "shrinking" as she gets older and older.  Mr. Steve's High School girlfriend Sandy's mom, who was a Nurse; joked that "in the end" gravity will ultimately  "always win."  I smell Libby the Horse, over there to my right; standing in her Corral.                                                           

                     ISAAC NEWTON (1642-1726)                ALBERT EINSTEIN (1879-1955)                                   


           Over the next three days I'll learn a lot about "Science" so, of course; I'll have to find out about "Sir" Isaac Newton from England.  His ideas "Influenced" that other guy from Germany  Albert Einstein, about two hundred years later.  Dawn's barking over there to my right.                

       Hey Lord!  This one Encyclopedia says You and Isaac Newton share December 25th as a birthday.  Mr. Steve says that probably wasn't the date You were born.  It may be, in order to get more "Gentiles" to convert; A Roman "Winter Holiday Festival" was "appropriated" he says.     

           Daisy's still strong, especially in her neck.  When we wrestle I'm way faster than her so can duck in and out and try to "Fake" her but, "On the Inside" as they say;" she uses "Leverage" to wear me down.  So, when that happens; I simply just jump "Out of Range" from her.                                                                   

                                                            "EN ROUTE" TO CRUCIFIXION                                                        


          Hey Lord!  I wonder if You knew how to read and write?  I now know it's hard to do but as Daisy says, many things are "just a matter of practice."  If we could time travel Lord Daisy and I would definitely go back and help You carry Your cross the way that guy "Simon" got to do.         

       Looking up into the sky Lord I can see some thin white clouds which makes me think how You described "Heaven" as the "Kingdom of God."  If us Dogs are allowed, Daisy and I would    definitely want to go up there with all You Guys.  But, of course; we'd have to earn it first.            

      "Dais" is a name that just sort of fits Daisy's "Personality."  Like Grandma Córdova, and that lady Clair Rothman who ran the Forum; she's "Firm but Fair."  If I'm ever a leader I want  to be that same exact way too, and will always remember back to how she is with me now.                       

           MAGGIE  CÓRDOVA           


          The first time my boss ever called me "Magg" my heart almost burst with happiness, as it proved he liked me enough to give me a Nickname.   I remember how Daisy called it a "turning    point," or "milestone" moment; and I sure did know it right away too.  Thank You God!               

         Dais says our boss eats these sweet things called "Cookies."  Some are from the country of "China," and have messages on paper inside; that might give you good advice.  She told me how a lucky "Fortune Cookie" once had the saying on it, "Time is often the best adviser in life."          

         In my books I'll learn about China, which Daisy says our boss has read about.  I think the idea of  a fortune cookie is "Ingenious," and really do believe we should maybe invent "Fortune Dog Biscuits" and make money.   A Sparrow with a twig in its mouth just now hopped bye.                                                           



          Looking at the eastern desert behind the Sheds makes me think of when Daisy explained the "Concept" of "Money," and how it's so important to us.  Mr. Steve thinks in "Capitalism,"  many people do bad things for money.  He sometimes jokes about it being "our real religion."      

          The more I think about it the more I believe we should give advice in Dog biscuits.  It may work because a lot of Dogs, like Dais and I for instance; would buy it hoping there was something good in our future!  But we'd have to figure out how to make hollow Dog biscuits Dais says.          

        Heathcliff crowed again, which makes me think about how my boss described his voice as "reassuring."  I'll bet Heathcliff feels as good this morning as we do over here because it's finally a new year again after a cold Winter.  Thank You God up there for the Sun's warmth!                   





        Mr. Steve met a "Juañeño" Indian lady at "San Juan Capistrano Mission," where he and his mom had an Art Exhibit.  I'll learn about "Capistrano" in my books.  Daisy says at the  end of the hallway, near a bathroom in our house; is Mr. Steve's mom's painting of Capistrano.           

         Someday, when I overcome my fear of enclosed areas; I'll see the painting of the San Juan Capistrano Mission.  Daisy told me it shows bells, and another one of Mr. Steve mom's paintings has Mr. Steve's Nephew Jacob as a kid holding a white Pigeon near a fountain.  I smell Sage.        

         The Juañeño lady said you can use Sage as medicine, or for "purifying the air of any bad or evil Spirits."  Hey God!  I just thought about how I haven't even seen my bad Angel "Lilith" for  a really long time now.  She visits my dreams, trying to get me to do bad things like stealing.                                                         

        "LILITH"                                                 "STANLEY"                


         As You know God, I'm afraid of dark spirits; like my bad Angel Lilith.  But thank You for sending my "Guardian Angel" named "Stanley," to protect and watch over me; though it's been a while since I've needed you Stanley.  Mr. Steve has a "Dream Catcher" net in his bedroom.        

       Daisy's Guardian Angel is "Ramona," while her bad Angel looks just like the band IRON MAIDEN'S "Mascot" named "Eddie." She heard Mr. Steve tell his mom he thinks his bad Angel is named "Iago."  Thank You Stanley for helping me when I was homeless out in that field.           

      Mr. Steve has given money to "St. Joseph's Indian School," run by Catholic Priests in the State  of "South Dakota."  Daisy heard some of the kids there are "Orphans," which my English Dictionary says just means "without parents."   Hey!  That's kind of like me and Daisy!                                 


                     PHOTO BY HEYN                  


         Dais says Mr. Steve has customers in "North" and "South" Dakota.  His Dream Catcher net was made by the kids at St. Joseph's, and he gave some of the other ones they've sent him to his Nieces; keeping the biggest in size one for himself.   I'd sure like to have one out here.             

          The Indian Students at St. Josephs are "Lakota" or "Sioux."  Over the next three days I'll learn about the three Indian Sioux groups, the "Dakota," "Nakota" and "Lakota.  From what    Daisy heard Mr. Dave in New Mexico say on the phone, he's known a few Lakota people.             

        Some people have told Mr. Steve the Priests at Saint Josephs "Exaggerate" in trying to get you to donate money, but Dais told me he doesn't care even if they do.  I guess, like Daisy said on that cold morning; Mr. Steve has now become sort of like our parent now.  I smell some Sage.                                     

                            SAGE                                                        "SAGE OFFERING"                   

                                                                                PAINTING BY CATHERINE KEYT        


            Mr. Dave in New Mexico says the Sioux burn "Sacred Bundles" of Sage, "Cedar" and "Sweetgrass."  Mr. Steve says one translation of Sioux is "friend" or "ally."  In my books, I'll find out a lot more about that big 1876 "Battle of the Little Big Horn" or; "Greasy Grass."  

            Hey God!  As You know; my boss Mr. Steve thinks You don't interfere in this "physical" or "tangible" world You created.  But, if You did he says; it was when You sent his family "Miss Maria."  She's from Mexico and keeps Mr. Steve's parents house really, really clean I guess.

           Mr. Steve's mom calls Miss Maria a "Godsend."  She is now more than a very intelligent "Housekeeper" to Mr. Steve's parents, who consider her as a daughter. When Grandma Córdova was old she lived with Mr. Steve's parents and Maria took good care of her until she died.


                                                  "SAN JUAN CPISTRANO" MISSION

                                                                   PAINTINGS BY STELLA CÓRDOVA


           That Juañeño lady said her "descendants" helped the Spanish build San Juan Capistrano Mission back in the late 18th century.  Crows that were hovering over the desert just dove to the ground and I'll bet it's for some food.  It might be a now too slow older Rabbit they're after. 

           Daisy says, even though today symbolizes a new beginning; it also means the end of things like old Rabbits.  One door opens and another door closes she believes.  Hey God?  As You know, I'm planning on learning more about the "Concept" of "Reincarnation" in my three books.  

           I'm now a Catholic like Mr. Steve, and we're not supposed to believe in Reincarnation; but we've all kind of wondered about it.  This English Dictionary says Reincarnation is, "The Soul in another body."  I guess the "Buddhist" and "Hindu" religions both believe in that same idea.





               Yup!  I can tell by the Crows arguing with each other that they're fighting over some food out there in the desert.  Seeing them "Wheeling" around up in the sky, and then diving down; is  the exact same thing I've seen before as I smelled Sage like right now.  Dawn's barking.                

           Daisy thinks Reincarnation might be where a "Soul" has more than just one chance, and can do a lot better "The next Time."  But, she heard if you do bad "this time;" you "come back" at a "lower level" which makes it harder to get up to the highest level.  I like how Sage smells.

                For some reason, sitting here on Elvira makes me suddenly think about Mr. Mark over in Hawaii.  I mentioned how he worked with my boss and Miss Helen at the Forum in the 1980's.  I guess he now runs an "Internet" Newspaper he created called the "Big Island Reporter."


 (WITH WIFE KIM)                         MR. MARK                    (WITH GUITAR)    

           I'm sitting here on this couch Elvira, who Mr. Steve bought from Mr. Mark just before he moved his wife Kim and their boys Dylan and Taj out to Hawaii.   Daisy says Mr. Mark is a good Musician, and makes his music as a "One man Band."   It's called "Blue Turban Stone."              

           Hey God!  I guess, in Reincarnation; you can come back as an Insect if you don't do good in your "Current" life.  I like learning about other religions because Mr. Steve and Dais do too so I'm really looking forward finding out about so many new things over the next three days.  

         Dais says one time this man from India joked with Mr. Steve in saying Reincarnation gives the Soul another chance if it keeps on losing as, the "Law of Averages" means "The odds Are;" it "has to win" eventually.  Mr. Steve and his dad sometimes use the phrase, "one in a million."   


                             BLACK SABBATH ALBUM COVER ("HEAVEN AND HELL")


           Hey God!  Why is it in some "Western Traditions" of religion you only get "One Shot at the Apple" as they say?  Why must it be either "Black or White?"  In book two, I'll learn about that English band called BLACK SABBATH; and their album called "Heaven and Hell."

           God!  Mr. Steve prefers to think You're "Benevolent" so Daisy does too.  Oh!  Fannie and Freddie are flying bye, which reminds me of how my boss met that lady from the "Country" of "Iceland;" who liked LED ZEPPELIN.  Dais told me they have a good song about Vikings.

          Daisy says that lady from Iceland said her family believes dead relatives can come back as a Crow.  Her mom was convinced the father tried to return in the form of one.  I'll be learning  a lot more about the "Viking Age," and some of the different famous Vikings in my three books.




           Dais told me about a girl Singer from Iceland named Björk.  She wears unusual costumes and I want to hear her music someday.  Burr!  Iceland sounds like it would be a really cold place to live but, after leaving "Scandinavia;" those very brave Vikings "Colonized" that area.              

           It was cold this Winter but today, the first day of Spring; it's been beautiful so Thank You God for doing that.  Thinking about this Winter makes shiver as I have short hair while Daisy is so lucky to have really thick fur for when it's cold.  But I'm luckier in the hot Summer.                  

        Right now, sitting here on my couch Elvira; I can see Birds zipping about over the eastern desert right behind the three Sheds.  The Sun, which has been up for about an hour and a half, is making  me feel really, really good right now.  Thank You God for this "Moment in Time."                                

CAPTAIN BEEFHEART(1941-2010)                        FRANK ZAPPA (1940-1993)       


           In my books I'll learn about people from the High Desert, like those guys Frank Zappa and his "Antelope Valley" High School friend Captain Beefheart.  Mr. Steve's brother Sam and    his family live in "Littlerock," near Antelope Valley.  Captain Beefheart is not his real name.        

          I guess Frank Zappa and Captain Beefheart, both dead now; made "Experimental" or "Avant-Garde" music according to what Dais heard.  It's an "acquired taste" Mr. Dave joked on the phone one time.  This French Dictionary says avant-garde means "advanced-guard."             

       Like that girl Singer Björk, Frank Zappa and Captain Beefheart's music "Pushed the Envelope" so to speak.  Mr. Steve prefers more "Melodic" songs I guess.  Daisy told me a British  "Progressive" Rock band, GENTLE GIANT; have an album called "Acquiring the Taste."                                               

                STEPHANIE / MR. RICH                                 DRAGPIPE                               


          Dais heard Mr. Steve tell Mr. Dave how Frank Zappa died on December 4th, which is also his Niece Steph's birthday too.  Daisy and Millie  noticed how Mr. Steve just calls  her "Steph" for short.  She and her boyfriend Mr. "Rich" are  really good cooks from what Daisy's heard.       

        Mr. Rich, from "New Jersey;" is "Richie" to some people.  He was in a Hard Rock band called DRAGPIPE, who made an album and toured Europe; and is a "Handyman." With Steph's daughter "Cristina," they live in Sylmar.  They "Complement" each other my boss thinks. 

        In my books I'll learn about a Cowboy Singer named Roy Rogers who, with his wife Dale Evans and their kids; lived in "Apple Valley;" to the east of Piñon Hills.  I guess, Roy Rogers had a really smart Horse named "Trigger."  His Dog "Bullet" was also smart too Daisy told me.                                          

                      ROY ROGERS  (1911-1998)                             ALDOUS HUXLEY (1894-1963)

           WITH WIFE DALE EVANS(1912-2001)               WITH WIFE MARIA NYS (1899-1955)


              West of Piñon Hills is a small town called "Llano," where a British Writer named Aldous Huxley used to live with his wife.  Over the next three days I'll learn about him, and his Student Eric Blair; who I guess later was known as George Orwell.  Boy!  The air is so clear right now.

               My Spanish Dictionary says Llano is "Plains."  Daisy says Llano is even smaller than our town of Piñon Hills, which has seven thousand people.  Near "Highway 138" going west  are the "Ruins" of a "Socialist Utopian Community" called "Llano del Rio," or "Plains of the River."  

               Boy!  I'm tempted to write about Aldous Huxley and George Orwell now but, I'll just wait. I know Mr. Steve and his dad have read a few of their books, and Daisy told me George Orwell wrote about "Imperialism," "Fascism" and "Communism."  Donald and Daisy are quacking.


  WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE (1644-1616)                         WASHINGTON D.C.                    

                                THE CHANDROS PORTRAIT                                                                                                           PHOTO BY STEVE CÓRDOVA                                     


          There's an old saying I wrote down on this outline, "The Past is Prologue."  It's by that one English Writer Shakespeare from his play the "Tempest."  In 2008, in Washington D.C. near the "Archives" building; my boss saw a statue with that quote carved right onto its pedestal.  

          My boss thinks "Human Nature" hasn't changed much in history so hate is more common than love.   As I've said, he believes many things are "Dual" in nature; with good comes bad and with bad comes good.  So, often; you can't have one without possibly getting the other too.

         Hey God?  Was it You who made duality "Proportionate," so good is often accompanied by the "potential" for the same amount of bad?  My boss never had any kids but thinks "proof" of duality is children.  They often provide "the greatest joy," but also "the greatest sorrow."




            My boss thinks most good "Inventions" have two sides.  Guns are used to hunt food for survival, or kill greater numbers of people accurately from longer "Range;" because people will always be cruel and hateful and generous and loving.   "Humans Beings" have "Free Will."

            What I'm hearing, seeing and smelling right now tells me it's Spring.  My old dull yellow couch Elvira is so comfortable.  There's no other place on Earth I would rather be than here on you right now Elvira, so would never, ever want to replace you.  No way!  Ugh!  Ugh!   

           My boss thinks the 16th century was important for good and bad.   In Europe it was a time of "Renaissance" or intellectual "Re-Birth;" a period following the "Medieval;" or "Dark" Ages when life was often difficult and short.  The 1500's is also called the "Age of Exploration."  


            CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS (1451-1506)               

      PORTRAIT BY SEBASTIANO DEL PIOMBO                                                                     PAINTING BY PAOLO LORENZINI                                


            In 1492 that guy Christopher Columbus sailed three Ships west from Spain to "Discover" what is now called the "New World."  Mr. Steve thinks, like so many people; Columbus was both good and bad Daisy says.  Two of the Pigeons just flew bye and are flying over the Sheds.

            Mr. Steve thinks you can't "Judge" people from the past by today's "Moral" standards.  Today Abraham Lincoln would be "Racist" in wanting to send black people back to Africa.  He said "Amalgamation," or what they called "Race Mixing" to have babies; was "disgusting."    

           In my books I'll learn about "Pre-Columbian" people who had lived here for thousands of years before Columbus' first voyage.  In the 1500's, with the "Protestant Reformation;" some of the Europeans "Broke Away" from the Catholic Church.  The 16th century was so important.


                                                          MAGGIE CÓRDOVA


            My favorite thing in life, other than eating of course; is to run "Flat-Out" as my boss one time described it.  But over the next three days I have to do as Daisy says and force myself to be disciplined and concentrate just on writing only.  Oh! Another thing I like to do is "Howl."

           Ah!  I can smell Andy and Helen the Squirrels.  Dais told me about Mr. Steve's friend Miss Helen who died.  She worked with him and Mr. Mark at the Forum in the mid-1980's, and Daisy says she can tell Miss Helen left a really big impression on Mr. Steve; even to this very day. 

          Miss Helen, who's last name was "Graham;"  was in her eighties when she died.  She went to U.C.L.A. where Mr. Steve's ex-girlfriend Emily now works. Mr. Steve learned a lot from her, and wishes he'd had the chance to say goodbye.  Daisy says "Passed Away" means you died. 


                                                   AMERICAN CIVIL WAR (1861-1865)

               PAINTING BY MORT KUNSTLER                                                                                                       PHOTO BY ALEXANDER GARDNER                


            Mr. Steve thinks the 19th century, especially the "American Civil War" period, was very "pivotal." Queen Victoria's British Empire, at the "Forefront" of the "Industrial Revolution;"  had the most powerful Navy with the best weapons so dominated the world.   A Crow cawed.   

            In my books, because my boss is interested in that subject; I'll learn about the history of "Weaponry."  That means, from thrown rocks to today's "I.C.B.M." missiles.  Three things have always been important, "Knockdown Power," "Suppressing Fire" and "Force Multiplier."  

           Things like "Repeating Weapons," "Observation Balloons" and "Submarines" were first used in the 1860's American Civil War.  That war influenced how warfare would be fought sixty years later in World War I.  I see a long vapor trail up in the sky, which makes me feel good.

                           WARS OF THE MIDDLE EAST (1980'S-1990'S)        


       There have been many wars over there in the "Middle East" since 1948, when Israel first became a country again.  Recent wars involved "Iraq," ruled by this mean man named Saddam Hussein.  When people ask if someday there will be no more war my boss says he "doubts it."      

     I guess Saddam Hussein was a "Sunni" Muslim, and in the 1980's Iraq fought a bloody "Political" war against the "Shia" Muslim country of "Iran;" under the "Ayatollah" Khomeini.  In 1991, and 2003; Saddam Hussein fought the U.S.   They're called the "Persian Gulf" wars.       

          Hey God!  Daisy says she and Millie saw that one really interesting tv show which said in 2009 "Saddam" was eventually "Executed" by being "Hung."  Anyway, I'll be learning about the history of the "Middle East" in my books.  It must painful to be "Strangled" by a rope. 


                       "TENOCHTITLÁN"                                  HERNÁN CÓRTEZ LEADS SPANISH  

ARTWORK BY GIOVNNI MARTINEZ                                                                                                                 ARTWORK BY ART STATION                                  


           In 1521 a Spanish "Conquistador" named Hernan Córtez conquered the "Aztec" Indians in their city "Tenochtitlán," built on a Lake.  That area is now "Mexico City."  Daisy thinks, if he could time travel; Mr. Steve would want to see Tenochtitlan from up high like Córtez did.     

           By 1600 Spanish "Settlers" came from Mexico up to New or "Nuevo"  Mexico.  But, then  in 1680 some of the Indians revolted, killed a lot of Spanish; and drove them out.  Our last name "Córdova" can be "Traced" to 1693 when the Spanish returned and reconquered the region.

          Mr. Steve thinks, based on his list of "possessions;" the first Córdova in New Mexico was a Soldier who fought in the "Reconquista" or "Re-Conquest" of New Mexico in 1693.  That was in  the year after the famous "Salem Witch Trials" back east.   I can't wait to learn about them.




           My Spanish Dictionary says "Conquistadore" means "Conqueror," and is what Soldiers were called in the New World after Columbus' first 1492 voyage.  Daisy saw a tv show that said 16th century Spaniards used Dogs in war.  The Indians were really afraid of them I guess.

           According to what my boss told Mr. Randy, Dogs have been used in war since the ancient world.  The "Assyrians" and "Romans" had "War Dogs" or "Perros de Guerra" in Spanish.  In  1693 our possible original ancestor might've come from what is now called the "El Paso" area.

          All of a sudden I just now thought about how cold it was this Winter, and that makes me kind of shiver.  People come up here to ski in Wrightwood, which is good because our economy is bad; and the people in business there need to make money.  Two of the Pigeons flew bye.     


            AUSTIN / MR. STEVE'S SISTER SUSAN / DALTON                               SUSAN'S HORSE "HEINZ"

            Mr. Steve's sister Susan in Connecticut, and her two sons Dalton and Austin; like to snow "Ski."  Dais told me she wouldn't ski unless there was a good way to "brake" and not be "out of control.  I sort of agree with her on that, even though I do kind of like going fast sometimes.

            Daisy heard Mr. Steve talking on the phone with his mom about how his sister Susan has a few Horses.  They recalled when, as a girl; she and her "Pony" named "Dinky" used to "jump over barriers."  I guess Miss Susan also had another big brown Horse named "Shanique."

            Mr. Steve and his mother also talked about how, back in the late 1980's and early 1990's; his sister Susan worked as a "Set Decorator" for tv shows like "Roseanne" and "Bill Cosby."  I guess, back in College she learned a lot about "Interior Design;" and other things like that.  




          Daisy saw a tv show about Dogs who snow and water ski, and told me she might've tried it when young but not now.  I'd try skiing if for no other reason than it would probably impress my boss.  Mr. Steve one time met a pretty girl who's Dog would ride around on a "Surf Board."

          Mr. Steve's parents still live down in Sylmar with his Niece "Samantha" who's mom, Mr. Steve's sister "Celina; " died in 2003.  I like living up here in the desert even though, like Daisy and Mr. Steve say; no place is perfect.  But no way now would I trade my life with anyone!  

         My first owner abandoned me in that field so, like those Sioux Indian "Orphans" in South Dakota; I never knew my parents.  But, as Daisy jokes; we're kind of like Mr. Steve's kids.  He's already fifty eight years old so "The odds Are" he'll never have his own real children.


            MR. STEVE / MISS PEGGY          SAMANTHA / MISS PEGGY           STEPHANIE / CRISTINA      


                Daisy says one time Mr. Steve's two Niece's Samantha and Cristina visited our house.  It was when Millie, who died and was replaced by me; was still alive.  Millie accidentally scratched Cristina's arm in wanting to be friendly, and not because she was mean or anything like that.

           Samantha and Cristina went to "Elementary" school at a "Parochial" Lutheran school in San Fernando.  Daisy heard our boss and his mom talk on the phone about how Mr. Steve took the "Principal" of that school named Miss Peggy to her High School "Prom."  I smell Sage.  

          Mr. Mike, who has two kids; said one time his mom joked after you have kids it seems like "You're days are longer while the years get shorter."  Speedy Gonzalez ran around the northeast corner of the house to my left, at the far end of this back Patio.  Daffy the Duck is quacking.




             As they loaded Rex the Truck to go to the Dump one morning Mr. Steve told Mr. Mike, who you can tell is proud of his mom Miss "Phyllis;" about his mother.  She raised five kids and then went back to College.  She graduated with a 4.0 "G.P.A.," or "Grade Point Average."

            Mr. Steve, his brother Rock and sister Susan as well as their mom; all went to "Cal State University Northridge." And now Mr. Steve's Nephew Mathew is going to "C.S.U.N." too.  Mr. Steve's parents scents blend together well I notice.  And Daisy also agrees with me on that.

           Daisy heard Mr. Steve's parents met on April 8, 1950, when she was only fourteen and he was eighteen; and have been together ever since.  They "Complement" and help each other.  Oh!  On my list of dates I see how my boss's ex-girlfriend Miss Emily's birthday is on the April 9th.   


                              MR. STEVE'S FATHER ON LEFT ("KOREAN" WAR / 1951)


           In 1953, after Mr. Steve's dad fought in the "Korean War;" he was "Discharged" from the Marines.  He got married and they lived in New Mexico.  In the mid-1950's the family moved to Los Angles where my boss was born.   In the late 1950's they lived in the city of "Denver."    

          Because Mr. Steve's parents were often low on money after they had him and his brother Rock, there were some "tough times" his father says.  But, Mr. Steve's parents have "Trust and Respect" for each other; so "Weathered the Storm" so to speak.  Libby just now whinnied.

          Denver is in the State of "Colorado," and my boss's father went to school there.  By then they had my boss and his brother Rock.  Daisy heard Denver is a mile up in the air, so it's harder to breath.  In sports, sometimes the teams from Denver have this "Home court Advantage."  


         "DENVER" (COLORADO)                


            Mr. Steve and his dad took a business trip to Denver in 1993 and in walking around they "Reminisced."  Mr. Steve was really young but remembers a time when he was "bundled up" in a jacket while sitting in the back seat of an "idling" Car.  Daffy's now quacking over there.

           Daisy told me Mr. Steve had this dream about he and his brother sitting in that Car.  As it "Warms Up" his mother uses an "Ice Scraper" to clean the front window while his father was in back shoveling away snow.  As "Promotional Products," Mr. Steve sells Ice Scrapers now. 

           As they walked around downtown Denver Mr. Steve's dad said he had "Mixed Emotions" about their time in Denver.  It was really cold in 1993 but not snowing.  Mr. Steve's father said he has helped other people over the years in memory of those who helped his family back then. 


                                                        "SAN FERNANDO" VALLEY                                                                                                                                                 

          In 1960, when my boss was five; the family moved back to California.  Mr. Steve's dad used this thing called the "G.I. Bill" to buy a house on a "Cul-de-Sac" called "Hagar" Street, down there in Sylmar.  This French Dictionary says how cul-de-sac means, "Bottom of the Sack."

          Another definition of cul-de-sac is, "A blind alley."  I guess Hagar Street was a "circular" road, with five houses around it; so kids played Baseball on that cul-de-sac.  In 1961, Sylmar was a "Rural" community; with some "Unpaved" dirt roads just like up here in Piñon Hills.

          In late 2005 Mr. Steve moved up here to the High Desert, and Daisy was brought to these two acres in 2009; right after Millie got here.  I replaced Millie in February of 2013 when, luckily for me; my boss got me from that cold field.  I was abandoned in mid-December of 2012.      



PHOTO BY IAN MERRILL                


            Oh!  Speedy Gonzalez, who's rarely so still; is standing over there.  "Ground" Squirrels, unlike Squirrels who live in trees; have skinny not "Bushy" tails.   Boy!  I'm so tempted to stop working and go chase Speedy right now but, I'd better not; because I have to be disciplined. 

            Speedy just darted off but left behind a small cloud of dust.  He probably smelled or saw me sitting over here on my couch Elvira.  I kind of like to watch or look at Squirrels but one time I remember how Mr. Mike described the Squirrels as being what he called a "nuisance." 

            I just of how Mr. Steve's Niece Stephanie, Rock's daughter; lives in Sylmar with Mr. Rich and Cristina.  Daisy heard their Dogs, "Angus" and "Betty;" are friendly "Pit Bulls."  Daisy is pretty sure Angus was named after one of the brothers in that Australian band AC/DC.


                                                                    MISS SANDY    


          Mr. Steve has "Gone out With" a few girls but has only had those three girlfriends I wrote about in chapter one.  In 12th Grade he met Sandy, who was in 10th Grade.  They were together for six years, and he still thinks about her and her two younger sisters "Suzie" and "Stacy."   

         Occasionally my boss dreams about "Mortality," and in one he met Sandy's parents; who both died.  Sandy's mom was a "Nurse," her father a World War II Navy veteran who fought in the 1942 "Battle of the Corral Sea."  All four of the Pigeons are flying over Libby's Corral.

         I'll learn a lot about the Second World War tomorrow in book two.  Emily's father was in George Patton's "Third Army" in that war while Harriet's father, like Mr. Steve's father; was in the Korean War.  I smell the clump of Joshua trees to the right of Manny the far right Shed.

                                                                                                                                                    MISS EMILY


             After College Mr. Steve went to Law School but "Flunked Out" after three years.  And, that's where he met his second girlfriend Emily, and Mr. Grant too.  Emily grew up "Back East" in "Long Island;" which is one of the five "Burroughs" of New York City Daisy told me.  

            Since the late 1980's Miss Emily has worked in the "Athletic" Department at U.C.L.A., which stands for "University of California in Los Angeles."  Mr. Steve used to go with Emily to Football games at this place called the "Rose Bowl." It's in that city called "Pasadena."

           My boss met his third girlfriend Harriet when both worked at a small "Local" Newspaper called the "San Fernando Sun."  Harriet and Emily are both good Writers.  Miss Harriet lives in "North Hollywood" which, like Sylmar; is part of Los Angeles in the San Fernando Valley. 

                                                                                MISS HARRIET                                         MUSIC CONNECTION


            In the 1980's Miss Harriet had a job writing band "Reviews" for an L.A. Magazine called "Music Connection." She got permission for Mr. Steve, as a Photographer; to go with her on the "Assignments."  They primarily covered the local "Club Scene" down there in Los Angeles.    

           I mentioned earlier how, besides writing about history, Mr. Steve's family and things like that; I'll keep kind of a "Diary" too.  Mr. Steve says our lives are "ordinary and uneventful," but I like it.  For sure it's way better than being homeless, as I was before Mr. Steve got me.

          Mr. Steve once used the word "mundane" to describe our lives, and Miss Susan joked how a "straight and narrow" life is not "eventful" like a tv show.  I noticed my boss told her, "in his old age" he doesn't "mix" with people nearly as much as he used to; but is "okay with that."    


"SPARK OF LIFE"       



           Hey God?  Are You a boy or a girl?  As You know already, Mr. Steve jokes how we really don't know for sure but; prefer to think of You as a "Father Figure."  In the "Real World" down here on Earth, his dad is his main "Guidance Counselor;" while Daisy's mine for sure.     

           I know one thing for sure, whether You're male or female God, because Mr. Steve says he prefers to think of You as wise, patient and forgiving; Daisy and I do too.  A tv show said that guy Isaac Newton thought You were a "Rational" God, who created a "rational physical world."

           Hey Lord!  Like my boss I want to think maybe the Bible word "Rhêma" can also mean a feeling music gives you too, and not just the spoken word.  Daisy heard our boss talking on the phone with his mom.  She thinks maybe at times music can be a connection to You up there. 




           Aha!  I knew I was smelling that Gopher "Pigpen," and there he is popping out of a hole near the Mulberry tree.  It's good to see him but Mr. Steve will not be too happy.  Like my boss,    I'd find it really hard to live underground in a "Tunnel;" for fear it might just "Cave In."            

            Hey Lord!  Mr. Steve doesn't like "Small Spaces," and my English Dictionary says how "Claustrophobic" means a "fear of enclosed places;" so I must have that.  In 1985 my boss went to the "Tomb" of Your friend "Lazarus."  We still have "Open Spaces" here in Piñon Hills.  

           In Israel, because it got so narrow; Mr. Steve was unable to go all the way into Lazarus' tomb.  So, he turned around and went back up; not even caring if others made fun of him.  I think Pigpen, who has bad eyesight; smelled me so went back down into his hole right now.


                                                     "THE RAISING OF LAZARUS"   

                                                                                                                                     PAINTING BY CARL BLOCH      


            Boy Lord!  I wish I could've been there when You raised that guy Lazarus from the dead. To Daisy and I it's kind of funny how back in 1985 Mr. Steve was too scared to go to the bottom of Lazarus' tomb tunnel.  To us he seems like a person who isn't afraid of very many things.  

          The big Mulberry tree, which gives us shade in Summer; has no leaves yet.  The water in the basin is totally gone now but a little Finch just landed on one of the big boulders, looked all around; and then flew away really fast.   I can still smell the bad scent Pigpen left behind. 

          We're in a "Drought" but my boss jokes the "good part" is there are less weeds to cut.  My Dictionary says a drought is "prolonged dry weather," so we can't "Waste" water.  I see our gray bucket filled with water to my right, near the sliding glass door going into this dining room. 


       "VAPOR" TRAIL                   


             A vapor trail is up in the sky.  Boy!  I think I kind of like learning how to read and write by doing my books, and my boss will be so surprised when he reads my work.  I know for sure Daisy is up there in the front yard wondering how everything is going for me back here. 

            I can't wait to see Mr. Steve's reaction when he realizes how smart I am and hopefully, or "God Willing" as Grandma Trujillo used to say; he'll hug and hold me.  He told Mr. Mike there's no such thing as a "perfect" place to live but "overall," where we live is "pretty darn good."

           Mr. Mike agreed the High Desert has more "positive" than "negative" things in it, as long as you "adapt" to the hot and cold windy weather.  And, sometimes we have "Thunder Storms;" which really, really scare me a lot.  Mr. Steve and Daisy always have to calm me back down.




               Thinking of storms makes remember how today, "Thursday;" is named after the Viking God "Thor."  Daisy saw a tv show that said he carried a big powerful hammer around and was the God of "thunder and lightning."  I'm scheduled to learn more about Vikings tomorrow.

          Boy!  I'm so tempted to look up Thor, but I'll wait and write about him when he comes up on the outlines Dais and I put together.  Daisy explained to me what "Comic" books are, and how Mr. Steve read them as a kid and has a few still  left.  Boy!  I'd so love to read a Comic book.   

          During Summer Mr. Steve does "Errands" early before it gets too hot.  When he moved up here this man joked how one night he'd be "sleeping in underwear on top of his covers with a fan blowing."  A short time later he'd wake up on a cold night curled up in a "Fetal Position."




           Oh!  A "Motorcycle" machine my boss calls a "Dirt Bike" went bye out in the desert on Primavera Road.  When younger, Mr. Steve's Nephew Mathew "Competed" in "BMX;" which I guess is "Motocross" for "Bicycles."  They also jump and go fast on dirt too Daisy told me.  

          My boss owned a Motorcycle once but, because he was bad at "Shifting" gears; sold it to his friend Tim who was much better at it.  Mr. Steve knows what it's like to fall or hit "Asphalt," and says, "It's no fun."  He told Mr. Ralph it's like a "meat grinder going bye below you."    

         Most of the time you hear Motorcycles on the days called "Weekends."  Mr. Steve thinks that could be because it's mainly young boys who are "into" Motocross but have to go to school on "Weekdays."  Daisy says she's positive one time she smelled this girl out there riding too. 


                                                      BARUCH SPINOZA (1632-1677)  


            God!  As You know, Mr. Steve is a "Theist" and a "Deist;" and thinks both "reason" and "spirituality" are "compatible."  He feels more comfortable hoping there's an "Afterlife."  In my books I'll learn about Baruch Spinoza, a Jew whose view of You Albert Einstein believed in.

           My boss "Senses" God that You, who "Existed before Time;" was the one who "set up" or "set in motion" the Universe.  In a Deistic way, he thinks You then don't "get involved" in this "Physical" world.  But he, and us; also want to think of You as a "Personal" God too.

          Mr. Steve believes in "Free Will;" even if it's led to some terrible things in our "Temporal" world of the five senses.  People, religious and atheist, have done awful things.  Although raised a Roman Catholic, I can tell that my boss likes talking to people of the other "Faiths" as well.




           Hey God!   My boss thinks many religions have things "In Common."   I'll  always put my trust in You, and accept anything if "Pre-Destination" turns out to be true.  Mr. Steve believes in Free Will but has read about "pivotal" times when it sure does seem like You "Interceded."

          That American Civil War General "Stonewall" Jackson said God, Your will was what they call "inscrutable;" maybe understandable later or never.   I used to be resentful for being tossed out into that awful field.  Fannie and Freddie are both flying over Libby's Corral right now.

          Daisy says Mr. Steve read this Jewish idea that says anger is the "opposite of happiness."  And so now, because I definitely want to happy, I'm not mad at anyone anymore.  Using the right slot on the side of the gate, Speedy Gonzalez just zoomed out into the back eastern desert.


                                             STEPHEN HAWKING AND FAMILY    


           In my books I'll learn about a smart British Scientist named Stephen Hawking.  He's has   "A.L.S." or "Lou Gehrig's disease.  Lou Gehrig, who I'll learn about too; was a famous Baseball Player for those New York "Yankees" way back there all during the 1920's and 1930's too.

           I guess Stephen Hawking's mom was "Scottish.  On a tv show Daisy heard him say he isn't mad at being "Dealt a bad Hand" in life, as they say in Poker.  Mr. Steve kind of likes his "self-deprecating" humor, and read Stephen Hawking is grateful for decent females around him.  

          Hey God!  I'm like Stephen Hawking in not being bitter about unfairness.  He jokes if he, "Didn't laugh he'd have to cry."  Like my boss, he thinks "Mankind" may destroy itself through "Nuclear War" or  "Global Warming;" or maybe by computer's "Artificial Intelligence."


                                                        "2001 A SPACE ODYSSEY"


           Dais says in his office Mr. Steve has an incredible machine called a "Computer."  I guess, Stephen Hawking thinks someday computers will be smarter than people; and might even "Take Over" so to speak.  And this may just happen way sooner than expected my boss thinks.  

           I'm tempted to write about that 1968 movie "2001 A SPACE ODYSSEY," which Mr. Steve likes.  Mr. Steve thinks advancing "Technology" is good but, like most things; with good comes a "Potential" for an equal amount of bad.  All four of the Pigeons just flew out to the desert.   

          Mr. Steve told Mr. Grant, who knows about computers; the "Internet" is like a "Library in your house," but "con artists" are also there too.  He used to spent a lot of time in Library's, but now goes only when he wants to.  I'm so glad he piled all of these Encyclopedia's out here.


                            "BLACK HOLE"                                       "GAMMA RAY BURST"

                                                                                                    ARTWORK BY "ALL ABOUT SPACE"    


           Stephen Hawking, who spells his first name differently than Mr. Steve, knows about these things out in the Universe called "Black Holes" and "Gamma Ray Bursts."  Seeing and hearing his voice shows you how "fragile" life is Dais thinks.  A boy near us died in his sleep recently.      

          Hey God!  As You know, that kid who died was a good Athlete, so his death totally shocked everyone.  Mr. Steve tries to make every day "Productive" and hearing about that boy made him "Reflect" on "Mortality and Time" even more.   Boy!  I really want to be productive too!            

          Mr. Steve's father likes this old joke "Adage," "It's a matter of mind over matter.  If you don't mind then it doesn't matter."  This English Dictionary says an adage is, "An old saying or proverb."  An "Aphorism is, "A concise truthful statement using an adage or maxim."  




         Over the next three days I'll learn about the States of New Mexico and California, but I'll also write about some of the other fifty States too.  And I'll follow my outlines but if I happen to    think of something as I go along I'll just "Wing It" as they say.  Boy! I like learning things.           

           Glancing up and seeing a vapor trail in the sky made me look up the word "Aviation" and it's defined as, "The science of flying machines."  That mainly means Airplanes, Jets and those other amazing things we at times see around here called "Helicopters."  Heathcliff crowed.

           In book three on Saturday I'm scheduled to learn about all of the German World War II "Advanced" technology.  It was the "Nazis" who built the first "Operational" Jet, the "Me-262." "Me" is just short for "Messerschmidt," which I guess is the name of this German family.


                              "ME-262"                                                           "V-1" ROCKET    


                 Someday, when I overcome my fear of being trapped in an enclosed area, I'll be brave like Dais and go in the kitchen of the house to see all the astounding machines like that "Oven."  On a "Divider" between the kitchen and dining room sits this one plastic model of an Me-262.

            Mr. Steve and his father think it's incredible how many things the Germans either created or developed in the Second World War.  The first "Rockets," the "V-1" and "V-2's;" were used in that huge war.  Anyway, I'll be coming back to this same subject over the next three days.  

                 Since he's been a kid Daisy told me, Mr. Steve has built "Miniature" models or "Military Figurines."  He's doing a little "Samurai" Warrior now as a matter of fact she says.  And inside of his office my boss has a few swords, spears and knives; some of which are also Japanese.    


                                                 CHUCK YEAGER( "BELL X-1" / 1947)       


                  Edwards Air Force Base, to the northwest of us; is where famous Airplanes were tested.  In 1947, two years after World War II ended; this "Test Pilot" named Chuck Yeager broke the "Sound Barrier" for the first time there.  Mr. Grant has a house near Edwards A.F.B.

                  Daisy says in 1996, for Mr. Rick's company; Mr. Steve worked inside of Edwards A.F.B. replacing this huge obsolete Second World War era "Hot Water Boiler."   To do it he had to pass a "Background Check."  A flock of Birds is flying bye way up there in the morning sky. 

                Mr. Steve knew he'd pass the background check because in 1987 he passed the same thing done by the "Secret Service."   That was before being allowed to take pictures of Pope John Paul II over there at the "San Fernando Mission."  I'll write about that time in my three books.




                In chapter one I mentioned how my boss believes in the "Sacred Feminine."  His dad says if the women in our family had not been as "shrewd" and "resourceful" as they've been "we may not have made it."  Mr. Steve's four Grandparents survived the 1930's "Great Depression."

                 My boss thinks that because life on Earth down here has often been a difficult "struggle to survive;" male's "physical strength" has been most important.  So, they also "held" most of the "Political" power" too.  But very often, in the background; was the influence of a female.         

               Daisy says Mr. Steve likes a 19th century poem by William Ross Wallace from the State of "Kentucky" called, "The Hand That Rocks the Cradle is the Hand That Rules the World."  It's from 1865, the year the American Civil War ended.  Abraham Lincoln liked that poem.


  NANCY HANKS LINCOLN (1785-1818)                                      SARAH BUSH LINCOLN (1788-1869)


                Those "Dream Catchers" I talked about were hung above a baby's bed, which is what a cradle is called.  My Encyclopedia has a Abraham Lincoln quote, "All that I am, or hope to be; I owe to my mothers."  His "birth" mother died young so he also had a "step" mother too.  

                Mr. Steve thinks the "impact" or "imprint" made on males by us females has influenced history, especially if those females had humor, character and courage.  He and his dad have seen women be better "consensus builders" and negotiate "win-win" situations.  I smell Sage.

          One morning as they loaded Rex to go to the dump I heard Mr. Mike say how women can be society's "bell weathers" and "conscience."  He and my boss don't like it when someone says, "She's only a housewife."  Being a "Home-Maker" is a hard and important job they think.


   NAPOLÉON BONAPARTE (1769-1821)       TEDDY ROOSEVELT (1858-1919)          WINSTON CHURCHILL 91974-1965)


              I'll learn about Napoléon Bonaparte, Teddy Roosevelt and Winston Churchill over the next three days.  Mr. Steve, who's been called a "Momma's Boy; says that all three were "heavily influenced" by their mothers.  And so were Franklin Roosevelt and Adolph Hitler too I guess.

           Mr. Steve says his mom provided a "well-run" household which allowed his dad to focus on "Earning a Living."  That created a "Stable and Secure" environment.  Mr. Steve's brother Sam and his wife Yolanda, and his Niece Stephanie and Mr. Rich; all help each other.  

               In the early 1970's, Mr. Steve told his and Sandy's mom how; they were in part "Domestic Engineers."  They thought it was so funny even though both of them at times held jobs outside of only raising kids and running a household.  Sandy's mom was a "Nurse" for many years. 


                                MARGARET THATCHER (1925-2013) AND FAMILY


            I'm "Maggie" because my boss read a Magazine article about Margaret Thatcher, a 1980's British "Prime Minster," whose nickname is Maggie.  So Dais thinks, my name would actually be Margaret Córdova.  Mr. Steve's mom's "Middle" name is also Margaret too she heard.

           Daisy says Mr. Steve described Margaret Thatcher as "fearless."  So that's what I want to be and show how females are, in most ways except physical strength; the equal of males.  Maggie Thatcher was called "The Iron Lady" who, in the 1980's'; even beat Argentina in a war. 

               As "Prime Minister" of England, like Winston Churchill during World War II; Maggie Thatcher was a "Conservative."   Daisy thinks she's proof females can be as mentally capable as males.  But, "as usual" my boss says; no one is without "Critics" so some don't like her.


                           "PRIME MINISTER" (1979-1990) MARGARET THATCHER 


                Wow!  My Encyclopedia says Maggie Thatcher was not just the only female British Prime Minister, she was the "longest serving"  20th century "P.M.;" too.   It says in my Dictionary one definition of a critic is, "One who finds fault."  Dawn's now barking over there next door.

                Mr. Steve's father, who had a school for Stockbrokers in the early 1970's; knows about the history of "Capitalism versus Socialism."  He likes this Margaret Thatcher quote, "The problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money."  I smell Blinky.

              Dais saw a tv show about a girl Writer named Jane Austen who, like Margaret Thatcher; was English.  My Encyclopedia says she had six books "published," four in her lifetime; and two after she died at the age of only forty one.  My boss read her book "Pride and Prejudice."


                                                            JANE AUSTEN (1775-1817)



             It says here there were eight children in Jane Austen's family, and her father was what's they call a "Rector," which I guess is like a "Priest" in "Anglican Protestant" Christianity.  I've mentioned how our family is "Roman Catholic."  Boy!  I like Jane Austin's blue dress.                  

             I guess it was "rare" in late 18th and early 19th century England to educate females but Jane Austen and her sisters were "Home-Schooled" by their father.  Mr. Steve says you can tell Jane Austen was really smart.  She was very "observant" of British society he thinks. 

            The caption below a good  painting of Jane Austen says she used "irony and satire" to describe England's "landed gentry."  Wow!  Two of her brothers became Naval "Admirals."  My English Dictionary says the word "gentry" means, "people of high social standing."


                       FRENCH "ARTILLERY"                               NAPOLÉON BONAPARTE


          Oh!  Jane Austen's two brothers fought in those "Napoléonic Wars" I'll learn about.  An Admiral is like a "General" in the Army.  Wow!  No one even knew Jane Austen wrote her books  during her life as it was thought "inappropriate" for females to be Writers in those days.              

            Jane Austen's brother had four of her books "published anonymously," but at least she was "better off financially" than most English people then.  I guess female Writers were kind of like that lady Carol Kaye and the WRECKING CREW Session Musicians.  Dawn barked

           It was only after Jane Austen died that others realized what a good Writer she had been.    One reason she wrote was to impress her father I guess, and she enjoyed reading her books out loud to her family.  Wow!  I also want to impress my boss too so he'll like me more.


                                      MONTY PYTHON ("THE HOLY GRAIL" / 1975)    


             Dais says one time Mr. Steve met a girl at the Sylmar Library who knew a lot about Jane Austen.  She thought Jane Austen influenced that British comedy group called "Monty Python."  Mr. Steve likes their humor so I'll learn about them in what I now know will be long books.    

            Oh!  The "Epitaph" that Jane Austen's brother had put on her grave's "Headstone" was, "Extraordinary Endowments of Mind."  Dais says Mr. Steve knows about the "Brontë" sisters, Charlotte, Emily and Anne; also 19th century Writers.  His ex-girlfriend was named Emily. 

           Mr. Steve jokes I'm like a "Phoenix rising from the Ashes."  I think a Phoenix is a Bird but in some pictures it sort of looks like a "Dragon."  Daisy and I do believe in Dragons, even if Mr. Steve says he really doubts there's ever been an actual "fire-breathing" Dragon in the world.                                                        



           This Encyclopedia has images of a "Rising Phoenix," including that black and white one Daisy says Mr. Steve drew as a kid.  I guess Mr. Grant's mom lives in this city over there in the State of "Arizona" named "Phoenix."  Hey!  Maybe I could even learn to draw someday?

           As I've mentioned before, I was abandoned.  At times what are called "Stray" Dogs run "Back and Forth" on the road in front of our fenced in two acres.   I have a duty to bark at them but, if the "Truth be Told" as they say; Dais and I kind of feet sorry for them out there.  

          Hey God!  At times I wonder why I'm still alive when so many other Dogs die every day?  I hope You have a higher purpose for me like Daisy says.  I just thought of that one scared black boy Dog who, like Millie; was hit by a speeding Truck and killed out there on the front road.


                                                              OUR GRAVEYARD    


           Mr. Steve used his "Cell" phone to call to get the Dog's body but then just got it himself.  That Dog, whose rear we smelled so know he was a boy; he named "Blackie" and is buried in what Mr. Steve calls "our little graveyard."  Mr. Phillip calls cell phones "Mobile" phones. 

           Because of my situation I have "Empathy" for abandoned Dogs and feel grateful God for a place to protect!  And just because I'm back here sitting on my couch Elvira doesn't mean I'm not alert for any intruders onto our land.  Daisy, and Dawn and Blinky too; are guarding.

          Mr. Steve jokes he's "tried" to play drums along to some LED ZEPPELIN songs Daisy says.  Like Jane Austen, Margaret Thatcher and Winston Churchill; they're from England too.  I mentioned their song "Dazed and Confused," which is how Blackie looked on that day.


                                                                    LED ZEPPELIN

            Homeless Dogs run "Up and Down" the road, south to north and then north to south; not knowing which way to go.  And, all the time they're being barked at by all of us Dogs; even old Rosie too.  I plan on learning about that band LED ZEPPELIN over the next three days.

            In chapter one I mentioned how Mr. Steve's 6th Grade teacher Sister Rita Joseph told her class the difference between sympathy and empathy.  I know from "Personal Knowledge" it's no fun being hungry or thirsty.  So, I really have more empathy for Dogs who feel so hopeless.    

             Mr. Steve's dad is a generous and helpful person so, over the years; has shown sympathy and empathy for others.  He and my boss have both donated money to help pay for the burial of poor people like that guy Antonio Vivaldi.  My boss read Mozart also died really poor too.    


                                                                "KOREAN" WAR   


           Mr. Steve's father is a "First Marine Division" combat veteran of the "Korean War."  In that war they wanted to "Amputate" his feet from "Frostbite" so he empathizes with others with "War Injuries."  Fannie and Freddie, talking to each other; are flying toward the north.

           Examples of my boss's father's sympathy were when his mom had her kids.  During the "Delivery Process" he was even more nervous than his mom and almost felt her pain too.  I guess one of the six babies Mr. Steve's mother "Delivered" died right away and didn't survive.   

          Mr. Steve's mother is a "Calming Presence."  Mr. Steve jokes, like James Longstreet was to Robert E. Lee; she's the "Yang" to his dad's "Yin."  Mr. Steve's father is usually patient, but at times can seem tough and demanding.  As they say, "Once a Marine, always a Marine."


                                 ROCKY JR. ROCK / STEPHANIE / JACOB IN FRONT (1985)


            I guess some men, like his brother Rock; want to be in the Delivery Room as their kids are born.  Mr. Steve thinks, if his dad had been in there he would've been "bossing" the Doctors all around; which would have "made things impossible."  Heathcliff just crowed over there.  

           When my boss told him about his father Mr. "Ramon," who fixes our Cars; nodded his head and said he was the same way when his children were born too.  Boy!  I'm looking forward to writing more about sympathy versus empathy.   Ah!  I remember Blackie the Dog's scent. 

          Blackie was out there on the road running back and forth so, we couldn't tell whether he was a boy or girl.  But before he was buried, as he lay in the wheelbarrow; Dais and I smelled his rear area so know for sure he was a boy alright.   I kind of like the way boy Dogs smell. 


                                                   GRANDPA / GRANDMA CÓRDOVA

            Mr. Steve dreamt the other night of his Grandma and Grandpa Córdova.  I had a really weird dream, where Blackie was back alive; and we smelled each other's rear areas but smelled exactly like the same thing to each other.  It was sort of scary but then I woke back up.  

            As he helped my boss bury Blackie Mr. Randy said, "At least he died instantly so didn't suffer that much."  He didn't see the Truck coming so "never knew what hit him" as Mr. Randy said.  Blackie ran from one Car only to be hit by a Truck coming in the opposite direction.

           The big Truck that killed  Blackie was going way too fast.  If I were ever elected President I'd make it against the law to go so fast and, it would be "Illegal" to just keep on driving without even stopping after you hit a Dog by accident.  And I know for sure Daisy agrees with me.


                                         "EVOLUTION" OF THE "TELEPHONE"     


           Boy!  "Telephones" are so amazing.  On a hot day, sitting in our trench on the north side of the house; one time Daisy explained them to me.  There are two types, and I guess Mr. Steve has a traditional "Land Line" connected by wires in the house; and also a cell phone too. 

           So Blackie's buried in "our growing little cemetery" as my boss calls it, next to "Millie" and "Lucy."  At first, Mr. Steve was only going to move his body to the side of the road but then changed his mind.  Blackie's in an old blue blanket Mr. Steve wrapped all around him.   

          Mr. Randy said most Dog "corpse's," and many dead people; aren't buried but are simply "cremated."  Daisy told me that means they just burn up the bodies.  Mr. Randy joked, at least Blackie, Lucy and Millie have graves; so might "possibly" be remembered someday.


                                        GRAVE ("BLACK DEATH" / 1348 / ENGLAND)


            Writing about Blackie makes me think about how, in the 1970's; Mr. Steve did a College "Research Project."  It was on a "Plague" or "Pandemic" that hit Europe way back in the 14th century.  The "Bubonic" plague caused what they now call the "Black Death" I guess.

            This Encyclopedia says, from 1347 through 1351 A.D.; "millions" of people died.  Daisy heard Mr. Steve say some think half the population of Europe "may have died."  So many people died in such a short time they couldn't "keep up" with "disposal" of all the dead bodies. 

          Daisy thinks, if I do a really good job in learning and then writing about "Epidemics" and "Pandemics;" Mr. Steve will really be impressed.  After World War I there was a pandemic that may have killed over sixty million people.  Some Ravens are croaking out there in the desert. 

                                                    THE "BLACK DEATH" (1347-1351)  

           Wow!  A black and white cartoon drawing in this Encyclopedia shows Workers picking up the dead bodies during the Black Death.   It was like a regular "trash pick up" Mr. Steve says.  Boy!  They were buried in "Unmarked Mass Graves" no one will ever know who they were. 

           Dais says, for Millie, Lucy and Blackie to have a "Marked" grave is a small thing; but for my boss seems important.  I'm hoping to be buried in our graveyard someday, but not for a long time I hope God.  All of a sudden, I can really remember Blackie's totally unique smell. 

          On the Highways and paved roads in Piñon Hills at times Rabbits, Squirrels or Snakes get killed by Cars.  One morning I heard Mr. Randy joke about how, "At least for a little while all of the Hawks, Crows and Ravens will have some extra food."  I can smell Blinky over there.


                                      "SPANISH" INFLUENZA PANDEMIC (1817-1919)


         When that huge pandemic hit right after the First World War I guess my boss's Grandma Trujillo was five years old.  Yet she must've absorbed the fear in the air my boss thinks.  A few times she made Mr. Steve and his mom promise to make sure she wasn't just buried alive.             

          Boy God!  It's so amazing how, eventually; all that's left of dead Animals are "bleached" bones which are then just blown away by the wind.  Someday, when I get over my fear of being trapped; I want to hear a song Daisy told me about called "Dust in the Wind."  I smell Sage.

         In about 1974 Dais says, Mr. Steve and his girlfriend Sandy went with another couple to see a concert by a British band called the KINKS.  It was held at the "Shrine" Auditorium.  And this band called KANSAS, who wrote Dust in the Wind; what they call "Opened Up" for them.

                                THE KINKS                      "SHRINE" AUDITORIUM                   KANSAS


      Mr. Steve and his friend "Chris" had seen the KINKS before, and knew after one song KANSAS was going to be better than them.   My boss likes "Three-Piece" bands of bass, drums and guitar.  Daisy told me she noticed one time in a picture how KANSAS has six members.          

           Daisy told me Mr. Steve likes 1970's and 1980's "Progressive" Rock bands like GENESIS, YES and GENTLE GIANT.  That band KANSAS, from the State of "Kansas;" is also considered "Prog" Rock and so is this other band from Canada called RUSH.  Heathcliff just crowed.

           Over the next three days Daisy has me scheduled I'll learn about music, and one subject I'll write about are those bands RUSH and KANSAS.    Mr. Dave back there in New Mexico also likes those two bands, mainly because of their Drummers of course.  I hear Hens cackling. 


     NEIL PEART (RUSH)                                          PHIL EHART (KANSAS)    

PHOTO BY MIKE LAWRIE                                                                                                                                                                              


          Daisy says Mr. Steve and Mr. Dave one time talked about how, often Drummers and Bass Players just provide the "Bottom" or "Platform" or "Foundation" for a song.  They stay in what they call "The Pocket," with "Nothing Fancy."  But RUSH and KANSAS are different.  

          I guess, from what Dais can tell because she's heard so many more songs than I have; in a lot of songs the Drummer and Bassist are the "Rhythm Section."   In many songs the Guitarist, Horn Player or Organist play "Lead" on top of the rhythm.  I can't wait to hear more music. 

         Mr. Dave mentioned this thing called "Fills," which Daisy thinks are the parts Drummers play in between different sections of the song.  I guess, from what she's heard; the Drummers in KANSAS and RUSH are known for fills.  Ah!  The air is clear and I feel so good right now!


                                                                  GARTH BROOKS

          In a tv show Daisy saw "Country" Musician Garth Brooks say KANSAS' Drummer is so good he "plays notes."  In many songs the Drummer just "Keeps Time" but in some bands, like RUSH or KANSAS; they actually "make music" my boss says.  Ah!  The air is so clear.  

         Daisy heard Mr. Steve say, soon after the KINKS / KANSAS concert; he and Chris went out and bought KANSAS' first album.  I'll learn about KANSAS, John Brown; and the actual State of Kansas too over the next three days.  Thank You God for giving me my project to work on! 

         Someday, when I overcome my fear of enclosed areas; I do want to hear that first KANSAS album.  Dais told me, the cover shows John Brown holding a Bible in one hand; and a Gun in the other.  Mr. Steve thinks that, very often in life; "soft" cannot be had without the "hard" too.  


                                                     KANSAS' FIRST ALBUM (1974)


          Hey God!  As You know of course, even though we're what they call "Roman" Catholics, I  like knowing about other religions too.  My Encyclopedia says that, since the early 16th century; there have been three "types"  of  "Christianity."  Before that there were two main types.

              Lord!  Over the next three days I'll learn about the differences between us "Catholics" and those "Greek Orthodox" Christians; as well as the "Protestants" too.  I can't wait!  Daisy says if I do a good enough job of writing it all down then our boss will definitely like and keep us.

         It says here Lord, our Western Roman Catholicism from Italy is influenced by "Latin;" the  Eastern "Orthodox" Christians are more "Greek."  Daisy heard one difference is the "Pope" is not the Greek Orthodox Christian's leader.  They follow this other guy called a "Patriarch."


                        "POPE"JOHN PAUL II                        "PATRIARCH" OF GREEK ORTHODOX

                                                           PHOTO BY STEVE CÓRDOVA


          Hey Lord!  You said Saint Peter should lead Your Church so, the western Roman Catholic tradition in Rome seems like who You support.  But Mr. Steve thinks both sides basically believe in the same ideas You told us were important.  Maybe they should just "Make Friends."

          Over the years my boss and his father have known Armenian people, some living in the city of "Glendale;" and being "Greek Orthodox."  I guess both Roman and Greek Christians are all taught that "Golden Rule" Sister Rita Joseph talked about.  Miss Babette is Greek Christian.   

         Well, I kind of got "Off on a Tangent" talking about early Christianity.  But, maybe that's a good thing because of what I'll learn about over the next three days.  Hey Lord?  Was it You who just made me do that right now?  I guess I'll only know that later; if You want me to that is.                                                             




             Oh!  The caption below artwork in this Encyclopedia says the triangles and circles in it "symbolize the unity, wholeness and illumination the soul needs in order to heal itself."  I don't really understand what that means but want to believe in the idea of a Soul.  Daisy does too.

             God!  I guess, on a tv show Dais saw the man said Buddhists talk of  "impermanence" in life.  I want to accomplish something before I turn  back to dust and with Your help I now believe I can actually write what I know now are going to be long books.  I smell some Creosote.

            For my boss Spring represents the "Cycle" of  "Life, Death and Rebirth" or  the "tension between old and new that just comes with change."  Grandma Trujillo said "Life can be a mixed bag" as getting old is often no fun."  She believed that "Death is just part of the process."    


                                                                                                  MORNING SKY 


            I'd say it's almost nine thirty judging by the Sun.  I feel so good right now God and kind of better understand what living "In the Moment" means.  Mr. Steve thinks, like his parents and the Nuns at St. Ferdinand; there's no such thing as a "Perfect Life" without problems.

           Mr. Steve met a girl who used to say, "It's all Good."  He and his boss Steve Banks would look at each other and then chuckle and shake their heads because they both knew full well that life is often at least partially bad.  But that's okay and you just have to "Deal with It."  

            In 1999, due to his own "dumb decisions" he admits; my boss had the "rug yanked from under him" financially.  But "thankfully," and with the help of  Steve Banks and also Mr. Grant; he "picked himself up" and kept going.  I'll write about how terrible 1999 was for my boss.  


                                                                 MAGGIE CÓRDOVA   


           Thank You God for giving me two good nostrils, eyes and ears.  I'm so lucky to be sitting here in this back Patio, on my couch Elvira; and wouldn't trade places with anyone in the whole world!  No way!  Absolutely not!  Ugh! Ugh!  Steve Banks used to say "Forget about it."  

           When he first moved up here from Sylmar back in 2005; that man joked with him about living in a desert.  He said in Summer you'll be sleeping in your underwear with a fan blowing.  All four of the Pigeons just flew bye, and are now going over Libby's Corral to my right.

          If it gets too cold at night my boss puts on pajamas and gets underneath the covers.   When Winter comes Daisy says he  pulls out the thick "Quilt" his sister Celina made for him before she died.  When Daisy sleeps in the house she's near his bed on her Barney the Dinosaur blanket.  


                                               EARLY SPANISH "EXPLORATIONS" 


             Daisy saw a tv show about the 16th and 17th century Spanish "Voyages of Exploration" up here to "Alta" California.  They thought nothing worthwhile here and in the 18th century our area was thought to be "remote and forbidding."  But not for the Indians here it wasn't!

             In the desert we sometimes have what my boss described as "fierce" winds.  It can be so strong your face "stings," and might even become "numb" too.  It's on those cold days when Mr. Steve really feels sorry for that one homeless guy Mr. Mark, and his little Yorkie Dog Karma.  

             I remember the first sights, sounds and scents from the day when Mr. Steve unloaded me  and put me on the ground up there in the front yard.  Boy Elvira!  I like you even though you're old and have areas that were torn when that other Dog Lucy chewed on you.  I smell Sage.  




             Two of the Pigeons are flying bye right now.  Hey Elvira!  To think how I almost named you "Carla" but, when Daisy told me about the girl who shows the Horror movies; I just sort of liked how her name sounded a little bit better.  And I still do but, like the name Carla too.   

             I'll bet some would think I'm dumb Elvira but, the feeling I sometimes get in sitting on you makes me think of how you're supposed to feel around your mom.  Hey Blessed Mother!  As You know, I sometimes have that same exact feeling thinking of You too.  Dawn's barking.       

            Hey God!  Daisy and I want to believe in You even if others think You're just tricking us.  Mr. Steve and his mom think, in really hard times; it seems easier to deal with it if you think you have "Someone" or "Something" to "Lean On" a little bit.  I also think that too You Guys.


                                                                  SAINT PAUL (c.5-c.64/65 A.D.)                                                                                               PAINTING BY BARTOLOMEO MONTAGNA                                                                                                                              


             Oh!  All of a sudden I just thought of that guy Saint Paul who Daisy told me about.  Hey Lord!  Mr. Steve thinks, more than even Your "Apostles;" he "sold" Your ideas to the non Jewish people.  I guess, he used "Roman" roads to walk all around the "Mediterranean" world.  

             Mr. Steve's father believes a person should think they have someone or something to be "accountable and grateful" to.  He thinks it can sometimes be true that, "Those who believe in nothing often believe in anything."  That's a joke I guess but sometimes it's true Dais thinks.

            Hey Lord!  Daisy saw that tv show about St. Paul where he said how those who believe in You can, when life is hard; get "solace" or "an easing of grief or loneliness."  When we're sad we can maybe feel a sense of "comfort or consolation."  I smell Libby over there in her Corral.




           A map shows where St. Paul walked around telling people about Christianity.  He wrote some letters to Christian "Communities" around the Mediterranean Sea Daisy says.  Wow!  He  must've been in really, really good shape, according to what it shows here on this one map.           

         Oh!  I really like the St. Paul quotes in my Encyclopedia.  One of them is, "Tribulations produce perseverance, perseverance produces character; and character hope." St. Paul!  If it just so happens you're up there mind reading me right now I want to believe what you said.          

             Hey God!  I guess St. Paul also said, "Ever since the creation of the world, His invisible attributes of eternal power and divinity have been able to be understood and perceived in what He has created."  I totally agree!  I sense You when I smell, hear and see things in "Nature." 





           Hey St. Paul!  As you probably already know, back in 1985 my boss's St. Ferdinand's Tour Group visited your Cathedral in Rome.  I'm so glad you convinced the early Christians in Israel  to let you try to convert "Gentiles" and not just the other Jews.  Thank you for doing that.            

          I guess at first St. Paul you were called "Saul," and didn't really like Christians; and even "persecuted" them.  But then Lord, on his way to "Damascus;" You had a lightning bolt hit and  blind him.  I'm so glad St. Paul, when you could see again; you totally changed your mind.            

            Dais says the tv show said, back in the first century A.D.; a Gentile was "any person not a Jew."  In those days that mainly meant Greeks and Romans in the Eastern Mediterranean area.  I just now looked up in time to see all four of the Pigeons flying right over Libby's Corral.                                       



            Hey God!  This morning Heathcliff crowed at Sunrise.  I felt what Dais senses in "Nature" as a "connection" between us here on Earth; and You Guys up there.  She said the man on the tv show on St. Paul talked about nature as a "conduit connecting the temporal and sacred."     

            Boy St. Paul, it says here your four "Journeys" took thirty years.  But, as my boss and his father both think Lord; the work he did "sewed the seeds" for what has happened since.  He told people, who's lives were and are today often really difficult; You offered them some "Hope."        

           Hey Blessed Mother!  Thank You and Daisy for showing me how to not be afraid of my boss petting or even holding me, Mr. Randy used the term "gun shy."  He joked how, in Daisy's "perfect world;" she'd like to be petted twenty four hours a day.  Yup!  That's her alright!


  DAISY CÓRDOVA         


             When Mr. Steve asks "Want me to pet you?" Daisy lays on her side.  She's too big to be a "Lap Dog," but would if she could I know.   St. Paul!  You used the Roman's own roads to "Sell" them Christianity.  Daisy told me about a book called "The Greatest Salesman in the World." 

            Bonnie the Bird just flew in and is now throwing up some Worms for her babies to eat. Boy!  It would be so bad to be the food for something else.  But, like Dais says; someone has to be the food because if no one ever died there would end up being way too many things around.

           Mr. Randy read about the real Bonnie and Clyde in the 1930's "Great Depression."  He suspects, as much as Clyde Barrow led that gang; Bonnie Parker sometimes "called the shots," or "held the keys."  I can tell our Bonnie and Clyde are both what's called "Bread Winners."  

                                                                   "FÁTIMA" (PORTUGAL / 1917)            


            Ah!  I smell Rosemary Blessed Mother, and that makes me hope You're up there thinking of me.  Daisy saw that tv show about 1917, the last year of World War I; when You came down to Portugal and visited with those three kids taking care of their Sheep.  Heathcliff crowed.

           That girl Miss "Babette," who works with my boss; is so lucky Blessed Virgin because in her family they visit that "Fátima" area where You talked to those kids.  Boy!  If I ever do get to time travel I'm definitely going back to 1917.  And I just know Dais would go with me too. 

             The country of Portugal "shares" the "Iberian" peninsula with Spain, and both of their languages are "Derived" from Latin, which was brought in when ancient Rome conquered the area.  A Motorcycle, leaving behind dust; just zoomed bye out there on Primavera Road.




              Wow!  A painted photo shows the three lucky kids at Fátima.  The caption says the oldest girl is "Lucia," her two younger cousins are "Francisco" and his little sister "Jacinta."  Blessed Mother!  I guess You told them three secrets about how the world could be more peaceful? 

              I see how in Portuguese the name they gave you Blessed Virgin was "Nossa Senhora de Rosário de Fátima."  And that means, "Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima."  And that's mainly because I guess You told everyone to say the series of prayers which is called a "Rosary." 

            Daisy says Mr. Steve, along with other things like medals; has "Rosary" beads he got in Italy hanging above the desk in his office.  He has some Hummingbird wind chimes and an Ankh medallion hanging up there too.  I can't wait to someday see my boss's bedroom and office.

                                                                   WORLD WAR I (1914-1918)                                 


         The U.S. "entered" the First World War in 1917, the year You came to Portugal Blessed Mother.  The caption below a picture of World War I Soldier Adolph Hitler says gas was used so he trimmed his "handlebar" mustache to "better fit" a "Gas Mask."  Heathcliff crowed.              

        In the picture Hitler is with his Dog named "Fuchsl," which in German means a "Little Fox."  He was "adopted" by Hitler during World War I and Mr. Steve read that, along with a    "Portfolio" of artwork; was later stolen.  The four Pigeons are flying toward the northeast.         

         I guess, mainly as a "Dispatch Runner" in a time before Radio Communications;" Hitler was wounded, gassed and awarded two "Iron Cross" medals for bravery.  He survived battles in the country of "Belgium" near a town called "Ypres."  That's close to the "English Channel."      




             Daisy heard Mr. Steve talking on the phone with Miss Babette about her trips to Fatima.   I guess people go there to "refresh" their "bodies, minds and souls."  Miss Babette's husband is named "David," is her best friend; and seems an "honest and decent" person my boss thinks.    

             A few years ago, almost by accident; my boss and Miss Babette found out their father's have know each other for years.  Both had been California Democratic party "Fund Raisers."  Miss Babette and Mr. David sell pumpkins for Thanksgiving, and trees at Christmas time.

                 Blessed Mother!  According to Daisy "Saying a Rosary" means "reciting" prayers in a certain order.  At both of his Grandma's funerals Mr. Steve led everyone in saying a Rosary.  I'd like to learn how to say a Rosary and would do it a lot like You told those three kids to do.




             Alpha Company of Quail is out in the back desert behind the the three Sheds.  Dais is so right in thinking Quail are like little Chickens, except with "Head Plumes." And most Quail have black throats and white stripes.  Mr. Steve thinks that their "markings" are like "artwork." 

             Even though he's close to the Birds, my boss enjoys watching them from in his office by using those amazing "Binoculars" Daisy told me about.   They allow you see see things up close. I guess Mr. Steve also uses them to look at the mountains and other things around here too.  

            All of a sudden I'm thinking about Sylmar, where my boss and his brothers and sisters all grew up.  It's now described as being a "Suburban Bedroom Community."   In 1971 it was one of the hardest hit areas of that earthquake, and is now even called the "Sylmar Earthquake."




            Daisy says one time Mr. Steve and his brother Rock remembered the big earthquake, and how when it hit they sere sleeping in "Bunk" beds; which kept on slamming into a wall.   This tv show Dais and Millie saw said how Sylmar was at the "Epicenter."  Bunk beds are connected.  

           The earthquake was measured as being "6.4," and in less than a minute Mr. Steve and his family's whole world was "Turned upside Down" like that song says.  A life similar to that shown on this tv show called "The Wonder Years" was all over.  They had "Taken it for Granted."    

           Mr. Steve and his family all now look almost "Nostalgically" at the "Pre-Earthquake" life they had.  Playing sports, going swimming and hiking around the "Riverbed" at the end of this road called "Maclay" Street; it now seems "Idyllic" he thinks.  Two Crows are fighting. 


     "THE WONDER YEARS"            


          Someday, when I overcome my what Daisy now jokes is an "irrational fear" of being in an enclosed area with no escape routes; I want see that tv show "The Wonder Years."  I guess Mr. Steve thinks it "depicts" how he and his family lived in 1968.  I can smell a Cholla cactus. 

          Mr. Steve jokes he now sort of thinks of those "abruptly ended" pre-earthquake days as his "Utopia."  He, his brothers and friends; did things like riding down hills on those "Go-Carts" I heard all about.  But in 1971 his father said, a "dose of life's at times harsh reality happened."    

          I wrote earlier how in Latin "Sylmar" means "Sea of Trees.  My Encyclopedia says, at the "turn" of the 20th century; the northeast corner of the San Fernando Valley was "covered" in "Olive" trees.  One is still living in Mr. Steve's parents back yard from what Dais heard.




            This is so interesting!  I guess Sylmar, which became a city in 1893; was originally called "Morningside."  Daisy heard Mr. Steve and his mom talk on the phone about this Elementary school in San Fernando with that same name.  Donald and Daisy are quacking over there.

           Because Sylmar is located up in the northeast corner of San Fernando Valley, Mr. Ralph was told its nickname has become the "Top of L.A."  Blackbeard and Anne Bonny are flying bye. They're talking to each other as they go along, the same way Fannie and Freddie so often do.    

          It says here how, in 1940 or year after World War II started; Sylmar had 3,500 people in it.  By 1960, the year my boss's family moved there; there were 10,000 "residents."  Daisy says Mr. Ralph was told recently how there are now over 100,000 people living  in the Sylmar area.  


JIM MORRISON (1943-1971)


            All of a sudden I just thought about how, even though he doesn't wear jewelry; Daisy says Mr. Steve has some good things.  Someday, I want to see that one "Zuni" Indian "Concho" belt  with "Turquoise" rocks in it.  I guess it's kind of like the one the DOORS' Singer wore.  

           Daisy told me Mr. Steve also has this "Bolo" tie, and some rings and silver bracelets; with those pretty bluish green turquoise stones in them.  One time he and Mr. Dave talked about New Mexico's blue corn, red and green chile; and small brown piñon nuts.  Heathcliff crowed.

           Mr. Ralph admires my boss's father because he knows how, after the 1971 earthquake; he and others helped the "Olive View" Hospital get rebuilt.  And, he was also later an important part of getting a "Permanent" campus for "Mission" Junior College too.  I smell some Sage.




              In the 1970's Mr. Steve's sister Susan had a "Pony" named "Dinky;" and later a Horse "Shanique."  Mr. Steve's father's Horse was "Poco."  People ride Horses around us but have to be careful of Cholla cactus's, and the Horses need metal shoes because of rocky ground. 

,             One time Mr. Steve's father remembered how, in the late-1970's; he and Susan rode up  "Foothill" Boulevard to "Hansen Dam."  You couldn't do that now.  If someone on a Horse goes bye our house we bark, which hopefully proves to Mr. Steve we're "On the Job" and not lazy. 

             Daisy says Mr. Steve is interested in "Slang" words or phrases. so now I want to also be interested in that too.  You'd be surprised how you can learn things from old sayings Dais says.  Speedy Gonzalez ran through the wider right vertical gate slot to go out into the back field. 



          It was Daisy who told me to appreciate even ordinary dry Dog food, because  it's better than having no food at all; or "Beggar's can't be Choosers" so to speak.   She told me now I have good teeth but someday I'll be old and will have to be more careful when chewing on things.         

            Daisy's "Second in Command" so for the "Time Being" until I'm a leader someday I have to do what she says, which I don't mind; and in fact kind of like.  She's a  good leader who I'd follow her no matter what.  Samson and Delilah the Ravens are flying bye going to the north. 

        Hey God!  Thank You so much for putting me with Dais.  One of my "Long Term" goals is to be more calm like her, and not panic when things "Go Wrong."  I tend to get excited, but I've  learned from Daisy how to first take a deep breath, pause; and then react to the situation.                                                                

"HIGH" DESERT       


            Boy!  What a great day this has been so far.  I can't wait to go visit Daisy after chapter four, or Part One.  She's so calm and never gets "Rattled," but my Dictionary says rattled means "A series of sharp, short  sounds;" so the slang meaning must be "To be emotionally effected."    

           Daisy says one time Mr. Steve heard his father tell his mom, "If panicking made things better it might be okay.  But it makes things worse so I need to have confidence in you to handle    problems when I'm not around."  And she always did "Handle" things alright Dais says.               

            I guess my boss "Suffered" a few injuries as a kid.  But he always felt calmer by  seeing his mom being calm when she saw some bad things.  A big flock of Birds way up there in the high blue sky is moving together over the eastern desert, and all are flying toward the northeast.                                              



          I just thought of those amazing Chinese "Fortune" cookies again.  What an ingenious idea to put a piece of paper with good advice written on it right inside of the cookie.  Now I'm really    wondering if we could invent Dog biscuits to guide you and maybe even predict your future.        

       Daisy says the problem with my idea for Dog fortune biscuits is that they're solid and not hollow like a  Chinese fortune cookie.  But, if somehow we could figure out a way to make them    hollow; we could make money!  One fortune cookie said, " You are original and creative."            

        Hey God!  Do you ever send messages through fortune cookies?  According to Dais two of fortune cookie messages told Mr. Steve, "You appreciate art and music;" and "A happy event is  in your near future."  Boy!  I'd so love to get a fortune cookie with those messages inside.              




        What looks like a group of Pigeons is going bye up there in the sky.  I've mentioned before how Pigeons or "Doves" have come to symbolize "Peacefulness."  I know Daisy and I sure do      like how their soothing voices usually make us both feel, which is calm and more relaxed.              

         Sister Rita Joseph said "at times the journey itself is more important than the end result," and you can "grow through disappointment."  It will be so hard to learn to read and write.  Mr.  Steve's father got through Marine "Boot Camp" by thinking just "one day at a time."                   

        It was Sister Rita Joseph who first made Mr. Steve think about the concept of "Duality." How, many things come with the "potential" for both good and bad.  My boss still remembers      her upbeat voice saying how, "At times the right thing to do is not the easiest thing to do."            


        UNITED STATES 2014           

                                                                                                                                                                       In the late 1960's until the mid-1970's Mr. Steve's father had a school for what they call "Stockbrokers."  I guess those are the people who my Dictionary says, "buy and sell stocks and bonds."  Mr. Steve's father sometimes jokes, "Don't call it gambling, it's just speculating."   

            Daisy has me scheduled to learn in my books about the differences between "Capitalism" and "Socialism" and "Communism."  In 2014 we're Capitalists here in America, and Dais heard in that system "The Bottom Line" is often all that matters.  That just means making money.

            Dawn's barking over there, which makes me think about the tv show Daisy and Millie saw about Dogs.  I guess, we're "Descended" from wild Wolves; even though most Dogs nowadays do not look at all like the modern Wolves.  I can smell Blinky and Rosie standing next to Dawn. 




         Dais says the tv show talked about the different types of modern, but still wild; what they call "Bush" Dogs.  I guess Bush Dogs are examples of Charles Darwin's theory of "Evolution"      through "Natural Selection."  They've all "Adapted" for surviving in their "Environment."         

         In Africa's particular environment the wild Dogs need good hearing so, over thousands of years; have evolved big ears like Rabbits.  The ones in South America don't need large ears, but    do need really powerful jaws Daisy says.  Down in Australia they're called "Dingo" Dogs.             

       Mr. Ralph read, some people who study "Genetics" say Dogs may have "separated" from Wolves about thirty three thousand years ago.  It might've happened over in China.  Dais heard  Mr. Steve tell Mr. Dave on the phone he thinks "progress rarely happens in a straight line."                          


                               (1894-1962)                                           (1892-1971)                                              (1907-1997)                                    


            Oh!  I just thought of that "Serenity" prayer.   Mr. Steve's mom has it on the front of her big refrigerator down there in Sylmar, "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot    change, the courage to change the the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference."         

          Hey Lord!  My Encyclopedia says Reinhold Niebuhr, the "German-American" man who wrote that one Serenity prayer; was a "Protestant" Christian whose wife "Ursula" and brother    "Helmut" were "Theologians" too.  Dawn's barking to my right.  I can smell little Blinky.             

        Daisy heard Reinhold Niebuhr's ideas have influenced later people.  I guess, a group called "Alcoholics Anonymous" uses his Serenity prayer to help people, and the current U.S. President  Barak Obama likes his ideas too.  Anyway, I'll come back to Reinhold Niebuhr in my books.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          WINSTONCHURCHILL (1874-1965)                                                                                     

        Boy God!  I really want to do like Reinhold Niebuhr says to do in the Serenity prayer.  Mr. Steve's father said he thought of it once when he studied the life of that guy Winston Churchill,    and what he had to go through in World War II.  Ah!  Little Blinky has such a strong scent.          

         I guess, Mr. Steve's father thought of the Serenity prayer when reading about what that guy Winston Churchill went through in World War II.  Now known for helping save the free world,    during World War I he was "Fired" for his disastrous idea to invade Turkey.  I smell Sage.          

       Dais heard Mr. Phillip from Wales say being fired in England is being "Sacked."  Mr. Steve told him he, and his father too; have both been fired from jobs.  Winston Churchill, like Adolph  Hitler over there in Germany; fought and saw combat during those First World War years.         


       WORLD WAR I (1914-1918)             


           I'll mainly learn about Word War I on Saturday in my third book, but can mention a few things about it now too.  A map shows how the "Central Powers" of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey; fought against the Allies of England, France and Russia.  I like the smell of Sage.      

       This Encyclopedia says another name for the Allies was the "Triple Entente."  Daisy and Millie saw a tv show that said at the start of the war both sides, like in the American Civil War;  were "overconfident" and even wanted war.  Two Crows are fighting out there in the desert.         

         Mr. Steve's father thinks it "Ironic" that when younger Winston Churchill had what they call a "Speech Impediment," yet made some famous speeches he thinks created that feeling of      "Rhêma," or "Living Words" I mentioned earlier.   The Crows may be fighting over food.                      

 WORLD WAR I       


        When World War I began in 1914 both sides, just like in the American Civil War earlier; were way too "overconfident" Daisy heard Mr. Steve and his father talk about.  Many believed    there would be "Glory in War."  Mr. Steve's father sometimes says, "Don't kid yourself."              

          The tv show said the First World War began with "obsolete" 19th century ideas about war, often using Horses.  But modern "Weapons" like machine guns and Artillery, and "Technology" like gas and barbed wire; made some old "Tactics" totally "Outmoded."  So millions died.            

         My Encyclopedia says, when "the dust settled" after the "initial massive clashes" of World War I; a "deadlock" or "stalemate" created "Trench Warfare."  When the U.S. got into the war in 1917 that "tipped the balance" in favor of the Allies.  I smell Alpha Company around here.       


        WORLD WAR I           ADOLPH HITLER         WORLD WAR II            



        That one tv show said Adolph Hitler fought in some big battles in "Belgium," near a town called "Ypres."  I guess my boss met a French lady from that area near the "English Channel."  Aha!  Alpha Company, including Angeline and her babies, are all underneath Moe the Shed.        

      Daisy says that lady told Mr. Steve how the name Ypres is pronounced as, "EE-pruh" in "Flemish," and "Ieper" in "Dutch."  There are war cemeteries there now.  During World War I  Hitler was awarded those "Iron Crosses" as a "Dispatch Runner" in that region of Belgium.        

       Wow!  My Encyclopedia says in 1917, from July through November; both sides "suffered" more than half a million "casualties" at the "Battle of Passchendaele."  There were "thousands" of "unidentified" bodies, or the pieces of bodies; left from that battle.  Hitler fought in it.                               

                                              "POPPY" FIELD (SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA)                                                                                                                                                                                                        The lady said she and her mom visited "Poppy" flower fields on what were battlefields in Belgium, and read a famous poem about it.  Mr. Steve told her about those Spring Poppy fields    he and his mom have seen over there near Littlerock.  His brother Sam's family lives there.           

        I just thought of Winston Churchill's World War I failed idea to invade Turkey, which he incorrectly thought was the "Soft Underbelly" of Europe.   It turned out "Ottoman" Turkey was able to fight off or "Repulse" the British invasion force.  I can smell the Mulberry tree.                 

       The Turks, under this man named Mustafa Kemal, later the leader of "Post War" Turkey; "held" and were "dug in" on "high ground" so "repelled" all the British attacks at "Gallipoli."  It was a total slaughter I guess.  This Encyclopedia calls the campaign a "complete fiasco."          



                                                                                                                                                                                              PAINTING BY JASON ASKEW

          Daisy saw a movie about the Gallipoli campaign, which was sad because at the end the two friends have to make a "Suicidal" charge; so get killed by the Turks.  Even though they won the  battles at Gallipoli, the Turks were on the losing side of World War I.  Dawn's now barking.         

         After the First World War, Turkey's Empire was "carved up" and "divided;" between the "victor nations" of England and France.  The Ottoman's had lasted over seven hundred years,      but went way down after that war I guess.  Their land was what's called the "Spoils of War."        

      This one Encyclopedia says that guy Mustafa Kemal, called "Atatürk " or "Father of the Turks;" was Turkey's first "President." He wanted more of a "Secular" government, without      much "Islamic" influence.  Wow!  It says here he was one of thirteen children in his family.          

                                                                     MUSTAFA KEMAL (1881-1938)                      SABIHA GÖKCEN (1913-2001)                                                   

         Daisy says that tv show mentioned how Mustafa Kemal's daughter was one of the first girl Pilots.  She must've been brave Dais thinks, because she was even "in combat;" so must've been shot at way up there in the air.  I like the fancy hat Mustafa Kemal got to wear back then.             

       When I overcome my fear of being trapped I can see all the amazing things in our house.  I guess, from what Dais told me; Mr. Steve "controls the water" coming in through things called    "pipes" and can even make it hot.  Wow!  I can't wait to see a "Tub" and "Toilet" someday.         

       Over the next three days I'll learn about "Civilization," when "Hunter-Gatherer" people stopped moving around to get food. This Encyclopedia says in China, India, Mesopotamia and      Egypt people "settled" in "one single location."  All those areas are near to Rivers I guess.                 

                                      FOUR ORIGINAL "CIVILIZATIONS"  (c.4,000 B.C.)                                                                                                                                                                                                It says here, Civilization "may" have begun "about" 4,000 B.C.; "characterized" by the development of writing, farming and the domestication of Animals.  Daisy says Mr. Steve's dad    jokes writing was probably created in order to "keep track of taxes."  Heathcliff crowed.              

          In order to stop "roaming" around, instead building and staying in "Towns and Cities," it became necessary to first figure out how to bring and then "dispose of" water.  I guess that's why "Plumbing" had to be invented.  Blackbeard and Anne Bonney the Crows are flying bye.              

        Daisy explained to me how, using "Gravity;" water flows through the astounding skinny tubes called "Pipes."  A tv show she saw said, pipes "dated" to about 2,000 B.C.; were discovered in the area now called "India" and "Pakistan."  Donald and Daisy the Ducks are quacking.                                                             BUILDING AQUEDUCT      "ROMAN" AQUEDUCTS               "CAESAREA"                                                                                                                                            PHOTO BY STEVE CÓRDOVA

                                                                                                                                                                     A few thousand years after Civilization began, Roman Engineers built "Aqueducts;" to bring in "Fresh" water; and take away "Waste" water.   Hey St. Paul!  You took advantage of all those roads the Romans made back in your day.  The "California" Aqueduct goes bye near us.     

           I guess, "plumbing" is the Latin word for "lead;" which I guess is what the Romans used to make many of their pipes out of.  Daisy says the tv show mentioned how it's now thought lead  may've caused a lot of sickness and death without the Romans realizing it.  I smell some Sage.      

          The tv show said the creation of "Sanitation"  was very important in history.  During the "Middle Ages" people just dumped their dirty water out the window and right onto the street.    In modern houses like ours Dais says, all of the old water is just "Drained" or taken away.                                                                                                            "TRAP" PIPE SYSTEM                                               


          The tv show said, for a long time even if you drained dirty water away; some gasses still would come back out of the pipe to possibly make you sick.  But then, this late 18th century man from Scotland thought of the "S-shaped Trap pipe."  Samson and Delilah are both flying bye.      

            I love good diagrams which make things so much easier to understand.  One shows how a "trap pipe system" works.  I guess, water at the bottom of the elbow pipe keeps the gasses from going backwards.  My left nostril just picked up the scent of Theodora's Creosote bush.                 

         Back in the 1990's, when my boss was working  for Mr. Rick's Mechanical Construction company; one of his duties was to keep track of the "Inventory."  That meant all of the tools, but also the parts like pipes and fittings too.  Daisy heard how there were hundreds of things.